def on_get_search_by_url(self, req: Request, resp: Response): image_match_percent = req.get_param_as_int('image_match_percent', required=False, default=None) target_meme_match_percent = req.get_param_as_int('target_meme_match_percent', required=False, default=None) same_sub = req.get_param_as_bool('same_sub', required=False, default=False) only_older = req.get_param_as_bool('only_older', required=False, default=False) meme_filter = req.get_param_as_bool('meme_filter', required=False, default=False) filter_crossposts = req.get_param_as_bool('filter_crossposts', required=False, default=True) filter_author = req.get_param_as_bool('filter_author', required=False, default=True) url = req.get_param('url', required=True) filter_dead_matches = req.get_param_as_bool('filter_dead_matches', required=False, default=False) target_days_old = req.get_param_as_int('target_days_old', required=False, default=0) try: search_results = self.image_svc.check_image( url, target_match_percent=image_match_percent, target_meme_match_percent=target_meme_match_percent, meme_filter=meme_filter, same_sub=same_sub, date_cutoff=target_days_old, only_older_matches=only_older, filter_crossposts=filter_crossposts, filter_dead_matches=filter_dead_matches, filter_author=filter_author, max_matches=500, max_depth=-1, source='api' ) except NoIndexException: log.error('No available index for image repost check. Trying again later') raise HTTPServiceUnavailable('Search API is not available.', 'The search API is not currently available') print(search_results.search_times.to_dict()) resp.body = json.dumps(search_results, cls=ImageRepostWrapperEncoder)
def on_get(self, req, resp, username): try: redis_cli = super().redis_client if redis_cli is not None: user_info = redis_cli.hget('USERS', username) access_info = redis_cli.hget('USERS_APIKEY', user_info['api_key']) access_token = '' if access_info is not None and access_info['access_token']: if redis_cli.exists(access_info['access_token']): access_token = access_info['access_token'] if user_info is not None: user_info = json.loads(user_info) resp.status = HTTP_200 resp.body = json.dumps( dict(status='Success', user=dict(username=user_info['username'], api_key=user_info['api_key'], access_token=access_token))) else: raise HTTPNotFound(description='No user with username {}'. format(username)) else: raise HTTPServiceUnavailable( description='Data instances are not yet active') except (HTTPNotFound, HTTPServiceUnavailable) as e: raise e except Exception as e: print('Exception in getting user', e) raise HTTPInternalServerError( description='Something went wrong while getting user info')
def raise_error(self, error_code=None, desc='Something went wrong in server'): if error_code and error_code != 500: if error_code == 401 or error_code == 403: redis_cli = Redis.get_redis_client() if redis_cli is not None: access_token = redis_cli.delete('sheets_v4_access') else: print('Redis client is not active') if error_code == 400: raise HTTPBadRequest(description=desc or '') elif error_code == 401: raise HTTPUnauthorized(description=desc or '') elif error_code == 403: raise HTTPForbidden(description=desc or '') elif error_code == 404: raise HTTPNotFound(description=desc or '') elif error_code == 409: raise HTTPConflict(description=desc or '') elif error_code == 412: raise HTTPPreconditionFailed(description=desc or '') elif error_code == 422: raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity(description=desc or '') elif error_code == 503: raise HTTPServiceUnavailable(description=desc or '') else: raise HTTPError(HTTP_400, description=desc or '', code=error_code) else: raise HTTPInternalServerError(description=desc or '')
def on_get(self, req, resp, spreadsheet_id): sheet_range = req.get_param('range', required=True) data_format = req.get_param('format') data_fields = req.get_param('fields') row_info = req.get_param_as_bool('row_info') try: spreadsheets = DataStore.get_sheet_instance() except Exception as e: print('Datastore is not configured properly', e) raise HTTPServiceUnavailable( description='Datastore is not configured properly') def run(): value = spreadsheets.values().batchGet( spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, ranges=json.loads(sheet_range)).execute() value = value['valueRanges'] title_value = value[0]['values'] if 'values' in value[0] else [] data_value = value[1]['values'] if 'values' in value[1] else [] value = title_value + data_value response_data = [] if len(value): if data_format == 'raw': response_data = value else: data_fields_list = list() if data_fields: data_fields_list = data_fields.split(',') response_data = SheetValues.__construct_mapped_dict( value, data_fields_list, row_info) resp.status = HTTP_200 resp.body = json.dumps(response_data) super().main(run)
