Пример #1
    def fetch_by_album(self, album, limit=100, offset=0, until=None, since=None, **kwargs):

            'limit': int(limit),
            'offset': int(offset),

        for field in ['until', 'since']:
            value = locals()[field]
            if isinstance(value, datetime):
                kwargs[field] = int(time.mktime(value.timetuple()))
            elif value is not None:
                    kwargs[field] = int(value)
                except TypeError:
                    raise ValueError('Wrong type of argument %s: %s' % (field, type(value)))

        ids = []
        response = graph("%s/photos" % album.pk, **kwargs)
        #log.debug('response objects count - %s' % len(response.data))

        extra_fields = {"album_id": album.pk}
        for resource in response.data:
            instance = self.get_or_create_from_resource(resource, extra_fields)
            ids += [instance.pk]

        return Photo.objects.filter(pk__in=ids), response
Пример #2
    def fetch_likes(self, limit=1000, offset=0, delete_all=True):
        Retrieve and save all likes of post
        response = graph('%s/likes' % self.graph_id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
        if not response:

        if delete_all:

        response_count = len(response.data)
        for resource in response.data:
            user = get_or_create_from_small_resource(resource)
            log.debug('like users count - %s' % self.like_users.count())
        log.debug('response objects count - %s, limit - %s, offset - %s' % (response_count, limit, offset))

        if response_count != 0:
            return self.fetch_likes(limit=limit, offset=offset+response_count, delete_all=False)
            self.likes_real_count = self.like_users.count()

        return self.like_users.all()
Пример #3
 def fetch_stats(self):
     Retrieve and save statistic for group
     response = graph('%s/stats' % self.adgroup_id)
     instance = AdStatistic.remote.get_or_create_from_resource(response)
     return instance
Пример #4
    def fetch_page_wall(self, page, all=False, limit=1000, offset=0, until=None, since=None):
        kwargs = {
            'limit': int(limit),
            'offset': int(offset),
        if until:
            kwargs['until'] = int(time.mktime(until.timetuple()))
        if since:
            kwargs['since'] = int(time.mktime(since.timetuple()))

        response = graph('%s/posts' % page.graph_id, **kwargs)
        # TODO: think about this condition more deeply
        if response is None:
            return page.wall_posts.all()
        # TODO: move this checking to level up
        if 'error_code' in response and response['error_code'] == 1:
            return self.fetch_page_wall(page, all, limit, offset, until)

        log.debug('response objects count - %s' % len(response.data))

        instances = []
        for resource in response.data:
                instance = Post.remote.get_or_create_from_resource(resource)
            except Exception, e:
                log.error("Impossible to save post with resource %s. Error is '%s'" % (resource, e))

            if instance.owners.count() == 0:
                post_owner = PostOwner.objects.get_or_create(post=instance, owner_content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(page), owner_id=page.id)[0]
            instances += [instance]
Пример #5
    def fetch_posts(self, all=False, limit=1000, offset=0, until=None, since=None):
        Retrieve and save all posts of page
        if 'facebook_posts' not in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured("Application 'facebook_posts' not in INSTALLED_APPS")

        from facebook_posts.models import Post, PostOwner

        kwargs = {}
        if until:
            kwargs['until'] = int(time.mktime(until.timetuple()))
        if since:
            kwargs['since'] = int(time.mktime(since.timetuple()))

        response = graph('%s/posts' % self.graph_id, limit=limit, offset=offset, **kwargs)
        # TODO: move this checking to level up
        if 'error_code' in response and response['error_code'] == 1:
            return self.fetch_posts(all=all, limit=limit, offset=offset, until=until)

        log.debug('response objects count - %s' % len(response.data))

        instances = []
        for resource in response.data:
                instance = Post.remote.get_or_create_from_resource(resource)
            except Exception, e:
                log.error("Impossible to save post with resource %s. Error is '%s'" % (resource, e))

            if instance.owners.count() == 0:
                post_owner = PostOwner.objects.get_or_create(post=instance, owner_content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self), owner_id=self.id)[0]
            instances += [instance]
Пример #6
    def fetch_by_page(self, page, limit=1000, until=None, since=None, **kwargs):

