def test_lauum(self, dtype, get_mat, expected_lower, expected_upper, lower): device = torch.device("cuda:0") mat = get_mat(order="F", dtype=dtype) gpu_in = move_tensor(mat, device) gpu_out = move_tensor(mat, device) gpu_out.fill_(0.0) # Run on the GPU cuda_lauum(n=mat.shape[0], A=gpu_in, lda=gpu_in.stride(1), B=gpu_out, ldb=gpu_out.stride(1), lower=lower) torch.cuda.synchronize(device) # Compare outputs and print timing info if lower: np.testing.assert_allclose(np.tril(expected_lower), gpu_out.cpu().numpy(), rtol=self.rtol[dtype]) else: np.testing.assert_allclose(np.triu(expected_upper), gpu_out.cpu().numpy(), rtol=self.rtol[dtype])
def par_lauum_f_lower(A: torch.Tensor, block_allocs: List[BlockAlloc], my_rows: List[int], barrier: threading.Barrier, device_id: int, cublas_handle, independent_output: bool): N = A.shape[0] is_cuda = A.device.type == "cuda" trmm_fn = choose_fn(A.dtype, cublasDtrmm, cublasStrmm, "cuBlas TRMM") gemm_fn = choose_fn(A.dtype, cublasDgemm, cublasSgemm, "cuBlas GEMM") syrk_fn = choose_fn(A.dtype, cublasDsyrk, cublasSsyrk, "cuBlas SYRK") tc_device = torch.device('cuda:%d' % (device_id)) s1 = torch.cuda.Stream(device=tc_device) s3 = torch.cuda.Stream(device=tc_device) max_block_size = max(ba.length for ba in block_allocs) my_rows = sorted(my_rows) with torch.cuda.device(tc_device),, cublas_stream(cublas_handle, s1._as_parameter_): # Pre allocate b-col, syrk-out, lauum-out mem_needed = N * max_block_size + 2 * (max_block_size ** 2) if not is_cuda: # Also pre alloc r-col mem_needed += N * max_block_size f_gpu = torch.empty(size=(mem_needed,), dtype=A.dtype, device=tc_device) f_offset = 0 whole_col_b, f_offset = _extract_flat(f_gpu, (N, max_block_size), other=A, offset=f_offset) syrk_out, f_offset = _extract_flat(f_gpu, (max_block_size, max_block_size), other=A, offset=f_offset) lauum_out, f_offset = _extract_flat(f_gpu, (max_block_size, max_block_size), other=A, offset=f_offset) if not is_cuda: temp_bb = create_fortran((max_block_size, max_block_size), A.dtype, 'cpu', pin_memory=True) whole_col_r, f_offset = _extract_flat(f_gpu, (N, max_block_size), other=A, offset=f_offset) syrk_out.fill_(0.0) for b in range(len(block_allocs)): bb = block_allocs[b] # Load col b. # Instead of loading the whole column only load the last rows # as necessary by inspecting the minimum value in my_rows which is >= b. try: min_row = min([r for r in my_rows if r >= b]) b_start = block_allocs[min_row].start if is_cuda: col_b = whole_col_b[b_start:, :bb.length] col_b.copy_(A[b_start:N, bb.start:bb.end]) else: col_b: torch.Tensor = copy_to_device( N - b_start, bb.length, A, b_start, bb.start, whole_col_b, 0, 0, s1) except ValueError: pass # No column here if not independent_output: # wait for copy to device to succeed. After barrier other threads may modify # the part of col_b which we need! s1.synchronize() barrier.wait() for r in my_rows: if r == b: # SYRK on col_b[bb.length:, :] with output into syrk_out[:bb.length, :bb.length] # C = beta*C + alpha * op(A) @ op(A).T if b_start + bb.length < N: cur_syrk_out = syrk_out[:bb.length, :bb.length] syrk_fn(cublas_handle, uplo='L', trans='T', n=bb.length, k=col_b.shape[0] - bb.length, alpha=1.0, A=col_b[bb.length:, :].data_ptr(), lda=col_b.stride(1), beta=0.0, C=cur_syrk_out.data_ptr(), ldc=syrk_out.stride(1)) with if independent_output: s1.synchronize() # we need col_b to be loaded cur_lauum_out = lauum_out[:bb.length, :bb.length] # Note that col_b[:bb.length, :bb.length] == Abb if independent_output: # In the independent output case we need to preserve tril(Abb) instead! cur_lauum_out.copy_(col_b[:bb.length, :bb.length].T) else: # In normal case we need triu(Abb) to be preserved in the upper triangle of lauum_out cur_lauum_out.copy_(col_b[:bb.length, :bb.length]) # LAUUM on col_b[:bb.length, :bb.length], into lauum_out[:bb.length, :bb.length] cuda_lauum(n=bb.length, A=col_b[:bb.length, :bb.length], lda=col_b.stride(1), B=cur_lauum_out, ldb=max_block_size, lower=True) s1.wait_stream(s3) # all