Пример #1
def _single_violin(ax, pos, pos_data, width, side, plot_opts):

    def _violin_range(pos_data, plot_opts):
        """Return array with correct range, with which violins can be plotted."""
        cutoff = plot_opts.get('cutoff', False)
        cutoff_type = plot_opts.get('cutoff_type', 'std')
        cutoff_val = plot_opts.get('cutoff_val', 1.5)

        s = 0.0
        if cutoff:
            if cutoff_type == 'std':
                s = cutoff_val * np.std(pos_data)
                s = cutoff_val

        x_lower = pos_data.min() - s
        x_upper = pos_data.max() + s
        return np.linspace(x_lower, x_upper, 100)

    pos_data = np.asarray(pos_data)

    # Create violin for pos, scaled to the available space.
    xvals = _violin_range(pos_data, plot_opts)
    # Kernel density estimate for data at this position.
    violin, e = fastkde.fastkde1D(pos_data, len(xvals), extents=[min(xvals), max(xvals)])
    xvals = np.linspace(e[0], e[1], len(violin))
    violin = width * violin / violin.max()

    if side == 'both':
        envelope_l, envelope_r = (-violin + pos, violin + pos)
    elif side == 'right':
        envelope_l, envelope_r = (pos, violin + pos)
    elif side == 'left':
        envelope_l, envelope_r = (-violin + pos, pos)
        msg = "`side` parameter should be one of {'left', 'right', 'both'}."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # Draw the violin.
    ax.fill_betweenx(xvals, envelope_l, envelope_r,
                     facecolor=plot_opts.get('violin_fc', 'y'),
                     edgecolor=plot_opts.get('violin_ec', 'k'),
                     lw=plot_opts.get('violin_lw', 1),
                     alpha=plot_opts.get('violin_alpha', 0.5))

    return xvals, violin
Пример #2
def _single_violin(ax, pos, pos_data, width, side, plot_opts):

    def _violin_range(pos_data, plot_opts):
        """Return array with correct range, with which violins can be plotted."""
        cutoff = plot_opts.get('cutoff', False)
        cutoff_type = plot_opts.get('cutoff_type', 'std')
        cutoff_val = plot_opts.get('cutoff_val', 1.5)

        s = 0.0
        if cutoff:
            if cutoff_type == 'std':
                s = cutoff_val * np.std(pos_data)
                s = cutoff_val

        x_lower = pos_data.min() - s
        x_upper = pos_data.max() + s
        return np.linspace(x_lower, x_upper, 100)

    pos_data = np.asarray(pos_data)

    # Create violin for pos, scaled to the available space.
    xvals = _violin_range(pos_data, plot_opts)
    # Kernel density estimate for data at this position.
    violin, e = fastkde.fastkde1D(pos_data, len(xvals), extents=[min(xvals), max(xvals)])
    xvals = np.linspace(e[0], e[1], len(violin))
    violin = width * violin / violin.max()

    if side == 'both':
        envelope_l, envelope_r = (-violin + pos, violin + pos)
    elif side == 'right':
        envelope_l, envelope_r = (pos, violin + pos)
    elif side == 'left':
        envelope_l, envelope_r = (-violin + pos, pos)
        msg = "`side` parameter should be one of {'left', 'right', 'both'}."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # Draw the violin.
    ax.fill_betweenx(xvals, envelope_l, envelope_r,
                     facecolor=plot_opts.get('violin_fc', 'y'),
                     edgecolor=plot_opts.get('violin_ec', 'k'),
                     lw=plot_opts.get('violin_lw', 1),
                     alpha=plot_opts.get('violin_alpha', 0.5))

    return xvals, violin
Пример #3
def kde_plot(x, ax=None, orientation='horizontal', cutoff=False, log=False, cutoff_type='std', cutoff_val=1.5, pos=100,
             pos_marker='line', pos_width=0.05, pos_kwargs={}, **kwargs):

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    # Massage '_data' for processing.
    _data = np.asarray(x)

    # Create violin for pos, scaled to the available space.
    s = 0.0
    if cutoff:
        if cutoff_type == 'std':
            s = cutoff_val * np.std(_data)
            s = cutoff_val

    x_lower = x.min() - s
    x_upper = x.max() + s

    # Kernel density estimate for data at this position.
    violin, e = fastkde.fastkde1D(_data, pos, extents=[x_lower, x_upper])
    xvals = np.linspace(e[0], e[1], len(violin))
    #violin /= violin.max()

    # Draw the violin.
    if ('facecolor' not in kwargs.keys()) | ('fc' not in kwargs.keys()):
        kwargs['facecolor'] = 'y'
    if ('edgecolor' not in kwargs.keys()) | ('ec' not in kwargs.keys()):
        kwargs['edgecolor'] = 'k'
    if ('alpha' not in kwargs.keys()):
        kwargs['alpha'] = 0.5
    #draw the positions
    if not 'marker' in pos_kwargs:
        if pos_marker != 'line':
            pos_kwargs['marker'] = pos_marker
            pos_kwargs['marker'] = 's'
        pos_marker = pos_kwargs['marker']
    if ('facecolor' not in pos_kwargs.keys()) | ('fc' not in pos_kwargs.keys()) | \
       ('markerfacecolor' not in pos_kwargs.keys()) | ('mfc' not in pos_kwargs.keys()):
        pos_kwargs['markerfacecolor'] = 'None'
    if ('edgecolor' not in kwargs.keys()) | ('ec' not in pos_kwargs.keys()) | \
       ('markeredgecolor' not in kwargs.keys()) | ('mec' not in pos_kwargs.keys()):
        pos_kwargs['markeredgecolor'] = 'k'
    if ('linestyle' not in pos_kwargs.keys()) | ('ls' not in pos_kwargs.keys()):
        pos_kwargs['linestyle'] = 'None'
    if ('size' not in kwargs.keys()) | ('markersize' not in pos_kwargs.keys()):
        pos_kwargs['markersize'] = 3

