Пример #1
import os, time, sys, hashlib
from datetime import datetime

from fairgraph import brainsimulation, KGClient, base, uniminds
from fairgraph.analysis import AnalysisActivity, AnalysisScript, AnalysisConfiguration, AnalysisResult, Person
# needs to have HBP_AUTH_TOKEN set as a bash variable
client = KGClient(os.environ["HBP_AUTH_TOKEN"])

if sys.argv[-1] == 'Fetch':

    analysis = AnalysisActivity.by_name(
        'parameter configuration of toy analysis in demo notebook', client)

    # data = uniminds.Dataset.list(client, size=20)[-1]
    # print(data)
    # analysis_config = AnalysisConfiguration.by_name('parameter configuration of toy analysis in demo notebook', client)
    # analysis_config.download('./', client)
    # print(analysis_config.config_file)

elif sys.argv[-1] == 'Fetch-Pipeline':

    result = AnalysisResult.by_name('Result 2', client)

    def provenance_tracking_of_result(analysis_result, with_activities=True):
        Provenance_loop_continues = True
        GENERATING_ENTITIES_BY_LAYER = [[analysis_result]]

        while Provenance_loop_continues:
Пример #2
import requests
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from fairgraph.commons import BrainRegion, Species, CellType
from fairgraph.electrophysiology import PatchedCell, Trace
from fairgraph import KGClient
from fairgraph.base import KGQuery
from fairgraph.minds import Dataset

import pytest

token = os.environ.get("HBP_AUTH_TOKEN", None)

if token:
    client = KGClient(token,

@pytest.mark.skip("comment this out to run the test")
    token is None,
    reason="No token provided. Please set environment variable HBP_AUTH_TOKEN")
def test_all():
    ## Search based on brain region

    cells_in_ca1 = PatchedCell.list(
        client, brain_region=BrainRegion("hippocampus CA1"))
    pprint([cell.brain_location for cell in cells_in_ca1])

    ### Download the recorded data for one of these cells
Пример #3
import os, time
from datetime import datetime

from fairgraph import brainsimulation, KGClient, base, uniminds
# needs to have HBP_AUTH_TOKEN set as a bash variable
dev = False
if dev:
    client = KGClient(
    client = KGClient(os.environ["HBP_AUTH_TOKEN"])

### Downloading the (toy) Model of the demo ###

# The model source code is available in a public container at CSCS
container_url = 'https://object.cscs.ch/v1/AUTH_c0a333ecf7c045809321ce9d9ecdfdea/simulation_result_demo'
if not os.path.isfile('model_script.py'):
        'wget https://object.cscs.ch/v1/AUTH_c0a333ecf7c045809321ce9d9ecdfdea/simulation_result_demo/model/model_script.py'

### Documenting Model Metadata ################

## --> building a model instance (version) from those metadata
my_model = brainsimulation.ModelInstance(
    name='Toy model#%s of neural network dynamics for demo purpose' %
Пример #4
import os, time
from datetime import datetime
import csv
import logging
import pandas as pd
from fairgraph import uniminds, KGClient, minds


logger = logging.getLogger("nar")

token = "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImJicC1vaWRjIn0.eyJleHAiOjE1ODQwMzEwMTgsInN1YiI6IjMwODEwNSIsImF1ZCI6WyIzMjMxNDU3My1hMjQ1LTRiNWEtYjM3MS0yZjE1YWNjNzkxYmEiXSwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6XC9cL3NlcnZpY2VzLmh1bWFuYnJhaW5wcm9qZWN0LmV1XC9vaWRjXC8iLCJqdGkiOiI2N2Y2OTMwNy1lNzc5LTQzMTItOWMyYS1hNTM2M2E2ODgyNTYiLCJpYXQiOjE1ODQwMTY2MTgsImhicF9rZXkiOiJhN2QwNmFlZTMyOGI3YjkzNTc3OTUxNzU2Mjk2ODc3YjE4YzRmYTFjIn0.A04N8tLAr-UW6R7W3b-yzuNrW7DI4vsDULH0SJNr7cTvrvMTtkfoQkvWM-JFz3BvegXjXAxzs4lF5wMQhqSWtCShkpwnNsqa9elr2b-xfGVoYluAaQc2TU2ubNbI0VD72kZ5ircliV00L60dXyYuLGdNUz5reM9f0QS4Sw0hiDA"
client = KGClient(token,

# # Load the Metadata Form
# > Metadata is loaded from a CSV file and saved as key: value entries in a dictionary

# In[26]:

reader = csv.reader(open('test_dataset.csv', 'r'))
data = {}
for row in reader:
    k, v = row
    data[k.lower().strip().replace(" ", "_")] = v

data = {k: None if not v else v
        for k, v in data.items()}  # replace empty values with None
Пример #5
    A sample of brain tissue.
    _path = "/core/tissuesample/v1.0.0"
    type = ["uniminds:Tissuesample"]
    fields = (
      Field("alternatives", KGObject, "https://schema.hbp.eu/inference/alternatives", required=False, multiple=True),
      Field("identifier", basestring, "http://schema.org/identifier", required=False, multiple=True),
      Field("name", basestring, "http://schema.org/name", required=False, multiple=False),
      Field("subject", Subject, "https://schema.hbp.eu/uniminds/subject", required=False, multiple=False))

def list_kg_classes():
    """List all KG classes defined in this module"""
    classes = [obj for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__])
               if inspect.isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, KGObject) and obj.__module__ == __name__]
    return classes

if __name__=='__main__':

    import os
    from fairgraph import uniminds, KGClient
    token = os.environ['HBP_token']
    client = KGClient(token)
    for cls in uniminds.list_kg_classes():
        # for f in cls.fields:
        #     print('    - %s' % f.name)
Пример #6
Script to retrieve/update test data

import os.path
from itertools import cycle
import json
from fairgraph import KGClient, core, brainsimulation, electrophysiology, minds, uniminds


client = KGClient()

def save_nexus_query_result(module, cls):
    path = "/data/{}/?fields=all&size=10&deprecated=False".format(cls.path)
    response = client._nexus_client._http_client.get(path)
    filename = "{}_list_0_10.json".format(cls.__name__.lower())
    local_path = os.path.join("nexus",
    if "next" in response["links"]:
        del response["links"]["next"]
    with open(local_path, "w") as fp:
        json.dump(response, fp, indent=4)

def save_kg_query_result(module, cls, query_label):
    query_id = {"simple": cls.query_id,
                "resolved": cls.query_id_resolved}[query_label]