def on_get(self, req: Request, resp: Response): post_id = req.get_param('post_id', required=False, default=None) url = req.get_param('url', required=False, default=None) if not post_id and not url: log.error('No post ID or URL provided') raise HTTPBadRequest("No Post ID or URL", "Please provide a post ID or url to search") search_settings = get_image_search_settings_from_request(req, self.config) search_settings.max_matches = 500 post = None if post_id: with self.uowm.start() as uow: post = uow.posts.get_by_post_id(post_id) try: search_results = self.image_svc.check_image( url, post=post, search_settings=search_settings, source='api' ) except NoIndexException: log.error('No available index for image repost check. Trying again later') raise HTTPServiceUnavailable('Search API is not available.', 'The search API is not currently available') except ImageConversioinException as e: log.error('Problem hashing the provided url: %s', str(e)) raise HTTPBadRequest('Invalid URL', 'The provided URL is not a valid image') print(search_results.search_times.to_dict()) resp.body = json.dumps(search_results, cls=ImageRepostWrapperEncoder)
def on_delete(self, req, resp, spreadsheet_id, sheet_id): if sheet_id: try: spreadsheets=DataStore.get_sheet_instance() except Exception as e: print('Datastore is not configured properly', e) raise HTTPServiceUnavailable(description='Datastore is not configured properly') def run(): body_props={ "requests": [ { "deleteSheet": { "sheetId": sheet_id } } ] } value=spreadsheets.batchUpdate(spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, body=body_props).execute() resp.body=json.dumps(dict( status='Success', message='Successfully deleted the sheet with id {}'.format(sheet_id), spreadsheet_id=value['spreadsheetId'] )) resp.status=HTTP_200 super().main(run) else: raise HTTPBadRequest(description='Sheet identifier is mandatory for this request')
def on_post(self, req, resp, spreadsheet_id): sheet_range = req.get_param('range', required=True) try: req_body = json.load(req.bounded_stream) if 'values' in req_body and isinstance( req_body['values'], list) and len(req_body['values']): dimensions = 'dimensions' in req_body and req_body[ 'dimensions'] or 'ROWS' value_input = 'value_input_option' in req_body and req_body[ 'value_input_option'] or 'USER_ENTERED' insert_option = 'insert_option' in req_body and req_body[ 'insert_option'] or 'INSERT_ROWS' try: spreadsheets = DataStore.get_sheet_instance() except Exception as e: print('Datastore is not configured properly', e) raise HTTPServiceUnavailable( description='Datastore is not configured properly') def run(): sheet_body = { "values": req_body['values'], "majorDimension": dimensions } response = spreadsheets.values().append( spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, body=sheet_body, range=sheet_range, valueInputOption=value_input, insertDataOption=insert_option).execute() resp.body = json.dumps( dict( status='Success', message='Successfully Inserted data into sheet', spreadsheet_id=response['spreadsheetId'], )) resp.status = HTTP_201 super().main(run) else: raise HTTPPreconditionFailed( description= 'Values is a mandatory and must be valid for this request') except JSONDecodeError as err: print('Request body received', print('Error while processing request', err) raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity( description='Cannot parse the body from the request') except (HTTPServiceUnavailable, HTTPPreconditionFailed, HTTPError) as err: raise err except Exception as e: print('Exception in creating sheet', e) raise HTTPInternalServerError( description='Something went wrong while creating sheet')
def process_request(self, req, resp): if req.path != '/ping': req.context['SPREADSHEET_ID'] = spreadsheet_id req.context['API_KEY'] = api_key access_token = SheetsV4.get_access_token() if access_token is None: raise HTTPServiceUnavailable( description= 'Cannot get access token for accessing data store') else: req.context['ACCESS_TOKEN'] = access_token
def on_put(self, req, resp, spreadsheet_id): value_input = req.get_param('value_input_option', default='USER_ENTERED') try: req_body = json.load(req.bounded_stream) if 'data' in req_body and isinstance( req_body['data'], list) and len(req_body['data']): try: spreadsheets = DataStore.get_sheet_instance() except Exception as e: print('Datastore is not configured properly', e) raise HTTPServiceUnavailable( description='Datastore is not configured properly') def run(): sheet_body = { "data": req_body['data'], "valueInputOption": value_input } response = spreadsheets.values().batchUpdate( spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, body=sheet_body).execute() resp.body = json.dumps( dict( status='Success', message= 'Successfully updated the data in the sheet', spreadsheet_id=response['spreadsheetId'], )) resp.status = HTTP_200 super().main(run) else: raise HTTPPreconditionFailed( description= 'Data is a mandatory and must be valid for this request') except JSONDecodeError as err: print('Request body received', print('Error while processing request', err) raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity( description='Cannot parse the body from the request') except (HTTPServiceUnavailable, HTTPPreconditionFailed, HTTPError) as err: raise err except Exception as e: print('Exception in updating sheet info', e) raise HTTPInternalServerError( description='Something went wrong while updating sheet')
