Пример #1
def datasets_from_params(
  params: Params
) -> Dict[str, Iterable[Instance]]:
  # Receive the configuration for the dataset reader to use
  dataset_reader_params = params.pop("dataset_reader")

  # Initialize the dataset reader
  dataset_reader = DatasetReader.from_params(dataset_reader_params)

  # We will definitively need a training data path
  training_data_path = params.pop("train_data_path")
  LOGGER.info(f"reading training data from path '{training_data_path}'")
  train_data = dataset_reader.read(training_data_path)

  datasets: Dict[str, Iterable[Instance]] = {"train": train_data}

  # Now the optional stuff: validation and test datasets
  validation_data_path = params.pop("validation_data_path", None)
  if validation_data_path is not None:
    LOGGER.info(f"reading validation data from path '{validation_data_path}'")
    validation_data = dataset_reader.read(validation_data_path)
    datasets["validation"] = validation_data
  test_data_path = params.pop("test_data_path", None)
  if test_data_path is not None:
    LOGGER.info(f"reading test data from path '{test_data_path}'")
    test_data = dataset_reader.read(test_data_path)
    datasets["test"] = test_data

  # Done, now return the dictionary of all datasets
  return datasets
Пример #2
def tasks_and_vocab_from_params(params: Params, serialization_dir: str) -> Tuple[List[Task], Dictionary]:
  task_list = []
  instances_for_vocab_creation = itertools.chain()
  datasets_for_vocab_creation = {}
  task_keys = [key for key in params.keys() if re.search("^task_", key)]

  for key in task_keys:
    LOGGER.info("Creating task '{}'".format(key))
    task_params = params.pop(key)
    task_description = task_params.pop("task_description")
    task_data_params = task_params.pop("data_params")

    task = Task.from_params(params=task_description)

    task_instances_for_vocab, task_datasets_for_vocab = task.setup_data(params=task_data_params)
    instances_for_vocab_creation = itertools.chain(instances_for_vocab_creation, task_instances_for_vocab)
    datasets_for_vocab_creation[task.name] = task_datasets_for_vocab

  # Create and save the dictionary
  for task_name, task_dataset_list in datasets_for_vocab_creation.items():
    LOGGER.info("creating dictionary for '{} from '{}'".format(task_name, ', '.join(task_dataset_list)))

  LOGGER.info('fitting dictionary from dataset')
  vocab = Dictionary.from_params(params.pop("dictionary", {}), instances_for_vocab_creation)

  # vocab save_to_files

  return task_list, vocab
Пример #3
    def from_params(cls, model: BaseFairseqModel, task_list: List[Task],
                    serialization_dir: str, params: Params) -> 'Trainer':
        cuda_device = params.pop_int("cuda_device", -1)
        grad_clipping = params.pop_float("grad_clipping", 0.1)
        grad_norm = params.pop_float("grad_norm", 5.0)
        min_lr = params.pop_float("min_lr", 1e-7)
        num_epochs = params.pop_int("num_epochs", 100)
        patience = params.pop_int("patience", 5)

        optimizer_params = params.pop("optimizer", None)
        parameters_to_train = [(n, p) for n, p in model.named_parameters()
                               if p.requires_grad]
        optimizer_ = Optimizer.from_params(
            model_parameters=parameters_to_train, params=optimizer_params)

        return cls(model=model,
Пример #4
    def from_params(cls, params: Params) -> 'Task':
    Create a task instance from parameters.
        task_name = params.pop("task_name", "ensec")
        validation_metric_name = params.pop("validation_metric_name", None)
        validation_metric_decreases = params.pop_bool(
            "validation_metric_decreases", False)
        evaluate_on_test = params.pop_bool("evaluate_on_test", False)


        return cls(name=task_name,
Пример #5
    def from_params(cls, params: Params, instances: Iterable['adi.Instance'] = None):
        dictionary_type = params.pop("type", None)
        if dictionary_type is not None:
            return cls.by_name(dictionary_type).from_params(params=params, instances=instances)

        # Should we extend the dictionary
        extend = params.pop("extend", False)
        dictionary_path = params.pop("directory_path", None)

        if not dictionary_path and not instances:
            raise ConfigurationError("you must either provide a directory_path inside the parameters or a dataset to build a dictionary from")

        if extend and not instances:
            raise ConfigurationError("'extend' is activated, but there are no instances to pass through")
        if extend and not dictionary_path:
            raise ConfigurationError("'entend' is activated, but there is no 'directory_path' to extend from.")

