Пример #1
class BaseCraftassistTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.memory = AgentMemory(
            load_minecraft_specs=False)  # don't load specs, it's slow
        self.agent = FakeAgent(self.memory)
        self.dialogue_manager = TtadModelDialogueManager(
            self.agent, None, None, None, no_ground_truth_actions=True)

        # More helpful error message to encourage test writers to use self.set_looking_at()
        self.agent.get_player_line_of_sight = Mock(
                "Cannot call into C++ function in this unit test. " +
                "Call self.set_looking_at() to set the return value"))

        # Add a speaker at position (5, 63, 5) looking in the +x direction
        self.speaker = list(self.memory.other_players.values())[0].name

    def handle_action_dict(self,
                           answer: str = None,
                           max_steps=10000) -> Dict[XYZ, IDM]:
        """Handle an action dict and call self.flush()

        If "answer" is specified and a question is asked by the agent, respond
        with this string.

        If "stop_on_chat" is specified, stop iterating if the agent says anything
        self.add_incoming_chat("TEST {}".format(d))
        obj = self.dialogue_manager.handle_action_dict(self.speaker, d)
        if obj is not None:
        changes = self.flush(max_steps, stop_on_chat=stop_on_chat)
        if len(self.dialogue_manager.dialogue_stack
               ) != 0 and answer is not None:
            changes.update(self.flush(max_steps, stop_on_chat=stop_on_chat))
        return changes

    def flush(self, max_steps=10000, stop_on_chat=False) -> Dict[XYZ, IDM]:
        """Update memory and step the dialogue and task stacks until they are empty

        If "stop_on_chat" is specified, stop iterating if the agent says anything

        Return the set of blocks that were changed.
        if stop_on_chat:

        world_before = self.agent._world.copy()

        for _ in range(max_steps):
            if (len(self.dialogue_manager.dialogue_stack) == 0
                    and not self.memory.task_stack_peek()):
            if (isinstance(self.dialogue_manager.dialogue_stack.peek(),
                           AwaitResponse) and
                    not self.dialogue_manager.dialogue_stack.peek().finished
                ) or (stop_on_chat and self.agent.get_last_outgoing_chat()):

        # get changes
        world_after = self.agent._world.copy()
        changes = dict(set(world_after.items()) - set(world_before.items()))
            k: (0, 0)
            for k in set(world_before.keys()) - set(world_after.keys())
        return changes

    def set_looking_at(self, xyz: XYZ):
        """Set the return value for C++ call to get_player_line_of_sight"""
        self.agent.get_player_line_of_sight = Mock(return_value=Pos(*xyz))

    def set_blocks(self, xyzbms: List[Block], origin: XYZ = (0, 0, 0)):
        """Change the state of the world, block by block"""
        for xyz, idm in xyzbms:
            abs_xyz = tuple(np.array(xyz) + origin)
            self.memory.on_block_changed(abs_xyz, idm)
            self.agent._world[abs_xyz] = idm

    def add_object(self, xyzbms: List[Block],
                   origin: XYZ = (0, 0, 0)) -> ObjectNode:
        """Add an object to memory as if it was placed block by block

        - xyzbms: a list of relative (xyz, idm)
        - origin: (x, y, z) of the corner

        Returns an ObjectNode
        self.set_blocks(xyzbms, origin)
        abs_xyz = tuple(np.array(xyzbms[0][0]) + origin)
        memid = self.memory.get_block_object_ids_by_xyz(abs_xyz)[0]
        return self.memory.get_object_by_id(memid)

    def get_blocks(self, xyzs: Sequence[XYZ]) -> Dict[XYZ, IDM]:
        """Return the ground truth block state"""
        d = {}
        for (x, y, z) in xyzs:
            B = self.agent.get_blocks(x, x, y, y, z, z)
            d[(x, y, z)] = tuple(B[0, 0, 0, :])
        return d

    def add_incoming_chat(self, chat: str):
        """Add a chat to memory as if it was just spoken by SPEAKER"""
            self.memory.get_player_by_name(self.speaker).memid, chat)

    def assert_schematics_equal(self, a, b):
        """Check equality between two list[(xyz, idm)] schematics

        N.B. this compares the shapes and idms, but ignores absolute position offsets.
        a, _ = to_relative_pos(a)
        b, _ = to_relative_pos(b)
        self.assertEqual(set(a), set(b))

    def last_outgoing_chat(self) -> str:
        return self.agent.get_last_outgoing_chat()

    def get_speaker_pos(self) -> XYZ:
        return tuple(
class BaseCraftassistTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self, agent_opts=None):
        spec = {
            [Player(42, "SPEAKER", Pos(5, 63, 5), Look(270, 0), Item(0, 0))],
            "mobs": [],
            "agent": {
                "pos": (0, 63, 0)
            "coord_shift": (-16, 54, -16),
        world_opts = Opt()
        world_opts.sl = 32
        self.world = World(world_opts, spec)
        self.agent = FakeAgent(self.world, opts=agent_opts)

