Пример #1
def read_root(request: Request):
    return RedirectResponse("/page/index.html")
Пример #2
async def custom_http_exception_handler(request, exc):
    return RedirectResponse("/")
Пример #3
def go_to_app():
    return RedirectResponse("/app")
Пример #4
def subscribe(request: Request, email: str = Form("body")):
    return RedirectResponse(f"/confirmation/subscribe/{email}",
Пример #5
async def redirect_to_provider(return_url: Optional[str],
                               context: RequestContext) -> RedirectResponse:
    """Redirect the user to an external authentication provider.

    Handles the initial processing and redirect to an external provider,
    storing necessary state in the user's session cookie.

    return_url : `str`, optional
        The return URL to which to send the user after authentication.
    context : `gafaelfawr.dependencies.config.RequestContext`
        The context of the incoming request.

    response : `fastapi.RedirectResponse`
        A redirect to the authentication provider.

        The authentication request is invalid.
    if not return_url:
        raise InvalidReturnURLError("No return URL given", "rd")
    context.state.return_url = return_url

    # Reuse the existing state if one already exists in the session cookie.
    # This is subtle and requires some explanation.  Most modern webapps
    # involve a lot of background JavaScript.  If the user has a tab open when
    # their session expires, those background JavaScript requests will start
    # turning into redirects to Gafaelfawr and thus to this code.  Since there
    # isn't a good way to see whether a request is a background JavaScript
    # request versus a browser loading a page, we will generate an
    # authentication redirect for each one.
    # This means that if we generate new random state for each request, there
    # is a race condition.  The user may go to a page with an expired session
    # and get redirected to log in.  While they are logging in at the external
    # provider, another open tab may kick off one of these JavaScript
    # requests, which generates a new redirect and replaces the state stored
    # in their session cookie.  Then, when they return from authentication,
    # the state will have changed, and the authentication attempt will fail.
    # Work around this by reusing the same random state until the user
    # completes an authentication.  This does not entirely close the window
    # for the race condition because it's possible that two requests will both
    # see sessions without state, both generate state, and then both set
    # cookies, and only one of them will win.  However, that race condition
    # window is much smaller and is unlikely to persist across authentication
    # requests.
    state = context.state.state
    if not state:
        state = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(16)).decode()
        context.state.state = state

    # Get the authentication provider URL send the user there.
    auth_provider = context.factory.create_provider()
    redirect_url = auth_provider.get_redirect_url(state)
    return RedirectResponse(redirect_url)
Пример #6
async def serve_page(
    request: Request,
    course_name: constr(max_length=512),  # type: ignore
    pagepath: constr(max_length=512),  # type: ignore
    RS_info: Optional[str] = Cookie(None),
    mode: Optional[str] = None,
    if mode and mode == "browsing":
        use_services = False
        user = None
        use_services = True
        user = request.state.user
        rslogger.debug(f"user = {user}, course name = {course_name}")
    # Make sure this course exists, and look up its base course.
    # Since these values are going to be read by javascript we
    # need to use lowercase true and false.
    if user:
        logged_in = "true"
        user_is_instructor = await is_instructor(request)
        serve_ad = False
        logged_in = "false"
        activity_info = {}
        user_is_instructor = False
        serve_ad = True

    course_row = await fetch_course(course_name)
    # check for some error conditions
    if not course_row:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=404,
                            detail=f"Course {course_name} not found")
        # The course requires a login but the user is not logged in
        if course_row.login_required and not user:
                f"User not logged in: {course_name} redirect to login")
            return RedirectResponse(url="/runestone/default/accessIssue")

        # The user is logged in, but their "current course" is not this one.
        # Send them to the courses page so they can properly switch courses.
        if user and user.course_name != course_name:
            user_course_row = await fetch_course(user.course_name)
                f"Course mismatch: course name: {user.course_name} does not match requested course: {course_name} redirecting"
            if user_course_row.base_course == course_name:
                return RedirectResponse(
            return RedirectResponse(

    rslogger.debug(f"Base course = {course_row.base_course}")
    chapter = os.path.split(os.path.split(pagepath)[0])[1]
    subchapter = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(pagepath)[0])
    if user:
        activity_info = await fetch_page_activity_counts(
            chapter, subchapter, course_row.base_course, course_name,

