Пример #1
def message():
    speak("Checking for messages....")
    userID = "your email"
    psd = 'your password'
    useragent = "you user agent"

    cli = Client(userID, psd, user_agent=useragent, max_tries=1)
    if cli.isLoggedIn():
        threads = cli.fetchUnread()
        if len(threads) == 1:
            speak(f"Sir, You have {len(threads)} message.")
            info = cli.fetchThreadInfo(threads[0])[threads[0]]
            speak("You have message from {}".format(info.name))
            msg = cli.fetchThreadMessages(threads[0], 1)
            for message in msg:
                speak("Sir, the message is {}".format(message.text))
        elif len(threads) >= 2:
            speak(f"Sir, You have {len(threads)} messages.")
            for thread in threads:
                initial_number = 0
                info = cli.fetchUserInfo(thread[initial_number])[thread[initial_number]]
                initial_number += 1
                speak("Sir, you have message from {}".format(info.name))
                msg = cli.fetchThreadMessages(thread[initial_number], 1)
                for message in msg:
                    speak(f"The message is {message.text}.")
            speak("Sir, You have no messages.")
        print("Not logged in")
Пример #2
def getInfo(client: Client):

    #Retrieves the all the unread message Group and User conversation threads
    allTheUnreads = client.fetchUnread()

    #Goes through each one of the threads that have unread messages in it
    for allTheUnread in allTheUnreads:

        #Prints out all the Unread messages
Пример #3
def main():
    client = Client('*****@*****.**', '2xkzWW+%nKND', max_tries=100)
    #while True:
    unread_thread_ids = client.fetchUnread()
    for unread_thread in unread_thread_ids:
        msg = client.fetchThreadMessages(unread_thread)
        for m in msg:
            if not m.is_read:
                print(unread_thread, m)
                database_holding('fb', unread_thread, m.text,
                                 'Client')  # Работа с БД
                send_to_operator(unread_thread, m.text)
Пример #4
# client.send(Message(text='valo tui?'), thread_id='100007826251418', thread_type=ThreadType.USER)

# users = client.searchForUsers('MD Musa Islam')
# user = users[0]
# print("User's ID: {}".format(user.uid))
# print("User's name: {}".format(user.name))
# print("User's profile picture url: {}".format(user.photo))
# print("User's main url: {}".format(user.url))

# client.send(Message(text='<message>'), thread_id='<group id>', thread_type=ThreadType.GROUP)
# client.logout();

# Fetches a list of the 20 top threads you're currently chatting with

threads = client.fetchThreadList()
print("Threads: {}".format(client.fetchUnread()[0]))

# client.listen()


from fbchat import Client

EMAIL = '*****@*****.**'
PASSWORD = '******'

class EchoBot(Client):
    def onMessage(self, author_id, message_object, thread_id, thread_type,
        self.markAsDelivered(author_id, thread_id)