            'limit': int(limit),

        for field in ['until', 'since']:
            value = locals()[field]
            if isinstance(value, datetime):
                kwargs[field] = int(time.mktime(value.timetuple()))
            elif value is not None:
                    kwargs[field] = int(value)
                except TypeError:
                    raise ValueError('Wrong type of argument %s: %s' % (field, type(value)))

        ids = []
        response = graph("%s/albums/" % page.graph_id, **kwargs)
        #log.debug('response objects count - %s' % len(response.data))

        for resource in response.data:
            instance = self.get_or_create_from_resource(resource)
            ids += [instance.pk]

        return Album.objects.filter(pk__in=ids)
Пример #7
    def test_request(self):

        response = graph('zuck')
        self.assertEqual(response.id, '4')
        self.assertEqual(response.last_name, 'Zuckerberg')
        self.assertEqual(response.first_name, 'Mark')
        self.assertEqual(response.gender, 'male')
Пример #8
    def fetch_creatives(self):
        Retrieve and save all creatives for account
        response = graph('act_%s/adcreatives' % self.account_id)

        instances = []
        for resource in response.data:
            instance = AdCreative.remote.get_or_create_from_resource(resource)
            instances += [instance]

        return instances
Пример #9
    def fetch_groups(self):
        Retrieve and save all groups for campaign
        response = graph('%s/adgroups' % self.campaign_id)

        instances = []
        for resource in response.data:
            instance = AdGroup.remote.get_or_create_from_resource(resource)
            instances += [instance]

        return instances
Пример #10
    def fetch_images(self):
        Retrieve and save images for account
        response = graph('act_%s/adimages' % self.account_id)

        instances = []
        for resource in response.data.values():
            instance = AdImage.remote.get_or_create_from_resource(resource)
            instances += [instance]

        return instances
Пример #11
    def fetch_comments(self, limit=1000, filter='stream', summary=True, **kwargs):
        Retrieve and save all comments of post
        ids = []
        response = graph('%s/comments' % self.graph_id, limit=limit, filter=filter, summary=int(summary), **kwargs)
        if response:
            log.debug('response objects count=%s, limit=%s, after=%s' % (len(response.data), limit, kwargs.get('after')))
            for resource in response.data:
                instance = Comment.remote.get_or_create_from_resource(resource, {'post_id': self.pk})
                ids += [instance.pk]

        return Comment.objects.filter(pk__in=ids), response
Пример #12
    def fetch_likes(self, limit=1000, **kwargs):
        Retrieve and save all likes of post
        ids = []
        response = graph('%s/likes' % self.graph_id, limit=limit, **kwargs)
        if response:
            log.debug('response objects count=%s, limit=%s, after=%s' % (len(response.data), limit, kwargs.get('after')))
            for resource in response.data:
                user = get_or_create_from_small_resource(resource)
                ids += [user.pk]

        return User.objects.filter(pk__in=ids), response
Пример #13
    def fetch_stats_groups(self):
        Retrieve and save statistic for groups of accout
        TODO: act_AccountID/adgroupstats?adgroup_ids=[JSON-encoded array of ad group IDs]
        response = graph('act_%s/adgroupstats' % self.account_id)

        instances = []
        for resource in response.data:
            instance = AdStatistic.remote.get_or_create_from_resource(resource)
            instances += [instance]

        return instances
Пример #14
    def fetch_comments(self, limit=100, filter='stream', summary=True, **kwargs):
        Retrieve and save all comments
        extra_fields = {('%s_id' % self._meta.module_name): self.pk}  # {"album_id": 1}
        ids = []
        response = graph('%s/comments' % self.graph_id, limit=limit, filter=filter, summary=int(summary), **kwargs)
        if response:
            #log.debug('response objects count=%s, limit=%s, after=%s' % (len(response.data), limit, kwargs.get('after')))
            for resource in response.data:
                instance = Comment.remote.get_or_create_from_resource(resource, extra_fields)
                ids += [instance.pk]

        return Comment.objects.filter(pk__in=ids), response
Пример #15
    def fetch_campaigns(self):
        Retrieve and save all campaigns for account
        if not self.id:
            log.error('It is neccesary to save account before saving campaigns')

        response = graph('act_%s/adcampaigns' % self.account_id)