        if dictionary_path and instances:
            if extend:
                LOGGER.info("loading the dictionary from files and extending it with a dataset.")
                LOGGER.info("loading the dictionary from files instead of a dataset")

        # Enough parameter evaluation, now let's finally create and initialize the data
        if dictionary_path:
            vocab = cls.from_files(dictionary_path)
            if not extend:
                return vocab

        if extend:
            vocab.extend_from_instances(params, instances=instances)
            return vocab

        # There is no dictionary path given and we should not extend, so we have to create the 
        # vocabulary from a dataset
        min_count = params.pop("min_count", None, keep_as_dict=True)
        max_vocab_size = pop_max_vocab_size(params)
        non_padded_namespaces = params.pop("non_padded_namespaces", DEFAULT_NON_PADDED_NAMESPACES)
        pretrained_files = params.pop("pretrained_files", {}, keep_as_dict=True)
        min_pretrained_embeddings = params.pop("min_pretrained_embeddings", None)
        only_include_pretrained_words = params.pop_bool("only_include_pretrained_words", False)
        tokens_to_add = params.pop("tokens_to_add", None)

        return cls.from_instances(
Пример #6
def pop_max_vocab_size(params: Params) -> Union[int, Dict[str, int]]:
    max_vocab_size limits the size of the vocabulary, not including the @@UNKNOWN@@ token.
    max_vocab_size is allowed to be either an int or a Dict[str, int] (or nothing).
    But it could also be a string representing an int (in the case of environment variable
    substitution). So we need some complex logic to handle it.
    size = params.pop("max_vocab_size", None, keep_as_dict=True)

    if isinstance(size, dict):
        # This is the Dict[str, int] case.
        return size
    elif size is not None:
        # This is the int / str case.
        return int(size)
        return None
Пример #7
    def setup_data(self, params: Params):
    This method is responsible for fetching the dataset information from the given 
    parameters and setup everything related to the data.
        all_datasets = datasets_from_params(params)
        datasets_for_vocab_creation = set(
            params.pop("datasets_for_vocab_creation", all_datasets))

            f"datasets_for_vocab_creation: {datasets_for_vocab_creation}")

        for dataset in datasets_for_vocab_creation:
            if dataset not in all_datasets:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    f"the dataset {dataset} is not known in 'all_datasets")

        # TODO(naetherm): Implement me!
        instances_for_vocab_creation = ()

        self.instances_for_vocab_creation = instances_for_vocab_creation
        self.datasets_for_vocab_creation = datasets_for_vocab_creation

        if "train" in all_datasets.keys():
            self.train_data = all_datasets["train"]
            self.train_instances = sum(1 for e in self.train_data)
        if "validation" in all_datasets.keys():
            self.validation_data = all_datasets["validation"]
            self.validation_instances = sum(1 for e in self.validation_data)
        if "test" in all_datasets.keys():
            self.test_data = all_datasets["test"]
            self.test_instances = sum(1 for e in self.test_data)

        # Security check: If we want to evaluate on the test data we _must_ have test data!
        if self.evaluate_on_test:
            assert self.test_data is not None

        return self.instances_for_vocab_creation, self.datasets_for_vocab_creation
Пример #8
    def extend_from_instances(
        params: Params,
        instances: Iterable['adi.Instance'] = ()
    ) -> None:
        Here we extend the already existing dictionary with additional instances from 
        the given datasets (instances).
        min_count_ = params.pop("min_count", None)
        max_vocab_size_ = params.pop("max_vocab_size", None)

        if isinstance(max_vocab_size_, Params):
            # This is the Dict[str, int] case.
            max_vocab_size_ = max_vocab_size_.as_dict()
        elif max_vocab_size_ is not None:
            # This is the int / str case.
            max_vocab_size_ =  int(max_vocab_size_)
            max_vocab_size_ = None

        non_padded_namespaces = params.pop("non_padded_namespaces", DEFAULT_NON_PADDED_NAMESPACES)
        pretrained_files = params.pop("pretrained_files", {})
        min_pretrained_embeddings = params.pop("min_pretrained_embeddings", None)
        only_include_pretrained_words = params.pop_bool("only_include_pretrained_words", False)
        tokens_to_add = params.pop("tokens_to_add", None)

        LOGGER.info("Fitting token dictionary from dataset")

        namespace_token_counts: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
        for i in Tqdm.tqdm(instances):
Пример #9
def construct_arg(
        cls: Type[T],  # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements,too-many-return-statements
        param_name: str,
        annotation: Type,
        default: Any,
        params: Params,
        **extras) -> Any:
    Does the work of actually constructing an individual argument for :func:`create_kwargs`.