subsequent work will need cur_lauum_out # Add outputs of SYRK and LAUUM (only if SYRK was performed) if b_start + bb.length < N: cur_lauum_out.add_(cur_syrk_out) # Copy lauum_out into the original matrix, while preserving the other side # of the triangular matrix. This depends on the `independent_output` flag. Abb = A[bb.start:bb.end, bb.start:bb.end] if independent_output: # cuda and non-cuda cases, since we have different orderings. Abb.copy_(cur_lauum_out.T) elif is_cuda: Abb.copy_(cur_lauum_out) else: copy_to_host(bb.length, bb.length, cur_lauum_out, 0, 0, Abb, 0, 0, s=s1) elif r > b: br = block_allocs[r] # Load column r. Since r > b this column will be shorter than column b if is_cuda: # If col_r is already in GPU no copy needed. col_r = A[br.start:N, br.start:br.end] else: col_r = copy_to_device(N - br.start, br.length, A, br.start, br.start, whole_col_r, 0, 0, s1) # Restrict column b to only the last 'r' rows ccb = col_b[br.start - b_start:, :] # TRMM on g_r[0:br.length, :] which is triangular (r*r) # and cur_g_b[0:br.length, :] # output is a r*b matrix stored in the first rows of ccb # C = alpha * op(A) @ B -- A triangular trmm_fn( handle=cublas_handle, side='L', uplo='L', trans='T', diag='N', m=br.length, n=bb.length, alpha=1.0, A=col_r.data_ptr(), lda=col_r.stride(1), B=ccb.data_ptr(), ldb=ccb.stride(1), C=ccb.data_ptr(), ldc=ccb.stride(1)) # GEMM on g_r[br.length:, :].T and cur_g_b[bb.length:, :] # output is the same r*b matrix as before, outputs need to be summed. # C = alpha * op(A) @ op(B) + beta * C if br.end < N: gemm_fn(handle=cublas_handle, transa='T', transb='N', m=br.length, n=bb.length, k=col_r.shape[0] - br.length, alpha=1.0, A=col_r[br.length:, :].data_ptr(), lda=col_r.stride(1), B=ccb[br.length:, :].data_ptr(), ldb=ccb.stride(1), beta=1.0, C=ccb.data_ptr(), ldc=ccb.stride(1)) # Copy back to A[r, b] if independent_output: if is_cuda: A[bb.start:bb.end, br.start:br.end].copy_(ccb[:br.length, :bb.length].T) else: _temp_cpu = copy_to_host(br.length, bb.length, ccb, 0, 0, temp_bb, 0, 0, s1) s1.synchronize() # must wait for data to be onto CPU. A[bb.start:bb.end, br.start:br.end].copy_(_temp_cpu.T) elif is_cuda: A[br.start:br.end, bb.start:bb.end].copy_(ccb[:br.length, :bb.length]) else: copy_to_host(br.length, bb.length, ccb, 0, 0, A, br.start, bb.start, s1) s1.synchronize()
def par_lauum_c_lower(A: torch.Tensor, block_allocs: List[BlockAlloc], my_rows: List[int], barrier: threading.Barrier, device_id: int, cublas_handle, independent_output: bool): N = A.shape[0] dts = sizeof_dtype(A.dtype) is_cuda = A.device.type == "cuda" trmm_fn = choose_fn(A.dtype, cublasDtrmm, cublasStrmm, "cuBlas TRMM") gemm_fn = choose_fn(A.dtype, cublasDgemm, cublasSgemm, "cuBlas GEMM") syrk_fn = choose_fn(A.dtype, cublasDsyrk, cublasSsyrk, "cuBlas SYRK") tc_device = torch.device('cuda:%d' % (device_id)) s1 = torch.cuda.Stream(device=tc_device) s3 = torch.cuda.Stream(device=tc_device) s1_cuda = s1._as_parameter_ max_block_size = max(ba.length for ba in block_allocs) my_rows = sorted(my_rows) with torch.cuda.device(tc_device),, cublas_stream(cublas_handle, s1_cuda): if not is_cuda: temp_bb = create_fortran((max_block_size, max_block_size), A.dtype, 'cpu', pin_memory=True).T # Pre allocate r-col, b-col, syrk-out, lauum-out mem_needed = 2 * N * max_block_size + 2 * (max_block_size ** 2) f_gpu = torch.empty(size=(mem_needed,), dtype=A.dtype, device=tc_device) whole_col_b = f_gpu[:N * max_block_size] whole_col_r = f_gpu[N * max_block_size: 2 * N * max_block_size] syrk_out = extract_fortran(f_gpu, size=(max_block_size, max_block_size), offset=2 * N * max_block_size) lauum_out = extract_fortran(f_gpu, size=(max_block_size, max_block_size), offset=2 * N * max_block_size + max_block_size ** 2) syrk_out.fill_(0.0) for b in range(len(block_allocs)): bb = block_allocs[b] # Load col b. # Instead of loading the whole column only load the last rows # as necessary by inspecting the minimum