Пример #1
def fit_td_rel_plot(num, base, nhi=True, nbins=500, gas="raw", plot=True):
    """Make a temperature density plot of neutral hydrogen or gas.
    Also fit a temperature-density relation for the total gas (not HI).
        num - snapshot number
        base - snapshot base directory
        nbins - number of bins to use for the T-rho histogram
        gas - if "raw" use snapshot values for temperature and neutral fraction. Otherwise use rate network values.
        nhi - if True, plot neutral hydrogen, otherwise plot total gas density
        plot - if True, make a plot, otherwise just do the fit
    snap = absn.AbstractSnapshotFactory(num, base)

    redshift = 1./snap.get_header_attr("Time") - 1
    hubble = snap.get_header_attr("HubbleParam")
    if gas == "raw":
        rates = GasProperties(redshift, snap, hubble)
        rates = RateNetworkGas(redshift, snap, hubble)

    dens = snap.get_data(0, "Density", -1)

    temp = rates.get_temp(0, -1)

    dens = rates.get_code_rhoH(0, -1)

    if nhi:
        nhi = rates.get_reproc_HI(0, -1)
        nhi = dens

    logdens = np.log10(dens)
    logT = np.log10(temp)
    mean_dens = mean_density(hubble, redshift, omegab=snap.get_omega_baryon())
    (T0, gamma) = fit_temp_dens_relation(logdens - np.log10(mean_dens), logT)
    print("z=%f T0(K) = %f, gamma = %g" % (redshift, T0, gamma))

    if plot:
        hist, dedges, tedges = np.histogram2d(logdens, logT, bins=nbins, weights=nhi, density=True)

        plt.imshow(hist.T, interpolation='nearest', origin='low', extent=[dedges[0], dedges[-1], tedges[0], tedges[-1]], cmap=plt.cm.cubehelix_r, vmax=0.75, vmin=0.01)

        plt.plot(np.log10(mean_dens), np.log10(T0), '*', markersize=10, color="gold")
        dd = np.array([-6,-5,-4,-3])
        plt.xticks(dd, [r"$10^{%d}$" % d for d in dd])
        tt = np.array([2000, 3000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 50000, 100000])
        plt.yticks(np.log10(tt), tt//1000)
        plt.ylabel(r"T ($10^3$ K)")
        plt.xlabel(r"$\rho$ (cm$^{-3}$)")

    return T0, gamma
Пример #2
def _get_header_attr_from_snap(attr, num, base):
    """Get a header attribute from a snapshot, if it exists."""
    f = absn.AbstractSnapshotFactory(num, base)
    value = f.get_header_attr(attr)
    del f
    return value