async def read_root( request: Request, cache: Redis = Depends(depends_redis), rate_limiter: RateLimiter = Depends(RateLimiter(times=5, seconds=1)), ): currencies = sorted(await CoinGecko.supported_vs_currencies(cache)) return templates.TemplateResponse( "root.html", { "request": request, "common_timezones": common_timezones, "currencies": currencies, }, )
async def indexes_for_eth1_address( eth1_address: str = Query( ..., description="The ETH1 address used to deposit funds.", min_length=42, max_length=42, regex="^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$", example="0xc34eb7e3f34e54646d7cd140bb7c20a466b3e852", ), beacon_node: BeaconNode = Depends(depends_beacon_node), cache: Redis = Depends(depends_redis), rate_limiter: RateLimiter = Depends(RateLimiter(times=100, hours=1)), ): try: indexes = await beacon_node.indexes_for_eth1_address( eth1_address, cache) VALIDATORS_PER_ETH1_ADDRESS.observe(len(indexes)) logger.debug(f"Returning indexes {indexes}") return indexes except Exception as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))
async def index_for_publickey( publickey: str = Query( ..., description="The validator's public key.", min_length=98, max_length=98, regex="^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{96}$", example= r"0xa1d1ad0714035353258038e964ae9675dc0252ee22cea896825c01458e1807bfad2f9969338798548d9858a571f7425c", ), cache: Redis = Depends(depends_redis), beacon_node: BeaconNode = Depends(depends_beacon_node), rate_limiter: RateLimiter = Depends(RateLimiter(times=100, hours=1)), ): index = await beacon_node.index_for_publickey(publickey, cache) if index is None: raise HTTPException( status_code=404, detail=f"No validator index found for public key {publickey}.", ) return index
async def rewards( validator_indexes: List[int] = Query( ..., description="The validator indexes for which to retrieve rewards.", min_items=1, example=[1, 2, 3], ), start_date: = Query( ..., description="The date at which to start.","2020-01-01"), ), end_date: = Query( ..., description="The date at which to stop.","2020-12-31"), ), timezone: TimezoneEnum = Query( ..., description="The timezone for which to calculate rewards.", example=TimezoneEnum.EuropeAmsterdam, ), currency: str = Query( ..., description="One of the currencies supported by CoinGecko - one of " '<a href="">these</a>.', min_length=3, max_length=4, example="EUR", ), cache: Redis = Depends(depends_redis), db_provider: DbProvider = Depends(depends_db), beacon_node: BeaconNode = Depends(depends_beacon_node), coin_gecko: CoinGecko = Depends(depends_coin_gecko), rate_limiter: RateLimiter = Depends(RateLimiter(times=1, seconds=1)), ): validator_indexes = set(validator_indexes)"Getting rewards for date range {start_date} - {end_date} " f"for {len(validator_indexes)} validators") VALIDATORS_PER_REWARDS_REQUEST.observe(len(validator_indexes)) # See if rewards for a calendar year were requested cal_year_cond = ( == 1 and start_date.month == 1 and == 31 and end_date.month == 12 and start_date.year == end_date.year) # Split the REWARDS_REQUEST_COUNT metrics by timezone, daterange and currency today = ytd_cond = ( == 1 and start_date.month == 1 and start_date.year == today.year and end_date == today) since_genesis_cond = (start_date <= and end_date == today) if cal_year_cond: calendar_year = start_date.year elif ytd_cond: calendar_year = "YTD" elif since_genesis_cond: calendar_year = "since genesis" else: calendar_year = "other" REWARDS_REQUEST_COUNT.labels(timezone.value, currency, calendar_year).inc() # Increment the end date by 1 day to make it inclusive end_date = end_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1) # Create timezone object and create a start datetime at 00:00 of that day timezone = pytz.timezone(timezone.value) start_dt = datetime.datetime.combine(start_date, datetime.time.min) # Parse the currency currency = currency.upper() supported_currencies = await coin_gecko.supported_vs_currencies(cache) if currency not in supported_currencies: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail=f"Unsupported