def parse_grobid_json(self, obj): if not obj.get('title'): return None extra_grobid = dict() abstract = obj.get('abstract') if abstract and len(abstract) < MAX_ABSTRACT_BYTES and len( abstract) > 10: abobj = fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseAbstract( mimetype="text/plain", content=clean(obj.get('abstract'))) abstracts = [abobj] else: abstracts = None contribs = [] for i, a in enumerate(obj.get('authors', [])): contribs.append( fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseContrib( index=i, raw_name=clean(a['name']), given_name=clean(a.get('given_name')), surname=clean(a.get('surname')), role="author", extra=None)) refs = [] for raw in obj.get('citations', []): cite_extra = dict() year = None if raw.get('date'): try: year = int(raw['date'].strip()[:4]) except: pass for key in ('volume', 'url', 'issue', 'publisher'): if raw.get(key): cite_extra[key] = clean(raw[key]) if raw.get('authors'): cite_extra['authors'] = [ clean(a['name']) for a in raw['authors'] ] if not cite_extra: cite_extra = None refs.append( fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseRef(key=clean(raw.get('id')), year=year, title=clean(raw['title']), extra=cite_extra)) release_date = None release_year = None if obj.get('date'): # only returns year, ever? release_year = int(obj['date'][:4]) extra = dict() if obj.get('doi'): extra['doi'] = obj['doi'] if obj['journal'] and obj['journal'].get('name'): extra['container_name'] = clean(obj['journal']['name']) # TODO: ISSN/eISSN handling? or just journal name lookup? if extra_grobid: extra['grobid'] = extra_grobid if self.longtail_oa: extra['longtail_oa'] = True if not extra: extra = None title = clean(obj['title'], force_xml=True) if not title or len(title) < 2: return None re = fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseEntity( title=title, release_type="article-journal", release_date=release_date, release_year=release_year, contribs=contribs, refs=refs, publisher=clean(obj['journal'].get('publisher')), volume=clean(obj['journal'].get('volume')), issue=clean(obj['journal'].get('issue')), abstracts=abstracts, ext_ids=fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseExtIds(), extra=extra) return re
def parse_record(self, obj): """ obj is a python dict (parsed from json). returns a ReleaseEntity """ # Ways to be out of scope (provisionally) # journal-issue and journal-volume map to None, but allowed for now if obj.get('type') in (None, 'journal', 'proceedings', 'standard-series', 'report-series', 'book-series', 'book-set', 'book-track', 'proceedings-series'): return None # Do require the 'title' keys to exsit, as release entities do if (not 'title' in obj) or (not obj['title']): return None release_type = self.map_release_type(obj['type']) # contribs def do_contribs(obj_list, ctype): contribs = [] for i, am in enumerate(obj_list): creator_id = None if 'ORCID' in am.keys(): creator_id = self.lookup_orcid(am['ORCID'].split('/')[-1]) # Sorry humans :( if am.get('given') and am.get('family'): raw_name = "{} {}".format(am['given'], am['family']) elif am.get('family'): raw_name = am['family'] else: # TODO: can end up empty raw_name = am.get('name') or am.get('given') extra = dict() if ctype == "author": index = i else: index = None raw_affiliation = None if am.get('affiliation'): if len(am.get('affiliation')) > 0: raw_affiliation = am.get('affiliation')[0]['name'] if len(am.get('affiliation')) > 1: # note: affiliation => more_affiliations extra['more_affiliations'] = [ clean(a['name']) for a in am.get('affiliation')[1:] ] if am.get('sequence') and am.get('sequence') != "additional": extra['seq'] = clean(am.get('sequence')) if not extra: extra = None assert ctype in ("author", "editor", "translator") raw_name = clean(raw_name) contribs.append( fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseContrib( creator_id=creator_id, index=index, raw_name=raw_name, given_name=clean(am.get('given')), surname=clean(am.get('family')), raw_affiliation=clean(raw_affiliation), role=ctype, extra=extra)) return contribs contribs = do_contribs(obj.get('author', []), "author") contribs.extend(do_contribs(obj.get('editor', []), "editor")) contribs.extend(do_contribs(obj.get('translator', []), "translator")) # container issn = obj.get('ISSN', [None])[0] issnl = self.issn2issnl(issn) container_id = None if issnl: container_id = self.lookup_issnl(issnl) publisher = clean(obj.get('publisher')) container_name = obj.get('container-title') if container_name: container_name = clean(container_name[0], force_xml=True) if not container_name: container_name = None if (container_id is None and self.create_containers and (issnl is not None) and container_name): ce = fatcat_openapi_client.ContainerEntity( issnl=issnl, publisher=publisher, container_type=self.map_container_type(release_type), name=container_name) ce_edit = self.create_container(ce) container_id = ce_edit.ident self._issnl_id_map[issnl] = container_id # license slug license_slug = None license_extra = [] for l in obj.get('license', []): if l['content-version'] not in ('vor', 'unspecified'): continue slug = lookup_license_slug(l['URL']) if slug: license_slug = slug if 'start' in l: l['start'] = l['start']['date-time'] license_extra.append(l) # references refs = [] for i, rm in enumerate(obj.get('reference', [])): try: year = int(rm.get('year')) # TODO: will need to update/config in the future! # NOTE: are there crossref works with year < 100? if year > 2025 or year < 100: year = None except: year = None ref_extra = dict() key = rm.get('key') if key and key.startswith(obj['DOI'].upper()): key = key.replace(obj['DOI'].upper() + "-", '') key = key.replace(obj['DOI'].upper(), '') ref_container_name = rm.get('volume-title') if not ref_container_name: ref_container_name = rm.get('journal-title') elif rm.get('journal-title'): ref_extra['journal-title'] = rm['journal-title'] if rm.get('DOI'): ref_extra['doi'] = rm.get('DOI').lower() author = clean(rm.get('author')) if author: ref_extra['authors'] = [author] for k in ('editor', 'edition', 'authority', 'version', 'genre', 'url', 'event', 'issue', 'volume', 'date', 'accessed_date', 'issued', 'page', 'medium', 'collection_title', 'chapter_number', 'unstructured', 'series-title', 'volume-title'): if clean(rm.get(k)): ref_extra[k] = clean(rm[k]) if not ref_extra: ref_extra = None refs.append( fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseRef( index=i, # doing lookups would be a second import pass target_release_id=None, key=key, year=year, container_name=clean(ref_container_name), title=clean(rm.get('article-title')), locator=clean(rm.get('first-page')), # TODO: just dump JSON somewhere here? extra=ref_extra)) # abstracts abstracts = [] abstract = clean(obj.get('abstract')) if abstract and