Пример #1
def stop_server(auth_client, server_uuid):
    """Function to stop server"""
    # Check it's state first, as it is an error to stop it when it is already stopped (or in any other state
    # apart from running).
    server_state = get_server_state(auth_client, server_uuid)

    if (server_state == 'STARTING'):
        print("Server appears to be starting; waiting until it has completed before stopping")
        ret = wait_for_server(auth_client, server_uuid, 'RUNNING')
        if (ret != 0):
            raise Exception("Server not in RUNNING state, cannot be stopped")

        server_state = get_server_state(auth_client, server_uuid)

    if (server_state == 'RUNNING'):
        change_server_status(auth_client, server_uuid, 'STOPPED')

    if (server_state == 'NOT_FOUND'):
        return server_state

    # Check we actually made it to STOPPED state
    ret = wait_for_server(auth_client, server_uuid, 'STOPPED')
    if (ret != 0):
        raise Exception("Server failed to STOP")

    server_state = get_server_state(auth_client, server_uuid)
    return server_state
Пример #2
def start_server(auth_parms, server_data):
    """Function to start server, uuid in server_data"""
    server_uuid = server_data[0]
    server_state = get_server_state(auth_parms, server_uuid)
    if server_state == 'STOPPED':
        rc = change_server_status(auth_parms=auth_parms, server_uuid=server_uuid, state='RUNNING')
        # change_server_status() waits on the server getting to the requested state, so we don't
        # need to call wait_for_server() here. However, we do (1) need to check the status and (2)
        # wait on the server actually being accessible (as opposed to having a RUNNING state in
        # FCO, which really just means that the underlying kvm process has started).
        # 1. Check rc (0 is good)
        if (rc != 0):
            raise Exception("Failed to put server " + server_uuid + " in to running state")

    server_resultset = list_resource_by_uuid(auth_parms, uuid=server_uuid, res_type='SERVER')
    print("Server result set is:")
    print server_resultset

    server_ip = server_resultset['list'][0]['nics'][0]['ipAddresses'][0]['ipAddress']  # yuk
    print("server IP=" + server_ip)

    # Step 2. Wait on it being accessible. It is possible that the server doesn't have ssh installed,
    # or it is firewalled, so don't fail here if we can't connect, just carry on and let
    # the caller deal with any potential issue. The alternative is a hard-coded sleep, or
    # trying a ping (platform specific and/or root privs needed).
    is_ssh_port_open(server_ip, 30)

    return server_data
Пример #3
def start_server(auth_parms, server_uuid):
    """Function to start server, uuid in server_data"""
    server_state = get_server_state(auth_parms, server_uuid)
    if server_state == 'STOPPED':
        rc = change_server_status(auth_parms=auth_parms, server_uuid=server_uuid, state='RUNNING')
        if (rc != 0):
            raise Exception("Failed to put server " + server_uuid + " in to running state")

    server_resultset = list_resource_by_uuid(auth_parms, uuid=server_uuid, res_type='SERVER')
    server_ip = server_resultset['list'][0]['nics'][0]['ipAddresses'][0]['ipAddress']
    is_ssh_port_open(server_ip, 30)
Пример #4
def StartVM(customerUUID, customerUsername, customerPassword, serverUUID, isVerbose=False):

    auth_client = api_session(customerUsername, customerUUID, customerPassword)
    server_state = get_server_state(auth_client, serverUUID)
    if (server_state == 'RUNNING'):
        print "Server is already running"
    if (server_state == 'STOPPED' or server_state == 'STOPPING'):
        start_server(auth_client, serverUUID)
        print "Server is now RUNNING "
        print "Server could not be started because it is - %s " %server_state