        # More helpful error message to encourage test writers to use self.set_looking_at()
        self.agent.get_player_line_of_sight = Mock(
                "Cannot call into C++ function in this unit test. " +
                "Call self.set_looking_at() to set the return value"))

        self.speaker = self.agent.get_other_players()[0].name

        # Combinable actions to be used in test cases
        self.possible_actions = {
            "destroy_speaker_look": {
                "action_type": "DESTROY",
                "reference_object": {
                    "location": {
                        "location_type": "SPEAKER_LOOK"
            "copy_speaker_look_to_agent_pos": {
                "action_type": "BUILD",
                "reference_object": {
                    "location": {
                        "location_type": "SPEAKER_LOOK"
                "location": {
                    "location_type": "AGENT_POS"
            "build_small_sphere": {
                "action_type": "BUILD",
                "schematic": {
                    "has_name": "sphere",
                    "has_size": "small"
            "build_1x1x1_cube": {
                "action_type": "BUILD",
                "schematic": {
                    "has_name": "cube",
                    "has_size": "1 x 1 x 1"
            "move_speaker_pos": {
                "action_type": "MOVE",
                "location": {
                    "location_type": "SPEAKER_POS"
            "build_diamond": {
                "action_type": "BUILD",
                "schematic": {
                    "has_name": "diamond"
            "build_gold_cube": {
                "action_type": "BUILD",
                "schematic": {
                    "has_block_type": "gold",
                    "has_name": "cube"
            "fill_all_holes_speaker_look": {
                "action_type": "FILL",
                "location": {
                    "location_type": "SPEAKER_LOOK"
                "repeat": {
                    "repeat_key": "ALL"
            "go_to_tree": {
                "action_type": "MOVE",
                "location": {
                    "location_type": "REFERENCE_OBJECT",
                    "reference_object": {
                        "has_name": "tree"
            "build_square_height_1": {
                "action_type": "BUILD",
                "schematic": {
                    "has_name": "square",
                    "has_height": "1"
            "stop": {
                "action_type": "STOP"
            "fill_speaker_look": {
                "action_type": "FILL",
                "location": {
                    "location_type": "SPEAKER_LOOK"
            "fill_speaker_look_gold": {
                "action_type": "FILL",
                "has_block_type": "gold",
                "location": {
                    "location_type": "SPEAKER_LOOK"

    def handle_logical_form(self,
                            chatstr: str = "",
                            answer: str = None,
                            max_steps=10000) -> Dict[XYZ, IDM]:
        """Handle a logical form and call self.flush()

        If "answer" is specified and a question is asked by the agent, respond
        with this string.

        If "stop_on_chat" is specified, stop iterating if the agent says anything
        dummy_chat = "TEST {}".format(d)
        self.add_incoming_chat(dummy_chat, self.speaker)
        self.agent.set_logical_form(d, dummy_chat, self.speaker)
        changes = self.flush(max_steps, stop_on_chat=stop_on_chat)
        if len(self.agent.dialogue_manager.dialogue_stack
               ) != 0 and answer is not None:
            self.add_incoming_chat(answer, self.speaker)
            changes.update(self.flush(max_steps, stop_on_chat=stop_on_chat))
        return changes

    def flush(self, max_steps=10000, stop_on_chat=False) -> Dict[XYZ, IDM]:
        """Run the agant's step until task and dialogue stacks are empty

        If "stop_on_chat" is specified, stop iterating if the agent says anything

        Return the set of blocks that were changed.
        if stop_on_chat:

        world_before = self.agent.world.blocks_to_dict()

        for _ in range(max_steps):
            if self.agent_should_stop(stop_on_chat):

        # get changes
        world_after = self.world.blocks_to_dict()
        changes = dict(set(world_after.items()) - set(world_before.items()))
            k: (0, 0)
            for k in set(world_before.keys()) - set(world_after.keys())
        return changes

    def agent_should_stop(self, stop_on_chat=False):
        stop = False
        if (len(self.agent.dialogue_manager.dialogue_stack) == 0
                and not self.agent.memory.task_stack_peek()):
            stop = True
        # stuck waiting for answer?
        if (isinstance(self.agent.dialogue_manager.dialogue_stack.peek(),
                       AwaitResponse) and
                not self.agent.dialogue_manager.dialogue_stack.peek().finished
            stop = True
        if stop_on_chat and self.agent.get_last_outgoing_chat():
            stop = True
        return stop