len(abstract) > 10: abstracts.append( fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseAbstract( mimetype="application/xml+jats", content=abstract)) # extra fields extra = dict() extra_crossref = dict() # top-level extra keys if not container_id: if obj.get('container-title'): extra['container_name'] = container_name for key in ('group-title'): val = obj.get(key) if val: if type(val) == list: val = val[0] if type(val) == str: val = clean(val) if val: extra[key] = clean(val) else: extra[key] = val # crossref-nested extra keys for key in ('subject', 'type', 'alternative-id', 'archive', 'funder'): val = obj.get(key) if val: if type(val) == str: extra_crossref[key] = clean(val) else: extra_crossref[key] = val if license_extra: extra_crossref['license'] = license_extra if len(obj['title']) > 1: aliases = [clean(t) for t in obj['title'][1:]] aliases = [t for t in aliases if t] if aliases: extra['aliases'] = aliases # ISBN isbn13 = None for raw in obj.get('ISBN', []): # TODO: convert if not ISBN-13 format if len(raw) == 17: isbn13 = raw break # release status if obj['type'] in ('journal-article', 'conference-proceeding', 'book', 'dissertation', 'book-chapter'): release_stage = "published" else: # unknown release_stage = None # external identifiers extids = self.lookup_ext_ids(doi=obj['DOI'].lower()) # filter out unreasonably huge releases if len(abstracts) > 100: return None if len(refs) > 2000: return None if len(refs) > 5000: return None # release date parsing is amazingly complex raw_date = obj['issued']['date-parts'][0] if not raw_date or not raw_date[0]: # got some NoneType, even though at least year is supposed to be set release_year = None release_date = None elif len(raw_date) == 3: release_year = raw_date[0] release_date =[0], month=raw_date[1], day=raw_date[2]) else: # sometimes only the year is included, not the full date release_year = raw_date[0] release_date = None original_title = None if obj.get('original-title'): original_title = clean(obj.get('original-title')[0], force_xml=True) title = None if obj.get('title'): title = clean(obj.get('title')[0], force_xml=True) if not title or len(title) <= 1: # title can't be just a single character return None subtitle = None if obj.get('subtitle'): subtitle = clean(obj.get('subtitle')[0], force_xml=True) if not subtitle or len(subtitle) <= 1: # subtitle can't be just a single character return None if extra_crossref: extra['crossref'] = extra_crossref if not extra: extra = None re = fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseEntity( work_id=None, container_id=container_id, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, original_title=original_title, release_type=release_type, release_stage=release_stage, release_date=release_date, release_year=release_year, publisher=publisher, ext_ids=fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseExtIds( doi=obj['DOI'].lower(), pmid=extids['pmid'], pmcid=extids['pmcid'], wikidata_qid=extids['wikidata_qid'], isbn13=isbn13, core=extids['core_id'], arxiv=extids['arxiv_id'], jstor=extids['jstor_id'], ), volume=clean(obj.get('volume')), issue=clean(obj.get('issue')), pages=clean(obj.get('page')), language=clean(obj.get('language')), license_slug=license_slug, extra=extra, abstracts=abstracts, contribs=contribs, refs=refs, ) return re
def parse_record(self, a): medline = a.MedlineCitation # PubmedData isn't required by DTD, but seems to always be present pubmed = a.PubmedData extra = dict() extra_pubmed = dict() identifiers = pubmed.ArticleIdList pmid = medline.PMID.string.strip() doi = identifiers.find("ArticleId", IdType="doi") if doi and doi.string: doi = clean_doi(doi.string) else: doi = None pmcid = identifiers.find("ArticleId", IdType="pmc") if pmcid: pmcid = clean_pmcid(pmcid.string.strip().upper()) release_type = None pub_types = [] for pub_type in medline.Article.PublicationTypeList.find_all("PublicationType"): pub_types.append(pub_type.string) if pub_type.string in PUBMED_RELEASE_TYPE_MAP: release_type = PUBMED_RELEASE_TYPE_MAP[pub_type.string] break if pub_types: extra_pubmed['pub_types'] = pub_types if medline.Article.PublicationTypeList.find(string="Retraction of Publication"): release_type = "retraction" retraction_of = medline.find("CommentsCorrections", RefType="RetractionOf") if retraction_of: if retraction_of.RefSource: extra_pubmed['retraction_of_raw'] = retraction_of.RefSource.string if retraction_of.PMID: extra_pubmed['retraction_of_pmid'] = retraction_of.PMID.string # everything in medline is published release_stage = "published" if medline.Article.PublicationTypeList.find(string="Corrected and Republished Article"): release_stage = "updated" if medline.Article.PublicationTypeList.find(string="Retraction of Publication"): release_stage = "retraction" withdrawn_status = None if medline.Article.PublicationTypeList.find(string="Retracted Publication"): withdrawn_status = "retracted" elif medline.find("CommentsCorrections", RefType="ExpressionOfConcernIn"): withdrawn_status = "concern" pages = medline.find('MedlinePgn') if pages: pages = pages.string title = medline.Article.ArticleTitle.string # always present if title: if title.endswith('.'): title = title[:-1] # this hides some "special" titles, but the vast majority are # translations; translations don't always include the original_title if title.startswith('[') and title.endswith(']'): title = title[1:-1] else: # will filter out later title = None original_title = medline.Article.find("VernacularTitle", recurse=False) if original_title: original_title = original_title.string or None if original_title and original_title.endswith('.'): original_title = original_title[:-1] # TODO: happening in alpha order, not handling multi-language well. language = medline.Article.Language if language: language = language.string if language in ("und", "un"): # "undetermined" language = None else: language = LANG_MAP_MARC.get(language) if not language and not (medline.Article.Language.string in LANG_MAP_MARC): warnings.warn("MISSING MARC LANG: {}".format(medline.Article.Language.string)) ### Journal/Issue Metadata # MedlineJournalInfo is always present issnl = None container_id = None container_name = None container_extra = dict() mji = medline.MedlineJournalInfo if mji.find("Country"): country_name = mji.Country.string.strip() country_code = COUNTRY_NAME_MAP.get(country_name) if country_code: container_extra['country'] = country_code elif country_name: container_extra['country_name'] = country_name if mji.find("ISSNLinking"): issnl = mji.ISSNLinking.string journal = medline.Article.Journal issnp = journal.find("ISSN", IssnType="Print") if issnp: container_extra['issnp'] = issnp.string if not issnl: issnll = self.issn2issnl(issnp) if issnl: container_id = self.lookup_issnl(issnl) pub_date = medline.Article.find('ArticleDate') if not pub_date: pub_date = journal.PubDate if not pub_date: pub_date = journal.JournalIssue.PubDate release_date = None release_year = None if pub_date.Year: release_year = int(pub_date.Year.string) if pub_date.find("Day") and pub_date.find("Month"): try: release_date = release_year, MONTH_ABBR_MAP[pub_date.Month.string], int(pub_date.Day.string)) release_date = release_date.isoformat() except ValueError as ve: print("bad date, skipping: {}".format(ve), file=sys.stderr) release_date = None elif pub_date.MedlineDate: medline_date = pub_date.MedlineDate.string.strip() if len(medline_date) >= 4 and medline_date[:4].isdigit(): release_year = int(medline_date[:4]) if release_year < 1300 or release_year > 2040: print("bad medline year, skipping: {}".format(release_year), file=sys.stderr) release_year = None else: print("unparsable medline date, skipping: {}".format(medline_date), file=sys.stderr) if journal.find("Title"): container_name = journal.Title.string if (container_id is None and self.create_containers and (issnl is not None) and container_name): # name, type, publisher, issnl # extra: issnp, issne, original_name, languages, country ce = fatcat_openapi_client.ContainerEntity( name=container_name, container_type='journal', #NOTE: publisher not included issnl=issnl, extra=(container_extra or None)) ce_edit = self.create_container(ce) container_id = ce_edit.ident self._issnl_id_map[issnl] = container_id ji = journal.JournalIssue volume = None if ji.find("Volume"): volume = ji.Volume.string issue = None if ji.find("Issue"): issue = ji.Issue.string ### Abstracts # "All abstracts are in English" abstracts = [] primary_abstract = medline.find("Abstract") if primary_abstract and primary_abstract.AbstractText.get('NlmCategory'): joined = "\n".join([m.get_text() for m in primary_abstract.find_all("AbstractText")]) abst = fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseAbstract( content=joined, mimetype="text/plain", lang="en", ) if abst.content: abstracts.append(abst) elif primary_abstract: for abstract in primary_abstract.find_all("AbstractText"): abst = fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseAbstract( content=abstract.get_text().strip(), mimetype="text/plain", lang="en", ) if abst.content: abstracts.append(abst) if abstract.find('math'): abst = fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseAbstract( # strip the <AbstractText> tags content=str(abstract)[14:-15], mimetype="application/mathml+xml", lang="en", ) if abst.content: abstracts.append(abst) other_abstracts = medline.find_all("OtherAbstract") for other in other_abstracts: lang = "en" if other.get('Language'): lang = LANG_MAP_MARC.get(other['Language']) abst = fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseAbstract( content=other.AbstractText.get_text().strip(), mimetype="text/plain", lang=lang, ) if abst.content: abstracts.append(abst) if not abstracts: abstracts = None ### Contribs contribs = [] if medline.AuthorList: for author in medline.AuthorList.find_all("Author"): creator_id = None given_name = None surname = None raw_name = None if author.ForeName: given_name = author.ForeName.string if author.LastName: surname = author.LastName.string if given_name and surname: raw_name = "{} {}".format(given_name, surname) elif surname: raw_name = surname if not raw_name and author.CollectiveName and author.CollectiveName.string: raw_name = author.CollectiveName.string contrib_extra = dict() orcid = author.find("Identifier", Source="ORCID") if orcid: # needs re-formatting from, eg, "0000000179841889" orcid = orcid.string if orcid.startswith(""): orcid = orcid.replace("", "") elif orcid.startswith(""): orcid = orcid.replace("", "") elif not '-' in orcid: orcid = "{}-{}-{}-{}".format( orcid[0:4], orcid[4:8], orcid[8:12], orcid[12:16], ) creator_id = self.lookup_orcid(orcid) contrib_extra['orcid'] = orcid affiliations = author.find_all("Affiliation") raw_affiliation = None if affiliations: raw_affiliation = affiliations[0].string if len(affiliations) > 1: contrib_extra['more_affiliations'] = [ra.string for ra in affiliations[1:]] if author.find("EqualContrib"): # TODO: schema for this? contrib_extra['equal'] = True contribs.append(fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseContrib( raw_name=raw_name, given_name=given_name, surname=surname, role="author", raw_affiliation=raw_affiliation, creator_id=creator_id, extra=contrib_extra, )) if medline.AuthorList['CompleteYN'] == 'N': contribs.append(fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseContrib(raw_name="et al.")) for i, contrib in enumerate(contribs): if contrib.raw_name != "et al.": contrib.index = i if not contribs: contribs = None ### References refs = [] if pubmed.ReferenceList: for ref in pubmed.ReferenceList.find_all('Reference'): ref_extra = dict() ref_doi = ref.find("ArticleId", IdType="doi") if ref_doi: ref_doi = clean_doi(ref_doi.string) ref_pmid = ref.find("ArticleId", IdType="pubmed") if ref_pmid: ref_pmid = clean_pmid(ref_pmid.string) ref_release_id = None if ref_doi: ref_extra['doi'] = ref_doi if self.lookup_refs: ref_release_id = self.lookup_doi(ref_doi) if ref_pmid: ref_extra['pmid'] = ref_pmid if self.lookup_refs: ref_release_id = self.lookup_pmid(ref_pmid) ref_raw = ref.Citation if ref_raw: ref_extra['unstructured'] = ref_raw.string if not ref_extra: ref_extra = None refs.append(fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseRef( target_release_id=ref_release_id, extra=ref_extra, )) if not refs: refs = None # extra: # translation_of # aliases # container_name # group-title # pubmed: retraction refs if extra_pubmed: extra['pubmed'] = extra_pubmed if not extra: extra = None title = clean(title) if not title: return None re = fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseEntity( work_id=None, title=title, original_title=clean(original_title), release_type=release_type, release_stage=release_stage, release_date=release_date, release_year=release_year, withdrawn_status=withdrawn_status, ext_ids=fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseExtIds( doi=doi, pmid=pmid, pmcid=pmcid, #isbn13 # never in Article ), volume=volume, issue=issue, pages=pages, #publisher # not included? language=language, #license_slug # not in MEDLINE abstracts=abstracts, contribs=contribs, refs=refs, container_id=container_id, extra=extra, ) return re