currency - {currency}") # Cap the start date at genesis start_dt_utc = max( timezone.localize(start_dt).astimezone(pytz.utc), GENESIS_DATETIME) # To retrieve the validator balances, we need to know # which slots to retrieve them for slots_needed = set() # We will need to get the initial balance for the requested time period # This "initial" slot could be different for each validator, which is why # we don't just add the activation_slots to slots_needed first_slot_in_requested_period = await BeaconNode.slot_for_datetime( start_dt_utc) activation_slots = await beacon_node.activation_slots_for_validators( validator_indexes, cache) initial_balances = {} for activation_slot in set(activation_slots.values()): if activation_slot is None: continue vi_with_this_as = [] for vi in validator_indexes: if activation_slots[vi] == activation_slot: vi_with_this_as.append(vi) # In case the validator is being activated during the requested time period, # the initial balance will be equal to its balance in the activation epoch. if activation_slot > first_slot_in_requested_period: initial_balance_slot = activation_slot initial_balances_tmp = await beacon_node.balances_for_slot( initial_balance_slot, vi_with_this_as) else: initial_balance_slot = await BeaconNode.slot_for_datetime( start_dt_utc) initial_balances_tmp = db_provider.balances( slots=[initial_balance_slot], validator_indexes=vi_with_this_as) for vi in vi_with_this_as: balance = next(ib for ib in initial_balances_tmp if ib.validator_index == vi) initial_balances[vi] = InitialBalance( date=(await BeaconNode.datetime_for_slot(initial_balance_slot, timezone)).date(), slot=initial_balance_slot, balance=balance.balance, ) # - We'll also need balances at midnight for each day in the requested date range # I'm using 23:59:59, 1 second before midnight here, for convenience reasons # it's easier to understand the concept of end-of-day balance for a day than # to think in start-of-day balance for the next day ) # I'm working with dates here (instead of datetime objects) because it's easier to # work around DST issues if you localize a datetime just-in-time - as late as # possible ( datetime arithmetics with DST doesn't work the way you'd expect ) current_date = start_dt_utc.astimezone(timezone).date() eod_slots = set() while current_date < end_date: # Create a midnight datetime object current_dt = datetime.datetime.combine(current_date, time=datetime.time(hour=23, minute=59, second=59)) # Localize it current_dt = timezone.localize(current_dt) # Retrieve the midnight slot number eod_slots.add(await BeaconNode.slot_for_datetime(current_dt)) current_date += datetime.timedelta(days=1) slots_needed.update(eod_slots) # And lastly, if the end_date is today/in the future, # the user probably wants to see today's rewards too, # not just up til the last end-of-day slot, so include # the head slot head_slot = await BeaconNode.head_slot() if any([s > head_slot for s in slots_needed]): logger.debug("Including head slot!") slots_needed.add(head_slot) # Keep only slots that are <= head slot # since we cannot retrieve balances for future # slots slots_needed = [s for s in slots_needed if s <= head_slot] slots_needed = sorted(slots_needed) logger.debug(f"Slots: {slots_needed}") # Retrieve the balances for the needed slots from the database logger.debug("Retrieving balances from DB") balances = db_provider.balances(slots=slots_needed, validator_indexes=validator_indexes) # Balances for the head slot are not present in the database # - these need to be retrieved on-demand from the beacon node logger.debug("Retrieving head slot balances from beacon node") if head_slot in slots_needed: balances.extend(await beacon_node.balances_for_slot(head_slot, validator_indexes)) # Retrieve ETH price for the relevant dates # - these are determined by the end-of-day slots # and the head slot (if present) - so basically all slots # in slots_needed except for the first slot in there (the # first slot on start_date) logger.debug("Retrieving ETH prices") # Use a semaphore to make sure we don't overload CoinGecko