    def set_looking_at(self, xyz: XYZ):
        """Set the return value for C++ call to get_player_line_of_sight"""
        self.agent.get_player_line_of_sight = Mock(return_value=Pos(*xyz))

    def set_blocks(self, xyzbms: List[Block], origin: XYZ = (0, 0, 0)):
        self.agent.set_blocks(xyzbms, origin)

    def add_object(self, xyzbms: List[Block],
                   origin: XYZ = (0, 0, 0)) -> ObjectNode:
        return self.agent.add_object(xyzbms, origin)

    def add_incoming_chat(self, chat: str, speaker_name: str):
        """Add a chat to memory as if it was just spoken by SPEAKER"""
        self.world.chat_log.append("<" + speaker_name + ">" + " " + chat)

    #        self.agent.memory.add_chat(self.agent.memory.get_player_by_name(self.speaker).memid, chat)

    def assert_schematics_equal(self, a, b):
        """Check equality between two list[(xyz, idm)] schematics

        N.B. this compares the shapes and idms, but ignores absolute position offsets.
        a, _ = to_relative_pos(a)
        b, _ = to_relative_pos(b)
        self.assertEqual(set(a), set(b))

    def get_idm_at_locs(self, xyzs: Sequence[XYZ]) -> Dict[XYZ, IDM]:
        return self.world.get_idm_at_locs(xyzs)

    def last_outgoing_chat(self) -> str:
        return self.agent.get_last_outgoing_chat()

    def get_speaker_pos(self) -> XYZ:
        return self.agent.memory.get_player_by_name(self.speaker).pos
class BaseCraftassistTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self, agent_opts=None):
        spec = {
            [Player(42, "SPEAKER", Pos(5, 63, 5), Look(270, 0), Item(0, 0))],
            "mobs": [],
            "item_stacks": [],
            "agent": {
                "pos": (0, 63, 0)
            "coord_shift": (-16, 54, -16),
        world_opts = Opt()
        world_opts.sl = 32
        self.world = World(world_opts, spec)
        self.agent = FakeAgent(self.world, opts=agent_opts)

        self.set_looking_at((0, 63, 0))
        self.speaker = self.agent.get_other_players()[0].name

    def handle_logical_form(self,
                            chatstr: str = "",
                            answer: str = None,
                            max_steps=10000) -> Dict[XYZ, IDM]:
        """Handle a logical form and call self.flush()

        If "answer" is specified and a question is asked by the agent, respond
        with this string.

        If "stop_on_chat" is specified, stop iterating if the agent says anything
        chatstr = chatstr or "TEST {}".format(d)
        self.add_incoming_chat(chatstr, self.speaker)
        self.agent.set_logical_form(d, chatstr, self.speaker)
        changes = self.flush(max_steps, stop_on_chat=stop_on_chat)
        if len(self.agent.dialogue_manager.dialogue_stack
               ) != 0 and answer is not None:
            self.add_incoming_chat(answer, self.speaker)
            changes.update(self.flush(max_steps, stop_on_chat=stop_on_chat))
        return changes

    def flush(self, max_steps=10000, stop_on_chat=False) -> Dict[XYZ, IDM]:
        """Run the agant's step until task and dialogue stacks are empty

        If "stop_on_chat" is specified, stop iterating if the agent says anything

        Return the set of blocks that were changed.
        if stop_on_chat:

        world_before = self.agent.world.blocks_to_dict()

        for _ in range(max_steps):
            if self.agent_should_stop(stop_on_chat):

        # get changes
        world_after = self.world.blocks_to_dict()
        changes = dict(set(world_after.items()) - set(world_before.items()))
            k: (0, 0)
            for k in set(world_before.keys()) - set(world_after.keys())
        return changes

    def agent_should_stop(self, stop_on_chat=False):
        stop = False
        if (len(self.agent.dialogue_manager.dialogue_stack) == 0
                and not self.agent.memory.task_stack_peek()):
            stop = True
        # stuck waiting for answer?
        if (isinstance(self.agent.dialogue_manager.dialogue_stack.peek(),
                       AwaitResponse) and
                not self.agent.dialogue_manager.dialogue_stack.peek().finished
            stop = True
        if stop_on_chat and self.agent.get_last_outgoing_chat():
            stop = True
        return stop

    def set_looking_at(self, xyz: XYZ):
        """Set the return value for C++ call to get_player_line_of_sight"""
        self.agent.get_player_line_of_sight = Mock(return_value=Pos(*xyz))

    def set_blocks(self, xyzbms: List[Block], origin: XYZ = (0, 0, 0)):
        self.agent.set_blocks(xyzbms, origin)

    def add_object(self,
                   xyzbms: List[Block],
                   origin: XYZ = (0, 0, 0),
                   relations={}) -> VoxelObjectNode:
        return self.agent.add_object(xyzbms=xyzbms,

    def add_incoming_chat(self, chat: str, speaker_name: str):
        """Add a chat to memory as if it was just spoken by SPEAKER"""
        self.world.chat_log.append("<" + speaker_name + ">" + " " + chat)