    if orientation == 'horizontal':
        ax.fill(xvals, violin, **kwargs)

        mv = np.max(violin)
        #Draw the lines
        if pos_marker is not None:
            if (pos_marker == 'line') | (pos_marker == 'lines'):
                ax.plot(x, - 0.5 * pos_width * mv * np.ones(len(x)), marker='|', **pos_kwargs)
                ax.plot(x, np.random.uniform(low=-pos_width * mv, high=0., size=len(x)), **pos_kwargs)

            ax.set_ylim(-pos_width * mv, ax.get_ylim()[1])

    elif orientation == 'vertical':
        ax.fill_betweenx(xvals, 0, violin, **kwargs)

        #Draw the lines
        if pos_marker is not None:
            if (pos_marker == 'line') | (pos_marker == 'lines'):
                ax.plot(-0.5 * pos_width * mv * np.ones(len(x)), x, marker='_', **pos_kwargs)
                ax.plot(np.random.uniform(low=-pos_width * mv, high=0., size=len(x)), x, **pos_kwargs)

            ax.set_xlim(-pos_width * mv, ax.get_xlim()[1])

    return xvals, violin
Пример #4
def kde_plot(x, ax=None, orientation='horizontal', cutoff=False, log=False, cutoff_type='std', cutoff_val=1.5, pos=100,
             pos_marker='line', pos_width=0.05, pos_kwargs={}, **kwargs):

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    # Massage '_data' for processing.
    _data = np.asarray(x)

    # Create violin for pos, scaled to the available space.
    s = 0.0
    if cutoff:
        if cutoff_type == 'std':
            s = cutoff_val * np.std(_data)
            s = cutoff_val

    x_lower = x.min() - s
    x_upper = x.max() + s

    # Kernel density estimate for data at this position.
    violin, e = fastkde.fastkde1D(_data, pos, extents=[x_lower, x_upper])
    xvals = np.linspace(e[0], e[1], len(violin))
    #violin /= violin.max()

    # Draw the violin.
    if ('facecolor' not in kwargs.keys()) | ('fc' not in kwargs.keys()):
        kwargs['facecolor'] = 'y'
    if ('edgecolor' not in kwargs.keys()) | ('ec' not in kwargs.keys()):
        kwargs['edgecolor'] = 'k'
    if ('alpha' not in kwargs.keys()):
        kwargs['alpha'] = 0.5
    #draw the positions
    if not 'marker' in pos_kwargs:
        if pos_marker != 'line':
            pos_kwargs['marker'] = pos_marker
            pos_kwargs['marker'] = 's'
        pos_marker = pos_kwargs['marker']
    if ('facecolor' not in pos_kwargs.keys()) | ('fc' not in pos_kwargs.keys()) | \
       ('markerfacecolor' not in pos_kwargs.keys()) | ('mfc' not in pos_kwargs.keys()):
        pos_kwargs['markerfacecolor'] = 'None'
    if ('edgecolor' not in kwargs.keys()) | ('ec' not in pos_kwargs.keys()) | \
       ('markeredgecolor' not in kwargs.keys()) | ('mec' not in pos_kwargs.keys()):
        pos_kwargs['markeredgecolor'] = 'k'
    if ('linestyle' not in pos_kwargs.keys()) | ('ls' not in pos_kwargs.keys()):
        pos_kwargs['linestyle'] = 'None'
    if ('size' not in kwargs.keys()) | ('markersize' not in pos_kwargs.keys()):
        pos_kwargs['markersize'] = 3

    if orientation == 'horizontal':
        ax.fill(xvals, violin, **kwargs)

        mv = np.max(violin)
        #Draw the lines
        if pos_marker is not None:
            if (pos_marker == 'line') | (pos_marker == 'lines'):
                ax.plot(x, - 0.5 * pos_width * mv * np.ones(len(x)), marker='|', **pos_kwargs)
                ax.plot(x, np.random.uniform(low=-pos_width * mv, high=0., size=len(x)), **pos_kwargs)

            ax.set_ylim(-pos_width * mv, ax.get_ylim()[1])

    elif orientation == 'vertical':
        ax.fill_betweenx(xvals, 0, violin, **kwargs)

        #Draw the lines
        if pos_marker is not None:
            if (pos_marker == 'line') | (pos_marker == 'lines'):
                ax.plot(-0.5 * pos_width * mv * np.ones(len(x)), x, marker='_', **pos_kwargs)
                ax.plot(np.random.uniform(low=-pos_width * mv, high=0., size=len(x)), x, **pos_kwargs)

            ax.set_xlim(-pos_width * mv, ax.get_xlim()[1])

    return xvals, violin