def on_get(self, req, resp, spreadsheet_id, sheet_id): spreadsheet_id=spreadsheet_id try: spreadsheets=DataStore.get_sheet_instance() except Exception as e: print('Datastore is not configured properly', e) raise HTTPServiceUnavailable(description='Datastore is not configured properly') def run(): value=spreadsheets.get(spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, fields='').execute() resp.body=json.dumps(dict( status='Success', spreadsheet_id=spreadsheet_id, data='sheets' in value and value['sheets'] or [] )) resp.status=HTTP_200 super().main(run)
def on_delete(self, req, resp, username): try: redis_cli = super().redis_client if redis_cli is not None: user_info = redis_cli.hdel('USERS', username) if user_info: resp.status = HTTP_200 resp.body = json.dumps( dict(status='Success', message='Successfully deleted the user')) else: raise HTTPNotFound(description='No user with username {}'. format(username)) else: raise HTTPServiceUnavailable( description='Data instances are not yet active') except (HTTPNotFound, HTTPServiceUnavailable) as e: raise e except Exception as e: print('Exception in deleting user', e) raise HTTPInternalServerError( description='Something went wrong while deleting user info')
def on_post(self, req, resp, spreadsheet_id, sheet_id): spreadsheet_id=spreadsheet_id title=sheet_id body_props={ "requests": [ { "addSheet": { "properties": { "title": title } } } ] } try: spreadsheets=DataStore.get_sheet_instance() except Exception as e: print('Datastore is not configured properly', e) raise HTTPServiceUnavailable(description='Datastore is not configured properly') def run(): value=spreadsheets.batchUpdate(spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, body=body_props).execute() sheet_info=dict() if 'replies' in value: sheet_props=dict() if value['replies'][0] and 'addSheet' in value['replies'][0] and 'properties' in value['replies'][0]['addSheet']: sheet_props=value['replies'][0]['addSheet']['properties'] if 'sheetId' in sheet_props: sheet_info['id']=sheet_props['sheetId'] if 'title' in sheet_props: sheet_info['title']=sheet_props['title'] resp.body=json.dumps(dict( status='Success', message='Successfully Created a new sheet', spreadsheet_id=value['spreadsheetId'], data=sheet_info )) resp.status=HTTP_201 super().main(run)
def on_put(self, req, resp, username): token = req.get_header('Authorization') is_active = req.get_param_as_bool('is_active', required=True) try: redis_cli = super().redis_client if redis_cli is not None and 'auth_info' in req.context: temp_auth_info = json.loads(req.context['auth_info']) temp_auth_info.is_active = is_active redis_cli.hset('USERS_APIKEY', token, json.dumps(temp_auth_info)) resp.status = HTTP_200 resp.body = json.dumps( dict(status='Success', message='Successfully updated the staus of the user')) else: raise HTTPServiceUnavailable( description='Data instances are not yet active') except (HTTPNotFound, HTTPServiceUnavailable) as e: raise e except Exception as e: print('Exception in deleting user', e) raise HTTPInternalServerError( description='Something went wrong while deleting user info')
def on_delete(self, req, resp, spreadsheet_id): sheet_id = req.get_param('sheet_id', required=True) dimensions = req.get_param('dimensions', default='ROWS') start_index = req.get_param('start_index', required=True) end_index = req.get_param('end_index', required=True) try: spreadsheets = DataStore.get_sheet_instance() except Exception as e: print('Datastore is not configured properly', e) raise HTTPServiceUnavailable( description='Datastore is not configured properly') def run(): sheet_body = { "requests": [{ "deleteDimension": { "range": { "sheetId": sheet_id, "dimension": dimensions, "startIndex": start_index, "endIndex": end_index } } }] } response = spreadsheets.batchUpdate(spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, body=sheet_body).execute() resp.body = json.dumps( dict( status='Success', message= 'Successfully deleted {} from {} to {} in the sheet with id {}' .format(dimensions, start_index, end_index, sheet_id), spreadsheet_id=response['spreadsheetId'])) resp.status = HTTP_200 super().main(run)
def process_request(self, req, resp): if req.path != '/ping': token=req.get_header('Authorization') if token: try: auth_info = id_token.verify_oauth2_token(token, requests.Request(), CLIENT_ID) if auth_info['iss'] not in ['', '']: raise ValueError('Wrong issuer.') username = auth_info['name'] userid = auth_info['sub'] constructed_id=username + '_' + userid try: redis_cli=Redis.get_redis_client() user_info=redis_cli.hget('task_manager_users', constructed_id) if user_info is None: resp.body=json.dumps(dict( is_new_user=True, user_id=userid, username=username )) resp.status=HTTP_200 resp.complete=True user_thread=Thread(target=configure_user, args=(constructed_id, username, userid)) print('configuring new user') user_thread.start() print('New user configuration initiated') else: user_info=json.loads(user_info) req.context['SHEET_ID']=user_info['sheetid'] req.context['SHEET_NAME']=user_info['sheet_name'] except Exception as e: print('Exception in authenticating user', e) raise HTTPServiceUnavailable(description='Exception in authenticating user') except ValueError: raise HTTPUnauthorized(description='Token passed in header either expired or is not valid') else: raise HTTPUnauthorized(description='Authorization header is mandatory for processing the request')
