Пример #1
def _list_and_watch_ensembles(tr : fdb.Transaction, dir, changes):
    ensembles = []
    for k, v in tr[dir.range()]:
        ensemble, = dir.unpack(k)

    return ensembles, tr.watch(changes.key())
Пример #2
def should_run_ensemble(tr: fdb.Transaction, ensemble_id: str) -> bool:
    Return True if this agent should start a run for this ensemble. The
    policy tries not to overshoot max_runs by too much, but also accounts
    for the possibility that agents might die.
    props = _get_ensemble_properties(tr, ensemble_id)
    started = props.get("started", 0)
    max_runs = props.get("max_runs", 0)
    # max_runs == 0 means run forever
    if max_runs > 0 and started >= max_runs:
        current_time = time.time()
        max_seed = None
        max_heartbeat_age = None
        for seed, heartbeat in _get_seeds_and_heartbeats(ensemble_id, tr):
            assert type(seed) == int
            if max_seed is None or current_time - heartbeat > max_heartbeat_age:
                max_seed = seed
                max_heartbeat_age = current_time - heartbeat
        if max_heartbeat_age is None:
            # No other agents are running a test for this ensemble (is this possible?)
            return True
        if max_heartbeat_age > 10:
                "Agent {} presumed dead. Attempting to steal its work.".format(
                    _get_hostname(ensemble_id, max_seed, tr)))

            # If we read at snapshot isolation then an arbitrary number of agents could steal this run/seed.
            # We only want one agent to succeed in taking over for the dead agent's run/seed.
            del tr[dir_ensemble_incomplete[ensemble_id][max_seed]]
            del tr[dir_ensemble_incomplete[ensemble_id][max_seed].range()]
            del tr[dir_ensemble_incomplete[ensemble_id]["heartbeat"][max_seed]]
            return True
        return False
        # max_runs == 0 or started < max_runs
        return True
Пример #3
def _add(tr : fdb.Transaction, ensemble_id : str, counter : str, value : int) -> None:
    byte_val = struct.pack("<Q", value)
    tr.add(dir_all_ensembles[ensemble_id]['count'][counter], byte_val)
Пример #4
def _increment(tr : fdb.Transaction, ensemble_id : str, counter : str) -> None:
    tr.add(dir_all_ensembles[ensemble_id]['count'][counter], ONE)