def do_plothkl(self, argument): """plots a section of meerkat""" """Has some hard coded undistortion functions in it.""" out.warn("Only poor error checking implemented!") out.warn("Only suitable for trigonal and hexagonal crystals!") errorcode, arguments = self.getArg(argument) if errorcode != ERROR_NO_ARGUMENTS and errorcode != ERROR_ODD_ARGUMENTS: index = 0 # default value if "-s" in arguments: section = arguments[arguments.index("-s") + 1] if "-i" in arguments: index = arguments[arguments.index("-i") + 1] if self.meta.format == mt.MeerkatMetaData.dtype_NORMAL: trans = ad.Transformations(self.dataset, section) self.currentData, x = ad.crossection_data(self.dataset, float(index), trans) else: slicer = mt.get_slicing_indices(section, int(index), self.meta.shape) # be careful: the slicing in i,:,: does a weird x-y swap self.currentData = (self.dataset['data'][slicer[0]:slicer[1],slicer[2]:slicer[3],slicer[4]:slicer[5]]).squeeze() self.currentData = np.tile(self.currentData, (1,1)) # the following block is the hard coded undistortion of my trigonal crystals if section == "hkx": self.currentData = ad.hextransform(self.currentData) elif section == "xkl" or section == "hxl": # counteracting the weird slicing a = math.radians(90) T = np.array([[math.cos(a), math.sin(a)],[-math.sin(a), math.cos(a)]]) self.currentData = ad.imtransform_centered(self.currentData, T) self.replot() elif errorcode == ERROR_NO_ARGUMENTS: out.error("No arguments supplied!")
def do_openFile(self, argument): """Opens a given file.""" errorcode, arguments = self.getArg(argument) filename = "reconstruction.h5" # a default filename is assumed filealias = "default" # a default name is assumed if errorcode != ERROR_ODD_ARGUMENTS: if "-n" in arguments: filename = arguments[arguments.index("-n") + 1] else: out.warn("No file name is given! Trying default name \"" + filename + "\".") if "-a" in arguments: filealias = arguments[arguments.index("-a") + 1] if os.path.isfile(filename): #TODO:requires replacement with arkadiy's routine file = h5py.File(filename, 'r') out.okay("File successfully opened as " + filealias + "!") self.activeDset = filealias pyplot.close("all") # to prevent display issues if filealias in self.dsetName: self.dset[self.dsetName.index(filealias)] = file else: self.dset.append(file) self.dsetName.append(filealias) self.meta = mt.MeerkatMetaData(self.dataset) out.warn("Active data set is now " + filealias) else: out.error("File \"" + filename + "\" does not exist!")
def do_info(self, argument): """Prints the meta data.""" if self.meta != None: errorcode, arguments = self.getArg(argument) if errorcode != self.CODE_ODD_ARGUMENTS: options = "nafsit" if "-p" in arguments: options = arguments[arguments.index("-p") + 1] if "n" in options: print("Active file name: %s" % os.path.split(self.dataset.filename)[1]) if "a" in options: print("Active file alias: %s" % self.activeDset) if "f" in options: print("File format: %s" % self.meta.format) if "s" in options: print("Pixel dimensions: x = %s, y = %s, z = %s" % tuple(self.meta.shape)) if self.meta.format == mt.MeerkatMetaData.dtype_NORMAL: # others do not have the fields if "i" in options: print("Pixel dimensions: h = %s, k = %s, l = %s" % tuple(self.meta.hklRange)) if "t" in options: print( "Pixel dimensions: h/x = %s, k/y = %s, l/z = %s" % tuple(self.meta.steps)) else: out.error("Open a data file first!")
def help_openFile(self): """openFile help page entry.""" print("Opens a h5 file, either in meerkat or direct format.") out.error("Only meerkat data format implemented at the moment!") print("Arguments:") print("\t-n <file name>\tspecifies the file name, if not given \"reconstruction.h5\" is assumed.") print("\t-a <file alias>\tspecifies the alias for the data under which it can be called , if not given \"default\" is assumed.")
def do_saveData(self, argument): """Saves the last displayed image as a csv file.""" errorcode, arguments = self.getArg(argument) if errorcode != ERROR_NO_ARGUMENTS and errorcode != ERROR_ODD_ARGUMENTS: if "-o" in arguments: outfile = arguments[arguments.index("-o") + 1] data = np.asarray(self.currentData) np.savetxt(outfile, data, delimiter=";") out.okay("Successfully saved as " + outfile + "!") else: out.error("No output name given!")