    # The template path comes from the base course's name.
    templates = Jinja2Templates(directory=safe_join(
    course_attrs = await fetch_all_course_attributes(course_row.id)
    rslogger.debug(f"HEY COURSE ATTRS: {course_attrs}")
    # TODO set custom delimiters for PreTeXt books (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33775085/is-it-possible-to-change-the-default-double-curly-braces-delimiter-in-polymer)
    # Books built with lots of LaTeX math in them are troublesome as they tend to have many instances
    # of ``{{`` and ``}}`` which conflicts with the default Jinja2 start stop delimiters. Rather than
    # escaping all of the latex math the PreTeXt built books use different delimiters for the templates
    # templates.env is a reference to a Jinja2 Environment object
    # try - templates.env.block_start_string = "@@@+"
    # try - templates.env.block_end_string = "@@@-"

    if course_attrs.get("markup_system", "RST") == "PreTeXt":
        rslogger.debug(f"PRETEXT book found at path {pagepath}")
        templates.env.variable_start_string = "~._"
        templates.env.variable_end_string = "_.~"
        templates.env.comment_start_string = "@@#"
        templates.env.comment_end_string = "#@@"
        templates.env.globals.update({"URL": URL})

    # enable compare me can be set per course if its not set provide a default of true
    if "enable_compare_me" not in course_attrs:
        course_attrs["enable_compare_me"] = "true"

    reading_list = []
    if RS_info:
        values = json.loads(RS_info)
        if "readings" in values:
            reading_list = values["readings"]

    #   TODO: provide the template google_ga as well as ad servings stuff
    #   settings.google_ga
    await create_useinfo_entry(
            sid=user.username if user else "Anonymous",
    subchapter_list = await fetch_subchaptoc(course_row.base_course, chapter)
    # TODO: restore the contributed questions list ``questions`` for books (only fopp) that
    # show the contributed questions list on an Exercises page.
    context = dict(
        user_id=user.username if user else "",
        # _`root_path`: The server is mounted in a different location depending on how it's run (directly from gunicorn/uvicorn or under the ``/ns`` prefix using nginx). Tell the JS what prefix to use for Ajax requests. See also `setting root_path <setting root_path>` and the `FastAPI docs <https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/behind-a-proxy/>`_. This is then used in the ``eBookConfig`` of :doc:`runestone/common/project_template/_templates/plugin_layouts/sphinx_bootstrap/layout.html`.
        user_email=user.email if user else "",
        downloads_enabled="true" if course_row.downloads_enabled else "false",
        allow_pairs="true" if course_row.allow_pairs else "false",
        is_instructor="true" if user_is_instructor else "false",
        use_services="true" if use_services else "false",
    # See `templates <https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/templates/>`_.
        return templates.TemplateResponse(pagepath, context)
    except TemplateNotFound:
        raise HTTPException(
            f"Page {pagepath} not found in base course {course_row.base_course}.",
Пример #7
async def redirect(short_url: str):
    url = await get_url(short_url)
    if url:
        return RedirectResponse(url, status_code=301)
    raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail='Short URL not found')
Пример #8
 def redirect_to_docs():
     return RedirectResponse('/ui')
Пример #9
async def cache_clear():
    return RedirectResponse("/cache")
Пример #10
def read_root():
    return RedirectResponse("/docs")
Пример #11
def index_redir():
    return RedirectResponse(url="/home", status_code=301)
Пример #12
async def index():
    response = RedirectResponse(url=DOCS_URL)
    logger.info(f"Redirecting to swagger docs; {DOCS_URL}")