def parse_record(self, obj): """ Mapping datacite JSON to ReleaseEntity. """ if not obj or not isinstance(obj, dict): return None if 'attributes' not in obj: return None attributes = obj['attributes'] doi = clean_doi(attributes.get('doi', '').lower()) if not doi: print('skipping record without a DOI', file=sys.stderr) return if not isascii(doi): print('[{}] skipping non-ascii doi for now'.format(doi)) return None creators = attributes.get('creators', []) or [] contributors = attributes.get('contributors', []) or [ ] # Much fewer than creators. contribs = self.parse_datacite_creators( creators, doi=doi) + self.parse_datacite_creators( contributors, role=None, set_index=False, doi=doi) # Title, may come with "attributes.titles[].titleType", like # "AlternativeTitle", "Other", "Subtitle", "TranslatedTitle" titles = attributes.get('titles', []) or [] title, original_language_title, subtitle = parse_datacite_titles( titles) if title is None: print('[{}] skipping record w/o title: {}'.format(doi, obj), file=sys.stderr) return False title = clean(title) if not title: print('[{}] skipping record w/o title: {}'.format(doi, obj), file=sys.stderr) return False if not subtitle: subtitle = None else: subtitle = clean(subtitle) # Dates. A few internal dates (registered, created, updated) and # published (0..2554). We try to work with typed date list, in # "attributes.dates[].dateType", values: "Accepted", "Available" # "Collected", "Copyrighted", "Created", "Issued", "Submitted", # "Updated", "Valid". release_date, release_month, release_year = parse_datacite_dates( attributes.get('dates', [])) # Some records do not use the "dates" field (e.g. micropub), but: # "attributes.published" or "attributes.publicationYear" if not any((release_date, release_month, release_year)): release_date, release_month, release_year = parse_single_date( attributes.get('publicationYear')) if not any((release_date, release_month, release_year)): release_date, release_month, release_year = parse_single_date( attributes.get('published')) if not any((release_date, release_month, release_year)): print('[{}] record w/o date: {}'.format(doi, obj), file=sys.stderr) # Start with clear stages, e.g. published. TODO(martin): we could # probably infer a bit more from the relations, e.g. # "IsPreviousVersionOf" or "IsNewVersionOf". release_stage = 'published' # TODO(martin): If 'state' is not 'findable' or 'isActive' is not true, # we might want something else than 'published'. See also: # # Publisher. A few NA values. A few bogus values. publisher = attributes.get('publisher') if publisher in UNKNOWN_MARKERS | set(('Unpublished', 'Unknown')): publisher = None release_stage = None if publisher is not None and len(publisher) > 80: # Arbitrary magic value max length. TODO(martin): better heuristic, # but factored out; first we have to log misses. Example: # "ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv / Fotograf: Feller, # Elisabeth, Empfänger, Unbekannt, Fotograf / Fel_041033-RE / # Unbekannt, Nutzungsrechte müssen durch den Nutzer abgeklärt # werden" publisher = None if publisher: publisher = clean(publisher) # Container. For the moment, only ISSN as container. container_id = None container_name = None container = attributes.get('container', {}) or {} if container.get('type') in CONTAINER_TYPE_MAP.keys(): container_type = CONTAINER_TYPE_MAP.get(container['type']) if container.get('identifier') and container.get( 'identifierType') == 'ISSN': issn = container.get('identifier') if len(issn) == 8: issn = issn[:4] + "-" + issn[4:] issnl = self.issn2issnl(issn) if issnl is not None: container_id = self.lookup_issnl(issnl) if container_id is None and container.get('title'): container_name = container.get('title') if isinstance(container_name, list): if len(container_name) > 0: print('[{}] too many container titles: {}'. format(doi, len(container_name))) container_name = container_name[0] assert isinstance(container_name, str) ce = fatcat_openapi_client.ContainerEntity( issnl=issnl, container_type=container_type, name=container_name, ) ce_edit = self.create_container(ce) container_id = ce_edit.ident self._issnl_id_map[issnl] = container_id else: # TODO(martin): factor this out into a testable function. # TODO(martin): "container_name": "№1(1) (2018)" / 10.26087/inasan.2018.1.1.013 container_name = container.get('title') if isinstance(container_name, list): if len(container_name) > 0: print('[{}] too many container titles: {}'.format( doi, len(container_name))) container_name = container_name[0] # Exception:, see: !MR24. if container_id is None and container_name is None: if publisher and publisher.lower().startswith('micropublication'): container_name = publisher # Volume and issue. volume = container.get('volume') issue = container.get('issue') if volume: volume = clean(volume) if issue: issue = clean(issue) # Pages. pages = None first_page = container.get('firstPage') last_page = container.get('lastPage') if first_page and last_page: try: _ = int(first_page) < int(last_page) pages = '{}-{}'.format(first_page, last_page) except ValueError as err: # TODO(martin): This is more debug than info. # print('[{}] {}'.format(doi, err), file=sys.stderr) pass if not pages and first_page: pages = first_page # License. license_slug = None license_extra = [] for l in attributes.get('rightsList', []): slug = lookup_license_slug(l.get('rightsUri')) if slug: license_slug = slug license_extra.append(l) # Release type. Try to determine the release type from a variety of # types supplied in datacite. The "attributes.types.resourceType" is # uncontrolled (170000+ unique values, from "null", "Dataset" to # "Jupyter Notebook" and "Macroseismic Data Points" or "2 days of IP # flows in 2009") citeproc may be the closest, but not always supplied. # Order lookup roughly by completeness of mapping. for typeType in ('citeproc', 'ris', 'schemaOrg', 'bibtex', 'resourceTypeGeneral'): value = attributes.get('types', {}).get(typeType) release_type = DATACITE_TYPE_MAP.get(typeType, {}).get(value) if release_type is not None: break if release_type is None: print("[{}] no mapped type: {}".format(doi, value), file=sys.stderr) # release_type exception: Global Biodiversity Information Facility # publishes highly interesting datasets, but titles are mostly the same # ("GBIF Occurrence Download" or "Occurrence Download"); set # release_type to "stub" (CSL/FC). if publisher == 'The Global Biodiversity Information Facility': release_type = 'stub' # release_type exception: lots of "Experimental Crystal Structure Determination" if publisher == 'Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre': release_type = 'entry' # Supplement files, e.g. "Additional file 1: ASE constructs in questionnaire." if title.lower().startswith('additional file'): release_type = 'stub' # Language values are varied ("ger", "es", "English", "ENG", "en-us", # "other", ...). Try to crush it with langcodes: "It may sound to you # like langcodes solves a pretty boring problem. At one level, that's # right. Sometimes you have a boring problem, and it's great when a # library solves it for you." -- TODO(martin): We need