def on_post(self, req, resp, username): try: req_body = json.load(req.bounded_stream) if username and 'password' in req_body and len( req_body['password']) > 5: redis_cli = super().redis_client if redis_cli is not None: password = req_body['password'] api_key = super().generate_token(32) access_token = super().generate_token(32) hash_password = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac( 'sha256', password.encode('utf-8'), api_key[8:32].encode('utf-8'), 100000, dklen=128) user_info = dict(username=username, password=hash_password.hex(), api_key=api_key) access_info = dict(username=username, is_active=True, access_token=access_token) try: if not redis_cli.hexists('USERS', username): redis_cli.hset('USERS', username, json.dumps(user_info)) redis_cli.hset('USERS_APIKEY', api_key, json.dumps(access_info)) redis_cli.set(access_token, api_key, ex=28800) resp.status = HTTP_201 resp.body = json.dumps( dict(status='Succcess', message='Successfully created the user', user=dict(api_key=api_key, access_token=access_token, username=username))) else: raise HTTPConflict( description= 'User already exists with username {}'.format( username)) except HTTPConflict as err: raise err except Exception as err: raise Exception( 'Something went wrong while executing redis commands', err) else: raise HTTPServiceUnavailable( description='Data instances are not yet active') else: raise HTTPPreconditionFailed( description= 'Username and password are mandatory and must be valid for this request' ) except JSONDecodeError as err: print('Request body received', print('Error while processing request', err) raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity( description='Cannot parse the body from the request') except (HTTPPreconditionFailed, HTTPServiceUnavailable, HTTPConflict) as err: raise err except Exception as e: print('Exception in creating user', e) raise HTTPInternalServerError( description='Something went wrong while creating user info')
def on_post(self, req, resp, auth_type): if auth_type == 'login': try: req_body = json.load(req.bounded_stream) if 'username' in req_body and req_body[ 'username'] and 'password' in req_body and len( req_body['password']) > 5: username = req_body['username'] redis_cli = super().redis_client if redis_cli is not None: user_info = redis_cli.hget('USERS', username) if user_info is not None: user_info = json.loads(user_info) api_key = user_info['api_key'] hash_password = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac( 'sha256', req_body['password'].encode('utf-8'), api_key[8:32].encode('utf-8'), 100000, dklen=128) if user_info['password'] == hash_password.hex(): access_info = redis_cli.hget( 'USERS_APIKEY', api_key) access_info = json.loads(access_info) if access_info is not None and access_info[ 'is_active']: access_token = access_info['access_token'] if not redis_cli.exists(access_token): access_token = super().generate_token( 32) access_info[ 'access_token'] = access_token access_info = redis_cli.hset( 'USERS_APIKEY', api_key, json.dumps(access_info)) redis_cli.set(access_token, api_key, ex=28800) resp.status = HTTP_200 resp.body = json.dumps( dict(status='Success', user=dict( api_key=api_key, access_token=access_token, username=username))) else: raise HTTPNotAcceptable( description='User is not active') else: raise HTTPUnauthorized( description= 'Username and password doesnot match') else: raise HTTPNotFound( description='No user with username {}'.format( username)) else: raise HTTPServiceUnavailable( description='Data instances are not yet active') else: raise HTTPPreconditionFailed( description= 'Username and password are mandatory and must be valid for this request' ) except JSONDecodeError as err: print('Request body received', print('Error while processing request', err) raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity( description='Cannot parse the body from the request') except (HTTPPreconditionFailed, HTTPServiceUnavailable, HTTPNotFound, HTTPUnauthorized, HTTPNotAcceptable) as err: raise err except Exception as e: print('Exception in signing in user', e) raise HTTPInternalServerError( description='Something went wrong while creating user info' ) elif auth_type == 'logout': try: api_key = req.get_header('Authorization') redis_cli = super().redis_client if redis_cli is not None: access_info = redis_cli.hget('USERS_APIKEY', api_key) access_info = json.loads(access_info) access_token = access_info['access_token'] redis_cli.delete(access_token) resp.status = HTTP_200 resp.body = json.dumps( dict(status='Succcess', message='Successfully signed out')) else: raise HTTPServiceUnavailable( description='Data instances are not yet active') except Exception as err: print('Exception while signing out', err) raise HTTPInternalServerError( description='Something went wrong while signing out') else: raise HTTPBadRequest(description='The request is not valid')