    Here we're in the inner loop of iterating over the parameters to a particular constructor,
    trying to construct just one of them.  The information we get for that parameter is its name,
    its type annotation, and its default value; we also get the full set of ``Params`` for
    constructing the object (which we may mutate), and any ``extras`` that the constructor might

    We take the type annotation and default value here separately, instead of using an
    ``inspect.Parameter`` object directly, so that we can handle ``Union`` types using recursion on
    this method, trying the different annotation types in the union in turn.
    from allennlp.models.archival import load_archive  # import here to avoid circular imports

    # We used `param_name` as the method argument to avoid conflicts with 'name' being a key in
    # `extras`, which isn't _that_ unlikely.  Now that we are inside the method, we can switch back
    # to using `name`.
    name = param_name
    origin = getattr(annotation, '__origin__', None)
    args = getattr(annotation, '__args__', [])

    # The parameter is optional if its default value is not the "no default" sentinel.
    optional = default != _NO_DEFAULT

    # Some constructors expect extra non-parameter items, e.g. vocab: Vocabulary.
    # We check the provided `extras` for these and just use them if they exist.
    if name in extras:
        return extras[name]
    # Next case is when argument should be loaded from pretrained archive.
    elif name in params and isinstance(
            params.get(name), Params) and "_pretrained" in params.get(name):
        load_module_params = params.pop(name).pop("_pretrained")
        archive_file = load_module_params.pop("archive_file")
        module_path = load_module_params.pop("module_path")
        freeze = load_module_params.pop("freeze", True)
        archive = load_archive(archive_file)
        result = archive.extract_module(module_path, freeze)  # pylint: disable=no-member
        if not isinstance(result, annotation):
            raise ConfigurationError(
                f"The module from model at {archive_file} at path {module_path} "
                f"was expected of type {annotation} but is of type {type(result)}"
        return result
    # The next case is when the parameter type is itself constructible from_params.
    elif hasattr(annotation, 'from_params'):
        if name in params:
            # Our params have an entry for this, so we use that.
            subparams = params.pop(name)

            subextras = create_extras(annotation, extras)

            # In some cases we allow a string instead of a param dict, so
            # we need to handle that case separately.
            if isinstance(subparams, str):
                return annotation.by_name(subparams)()
                return annotation.from_params(params=subparams, **subextras)
        elif not optional:
            # Not optional and not supplied, that's an error!
            raise ConfigurationError(f"expected key {name} for {cls.__name__}")
            return default

    # If the parameter type is a Python primitive, just pop it off
    # using the correct casting pop_xyz operation.
    elif annotation == str:
        return params.pop(name, default) if optional else params.pop(name)
    elif annotation == int:
        return params.pop_int(name,
                              default) if optional else params.pop_int(name)
    elif annotation == bool:
        return params.pop_bool(name,
                               default) if optional else params.pop_bool(name)
    elif annotation == float:
        return params.pop_float(
            name, default) if optional else params.pop_float(name)

    # This is special logic for handling types like Dict[str, TokenIndexer],
    # List[TokenIndexer], Tuple[TokenIndexer, Tokenizer], and Set[TokenIndexer],
    # which it creates by instantiating each value from_params and returning the resulting structure.
    elif origin in (Dict, dict) and len(args) == 2 and hasattr(
            args[-1], 'from_params'):
        value_cls = annotation.__args__[-1]

        value_dict = {}

        for key, value_params in params.pop(name, Params({})).items():
            subextras = create_extras(value_cls, extras)
            value_dict[key] = value_cls.from_params(params=value_params,

        return value_dict

    elif origin in (List, list) and len(args) == 1 and hasattr(
            args[0], 'from_params'):
        value_cls = annotation.__args__[0]

        value_list = []

        for value_params in params.pop(name, Params({})):
            subextras = create_extras(value_cls, extras)
                value_cls.from_params(params=value_params, **subextras))

        return value_list

    elif origin in (Tuple, tuple) and all(
            hasattr(arg, 'from_params') for arg in args):
        value_list = []

        for value_cls, value_params in zip(annotation.__args__,
                                           params.pop(name, Params({}))):
            subextras = create_extras(value_cls, extras)
                value_cls.from_params(params=value_params, **subextras))

        return tuple(value_list)

    elif origin in (Set, set) and len(args) == 1 and hasattr(
            args[0], 'from_params'):
        value_cls = annotation.__args__[0]

        value_set = set()

        for value_params in params.pop(name, Params({})):
            subextras = create_extras(value_cls, extras)
                value_cls.from_params(params=value_params, **subextras))

        return value_set

    elif origin == Union:
        # Storing this so we can recover it later if we need to.
        param_value = params.get(name, Params({}))
        if isinstance(param_value, Params):
            param_value = param_value.duplicate()