value in my_rows which is >= b. try: min_row = min([r for r in my_rows if r >= b]) b_start = block_allocs[min_row].start cuda_memcpy2d_async( dst=whole_col_b.data_ptr(), dpitch=max_block_size * dts, src=A[b_start, bb.start].data_ptr(), spitch=A.shape[1] * dts, width=bb.length * dts, height=N - b_start, stream=s1_cuda) except ValueError: # all of `my_rows` are smaller than `b`. pass if not independent_output: # wait for copy to device to succeed. After barrier other threads may modify # the part of col_b which we need! s1.synchronize() barrier.wait() for r in my_rows: if r < b: continue if r == b: is_last_row = b_start + bb.length == N # SYRK on g_b[bb.length:, :] with output replacing g_b[:bb.length, :] # C = beta*C + alpha * op(A) @ op(A).T if not is_last_row: syrk_fn(cublas_handle, uplo='U', trans='N', n=bb.length, k=N - b_start - bb.length, alpha=1.0, A=whole_col_b[bb.length * max_block_size:].data_ptr(), lda=max_block_size, beta=0.0, C=syrk_out.data_ptr(), ldc=max_block_size) with if independent_output: s1.synchronize() # we need col_b to be loaded # Lower LAUUM for C-contig is equal to upper LAUUM for F-contig c_lauum_in = whole_col_b[:bb.length * max_block_size].view(bb.length, max_block_size)[:, :bb.length] c_lauum_out = lauum_out[:bb.length, :bb.length] if independent_output: c_lauum_out.copy_(c_lauum_in) else: c_lauum_out.copy_(c_lauum_in.T) cuda_lauum(n=bb.length, A=c_lauum_in, lda=max_block_size, B=c_lauum_out, ldb=max_block_size, lower=False) s1.wait_stream(s3) # all subsequent work on s1 will need cur_lauum_out if not is_last_row: c_lauum_out.add_(syrk_out[:bb.length, :bb.length]) # copy back whole_col_b into Abb # Now lauum_out is F-contig, while Abb is C-contig Abb = A[bb.start:bb.end, bb.start:bb.end] if independent_output: Abb.copy_(c_lauum_out) else: Abb.copy_(c_lauum_out.T) else: # r > b br = block_allocs[r] # Load column r. Since r > b this column will be shorter than column b cuda_memcpy2d_async( dst=whole_col_r.data_ptr(), dpitch=max_block_size * dts, src=A[br.start, br.start].data_ptr(), spitch=A.shape[1] * dts, width=br.length * dts, height=N - br.start, stream=s1_cuda) # Restrict column b to only the last 'r' rows ccb = whole_col_b[(br.start - b_start) * max_block_size:] # TRMM on g_r[0:br.length, :] which is triangular (r*r) # and cur_g_b[0:br.length, :] # output is a r*b matrix and stored in first rows of ccb # C = alpha * op(A) @ B -- A triangular trmm_fn( handle=cublas_handle, side='R', uplo='U', trans='T', diag='N', m=bb.length, n=br.length, alpha=1.0, A=whole_col_r.data_ptr(), lda=max_block_size, B=ccb.data_ptr(), ldb=max_block_size, C=ccb.data_ptr(), ldc=max_block_size) # GEMM on g_r[br.length:, :].T and cur_g_b[bb.length:, :] # output is the same r*b matrix as before, outputs need to be summed. # C = alpha * op(A) @ op(B) + beta * C if br.end < N: gemm_fn(handle=cublas_handle, transa='N', transb='T', m=bb.length, n=br.length, k=N - br.start - br.length, alpha=1.0, A=ccb[br.length * max_block_size:].data_ptr(), lda=max_block_size, B=whole_col_r[br.length * max_block_size:].data_ptr(), ldb=max_block_size, beta=1.0, C=ccb.data_ptr(), ldc=max_block_size) # Copy back to A[r, b] if is_cuda: ccb_square = ccb[:max_block_size * br.length].view(br.length, max_block_size) if independent_output: A[bb.start:bb.end, br.start:br.end].copy_(ccb_square[:br.length, :bb.length].T) else: A[br.start:br.end, bb.start:bb.end].copy_(ccb_square[:br.length, :bb.length]) elif independent_output: # Copy must be transposed, copy to temp_bb first. cublasGetMatrixAsync( rows=bb.length, cols=br.length, elem_size=dts, A=ccb.data_ptr(), lda=max_block_size, B=temp_bb.data_ptr(), ldb=max_block_size, stream=s1_cuda) s1.synchronize() A[bb.start:bb.end, br.start:br.end].copy_(temp_bb[:br.length, :bb.length].T) else: cublasGetMatrixAsync( rows=bb.length, cols=br.length, elem_size=dts, A=ccb.data_ptr(), lda=max_block_size, B=A[br.start, bb.start].data_ptr(), ldb=A.shape[0], stream=s1_cuda) s1.synchronize()