Пример #1
    def test_born_newton(self):
        """Tests whether born and newton methods get the same result"""

        n0 = 3.4
        omega = 2*np.pi*200e12
        dl = 0.01
        chi3 = 2.8E-18

        width = 1
        L = 5
        L_chi3 = 4

        width_voxels = int(width/dl)
        L_chi3_voxels = int(L_chi3/dl)

        Nx = int(L/dl)
        Ny = int(3.5*width/dl)

        eps_r = np.ones((Nx, Ny))
        eps_r[:, int(Ny/2-width_voxels/2):int(Ny/2+width_voxels/2)] = np.square(n0)

        nl_region = np.zeros(eps_r.shape)
        nl_region[int(Nx/2-L_chi3_voxels/2):int(Nx/2+L_chi3_voxels/2), int(Ny/2-width_voxels/2):int(Ny/2+width_voxels/2)] = 1

        simulation = Simulation(omega, eps_r, dl, [15, 15], 'Ez')
        simulation.add_mode(n0, 'x', [17, int(Ny/2)], width_voxels*3)
        simulation.add_nl(chi3, nl_region, eps_scale=True, eps_max=np.max(eps_r))

        srcval_vec = np.logspace(1, 3, 3)
        pwr_vec = np.array([])
        T_vec = np.array([])
        for srcval in srcval_vec:
            simulation.src *= srcval

            # Newton
            E_newton = simulation.fields["Ez"]

            # Born
            E_born = simulation.fields["Ez"]

            # More solvers (if any) should be added here with corresponding calls to assert_allclose() below

            assert_allclose(E_newton, E_born, rtol=1e-3)
Пример #2
    def test_chi3(self):
        """Tests whether we get a nonlinear phase shift (self phase modulation) which agrees with analytical predictions"""

        # Set simulation parameters
        n0 = 3.4
        omega = 2 * pi * 200e12
        dl = 0.01
        chi3 = 2.8E-18

        width = 1  # WG width
        L = 5  # WG length
        L_chi3 = 4  # WG nonlinear length

        # Convert to voxels
        width_voxels = int(width / dl)
        L_chi3_voxels = int(L_chi3 / dl)
        Nx = int(L / dl)
        Ny = int(3.5 * width / dl)

        # Setup
        eps_r = ones((Nx, Ny))
              int(Ny / 2 -
                  width_voxels / 2):int(Ny / 2 +
                                        width_voxels / 2)] = square(n0)
        nl_region = zeros(eps_r.shape)
        nl_region[int(Nx / 2 - L_chi3_voxels / 2):int(Nx / 2 +
                                                      L_chi3_voxels / 2),
                  int(Ny / 2 - width_voxels / 2):int(Ny / 2 +
                                                     width_voxels / 2)] = 1
        simulation = Simulation(omega, eps_r, dl, [15, 15], 'Ez')
        simulation.add_mode(n0, 'x', [17, int(Ny / 2)], width_voxels * 3)

        # Probe field from linear simulation to get phase
        fld0 = simulation.fields['Ez'][20, int(Ny / 2)]
        fld1 = simulation.fields['Ez'][Nx - 20, int(Ny / 2)]
        T_linear = fld1 / fld0

        # Set nonlinear functions
        kerr_nonlinearity = lambda e: 3 * chi3 / square(simulation.L0
                                                        ) * square(abs(e))
        dkerr_de = lambda e: 3 * chi3 / square(simulation.L0) * conj(e)

        # Sweep source power and record nonlinear phase accumulation
        srcval_vec = logspace(1, 3, 3)
        pwr_vec = array([])
        T_vec = array([])
        for srcval in srcval_vec:
            simulation.src *= srcval
            fld0 = simulation.fields['Ez'][20, int(Ny / 2)]
            fld1 = simulation.fields['Ez'][Nx - 20, int(Ny / 2)]
            T_vec = append(T_vec, fld1 / fld0)
            pwr = simulation.flux_probe('x', [Nx - 20, int(Ny / 2)],
                                        width_voxels * 3)
            pwr_vec = append(pwr_vec, pwr)

        # Analytically calculate the expected nonlinear phase accumulation
        n2 = 12 * square(pi) * chi3 * 1e4 / square(n0)
        n2 *= 1e-4 / square(simulation.L0)

        width = dl * width_voxels
        height = width
        Aeff = width * height

        L = dl * L_chi3_voxels
        gamma_spm = (omega / 299792458 * simulation.L0) * n2 / Aeff

        P = pwr_vec * height  # Power
        Phi_fdfd = -unwrap(angle(T_vec) -
                           angle(T_linear)) / pi  # Nonlinear phase in FDFD
        Phi_analytic = (
            pwr_vec * height) * L * gamma_spm / pi  # Analytic nonlinear phase

        # If our simulation is correct, these values should be equal
        assert_allclose(Phi_fdfd, Phi_analytic, rtol=1e-3)