    return response
def root():
    return RedirectResponse('/docs')
Пример #14
async def everything(request: Request):
    return RedirectResponse(
Пример #15
 async def logout_page_post(response: Response, ):
     response.set_cookie("token", "INVALID",
     return RedirectResponse(f"{default_login_path}/re",
Пример #16
async def logout(request: Request):
    response = RedirectResponse(url="http://localhost:8000/", status_code=303)
    response.delete_cookie(key="Authorization", domain="localhost")
    return response
Пример #17
async def logout(response_class: RedirectResponse):
    # Send the user to the login page after the logout.
    response = RedirectResponse("/auth/login")
    return response
Пример #18
def redirect(to: str):
    return RedirectResponse(url=to)
Пример #19
def logout(request: Request):
    response = RedirectResponse(request.url_for('homepage'))
    return response
Пример #20
async def create_thptsc(request: Request,
                        id: int = Form(None),
                        mo_ta: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v1a: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v1b: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v1c: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v1d: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v1e: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v1f: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v1g: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v1h: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v1i: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v2a: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v2b: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v2c: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v2d: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v2e: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v3a: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v3b: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v3c: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v3d: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v3e: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v3f: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v3g: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v3h: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v3i: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v4a: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v4b: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v4c: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v5a: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v5b: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v5c: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v6a: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v6b: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v6c: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v6d: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v6e: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v6f: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v7: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v8a: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v8b: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v9a: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v9b: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v9c: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v10a: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v10b: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v10c: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v10d: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v10e: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v10f: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v11: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        xu_ly: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v12a: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v12b: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v12c: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v12d: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v12e: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v12f: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v13a: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v13b: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v13c: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v13d: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v13e: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v13f: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v14a: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v14b: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v14c: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v14d: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v15a: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v15b: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v15c: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v15d: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v16a: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v16b: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v16c: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v17: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        khac_phuc: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        de_xuat: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        danh_gia: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v18: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v19a: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v19b: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v20: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v21a: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v21b: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v21c: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v21d: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v21e: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v21f: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        v21g: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        chuc_danh: Optional[str] = Form(None),
                        ngay_gio: dt.datetime = Form(...),
                        username: str = Depends(authen)):
    data = {
        "id": id,
        "mo_ta": mo_ta,
        "v1a": 1 if v1a == 'true' else 0,
        "v1b": 1 if v1b == 'true' else 0,
        "v1c": 1 if v1c == 'true' else 0,
        "v1d": 1 if v1d == 'true' else 0,
        "v1e": 1 if v1e == 'true' else 0,
        "v1f": 1 if v1f == 'true' else 0,
        "v1g": 1 if v1g == 'true' else 0,
        "v1h": 1 if v1h == 'true' else 0,
        "v1i": 1 if v1i == 'true' else 0,
        "v2a": 1 if v2a == 'true' else 0,
        "v2b": 1 if v2b == 'true' else 0,
        "v2c": 1 if v2c == 'true' else 0,
        "v2d": 1 if v2d == 'true' else 0,
        "v2e": 1 if v2e == 'true' else 0,
        "v3a": 1 if v3a == 'true' else 0,
        "v3b": 1 if v3b == 'true' else 0,
        "v3c": 1 if v3c == 'true' else 0,
        "v3d": 1 if v3d == 'true' else 0,
        "v3e": 1 if v3e == 'true' else 0,
        "v3f": 1 if v3f == 'true' else 0,
        "v3g": 1 if v3g == 'true' else 0,
        "v3h": 1 if v3h == 'true' else 0,
        "v3i": 1 if v3i == 'true' else 0,
        "v4a": 1 if v4a == 'true' else 0,
        "v4b": 1 if v4b == 'true' else 0,
        "v4c": 1 if v4c == 'true' else 0,
        "v5a": 1 if v5a == 'true' else 0,
        "v5b": 1 if v5b == 'true' else 0,
        "v5c": 1 if v5c == 'true' else 0,
        "v6a": 1 if v6a == 'true' else 0,
        "v6b": 1 if v6b == 'true' else 0,
        "v6c": 1 if v6c == 'true' else 0,
        "v6d": 1 if v6d == 'true' else 0,
        "v6e": 1 if v6e == 'true' else 0,
        "v6f": 1 if v6f == 'true' else 0,
        "v7": 1 if v7 == 'true' else 0,
        "v8a": 1 if v8a == 'true' else 0,
        "v8b": 1 if v8b == 'true' else 0,
        "v9a": 1 if v9a == 'true' else 0,
        "v9b": 1 if v9b == 'true' else 0,
        "v9c": 1 if v9c == 'true' else 0,
        "v10a": 1 if v10a == 'true' else 0,
        "v10b": 1 if v10b == 'true' else 0,
        "v10c": 1 if v10c == 'true' else 0,
        "v10d": 1 if v10d == 'true' else 0,
        "v10e": 1 if v10e == 'true' else 0,
        "v10f": 1 if v10f == 'true' else 0,
        "v11": 1 if v11 == 'true' else 0,
        "xu_ly": xu_ly,
        "v12a": 1 if v12a == 'true' else 0,
        "v12b": 1 if v12b == 'true' else 0,
        "v12c": 1 if v12c == 'true' else 0,
        "v12d": 1 if v12d == 'true' else 0,
        "v12e": 1 if v12e == 'true' else 0,
        "v12f": 1 if v12f == 'true' else 0,
        "v13a": 1 if v13a == 'true' else 0,
        "v13b": 1 if v13b == 'true' else 0,
        "v13c": 1 if v13c == 'true' else 0,
        "v13d": 1 if v13d == 'true' else 0,
        "v13e": 1 if v13e == 'true' else 0,
        "v13f": 1 if v13f == 'true' else 0,
        "v14a": 1 if v14a == 'true' else 0,
        "v14b": 1 if v14b == 'true' else 0,
        "v14c": 1 if v14c == 'true' else 0,
        "v14d": 1 if v14d == 'true' else 0,
        "v15a": 1 if v15a == 'true' else 0,
        "v15b": 1 if v15b == 'true' else 0,
        "v15c": 1 if v15c == 'true' else 0,
        "v15d": 1 if v15d == 'true' else 0,
        "v16a": 1 if v16a == 'true' else 0,
        "v16b": 1 if v16b == 'true' else 0,
        "v16c": 1 if v16c == 'true' else 0,
        "v17": 1 if v17 == 'true' else 0,
        "khac_phuc": khac_phuc,
        "de_xuat": de_xuat,
        "danh_gia": danh_gia,
        "v18": v18,
        "v19a": v19a,
        "v19b": v19b,
        "v20": v20,
        "v21a": 1 if v21a == 'true' else 0,
        "v21b": 1 if v21b == 'true' else 0,
        "v21c": 1 if v21c == 'true' else 0,
        "v21d": 1 if v21d == 'true' else 0,
        "v21e": 1 if v21e == 'true' else 0,
        "v21f": 1 if v21f == 'true' else 0,
        "v21g": 1 if v21g == 'true' else 0,
        "ngay_gio": ngay_gio,
    return RedirectResponse(request.url_for('homepage') + f'thptsc/{id}',
 async def index():
     return RedirectResponse("/panel/")
Пример #22
async def main():
    return RedirectResponse(url="/redoc/")
Пример #23
async def handle_provider_return(code: str, state: Optional[str],
                                 context: RequestContext) -> Response:
    """Handle the return from an external authentication provider.