def help_openFile(self): """openFile help page entry.""" print("Opens a h5 file, either in meerkat or direct format.") out.error("Only meerkat data format implemented at the moment!") print("Arguments:") print( "\t-n <file name>\tspecifies the file name, if not given \"reconstruction.h5\" is assumed." ) print( "\t-a <file alias>\tspecifies the alias for the data under which it can be called , if not given \"default\" is assumed." )
def getArg(self, line): """Splits the arguments and checks if the correct number of arguments are given.""" errorcode = NO_ERROR arguments = str(line).split() if len(arguments) == 0: #no arguments supplied arguments = "" errorcode = ERROR_NO_ARGUMENTS elif len(arguments) % 2 != 0: #invalid number of arguments arguments = "" errorcode = ERROR_ODD_ARGUMENTS out.error("Invalid number of arguments!") return errorcode, arguments
def do_saveImage(self, argument): """Saves the last displayed image as a csv file.""" errorcode, arguments = self.getArg(argument) if self.currentImage != None: if errorcode != ERROR_NO_ARGUMENTS and errorcode != ERROR_ODD_ARGUMENTS: if "-o" in arguments: outfile = arguments[arguments.index("-o") + 1] out.okay("Successfully saved as " + outfile + "!") else: out.error("No output name given!") else: out.error("No image in buffer to save!")
def do_layout(self, argument): """Changes the layout of pyplot.""" errorcode, arguments = self.getArg(argument) if self.activeDset != None: if errorcode != ERROR_NO_ARGUMENTS and errorcode != ERROR_ODD_ARGUMENTS: if "-min" in arguments: self.contrast_min = float( arguments[arguments.index("-min") + 1]) if "-max" in arguments: self.contrast_max = float( arguments[arguments.index("-max") + 1]) if "-c" in arguments: self.cmap_selection = int(arguments[arguments.index("-c") + 1]) if self.cmap_selection >= len( self.cmaps) or self.cmap_selection < 0: out.error("Unknown color map index.") self.cmap_selection = 0 out.warn("Color map set to default.") if "-scale" in arguments: if (arguments[arguments.index("-scale") + 1] == self.LIN_SCALE) or ( arguments[arguments.index("-scale") + 1] == self.LOG_SCALE): self.plotscale = arguments[arguments.index("-scale") + 1] else: out.error("Unknown scale!") self.replot() elif errorcode != ERROR_NO_ARGUMENTS: out.error("Input required!") else: out.error("No data selected!")
def do_layout(self, argument): """Changes the layout of pyplot.""" errorcode, arguments = self.getArg(argument) if self.activeDset != None: if errorcode != ERROR_NO_ARGUMENTS and errorcode != ERROR_ODD_ARGUMENTS: if "-min" in arguments: self.contrast_min = float(arguments[arguments.index("-min") + 1]) if "-max" in arguments: self.contrast_max = float(arguments[arguments.index("-max") + 1]) if "-c" in arguments: self.cmap_selection = int(arguments[arguments.index("-c") + 1]) if self.cmap_selection >= len(self.cmaps) or self.cmap_selection < 0: out.error("Unknown color map index.") self.cmap_selection = 0 out.warn("Color map set to default.") if "-scale" in arguments: if (arguments[arguments.index("-scale") + 1] == self.LIN_SCALE) or (arguments[arguments.index("-scale") + 1] == self.LOG_SCALE): self.plotscale = arguments[arguments.index("-scale") + 1] else: out.error("Unknown scale!") self.replot() elif errorcode != ERROR_NO_ARGUMENTS: out.error("Input required!") else: out.error("No data selected!")
def do_info(self, argument): """Prints the meta data.""" if self.meta != None: errorcode, arguments = self.getArg(argument) if errorcode != self.CODE_ODD_ARGUMENTS: options = "nafsit" if "-p" in arguments: options = arguments[arguments.index("-p") + 1] if "n" in options: print("Active file name: %s" % os.path.split(self.dataset.filename)[1]) if "a" in options: print("Active file alias: %s" % self.activeDset) if "f" in options: print("File format: %s" % self.meta.format) if "s" in options: print("Pixel dimensions: x = %s, y = %s, z = %s" % tuple(self.meta.shape)) if self.meta.format == mt.MeerkatMetaData.dtype_NORMAL: # others do not have the fields if "i" in options: print("Pixel dimensions: h = %s, k = %s, l = %s" % tuple(self.meta.hklRange)) if "t" in options: print("Pixel dimensions: h/x = %s, k/y = %s, l/z = %s" % tuple(self.meta.steps)) else: out.error("Open a data file first!")
