Пример #1
 def check_response(self, resp, level, uri):
     if resp is None:
         raise InvalidUriError('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(
             'Attempt to get %s for "%s" failed. This can happen if '
             'the URI refers to a non-existent object or if you meant to '
             'operate on a directory (e.g., leaving off -R option on gsutil '
             'cp, mv, or ls of a bucket)' % (level, uri), 80)))
Пример #2
 def exists(self, headers=None):
     """Returns True if the object exists or False if it doesn't"""
     if not self.object_name:
         raise InvalidUriError('exists on object-less URI (%s)' % self.uri)
     bucket = self.get_bucket()
     key = bucket.get_key(self.object_name, headers=headers)
     return bool(key)
Пример #3
    def connect(self, access_key_id=None, secret_access_key=None, **kwargs):
        Opens a connection to appropriate provider, depending on provider
        portion of URI. Requires Credentials defined in boto config file (see
        @type storage_uri: StorageUri
        @param storage_uri: StorageUri specifying a bucket or a bucket+object
        @rtype: L{AWSAuthConnection<fcu_boto.gs.connection.AWSAuthConnection>}
        @return: A connection to storage service provider of the given URI.
        connection_args = dict(self.connection_args or ())

        if (hasattr(self, 'suppress_consec_slashes') and
                'suppress_consec_slashes' not in connection_args):
            connection_args['suppress_consec_slashes'] = (
        if not self.connection:
            if self.scheme in self.provider_pool:
                self.connection = self.provider_pool[self.scheme]
            elif self.scheme == 's3':
                from fcu_boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
                self.connection = S3Connection(access_key_id,
                self.provider_pool[self.scheme] = self.connection
            elif self.scheme == 'gs':
                from fcu_boto.gs.connection import GSConnection
                # Use OrdinaryCallingFormat instead of boto-default
                # SubdomainCallingFormat because the latter changes the hostname
                # that's checked during cert validation for HTTPS connections,
                # which will fail cert validation (when cert validation is
                # enabled).
                # The same is not true for S3's HTTPS certificates. In fact,
                # we don't want to do this for S3 because S3 requires the
                # subdomain to match the location of the bucket. If the proper
                # subdomain is not used, the server will return a 301 redirect
                # with no Location header.
                # Note: the following import can't be moved up to the
                # start of this file else it causes a config import failure when
                # run from the resumable upload/download tests.
                from fcu_boto.s3.connection import OrdinaryCallingFormat
                connection_args['calling_format'] = OrdinaryCallingFormat()
                self.connection = GSConnection(access_key_id,
                self.provider_pool[self.scheme] = self.connection
            elif self.scheme == 'file':
                from fcu_boto.file.connection import FileConnection
                self.connection = FileConnection(self)
                raise InvalidUriError('Unrecognized scheme "%s"' %
        self.connection.debug = self.debug
        return self.connection
Пример #4
def storage_uri_for_key(key):
    """Returns a StorageUri for the given key.

    :type key: :class:`fcu_boto.s3.key.Key` or subclass
    :param key: URI naming bucket + optional object.
    if not isinstance(key, fcu_boto.s3.key.Key):
        raise InvalidUriError('Requested key (%s) is not a subclass of '
                              'fcu_boto.s3.key.Key' % str(type(key)))
    prov_name = key.bucket.connection.provider.get_provider_name()
    uri_str = '%s://%s/%s' % (prov_name, key.bucket.name, key.name)
    return storage_uri(uri_str)
Пример #5
    def _set_tracker_uri(self, uri):
        Called when we start a new resumable upload or get a new tracker
        URI for the upload. Saves URI and resets upload state.