        instances = []
        for resource in response.data:
            instance = AdCampaign.remote.get_or_create_from_resource(resource)
            instances += [instance]

        return instances
Пример #16
    def fetch_comments(self, limit=100, offset=0):
        Retrieve and save all comments of post
        response = graph('%s/comments' % self.graph_id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
        if not response:

        log.debug('response len - %s' % len(response.data))

        instances = []
        for resource in response.data:
            instance = Comment.remote.get_or_create_from_resource(resource, {'post_id': self.id})
            log.debug('comments count - %s' % Comment.objects.count())
            instances += [instance]

        return instances
Пример #17
    def fetch_shares(self, limit=1000, **kwargs):
        Retrieve and save all shares of post
        ids = []
        graph_id = self.graph_id.split('_').pop()

        response = graph('%s/sharedposts' % graph_id, **kwargs)
        if response:
            timestamps = dict([(int(post['from']['id']), dateutil.parser.parse(post['created_time'])) for post in response.data])
            ids_new = timestamps.keys()
            # becouse we should use local pk, instead of remote, remove it after pk -> graph_id
            ids_current = map(int, User.objects.filter(pk__in=self.shares_users.get_query_set(only_pk=True).using(MASTER_DATABASE).exclude(time_from=None)).values_list('graph_id', flat=True))
            ids_add = set(ids_new).difference(set(ids_current))
            ids_add_pairs = []
            ids_remove = set(ids_current).difference(set(ids_new))

            log.debug('response objects count=%s, limit=%s, after=%s' % (len(response.data), limit, kwargs.get('after')))
            for post in response.data:
                graph_id = int(post['from']['id'])
                if sorted(post['from'].keys()) == ['id', 'name']:
                        user = get_or_create_from_small_resource(post['from'])
                        ids += [user.pk]
                        # this id in add list and still not in add_pairs (sometimes in response are duplicates)
                        if graph_id in ids_add and graph_id not in map(lambda i:i[0], ids_add_pairs):
                            ids_add_pairs += [(graph_id, user.pk)]  # becouse we should use local pk, instead of remote
                    except UnknownResourceType:

            m2m_model = self.shares_users.through

            # remove old shares without time_from

            # add new shares
            get_share_date = lambda id: timestamps[id] if id in timestamps else self.created_time
            field_name = '%s_id' % self._meta.module_name # 'album_id'
            m2m_model.objects.bulk_create([m2m_model(**{'user_id': pk, field_name: self.pk, 'time_from': get_share_date(graph_id)}) for graph_id, pk in ids_add_pairs])

        return User.objects.filter(pk__in=ids), response
Пример #18
    def fetch_page_wall(self, page, limit=1000, offset=0, until=None, since=None, **kwargs):
         * until|since - timestamp or datetime
        kwargs = {
            'limit': int(limit),
            'offset': int(offset),
        for field in ['until', 'since']:
            value = locals()[field]
            if isinstance(value, datetime):
                kwargs[field] = int(time.mktime(value.timetuple()))
            elif value is not None:
                    kwargs[field] = int(value)
                except TypeError:
                    raise ValueError('Wrong type of argument %s: %s' % (field, type(value)))

        response = graph('%s/posts' % page.graph_id, **kwargs)
        # TODO: move this checking to level up
        if 'error_code' in response and response['error_code'] == 1:
            return self.fetch_page_wall(page, all, limit, offset, until, **kwargs)

        log.debug('response objects count - %s' % len(response.data))

        ids = []
        page_ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(page)
        if response:
            log.debug('response objects count=%s, limit=%s, after=%s' % (len(response.data), limit, kwargs.get('after')))
            for resource in response.data:
                instance = Post.remote.get_or_create_from_resource(resource)

                if instance.owners.using(MASTER_DATABASE).count() == 0:
                    post_owner = PostOwner.objects.get_or_create(post=instance, owner_content_type=page_ct, owner_id=page.pk)[0]

                ids += [instance.pk]

        return Post.objects.filter(pk__in=ids), response
Пример #19
    def test_empty_result(self):

        result = graph('8576093908/posts', **{'limit': 1000, 'until': 1345661805, 'offset': 0})
        if result is not None:
            self.assertEqual(result.error_code, 1)