Пример #1
def data_api(pair, start_date, end_date, time_resolution):
    Retrieves crypto data via Binance API

    pair : str
        crypto pair to retrieve (i.e. BTC/USDT)
    start_date : str
        starting date in dataset (YYYY-MM-DD)
    end_date : str
        ending date in dataset (YYYY-MM-DD)
    time_resolution : str
        resolution in data set (1h, 1d, 1w)

    crypto : dataframe
        financial data in OHLCV form
    crypto = get_crypto_data(pair,

    return crypto
Пример #2
def test_get_crypto_data():
    # test that multiple exchanges work
    from fastquant import CRYPTO_EXCHANGES

    exchange_pairs = {
        "binance": "BTC/USDT",
        "coinbasepro": "BTC/USD",
        "bithumb": "XRP/KRW",
        "kraken": "BTC/USD",
        "kucoin": "BTC/USDT",
        "bitstamp": "BTC/USD",

    for ex in CRYPTO_EXCHANGES:
        crypto_df = get_crypto_data(
            exchange_pairs[ex], DATE_START, DATE_END, exchange=ex
        assert isinstance(crypto_df, pd.DataFrame)
Пример #3
    return values.ewm(alpha=1/n, adjust=False).mean()

def atr(df, n=50):
    data = df.copy()
    high = data['high']
    low = data['low']
    close = data['close']
    data['tr0'] = abs(high - low)
    data['tr1'] = abs(high - close.shift())
    data['tr2'] = abs(low - close.shift())
    tr = data[['tr0', 'tr1', 'tr2']].max(axis=1)
    atr = wwma(tr, n)
    return atr

#max # of records is 500
outter_df = get_crypto_data("BTC/USDT", "2019-01-01", "2021-02-21")

Short_EVWMA = pd.DataFrame(TA.EVWMA(outter_df,12))
Long_EVWMA = pd.DataFrame(TA.EVWMA(outter_df,26))
Short_EVWMA.columns = ['EVWMA_12']
Long_EVWMA.columns = ['EVWMA_26']

ATR = pd.DataFrame(atr(outter_df))
ATR.columns = ['ATR']

#p 209 of ttr doc
MACD_EVWMA = pd.DataFrame(Short_EVWMA['EVWMA_12'] - Long_EVWMA['EVWMA_26'])
MACD_EVWMA.columns = ['MACD-line']

Signal_EVWMA = pd.DataFrame(ta.ema(MACD_EVWMA["MACD-line"], length=9))
Пример #4
def test_get_crypto_data():
    crypto_df = get_crypto_data(CRYPTO_SYMBOL, DATE_START, DATE_END)
    assert isinstance(crypto_df, pd.DataFrame)
Пример #5
def crpyto_comp_plotting(dfs: List[pd.DataFrame],
                         title: str,
                         e_vars: EbayVariables,
                         start_date: datetime,
                         end_date: datetime,
                         roll: int = 0,
                         min_msrp: int = 100) -> None:

    dfs :
    title :
    e_vars :
    roll :
    min_msrp :


    dfs = deepcopy(dfs)

    min_date = datetime.now()
    max_date = datetime.now() - timedelta(365)
    for df in dfs:
        df = df[df['Sold Date'] >= start_date]
        df = df[df['Sold Date'] <= end_date]

        df_min = df['Sold Date'].min()
        df_max = df['Sold Date'].max()
        if df_min < min_date:
            min_date = df_min
        if df_max > max_date:
            max_date = df_max

    min_date = str(min_date - timedelta(1)).split(' ')[0]
    max_date = str(max_date).split(' ')[0]

    # Etherium Pricing
    # print(min_date, max_date)
    eth_crypto_full = get_crypto_data("ETH/USDT", min_date, max_date)
    eth_crypto_full = eth_crypto_full.close
    eth_prices = eth_crypto_full.div(eth_crypto_full[0])
    # eth_prices = eth_prices.mul(100)