        Raises InvalidUriError if URI is syntactically invalid.
        parse_result = urlparse.urlparse(uri)
        if (parse_result.scheme.lower() not in ['http', 'https'] or
            not parse_result.netloc):
            raise InvalidUriError('Invalid tracker URI (%s)' % uri)
        self.tracker_uri = uri
        self.tracker_uri_host = parse_result.netloc
        self.tracker_uri_path = '%s?%s' % (
            parse_result.path, parse_result.query)
        self.server_has_bytes = 0
Пример #6
 def add_group_email_grant(self, permission, email_address, recursive=False,
                           validate=False, headers=None):
     if self.scheme != 'gs':
         raise ValueError('add_group_email_grant() not supported for %s '
                          'URIs.' % self.scheme)
     if self.object_name:
         if recursive:
             raise ValueError('add_group_email_grant() on key-ful URI cannot '
                              'specify recursive=True')
         key = self.get_key(validate, headers)
         self.check_response(key, 'key', self.uri)
         key.add_group_email_grant(permission, email_address, headers)
     elif self.bucket_name:
         bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers)
         bucket.add_group_email_grant(permission, email_address, recursive,
         raise InvalidUriError('add_group_email_grant() on bucket-less URI '
                               '%s' % self.uri)
Пример #7
 def _check_object_uri(self, function_name):
     if issubclass(type(self), BucketStorageUri) and not self.object_name:
         raise InvalidUriError('%s on object-less URI (%s)' %
                               (function_name, self.uri))
Пример #8
def storage_uri(uri_str,
    Instantiate a StorageUri from a URI string.

    :type uri_str: string
    :param uri_str: URI naming bucket + optional object.
    :type default_scheme: string
    :param default_scheme: default scheme for scheme-less URIs.
    :type debug: int
    :param debug: debug level to pass in to boto connection (range 0..2).
    :type validate: bool
    :param validate: whether to check for bucket name validity.
    :type bucket_storage_uri_class: BucketStorageUri interface.
    :param bucket_storage_uri_class: Allows mocking for unit tests.
    :param suppress_consec_slashes: If provided, controls whether
        consecutive slashes will be suppressed in key paths.
    :type is_latest: bool
    :param is_latest: whether this versioned object represents the
        current version.

    We allow validate to be disabled to allow caller
    to implement bucket-level wildcarding (outside the boto library;
    see gsutil).

    :rtype: :class:`fcu_boto.StorageUri` subclass
    :return: StorageUri subclass for given URI.

    ``uri_str`` must be one of the following formats:

    * gs://bucket/name
    * gs://bucket/name#ver
    * s3://bucket/name
    * gs://bucket
    * s3://bucket
    * filename (which could be a Unix path like /a/b/c or a Windows path like

    The last example uses the default scheme ('file', unless overridden).
    version_id = None
    generation = None

    # Manually parse URI components instead of using urlparse because
    # what we're calling URIs don't really fit the standard syntax for URIs
    # (the latter includes an optional host/net location part).
    end_scheme_idx = uri_str.find('://')
    if end_scheme_idx == -1:
        scheme = default_scheme.lower()
        path = uri_str
        scheme = uri_str[0:end_scheme_idx].lower()
        path = uri_str[end_scheme_idx + 3:]

    if scheme not in ['file', 's3', 'gs']:
        raise InvalidUriError('Unrecognized scheme "%s"' % scheme)
    if scheme == 'file':
        # For file URIs we have no bucket name, and use the complete path
        # (minus 'file://') as the object name.
        is_stream = False
        if path == '-':
            is_stream = True
        return FileStorageUri(path, debug, is_stream)
        path_parts = path.split('/', 1)
        bucket_name = path_parts[0]
        object_name = ''
        # If validate enabled, ensure the bucket name is valid, to avoid
        # possibly confusing other parts of the code. (For example if we didn't
        # catch bucket names containing ':', when a user tried to connect to
        # the server with that name they might get a confusing error about
        # non-integer port numbers.)
        if (validate and bucket_name
                and (not BUCKET_NAME_RE.match(bucket_name)
                     or TOO_LONG_DNS_NAME_COMP.search(bucket_name))):
            raise InvalidUriError('Invalid bucket name in URI "%s"' % uri_str)
        if scheme == 'gs':
            match = GENERATION_RE.search(path)
            if match:
                md = match.groupdict()
                versionless_uri_str = md['versionless_uri_str']
                path_parts = versionless_uri_str.split('/', 1)
                generation = int(md['generation'])
        elif scheme == 's3':
            match = VERSION_RE.search(path)
            if match:
                md = match.groupdict()
                versionless_uri_str = md['versionless_uri_str']
                path_parts = versionless_uri_str.split('/', 1)
                version_id = md['version_id']
            raise InvalidUriError('Unrecognized scheme "%s"' % scheme)
        if len(path_parts) > 1:
            object_name = path_parts[1]
        return bucket_storage_uri_class(