        # We'll try each of the given types in the union sequentially, returning the first one that
        # succeeds.
        for arg in args:
                return construct_arg(cls, name, arg, default, params, **extras)
            except (ValueError, TypeError, ConfigurationError, AttributeError):
                # Our attempt to construct the argument may have popped `params[name]`, so we
                # restore it here.
                params[name] = param_value
                if isinstance(param_value, Params):
                    param_value = param_value.duplicate()

        # If none of them succeeded, we crash.
        raise ConfigurationError(
            f"Failed to construct argument {name} with type {annotation}")
        # Pass it on as is and hope for the best.   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
        if optional:
            return params.pop(name, default)
            return params.pop(name)
Пример #10
    def from_params(cls, model_parameters: List, params: Params):

        if isinstance(params, str):
            optimizer = params
            params = Params({})
            optimizer = params.pop_choice("type", Optimizer.list_available())

        # make the parameter groups if need
        groups = params.pop("parameter_groups", None)
        if groups:
            # The input to the optimizer is list of dict.
            # Each dict contains a "parameter group" and groups specific options,
            # e.g., {'params': [list of parameters], 'lr': 1e-3, ...}
            # Any config option not specified in the additional options (e.g.
            # for the default group) is inherited from the top level config.
            # see: https://pytorch.org/docs/0.3.0/optim.html?#per-parameter-options
            # groups contains something like:
            #"parameter_groups": [
            #       [["regex1", "regex2"], {"lr": 1e-3}],
            #       [["regex3"], {"lr": 1e-4}]
            #(note that the allennlp config files require double quotes ", and will
            # fail (sometimes silently) with single quotes ').

            # This is typed as as Any since the dict values other then
            # the params key are passed to the Optimizer constructor and
            # can be any type it accepts.
            # In addition to any parameters that match group specific regex,
            # we also need a group for the remaining "default" group.
            # Those will be included in the last entry of parameter_groups.
            parameter_groups: Any = [{
                'params': []
            } for _ in range(len(groups) + 1)]
            # add the group specific kwargs
            for k in range(len(groups)):  # pylint: disable=consider-using-enumerate

            regex_use_counts: Dict[str, int] = {}
            parameter_group_names: List[set] = [
                set() for _ in range(len(groups) + 1)
            for name, param in model_parameters:
                # Determine the group for this parameter.
                group_index = None
                for k, group_regexes in enumerate(groups):
                    for regex in group_regexes[0]:
                        if regex not in regex_use_counts:
                            regex_use_counts[regex] = 0
                        if re.search(regex, name):
                            if group_index is not None and group_index != k:
                                raise ValueError(
                                    "{} was specified in two separate parameter groups"
                            group_index = k
                            regex_use_counts[regex] += 1

                if group_index is not None:
                    # the default group

            # log the parameter groups
            LOGGER.info("Done constructing parameter groups.")
            for k in range(len(groups) + 1):
                group_options = {
                    key: val
                    for key, val in parameter_groups[k].items()
                    if key != 'params'
                LOGGER.info("Group %s: %s, %s", k,
                            list(parameter_group_names[k]), group_options)
            # check for unused regex
            for regex, count in regex_use_counts.items():
                if count == 0:
                        "When constructing parameter groups, "
                        " %s not match any parameter name", regex)

            parameter_groups = [param for name, param in model_parameters]

        # Log the number of parameters to optimize
        num_parameters = 0
        for parameter_group in parameter_groups:
            if isinstance(parameter_group, dict):
                num_parameters += sum(
                    for parameter in parameter_group["params"])
                num_parameters += parameter_group.numel()
        LOGGER.info("Number of trainable parameters: %s", num_parameters)

        # By default we cast things that e.g. look like floats to floats before handing them
        # to the Optimizer constructor, but if you want to disable that behavior you could add a
        #       "infer_type_and_cast": false
        # key to your "trainer.optimizer" config.
        infer_type_and_cast = params.pop_bool("infer_type_and_cast", True)
        params_as_dict = params.as_dict(
        subclass = Optimizer.by_name(optimizer)

        # If the optimizer subclass has a from_params, use it.
        if hasattr(subclass, 'from_params'):
            return subclass.from_params(parameter_groups, params=params)
            return subclass(parameter_groups, **params_as_dict)  # type: ignore