more of these. language = None value = attributes.get('language', '') or '' try: language = pycountry.languages.lookup(value).alpha_2 except (LookupError, AttributeError) as err: pass # TODO(martin): Print this on debug level, only. # print('[{}] language lookup miss for {}: {}'.format(doi, value, err), file=sys.stderr) # Abstracts appear in "attributes.descriptions[].descriptionType", some # of the observed values: "Methods", "TechnicalInfo", # "SeriesInformation", "Other", "TableOfContents", "Abstract". The # "Other" fields might contain references or related articles (with # DOI). TODO(martin): maybe try to parse out some of those refs. abstracts = [] descs = attributes.get('descriptions', []) or [] for desc in descs: if not desc.get('descriptionType') == 'Abstract': continue # Description maybe a string or list. text = desc.get('description', '') if not text: continue if isinstance(text, list): try: text = "\n".join(text) except TypeError as err: continue # Bail out, if it is not a list of strings. # Limit length. if len(text) < 10: continue if len(text) > MAX_ABSTRACT_LENGTH: text = text[:MAX_ABSTRACT_LENGTH] + " [...]" # Detect language. This is fuzzy and may be removed, if too unreliable. lang = None try: lang = langdetect.detect(text) except (langdetect.lang_detect_exception.LangDetectException, TypeError) as err: print('[{}] language detection failed with {} on {}'.format( doi, err, text), file=sys.stderr) abstracts.append( fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseAbstract( mimetype="text/plain", content=clean(text), lang=lang, )) # References and relations. Datacite include many relation types in # "attributes.relatedIdentifiers[].relationType", e.g. # "IsPartOf", "IsPreviousVersionOf", "Continues", "IsVariantFormOf", # "IsSupplementTo", "Cites", "IsSupplementedBy", "IsDocumentedBy", "HasVersion", # "IsCitedBy", "IsMetadataFor", "IsNewVersionOf", "IsIdenticalTo", "HasPart", # "References", "Reviews", "HasMetadata", "IsContinuedBy", "IsVersionOf", # "IsDerivedFrom", "IsSourceOf". # # For the moment, we only care about References. refs, ref_index = [], 0 relIds = attributes.get('relatedIdentifiers', []) or [] for rel in relIds: if not rel.get('relationType', '') in ('References', 'Cites'): continue ref_extra = dict() if rel.get('relatedIdentifierType', '') == 'DOI': ref_extra['doi'] = rel.get('relatedIdentifier') if not ref_extra: ref_extra = None refs.append( fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseRef( index=ref_index, extra=ref_extra, )) ref_index += 1 # More specific release_type via 'Reviews' relationsship. for rel in relIds: if rel.get('relatedIdentifierType', '') != 'Reviews': continue release_type = 'review' # Extra information. extra_datacite = dict() if license_extra: extra_datacite['license'] = license_extra if attributes.get('subjects'): extra_datacite['subjects'] = attributes['subjects'] # Include version information. metadata_version = attributes.get('metadataVersion') or '' if metadata_version: extra_datacite['metadataVersion'] = metadata_version # Include resource types. types = attributes.get('types', {}) or {} resource_type = types.get('resourceType', '') or '' resource_type_general = types.get('resourceTypeGeneral', '') or '' if resource_type and resource_type.lower( ) not in UNKNOWN_MARKERS_LOWER: extra_datacite['resourceType'] = resource_type if resource_type_general and resource_type_general.lower( ) not in UNKNOWN_MARKERS_LOWER: extra_datacite['resourceTypeGeneral'] = resource_type_general # Include certain relations from relatedIdentifiers. Keeping the # original structure of data here, which is a list of dicts, with # relation type, identifer and identifier type (mostly). relations = [] for rel in relIds: if rel.get('relationType') in ('IsPartOf', 'Reviews', 'Continues', 'IsVariantFormOf', 'IsSupplementTo', 'HasVersion', 'IsMetadataFor', 'IsNewVersionOf', 'IsIdenticalTo', 'IsVersionOf', 'IsDerivedFrom', 'IsSourceOf'): relations.append(rel) if relations: extra_datacite['relations'] = relations extra = dict() # "1.0.0", "v1.305.2019", "Final", "v1.0.0", "v0.3.0", "1", "0.19.0", # "3.1", "v1.1", "{version}", "4.0", "10329", "11672", "11555", # "v1.4.5", "2", "V1", "v3.0", "v0", "v0.6", "11124", "v1.0-beta", "1st # Edition", "20191024", "v2.0.0", "v0.9.3", "10149", "2.0", null, # "v0.1.1", "3.0", "1.0", "3", "v1.12.2", "20191018", "v0.3.1", "v1.0", # "10161", "10010691", "10780", # "Presentación" version = attributes.get('version') # top-level extra keys if not container_id and container_name: extra['container_name'] = container_name # Always include datacite key, even if value is empty (dict). extra['datacite'] = extra_datacite # Preparation for a schema update. if release_month: extra['release_month'] = release_month extids = self.lookup_ext_ids(doi=doi) # Assemble release. re = fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseEntity( work_id=None, container_id=container_id, release_type=release_type, release_stage=release_stage, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, original_title=original_language_title, release_year=release_year, release_date=release_date, publisher=publisher, ext_ids=fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseExtIds( doi=doi, pmid=extids['pmid'], pmcid=extids['pmcid'], wikidata_qid=extids['wikidata_qid'], core=extids['core_id'], arxiv=extids['arxiv_id'], jstor=extids['jstor_id'], ), contribs=contribs, volume=volume, issue=issue, pages=pages, language=language, abstracts=abstracts, refs=refs, extra=extra, license_slug=license_slug, version=version, ) return re
def parse_record(self, obj): """ Mapping datacite JSON to ReleaseEntity. """ if not obj or not isinstance(obj, dict): return None if 'attributes' not in obj: return None attributes = obj['attributes'] doi = clean_doi(attributes.get('doi', '').lower()) if not doi: print('skipping record without a DOI', file=sys.stderr) return if not str.isascii(doi): print('[{}] skipping non-ascii doi for now'.format(doi)) return None creators = attributes.get('creators', []) or [] contributors = attributes.get('contributors', []) or [ ] # Much fewer than creators. contribs = self.parse_datacite_creators(creators, doi=doi) # Beside creators, we have contributors in datacite. Sample: # ContactPerson, DataCollector, DataCurator, DataManager, Distributor, # Editor, Funder, HostingInstitution, Other, Producer, ProjectLeader, # ProjectMember, RelatedPerson, ResearchGroup, Researcher, # RightsHolder, Sponsor, Supervisor # # Datacite schema: # # -- could be used as a form of controlled vocab? # # Currently (07/2020) in release_contrib: # # select count(*), role from release_contrib group by role; # count | role # -----------+------------ # 500269665 | author # 4386563 | editor # 17871 | translator # 10870584 | # (4 rows) # # Related: -- role # (string, of a set): the type of contribution, from a controlled # vocabulary. TODO: vocabulary needs review. contribs_extra_contributors = self.parse_datacite_creators( contributors, set_index=False, doi=doi) # Unfortunately, creators and contributors might overlap, refs GH59. for cc in contribs_extra_contributors: if contributor_list_contains_contributor(contribs, cc): continue contribs.append(cc) # Title, may come with "attributes.titles[].titleType", like # "AlternativeTitle", "Other", "Subtitle", "TranslatedTitle" titles = attributes.get('titles', []) or [] title, original_language_title, subtitle = parse_datacite_titles( titles) if title is None: print('[{}] skipping record w/o title: {}'.format(doi, obj), file=sys.stderr) return False title = clean(title) if not title: print('[{}] skipping record w/o title: {}'.format(doi, obj), file=sys.stderr) return False # check for blocklisted "spam", e.g. "FULL MOVIE" for rule in DATACITE_TITLE_SPAM_WORDGROUPS: seen = set() for token in rule.get("tokens", []): if token in title.lower(): seen.add(token) if len(seen) >= rule.get("min"): print("[{}] skipping spammy title: {}".format(doi, obj), file=sys.stderr) return False if not subtitle: subtitle = None else: subtitle = clean(subtitle) # Dates. A few internal dates (registered, created, updated) and # published (0..2554). We try to work with typed date list, in # "attributes.dates[].dateType", values: "Accepted", "Available" # "Collected", "Copyrighted", "Created", "Issued", "Submitted", # "Updated", "Valid". release_date, release_month, release_year = parse_datacite_dates( attributes.get('dates', [])) # block bogus far-future years/dates if release_year is not None and (release_year > (self.this_year + 5) or release_year < 1000): release_date = None release_month = None release_year = None # Some records do not use the "dates" field (e.g. micropub), but: # "attributes.published" or "attributes.publicationYear" if not any((release_date, release_month, release_year)): release_date, release_month, release_year = parse_single_date( attributes.get('publicationYear')) if not any((release_date, release_month, release_year)): release_date, release_month, release_year = parse_single_date( attributes.get('published')) if not any((release_date, release_month, release_year)): print('[{}] record w/o date: {}'.format(doi, obj), file=sys.stderr) # Start with clear stages, e.g. published. TODO(martin): we could # probably infer a bit more from the relations, e.g. # "IsPreviousVersionOf" or "IsNewVersionOf". release_stage = 'published' # TODO(martin): If 'state' is not 'findable' or 'isActive' is not true, # we might want something else than 'published'. See also: # # Publisher. A few NA values. A few bogus values. publisher = attributes.get('publisher') if publisher in UNKNOWN_MARKERS | set(('Unpublished', 'Unknown')): publisher = None release_stage = None if publisher is not None and len(publisher) > 80: # Arbitrary magic value max length. TODO(martin): better heuristic, # but factored out; first we have to log misses. Example: # "ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv / Fotograf: Feller, # Elisabeth, Empfänger, Unbekannt, Fotograf / Fel_041033-RE / # Unbekannt, Nutzungsrechte müssen durch den Nutzer abgeklärt # werden" publisher = None if publisher: publisher = clean(publisher) # Container. For the moment, only ISSN as container. container_id = None container_name = None container = attributes.get('container', {}) or {} if container.get('type') in CONTAINER_TYPE_MAP.keys(): container_type = CONTAINER_TYPE_MAP.get(container['type']) if container.get('identifier') and container.get( 'identifierType') == 'ISSN': issn = container.get('identifier') if len(issn) == 8: issn = issn[:4] + "-" + issn[4:] issnl = self.issn2issnl(issn) if issnl is not None: container_id = self.lookup_issnl(issnl) if container_id is None and container.get('title'): container_name = container.get('title') if isinstance(container_name, list): if len(container_name) > 0: print('[{}] too many container titles: {}'. format(doi, len(container_name))) container_name = container_name[0] assert isinstance(container_name, str) ce = fatcat_openapi_client.ContainerEntity( issnl=issnl, container_type=container_type, name=container_name, ) ce_edit = self.create_container(ce) container_id = ce_edit.ident self._issnl_id_map[issnl] = container_id else: # TODO(martin): factor this out into a testable function. # TODO(martin): "container_name": "№1(1) (2018)" / 10.26087/inasan.2018.1.1.013 container_name = container.get('title') if isinstance(container_name, list): if len(container_name) > 0: print('[{}] too many container titles: {}'.format( doi, len(container_name))) container_name = container_name[0] # Exception:, see: !MR24. if container_id is None and container_name is None: if publisher and publisher.lower().startswith('micropublication'): container_name = publisher # Volume and issue. volume = container.get('volume') issue = container.get('issue') if volume: volume = clean(volume) if issue: issue = clean(issue) # Pages. pages = None first_page = container.get('firstPage') last_page = container.get('lastPage') if first_page and last_page: try: _ = int(first_page) < int(last_page) pages = '{}-{}'.format(first_page, last_page) except ValueError as err: # noqa: F841 # TODO(martin): This is more debug than info. # print('[{}] {}'.format(doi, err), file=sys.stderr) pass if not pages and first_page: pages = first_page # License. license_slug = None license_extra = [] for lic in attributes.get('rightsList', []): slug = lookup_license_slug(lic.get('rightsUri')) if slug: license_slug = slug license_extra.append(lic) release_type = self.datacite_release_type(doi, attributes) # Language values are varied ("ger", "es", "English", "ENG", "en-us", # "other", ...). Try to crush it with langcodes: "It may sound to you # like langcodes solves a pretty boring problem. At one level, that's # right. Sometimes you have a boring problem, and it's great when a # library solves it for you." -- TODO(martin): We need more of these. language = None value = attributes.get('language', '') or '' try: language = pycountry.languages.lookup(value).alpha_2 except (LookupError, AttributeError) as err: # noqa: F841 pass # TODO(martin): Print this on debug level, only. # print('[{}] language lookup miss for {}: {}'.format(doi, value, err), file=sys.stderr) # Abstracts appear in "attributes.descriptions[].descriptionType", some # of the observed values: "Methods", "TechnicalInfo", # "SeriesInformation", "Other", "TableOfContents", "Abstract". The # "Other" fields might contain references or related articles (with # DOI). TODO(martin): maybe try to parse out some of those