    # Bitcoin Pricing
    btc_crypto = get_crypto_data("BTC/USDT", min_date, max_date)
    btc_prices = btc_crypto.close
    btc_prices = btc_prices.div(btc_prices[0])
    btc_prices = btc_prices.mul(100)

    colors = [
        '#000000', '#7f0000', '#808000', '#008080', '#000080', '#ff8c00',
        '#2f4f4f', '#00ff00', '#0000ff', '#ff00ff', '#6495ed', '#ff1493',
        '#98fb98', '#ffdab9'
    plt.figure()  # In this example, all the plots will be in one figure.
    plt.ylabel("GPU: Price/hashrate - ETH: Price")
    plt.xlabel("Sale Date")
    plt.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=30)

    for i, df in enumerate(dfs):
        color = i % (len(colors) - 1)

        df = prep_df(df)
        df = df[df['Sold Date'] >= start_date]
        df = df[df['Sold Date'] <= end_date]

        hash_rate = 1
        # Source https://cryptoage.com/en/2380-the-current-table-with-the-hash-rate-of-videocards-for-2021.html
        if '3060 Ti' in df['item'].iloc[0]:
            hash_rate = 59
        elif '3060' in df['item'].iloc[0]:
            hash_rate = 37.5
        elif '3070' in df['item'].iloc[0]:
            hash_rate = 59
        elif '3080 Ti' in df['item'].iloc[0]:
            hash_rate = 64
        elif '3080' in df['item'].iloc[0]:
            hash_rate = 100
        elif '3090' in df['item'].iloc[0]:
            hash_rate = 111

        med_prices = df.groupby(
            ['Sold Date'])['Total Price'].median() / hash_rate / eth_prices

        # med_prices = 100 * med_prices / med_prices[0]
        # print(df['item'].iloc[0], 'R Squared:', r2_score(eth_prices[-(len(med_price_scaled)):], med_price_scaled))
        # print(df['item'].iloc[0], 'R Squared:', r2_score(med_prices, eth_prices[-(len(med_prices)):]))

        # med_mad = robust.mad(df.groupby(['Sold Date'])['Total Price']/ msrps[i] * 100)
        # print(med_mad)

        if roll > 0:
            med_prices = med_prices.rolling(roll, min_periods=1).mean()

        min_msrp = min(min_msrp, min(med_prices))
        plt.plot(med_prices, colors[color], label=df['item'].iloc[0])
        # plt.fill_between(med_price_scaled, med_price_scaled - med_mad, med_price_scaled + med_mad, color=colors[ci])

    plt.plot(eth_prices, label='Etherium')
    # plt.plot(btc_prices, label='Bitcoin')
    # plt.ylim(bottom=min_msrp)
    # plt.tight_layout()
    # plt.tight_layout()

    if roll > 0:
        plt.title(f"{title} {roll} Day Rolling Average - % MSRP")
        plt.savefig(f"Images/{title} {roll} Day Rolling Average - % MSRP")
        plt.title(f"{title} - % MSRP")
        plt.savefig(f"Images/{title} - % MSRP")
    if e_vars.show_plots: plt.show()

    # Plotting the non-scaled graph
    plt.figure()  # In this example, all the plots will be in one figure.
    fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
    plt.ylabel(f"Median Sale Price ({e_vars.ccode})")
    plt.xlabel("Sale Date")
    plt.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=30)
    if roll > 0:
        plt.title(f"{title} {roll} Day Rolling Average - {e_vars.ccode}")
        plt.title(f"{title} - {e_vars.ccode}")
    for i, df in enumerate(dfs):
        color = i % (len(colors) - 1)
        df = df[df['Sold Date'] >= datetime(2021, 1, 1)]

        med_price = df.groupby(['Sold Date'])['Total Price'].median()

        if roll > 0:
            med_price = med_price.rolling(roll, min_periods=1).mean()

        min_msrp = min(min_msrp, min(med_price))
        plt.plot(med_price, colors[color], label=df['item'].iloc[0])
    # plt.ylim(bottom=min_msrp)
    formatter = ticker.FormatStrFormatter(f'{e_vars.ccode}%1.0f')
    # plt.savefig(f"Images/{title} - {e_vars.ccode}")
    # if e_vars.show_plots: plt.show()