    Handles the target of the redirect back from an external authentication
    provider with new authentication state information.

    code : `str`
        The authentication code from the provider.
    state : `str`, optional
        The opaque state used to verify that this user initiated the
        authentication.  This can be `None`, but that will always be an
    context : `gafaelfawr.dependencies.config.RequestContext`
        The context of the incoming request.

    response : ``fastapi.Response``
        Either a redirect to the resource the user was trying to reach before
        authentication or an HTML page with an error message if the
        authentication failed.

        The authentication request is invalid or retrieving authentication
        information from the provider failed.
    if not state:
        return login_error(context, LoginError.STATE_MISSING)

    # Extract details from the reply, check state, and get the return URL.
    if state != context.state.state:
        return login_error(context, LoginError.STATE_INVALID)
    return_url = context.state.return_url
    if not return_url:
        return login_error(context, LoginError.RETURN_URL_MISSING)

    # Retrieve the user identity and authorization information based on the
    # reply from the authentication provider.
    auth_provider = context.factory.create_provider()
        user_info = await auth_provider.create_user_info(
            code, state, context.state)
    except ProviderException as e:
        return login_error(context, LoginError.PROVIDER_FAILED, str(e))
    except HTTPError as e:
        return login_error(context, LoginError.PROVIDER_NETWORK, str(e))

    # Get the user's scopes.  If this returns None, the user isn't in any
    # recognized groups, which means that we should abort the login and
    # display an error message.
    scopes = get_scopes_from_groups(context.config, user_info.groups)
    if scopes is None:
        await auth_provider.logout(context.state)
        msg = f"{user_info.username} is not a member of any authorized groups"
        return login_error(context, LoginError.GROUPS_MISSING, details=msg)

    # Construct a token.
    admin_service = context.factory.create_admin_service()
    if await admin_service.is_admin(user_info.username):
        scopes = sorted(scopes + ["admin:token"])
    token_service = context.factory.create_token_service()
        token = await token_service.create_session_token(
            user_info, scopes=scopes, ip_address=context.request.client.host)
    except PermissionDeniedError as e:
        await auth_provider.logout(context.state)
        return login_error(context, LoginError.INVALID_USERNAME, str(e))
    context.state.token = token

    # Successful login, so clear the login state and send the user back to
    # what they were doing.
    context.state.state = None
    context.state.return_url = None
        "Successfully authenticated user %s (%s)",
        scope=" ".join(scopes),
    return RedirectResponse(return_url)
Пример #24
def home():
    return RedirectResponse(url=content_path+"/ui/index.html")
Пример #25
def logout(session_token: str = Cookie(None)):
    response = RedirectResponse(url='/', status_code=301)
    app.user = None
    return response
Пример #26
async def init(request: Request, authtoken: str = Header(None)):
    await check_and_init_db()
    return RedirectResponse("/builder/forms")
Пример #27
async def exception_handler(request: Request,
                            exc: RedirectException) -> Response:
    return RedirectResponse(url=exc.url)
Пример #28
 async def logout_page(response: Response):
     response.set_cookie("token", "INVALID")
     return RedirectResponse(f"{default_login_path}",
Пример #29
async def redirect_docs():
    return RedirectResponse("/docs")
Пример #30
async def no_user_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: Exception):
    request.session["goto"] = SERIALIZER.dumps(request.url.path)
    return RedirectResponse(request.url_for('login'))