Пример #1
f = get_nodes.mmnode_plus.parse_node_text

states = ('ignore', 'ignore_all', 'ignore_children')

tests = (('hello', ()), ('hello (i)', ('ignore', )),
         ('hello (ic)', ('ignore_children', )), ('hello (ia)',
                                                 ('ignore_all', )),
         ('school principal interview after leaving (ic) (m: magnet)',
          ('ignore_children', )))

for test in tests:
    result = f(test[0])
    for state in states:
            state in test[1],
            result.get(state) or False,
            "Unexpected %s for state %s on input %s" %
            (result.get(state), state, test[0]))

root = get_nodes.mmnode_plus.factory('testmap.mm')

test_factory('lie to me', root.ultimate_parent().text)

tests = [
    (root, {
        'skip_traversal': False,
        'skip_as_child': True,
        'skip_as_parent': False,
        'is_leaf': False
    (root[0], {
Пример #2
    (root[2][1], root[2][2], False),
    (root[2][2], root[2][0], False),
    (root[6][0], root[6][1], True),
    (root[6][2], root[6][3], True),
    (root[6][2], root[6][4], True),
    (root[6][2], root[6][5], True),
    (root[6][2], root[6][6], True),

for node1, node2, exp_result in hash_tests:
    view1 = mmimport.basic_view(node1)
    view2 = mmimport.basic_view(node2)
    id1, chash1, ehash1 = view1.hash_this_node()
    id2, chash2, ehash2 = view2.hash_this_node()

    test_factory(ehash1 == ehash2, exp_result,
                 "expected %s for %r == %r" % (exp_result, ehash1, ehash2))
    test_factory(chash1 == chash2, False,
                 "expected %s for %r == %r" % (False, chash1, chash2))

sibling_tests = (
    (root[7][0][0], False),
    (root[7][0][1], False),
    (root[7][0][2], False),
    (root[7][0][3], True),

for node, exp_result in sibling_tests:
    v = mmimport.sibling_view(node)
    test_factory(v.use_this_fact(), exp_result)

mapname_tests = (
    (root[2][1], root[2][2], False),
    (root[2][2], root[2][0], False),
    (root[6][0], root[6][1], True),
    (root[6][2], root[6][3], True),
    (root[6][2], root[6][4], True),
    (root[6][2], root[6][5], True),
    (root[6][2], root[6][6], True),

for node1, node2, exp_result in hash_tests:
    view1 = mmimport.basic_view(node1)
    view2 = mmimport.basic_view(node2)
    id1, chash1, ehash1 = view1.hash_this_node()
    id2, chash2, ehash2 = view2.hash_this_node()

    test_factory(ehash1 == ehash2, exp_result, "expected %s for %r == %r" % (exp_result, ehash1, ehash2))
    test_factory(chash1 == chash2, False, "expected %s for %r == %r" % (False, chash1, chash2))

sibling_tests = (
    (root[7][0][0], False),
    (root[7][0][1], False),
    (root[7][0][2], False),
    (root[7][0][3], True),

for node, exp_result in sibling_tests:
    v = mmimport.sibling_view(node)
    test_factory(v.use_this_fact(), exp_result)
f = get_nodes.mmnode_plus.parse_node_text

states = ('ignore', 'ignore_all', 'ignore_children')

tests = (
    ('hello', ()),
    ('hello (i)', ('ignore',)),
    ('hello (ic)', ('ignore_children',)),
    ('hello (ia)', ('ignore_all',)),
    ('school principal interview after leaving (ic) (m: magnet)', ('ignore_children',))

for test in tests:
    result = f(test[0])
    for state in states:
        test_factory(state in test[1], result.get(state) or False, "Unexpected %s for state %s on input %s" % (result.get(state), state, test[0]))

root = get_nodes.mmnode_plus.factory('testmap.mm')

test_factory('lie to me', root.ultimate_parent().text)

tests = [