    #        self.agent.memory.add_chat(self.agent.memory.get_player_by_name(self.speaker).memid, chat)

    def assert_schematics_equal(self, a, b):
        """Check equality between two list[(xyz, idm)] schematics

        N.B. this compares the shapes and idms, but ignores absolute position offsets.
        a, _ = to_relative_pos(a)
        b, _ = to_relative_pos(b)
        self.assertEqual(set(a), set(b))

    def get_idm_at_locs(self, xyzs: Sequence[XYZ]) -> Dict[XYZ, IDM]:
        return self.world.get_idm_at_locs(xyzs)

    def last_outgoing_chat(self) -> str:
        return self.agent.get_last_outgoing_chat()

    def get_speaker_pos(self) -> XYZ:
        return self.agent.memory.get_player_by_name(self.speaker).pos
Пример #4
class BaseFakeAgentTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self, agent_opts=None):
        spec = {"players": [SimpleHuman(make_human_opts())], "agent": {"pos": (0, 0)}}
        world_opts = Opt()
        world_opts.sl = 32
        self.world = World(world_opts, spec)
        self.agent = FakeAgent(self.world, opts=agent_opts)

        # More helpful error message to encourage test writers to use self.set_looking_at()
        self.agent.get_player_line_of_sight = Mock(
                "Cannot call into C++ function in this unit test. "
                + "Call self.set_looking_at() to set the return value"

        self.speaker = self.agent.get_other_players()[0].name

    def handle_logical_form(
        self, d, chatstr: str = "", answer: str = None, stop_on_chat=False, max_steps=10000
        """Handle a logical form and call self.flush()

        If "answer" is specified and a question is asked by the agent, respond
        with this string.

        If "stop_on_chat" is specified, stop iterating if the agent says anything
        chatstr = chatstr or "TEST {}".format(d)
        self.add_incoming_chat(chatstr, self.speaker)
        self.agent.set_logical_form(d, chatstr, self.speaker)
        changes = self.flush(max_steps, stop_on_chat=stop_on_chat)
        if len(self.agent.dialogue_manager.dialogue_stack) != 0 and answer is not None:
            self.add_incoming_chat(answer, self.speaker)
            new_changes = self.flush(max_steps, stop_on_chat=stop_on_chat)
            changes[1] = new_changes[1]
        return changes

    def flush(self, max_steps=10000, stop_on_chat=False):
        """Run the agant's step until task and dialogue stacks are empty.

        If "stop_on_chat" is specified, stop iterating if the agent says anything

        Return the set of blocks that were changed.
        if stop_on_chat:

        world_before = copy.deepcopy(self.agent.world.get_info())

        for _ in range(max_steps):
            if self.agent_should_stop(stop_on_chat):

        # get changes
        world_after = copy.deepcopy(self.world.get_info())
        changes = [world_before, world_after]
        return changes

    def agent_should_stop(self, stop_on_chat=False):
        stop = False
        if (
            len(self.agent.dialogue_manager.dialogue_stack) == 0
            and not self.agent.memory.task_stack_peek()
            stop = True
        # stuck waiting for answer?
        if (
            isinstance(self.agent.dialogue_manager.dialogue_stack.peek(), AwaitResponse)
            and not self.agent.dialogue_manager.dialogue_stack.peek().finished
            stop = True
        if stop_on_chat and self.agent.get_last_outgoing_chat():
            stop = True
        return stop

    def set_looking_at(self, xyz):
        """Set the return value for C++ call to get_player_line_of_sight; xyz
        is a tuple of floats."""

        self.agent.get_player_line_of_sight = Mock(return_value=xyz)

    #    def add_object(self, xyzbms: List[Block], origin: XYZ = (0, 0, 0)) -> VoxelObjectNode:
    #        return self.agent.add_object(xyzbms, origin)

    def add_incoming_chat(self, chat: str, speaker_name: str):
        """Add a chat to memory as if it was just spoken by SPEAKER."""
        self.world.chat_log.append("<" + speaker_name + ">" + " " + chat)

    #        self.agent.memory.add_chat(self.agent.memory.get_player_by_name(self.speaker).memid, chat)

    def last_outgoing_chat(self) -> str:
        return self.agent.get_last_outgoing_chat()

    def get_speaker_pos(self):
        return self.agent.memory.get_player_by_name(self.speaker).pos