Пример #1
 def reduce_metrics(logging_outputs) -> None:
     """Aggregate logging outputs from data parallel training."""
     num_corr = sum(log.get("num_corr", 0) for log in logging_outputs)
     num_tot = sum(log.get("num_tot", 0) for log in logging_outputs)
                        num_corr.float() / num_tot *
                        100 if num_tot > 0 else 0.0,
Пример #2
    def reduce_metrics(logging_outputs) -> None:
        """Aggregate logging outputs from data parallel training."""

        word_error = sum(log.get('word_error', 0) for log in logging_outputs)
        word_count = sum(log.get('word_count', 0) for log in logging_outputs)
        char_error = sum(log.get('char_error', 0) for log in logging_outputs)
        char_count = sum(log.get('char_count', 0) for log in logging_outputs)
        if word_count > 0:  # model.training == False
            metrics.log_scalar('wer', float(word_error) / word_count * 100, word_count, round=4)
        if char_count > 0:  # model.training == False
            metrics.log_scalar('wer', float(word_error) / word_count * 100, word_count, round=4)
 def test_zero_eps(self):
     self.args.label_smoothing = 0.0
     nll_crit = CrossEntropyCriterion.build_criterion(self.args, self.task)
     smooth_crit = LabelSmoothedCrossEntropyCriterion.build_criterion(self.args, self.task)
     nll_loss, nll_sample_size, nll_logging_output = nll_crit(self.model, self.sample)
     smooth_loss, smooth_sample_size, smooth_logging_output = smooth_crit(self.model, self.sample)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(nll_loss, smooth_loss)
 def test_nll_loss(self):
     self.args.label_smoothing = 0.1
     nll_crit = CrossEntropyCriterion.build_criterion(self.args, self.task)
     smooth_crit = LabelSmoothedCrossEntropyCriterion.build_criterion(self.args, self.task)
     nll_loss, nll_sample_size, nll_logging_output = nll_crit(self.model, self.sample)
     smooth_loss, smooth_sample_size, smooth_logging_output = smooth_crit(self.model, self.sample)
     self.assertLess(abs(nll_loss - nll_logging_output['loss']), 1e-6)
     self.assertLess(abs(nll_loss - smooth_logging_output['nll_loss']), 1e-6)
Пример #5
 def aggregate_logging_outputs(logging_outputs):
     """Aggregate logging outputs from data parallel training."""
     agg_output = CrossEntropyCriterion.aggregate_logging_outputs(logging_outputs)
     word_error = sum(log.get('word_error', 0) for log in logging_outputs)
     word_count = sum(log.get('word_count', 0) for log in logging_outputs)
     char_error = sum(log.get('char_error', 0) for log in logging_outputs)
     char_count = sum(log.get('char_count', 0) for log in logging_outputs)
     if word_count > 0:  # model.training == False
         agg_output['word_error'] = word_error
         agg_output['word_count'] = word_count
     if char_count > 0:  # model.training == False
         agg_output['char_error'] = char_error
         agg_output['char_count'] = char_count
     return agg_output
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, opt, shared=None):
        # In general use a basic TorchAgent wherever possible
        super().__init__(opt, shared)
        if not shared:
            # this is not a shared instance of this class, so do full initialization

            # fairseq expects options to be in argparse format, instead of a dict
            # We also need to do some argument postprocessing and whatnot
            self.args, self.opt = _fairseq_opt_wrapper(opt)

            # seed the RNG

            # Just some identifying info
            self.id = "fairseq:{}".format(self.args.arch)

            # construct dictionaries for parlai frontend and fairseq backend
            self.dict = _FairseqDictionary(self.opt)

            # We need a placeholder task for fairseq
            self.task = _ParlaiTask(self.dict)

            # actually construct the model and generator
            model_class = models.ARCH_MODEL_REGISTRY[self.args.arch]
            self.model = model_class.build_model(self.args, self.task)
            self.generator = SequenceGenerator(
                stop_early=(not self.args.no_early_stop),
                normalize_scores=(not self.args.unnormalized),
            # set up the grader and the trainer
            # TODO: maybe support label smoothing here
            self.criterion = CrossEntropyCriterion(self.args, self.task)

            if self.args.fp16:
                self.trainer = fp16_trainer.FP16Trainer(
                    self.args, self.task, self.model, self.criterion
                # TODO: we might choose to add a --no-fp16 opt in the future to
                # explicitly disable fp16 instead
                if torch.cuda.get_device_capability(0)[0] >= 7:
                    print("Heads up: using --fp16 could be a lot faster!")
                self.trainer = trainer.Trainer(
                    self.args, self.task, self.model, self.criterion

            # if the model already existed, let's preload it and the trainer
            if self.opt.get('model_file') and os.path.isfile(self.opt['model_file']):
                print('Loading existing model params from ' + self.opt['model_file'])

            # move things to the GPU if possible
            if self.use_cuda:
                self.model = self.model.cuda()
                self.generator = self.generator.cuda()

        # Start things off clean
    def __init__(self, args, task, sentence_avg):
        self.task = task
        self.args = args

        self.loss_function = CrossEntropyCriterion(task, False)