with # too many requests at once in case the prices aren't cached sem = asyncio.Semaphore(5) date_eth_price = {} for slot in slots_needed: date = (await BeaconNode.datetime_for_slot(slot, timezone)).date() async with sem: date_eth_price[date] = await coin_gecko.price_for_date( date, currency, cache) # Order the prices nicely date_eth_price = { date: price for date, price in sorted(date_eth_price.items()) } logger.debug(date_eth_price) # Populate the object to return logger.debug("Populating object to return") aggregate_rewards = AggregateRewards( validator_rewards=[], currency=currency, eth_prices=date_eth_price, ) for validator_index in sorted(validator_indexes): # Skip pending validators if activation_slots[validator_index] is None: continue validator_balances = [ b for b in balances if b.validator_index == validator_index ] # Sort them by the slot number validator_balances = sorted(validator_balances, key=lambda x: x.slot) # Populate the initial and end-of-day balances initial_balance = initial_balances[validator_index] prev_balance = initial_balance.balance eod_balances = [] total_eth = 0 total_currency = 0 for vb in validator_balances: slot_date = (await BeaconNode.datetime_for_slot(vb.slot, timezone)).date() eod_balances.append( EndOfDayBalance( date=slot_date, slot=vb.slot, balance=vb.balance, )) # Calculate earnings day_rewards_eth = vb.balance - prev_balance total_eth += day_rewards_eth total_currency += day_rewards_eth * date_eth_price[slot_date] # Set prev_balance to current balance for next loop iteration prev_balance = vb.balance aggregate_rewards.validator_rewards.append( ValidatorRewards( validator_index=validator_index, initial_balance=initial_balance, eod_balances=eod_balances, total_eth=total_eth, total_currency=total_currency, )) return aggregate_rewards
PydanticComment, PydanticCommentCreate, PydanticCommentUpdate, Status, ) router = APIRouter(prefix="/comments", tags=["comments"]) "/{post_id}", response_model=PydanticComment, responses={404: { "model": HTTPNotFoundError }}, dependencies=[Depends(RateLimiter(times=5, minutes=1))], ) async def create_post_comment( post_id: int, comment: PydanticCommentCreate, user: User = Depends(current_user), ): post_record = await Post.get(id=post_id) comment_record = await Comment.create( author=user, post=post_record, **comment.dict(exclude_unset=True), ) return await PydanticComment.from_tortoise_orm(comment_record)
output[j] = results output[j]["similarity"] = scores[j] # End Refactor json_compatible_item_data = jsonable_encoder(output) log_stats(request, data=in_text) print(f"{time.time() - start}") return JSONResponse(content=json_compatible_item_data) # def background_train(es, index_types, vectorizer_types): # ml_core.train(es, index_types, vectorizer_types) "/train", dependencies=[ Depends(RateLimiter(times=rate_times, seconds=rate_seconds))], ) async def train(request: Request, background_tasks: BackgroundTasks, index_types=["flat", "flat_sklearn"], vectorizer_types=["tf_idf"]): vectorizer_types = str_to_ls(vectorizer_types) index_types = str_to_ls(index_types) background_tasks.add_task(ml_core.train, es, index_types, vectorizer_types) log_stats(request, data=None) #message = {} # if in_progress: print("Training task created and sent to the background...") # message = {'status': 'training'} # else: message = {'status': 'in_progress'} return JSONResponse(message)
app = FastAPI() @app.on_event("startup") async def startup(): redis = await aioredis.from_url("redis://localhost", encoding="utf8") await FastAPILimiter.init(redis) @app.on_event("shutdown") async def shutdown(): await FastAPILimiter.close() @app.get("/", dependencies=[Depends(RateLimiter(times=2, seconds=5))]) async def index(): return {"msg": "Hello World"} @app.get( "/multiple", dependencies=[ Depends(RateLimiter(times=1, seconds=5)), Depends(RateLimiter(times=2, seconds=15)), ], ) async def multiple(): return {"msg": "Hello World"}
async def echo( request: Request, rate_limiter: RateLimiter = Depends(RateLimiter(times=1, minutes=1)), ): return f"Headers: {request.headers}"