def do_setActive(self, argument): """Activates a dataset.""" errorcode, arguments = self.getArg(argument) alias = "default" #default value if errorcode != ERROR_NO_ARGUMENTS and errorcode != ERROR_ODD_ARGUMENTS: if "-a" in arguments: alias = arguments[arguments.index("-a") + 1] else: out.warn("No arguments supplied, trying default.") if alias in self.dsetName: self.activeDset = alias self.meta = mt.MeerkatMetaData(self.dataset) pyplot.close("all") #in order to prevent display issues out.okay("Activated " + alias + "!") else: out.error(alias + " not found!") elif errorcode == ERROR_NO_ARGUMENTS: out.error("No arguments supplied!")
def do_plothkl(self, argument): """plots a section of meerkat""" """Has some hard coded undistortion functions in it.""" out.warn("Only poor error checking implemented!") out.warn("Only suitable for trigonal and hexagonal crystals!") errorcode, arguments = self.getArg(argument) if errorcode != ERROR_NO_ARGUMENTS and errorcode != ERROR_ODD_ARGUMENTS: index = 0 # default value if "-s" in arguments: section = arguments[arguments.index("-s") + 1] if "-i" in arguments: index = arguments[arguments.index("-i") + 1] if self.meta.format == mt.MeerkatMetaData.dtype_NORMAL: trans = ad.Transformations(self.dataset, section) self.currentData, x = ad.crossection_data( self.dataset, float(index), trans) else: slicer = mt.get_slicing_indices(section, int(index), self.meta.shape) # be careful: the slicing in i,:,: does a weird x-y swap self.currentData = ( self.dataset['data'][slicer[0]:slicer[1], slicer[2]:slicer[3], slicer[4]:slicer[5]]).squeeze() self.currentData = np.tile(self.currentData, (1, 1)) # the following block is the hard coded undistortion of my trigonal crystals if section == "hkx": self.currentData = ad.hextransform(self.currentData) elif section == "xkl" or section == "hxl": # counteracting the weird slicing a = math.radians(90) T = np.array([[math.cos(a), math.sin(a)], [-math.sin(a), math.cos(a)]]) self.currentData = ad.imtransform_centered(self.currentData, T) self.replot() elif errorcode == ERROR_NO_ARGUMENTS: out.error("No arguments supplied!")
def plot2img(self, figure): """Converts a pyplot figure into a PIL image by the use of the buffer.""" buf = io.BytesIO() pyplot.savefig(buf, format='png') return #offblock #end of internal functions #offblock if __name__ == '__main__': """Main loop creation, can run in terminal mode or script mode.""" if len( sys.argv ) == 2: # in this case, it is assumed that the user provides a file with a list of commands input = open(sys.argv[1], 'rt') try: # setting up silent script mode interpreter = Burrow(stdin=input) interpreter.use_rawinput = False # required for file input to read new lines etc correctly interpreter.prompt = "" # silent mode interpreter.cmdloop() finally: input.close() elif len(sys.argv) == 1: # plain old commandline interpreter = Burrow() interpreter.cmdloop() else: out.error("Wrong input, <none> or <script filename> expected!") #onblock convertion of images und plots def plot2img(self, figure): """Converts a pyplot figure into a PIL image by the use of the buffer.""" buf = io.BytesIO() pyplot.savefig(buf, format='png') return #offblock #end of internal functions #offblock if __name__ == '__main__': """Main loop creation, can run in terminal mode or script mode.""" if len(sys.argv) == 2: # in this case, it is assumed that the user provides a file with a list of commands input = open(sys.argv[1], 'rt') try: # setting up silent script mode interpreter = Burrow(stdin=input) interpreter.use_rawinput = False # required for file input to read new lines etc correctly interpreter.prompt = "" # silent mode interpreter.cmdloop() finally: input.close() elif len(sys.argv) == 1: # plain old commandline interpreter = Burrow() interpreter.cmdloop() else: out.error("Wrong input, <none> or <script filename> expected!")