refs. abstracts = [] descs = attributes.get('descriptions', []) or [] for desc in descs: if not desc.get('descriptionType') == 'Abstract': continue # Description maybe a string, int or list. text = desc.get('description', '') if not text: continue if isinstance(text, int): text = '{}'.format(text) if isinstance(text, list): try: text = "\n".join(text) except TypeError: continue # Bail out, if it is not a list of strings. # Limit length. if len(text) < 10: continue if len(text) > MAX_ABSTRACT_LENGTH: text = text[:MAX_ABSTRACT_LENGTH] + " [...]" # Detect language. This is fuzzy and may be removed, if too unreliable. lang = None try: lang = langdetect.detect(text) except (langdetect.lang_detect_exception.LangDetectException, TypeError) as err: print('[{}] language detection failed with {} on {}'.format( doi, err, text), file=sys.stderr) abstracts.append( fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseAbstract( mimetype="text/plain", content=clean(text), lang=lang, )) # References and relations. Datacite include many relation types in # "attributes.relatedIdentifiers[].relationType", e.g. # "IsPartOf", "IsPreviousVersionOf", "Continues", "IsVariantFormOf", # "IsSupplementTo", "Cites", "IsSupplementedBy", "IsDocumentedBy", "HasVersion", # "IsCitedBy", "IsMetadataFor", "IsNewVersionOf", "IsIdenticalTo", "HasPart", # "References", "Reviews", "HasMetadata", "IsContinuedBy", "IsVersionOf", # "IsDerivedFrom", "IsSourceOf". # # For the moment, we only care about References. refs, ref_index = [], 0 relIds = attributes.get('relatedIdentifiers', []) or [] for rel in relIds: if not rel.get('relationType', '') in ('References', 'Cites'): continue ref_extra = dict() if rel.get('relatedIdentifierType', '') == 'DOI': ref_extra['doi'] = rel.get('relatedIdentifier') if not ref_extra: ref_extra = None refs.append( fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseRef( index=ref_index, extra=ref_extra, )) ref_index += 1 # More specific release_type via 'Reviews' relationsship. for rel in relIds: if rel.get('relatedIdentifierType', '') != 'Reviews': continue release_type = 'review' # Extra information. extra_datacite = dict() if license_extra: extra_datacite['license'] = license_extra if attributes.get('subjects'): extra_datacite['subjects'] = attributes['subjects'] # Include version information. metadata_version = attributes.get('metadataVersion') or '' if metadata_version: extra_datacite['metadataVersion'] = metadata_version # Include resource types. types = attributes.get('types', {}) or {} resource_type = types.get('resourceType', '') or '' resource_type_general = types.get('resourceTypeGeneral', '') or '' if resource_type and resource_type.lower( ) not in UNKNOWN_MARKERS_LOWER: extra_datacite['resourceType'] = resource_type if resource_type_general and resource_type_general.lower( ) not in UNKNOWN_MARKERS_LOWER: extra_datacite['resourceTypeGeneral'] = resource_type_general # Include certain relations from relatedIdentifiers. Keeping the # original structure of data here, which is a list of dicts, with # relation type, identifier and identifier type (mostly). relations = [] for rel in relIds: if rel.get('relationType') in ('IsPartOf', 'Reviews', 'Continues', 'IsVariantFormOf', 'IsSupplementTo', 'HasVersion', 'IsMetadataFor', 'IsNewVersionOf', 'IsIdenticalTo', 'IsVersionOf', 'IsDerivedFrom', 'IsSourceOf'): relations.append(rel) if relations: extra_datacite['relations'] = relations extra = dict() # "1.0.0", "v1.305.2019", "Final", "v1.0.0", "v0.3.0", "1", "0.19.0", # "3.1", "v1.1", "{version}", "4.0", "10329", "11672", "11555", # "v1.4.5", "2", "V1", "v3.0", "v0", "v0.6", "11124", "v1.0-beta", "1st # Edition", "20191024", "v2.0.0", "v0.9.3", "10149", "2.0", null, # "v0.1.1", "3.0", "1.0", "3", "v1.12.2", "20191018", "v0.3.1", "v1.0", # "10161", "10010691", "10780", # "Presentación" version = attributes.get('version') or None # top-level extra keys if not container_id and container_name: extra['container_name'] = container_name # Always include datacite key, even if value is empty (dict). extra['datacite'] = extra_datacite # Preparation for a schema update. if release_month: extra['release_month'] = release_month extids = self.lookup_ext_ids(doi=doi) # Assemble release. re = fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseEntity( work_id=None, container_id=container_id, release_type=release_type, release_stage=release_stage, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, original_title=original_language_title, release_year=release_year, release_date=release_date, publisher=publisher, ext_ids=fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseExtIds( doi=doi, pmid=extids['pmid'], pmcid=extids['pmcid'], wikidata_qid=extids['wikidata_qid'], core=extids['core_id'], arxiv=extids['arxiv_id'], jstor=extids['jstor_id'], ), contribs=contribs, volume=volume, issue=issue, pages=pages, language=language, abstracts=abstracts, refs=refs, extra=extra, license_slug=license_slug, version=version, ) re = self.biblio_hacks(re) return re
def parse_record(self, obj: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[ReleaseEntity]: """ obj is a python dict (parsed from json). returns a ReleaseEntity """ # Ways to be out of scope (provisionally) # journal-issue and journal-volume map to None, but allowed for now if obj.get("type") in ( None, "journal", "proceedings", "standard-series", "report-series", "book-series", "book-set", "book-track", "proceedings-series", ): self.counts["skip-release-type"] += 1 return None # Do require the 'title' keys to exist, as release entities do if ("title" not in obj) or (not obj["title"]): self.counts["skip-blank-title"] += 1 return None release_type = self.map_release_type(obj["type"]) # contribs def do_contribs(obj_list: List[Dict[str, Any]], ctype: str) -> List[ReleaseContrib]: contribs = [] for i, am in enumerate(obj_list): creator_id = None if "ORCID" in am.keys(): creator_id = self.lookup_orcid(am["ORCID"].split("/")[-1]) # Sorry humans :( if am.get("given") and am.get("family"): raw_name: Optional[str] = "{} {}".format( am["given"], am["family"]) elif am.get("family"): raw_name = am["family"] else: # TODO: can end up empty raw_name = am.get("name") or am.get("given") extra: Dict[str, Any] = dict() if ctype == "author": index: Optional[int] = i else: index = None raw_affiliation = None affiliation_list = am.get("affiliation") or [] # TODO: currently requiring a "name" in all affiliations. Could # add ROR support (via identifier) in the near future affiliation_list = [a for a in affiliation_list if "name" in a] if affiliation_list and len(affiliation_list) > 0: raw_affiliation = affiliation_list[0]["name"] if len(affiliation_list) > 1: # note: affiliation => more_affiliations extra["more_affiliations"] = [ clean_str(a["name"]) for a in affiliation_list[1:] ] if am.get("sequence") and am.get("sequence") != "additional": extra["seq"] = clean_str(am.get("sequence")) assert ctype in ("author", "editor", "translator") raw_name = clean_str(raw_name) # TODO: what if 'raw_name' is None? contribs.append( ReleaseContrib( creator_id=creator_id, index=index, raw_name=raw_name, given_name=clean_str(am.get("given")), surname=clean_str(am.get("family")), raw_affiliation=clean_str(raw_affiliation), role=ctype, extra=extra or None, )) return contribs contribs = do_contribs(obj.get("author", []), "author") contribs.extend(do_contribs(obj.get("editor", []), "editor")) contribs.extend(do_contribs(obj.get("translator", []), "translator")) # container issn = obj.get("ISSN", [None])[0] issnl = self.issn2issnl(issn) container_id = None if issnl: container_id = self.lookup_issnl(issnl) publisher = clean_str(obj.get("publisher")) container_name = obj.get("container-title") if container_name: container_name = clean_str(container_name[0], force_xml=True) if not container_name: container_name = None if (container_id is None and self.create_containers and (issnl is not None) and container_name): ce = fatcat_openapi_client.ContainerEntity( issnl=issnl, publisher=publisher, container_type=self.map_container_type(release_type), name=container_name, ) ce_edit = self.create_container(ce) container_id = ce_edit.ident self._issnl_id_map[issnl] = container_id # license slug license_slug = None license_extra = [] for lic in obj.get("license", []): if lic["content-version"] not in ("vor", "unspecified"): continue slug = lookup_license_slug(lic["URL"]) if slug: license_slug = slug if "start" in lic: lic["start"] = lic["start"]["date-time"] license_extra.append(lic) # references refs = [] for i, rm in enumerate(obj.get("reference", [])): try: year: Optional[int] = int(rm.get("year")) # TODO: will need to update/config in the future! # NOTE: are there crossref works with year < 100? if year is not None: if year > 2025 or year < 100: year = None except (TypeError, ValueError): year = None ref_extra: Dict[str, Any] = dict() key = rm.get("key") if key and key.startswith(obj["DOI"].upper()): key = key.replace(obj["DOI"].upper() + "-", "") key = key.replace(obj["DOI"].upper(), "") ref_container_name = rm.get("volume-title") if not ref_container_name: ref_container_name = rm.get("journal-title") elif rm.get("journal-title"): ref_extra["journal-title"] = rm["journal-title"] if rm.get("DOI"): ref_extra["doi"] = rm.get("DOI").lower() author = clean_str(rm.get("author")) if author: ref_extra["authors"] = [author] for k in ( "editor", "edition", "authority", "version", "genre", "url", "event", "issue", "volume", "date", "accessed_date", "issued", "page", "medium", "collection_title", "chapter_number", "unstructured", "series-title", "volume-title", ): if clean_str(rm.get(k)): ref_extra[k] = clean_str(rm[k]) refs.append( fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseRef( index=i, # doing lookups would be a second import pass target_release_id=None, key=key, year=year, container_name=clean_str(ref_container_name), title=clean_str(rm.get("article-title")), locator=clean_str(rm.get("first-page")), # TODO: just dump JSON somewhere here? extra=ref_extra or None, )) # abstracts abstracts = [] abstract = clean_str(obj.get("abstract")) if abstract and len(abstract) > 10: abstracts.append( fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseAbstract( mimetype="application/xml+jats", content=abstract)) # extra fields extra: Dict[str, Any] = dict() extra_crossref: Dict[str, Any] = dict() # top-level extra keys if not container_id: if obj.get("container-title"): extra["container_name"] = container_name for key in "group-title": val = obj.get(key) if val: if type(val) == list: val = val[0] if type(val) == str: val = clean_str(val) if val: extra[key] = clean_str(val) else: extra[key] = val # crossref-nested extra keys for key in ("subject", "type", "alternative-id", "archive", "funder"): val = obj.get(key) if val: if type(val) == str: extra_crossref[key] = clean_str(val) else: extra_crossref[key] = val if license_extra: extra_crossref["license"] = license_extra if len(obj["title"]) > 1: aliases = [clean_str(t) for t in obj["title"][1:]] aliases = [t for t in aliases if t] if aliases: extra["aliases"] = aliases # ISBN isbn13 = None for raw in obj.get("ISBN", []): # TODO: convert if not ISBN-13 format if len(raw) == 17: isbn13 = raw break # release status if obj["type"] in ( "journal-article", "conference-proceeding", "book", "dissertation", "book-chapter", ): release_stage: Optional[str] = "published" else: # unknown release_stage = None # filter out unreasonably huge releases if len(abstracts) > 100: self.counts["skip-huge-abstracts"] += 1 return None if len(contribs) > 2000: self.counts["skip-huge-contribs"] += 1 return None if len(refs) > 5000: self.counts["skip-huge-refs"] += 1 return None # release date parsing is amazingly complex raw_date = obj["issued"]["date-parts"][0] if not raw_date or not raw_date[0]: # got some NoneType, even though at least year is supposed to be set release_year = None release_date = None elif len(raw_date) == 3: release_year = raw_date[0] release_date =[0], month=raw_date[1], day=raw_date[2]) else: # sometimes only the year is included, not the full date release_year = raw_date[0] release_date = None original_title: Optional[str] = None if obj.get("original-title"): ot = obj.get("original-title") if ot is not None: original_title = clean_str(ot[0], force_xml=True) title: Optional[str] = None if obj.get("title"): title = clean_str(obj["title"][0], force_xml=True) if not title or len(title) <= 1: # title can't be just a single character self.counts["skip-blank-title"] += 1 return None doi = clean_doi(obj["DOI"].lower()) if not doi: self.counts["skip-bad-doi"] += 1 return None subtitle = None if obj.get("subtitle"): subtitle = clean_str(obj["subtitle"][0], force_xml=True) if not subtitle or len(subtitle) <= 1: # subtitle can't be just a single character subtitle = None if extra_crossref: extra["crossref"] = extra_crossref re = ReleaseEntity( work_id=None, container_id=container_id, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, original_title=original_title, release_type=release_type, release_stage=release_stage, release_date=release_date, release_year=release_year, publisher=publisher, ext_ids=fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseExtIds( doi=doi, isbn13=isbn13, ), volume=clean_str(obj.get("volume")), issue=clean_str(obj.get("issue")), pages=clean_str(obj.get("page")), language=clean_str(obj.get("language")), license_slug=license_slug, extra=extra or None, abstracts=abstracts or None, contribs=contribs or None, refs=refs or None, ) return re