Пример #1
def testExecutorBlocking():
    command = "ls -la1 /tmp"
    e = Executor("some_id", command, blocking = True, caller = MockCaller())
    logs = e.execute()
    # test __str__ method
    print "running '%s'" % e
    print "logs:%s" % logs
    s = e.getLogs()
    e = Executor("some_id", command, blocking = True, caller = None)
    logs = e.execute()
    # test __str__ method
    print "running '%s'" % e
    print "logs:%s" % logs
    s = e.getLogs()
Пример #2
def testExecutorBlocking():
    command = "ls -la1 /tmp"
    e = Executor("some_id", command, blocking=True, caller=MockCaller())
    logs = e.execute()
    # test __str__ method
    print "running '%s'" % e
    print "logs:%s" % logs
    s = e.getLogs()

    e = Executor("some_id", command, blocking=True, caller=None)
    logs = e.execute()
    # test __str__ method
    print "running '%s'" % e
    print "logs:%s" % logs
    s = e.getLogs()
Пример #3
def testExecutorLogsCatching():
    outputLogs = """------------------------------------------------------------------------------
output to stdout

output to stderr

    script = """
echo "output to stdout" > /dev/stdout
echo "output to stderr" > /dev/stderr
    f = getTempFile(script)
    command = "bash %s" % f.name
    e = Executor("some_id", command, caller=None, blocking=True)
    output = e.execute()
    logs = e.getLogs()
Пример #4
def testExecutorLogsCatching():
    outputLogs = """------------------------------------------------------------------------------
output to stdout

output to stderr

    script = """
echo "output to stdout" > /dev/stdout
echo "output to stderr" > /dev/stderr
    f = getTempFile(script)
    command = "bash %s" % f.name
    e = Executor("some_id", command, caller=None, blocking=True)
    output = e.execute()
    logs = e.getLogs()
Пример #5
class ReceivingServerAction(Action):
    """ Receiving Server Action """
    def __init__(self, options):
        Instance of this class is created by fdtcp and some parameters are
        passed (options), options is a dictionary.

        self.apMon = None
        self.id = options['transferId']
        Action.__init__(self, self.id)
        self.options = options
        self.command = None
        self.status = -1
        self.logger = self.options['logger']
        self.caller = self.options['caller']
        self.conf = self.options['conf']
        self.executor = None
        self.port = None
        if 'apmonObj' in self.options.keys():
            self.apMon = self.options['apmonObj']

    def _setUp(self, conf, port):
        """ Setup Receiver server action objects """
        # separate method for testing purposes, basically sets up command
        self.options["sudouser"] = self.options["gridUserDest"]
        self.options["port"] = port
        if 'monID' not in self.options:
            self.options["monID"] = self.id
        newOptions = self.options
        newOptions['apmonDest'] = conf.get("apMonDestinations")
        if not self.apMon:
            self.apMon = getApmonObj(newOptions['apmonDest'])
        self.command = conf.get("fdtReceivingServerCommand") % newOptions

    def _checkTargetFileNames(self, destFiles):
        #36 - additional checks to debug AlreadyBeingCreatedException
        Check all the paths in the supplied list and log whether the files
        as well as the dotName form of the files exist.
        The intention is to help debug HDFS AlreadyBeingCreatedException
        out = ""
        ind = ' ' * 4
        for fileName in destFiles:
            exists = os.path.exists(fileName)
            out = ind.join([out, "exists %5s: %s\n" % (exists, fileName)])
            dotName = '.' + os.path.basename(fileName)
            dotNameFull = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fileName), dotName)
            exists = os.path.exists(dotNameFull)
            out = ind.join([out, "exists %5s: %s\n" % (exists, dotNameFull)])
        return out

    def _checkAddrAlreadyInUseError(self, exMsg):
        Check if "Address already in use" error occurred and if so
        try to find out which process has the port.
        Also return what to raise.
        errMsg = "Address already in use"
        self.logger.debug("Checking for '%s' error message (port: %s) ... " %
                          (errMsg, self.port))
        addressUsedObj = re.compile(errMsg)
        match = addressUsedObj.search(exMsg)
        if not match:
                "Error message '%s' not found, different failure.")
            return FDTDException, exMsg
        self.logger.debug("'%s' problem detected, analyzing running "
                          "processes ..." % errMsg)
        startTime = datetime.datetime.now()
        found = False
        procs = psutil.pids()
        self.logger.debug("Going to check %s processes ..." % len(procs))
        for pid in procs:
                proc = psutil.Process(pid)
                conns = proc.connections()
            except psutil.AccessDenied:
                self.logger.debug("Access denied to process PID: %s, "
                                  "continue ..." % pid)
            for conn in conns:
                # It can have multiple connections, so need to check all
                    connPort = int(conn.local_address[1])
                    if self.port == connPort:
                        msg = ("Detected: process PID: %s occupies port: %s "
                               "(user: %s, cmdline: %s)" %
                               (pid, self.port, proc.username, " ".join(
                        exMsg += msg
                        found = True
                except AttributeError as ex:
                        "Got unnexpected attribute error. %s %s" % (conn, ex))
            if found:
                return PortInUseException, exMsg
        endTime = datetime.datetime.now()
        elapsed = old_div(((endTime - startTime).microseconds), 1000)
        self.logger.debug("Process checking is over, took %s ms." % elapsed)
        return FDTDException, exMsg

    def execute(self):
        This method is is called on the remote site where fdtd runs - here
        are also known all configuration details, thus final set up has to
        happen here.
        startTime = datetime.datetime.now()
        # may fail with subset of FDTDException which will be propagated
        if 'portServer' in self.options and self.options['portServer']:
            self.logger.info("Forcing to use user specified port %s" %
                self.port = int(self.options['portServer'])
            except TypeError as ex:
                    "Provided portServer key is not convertable to integer: %s, Error: %s"
                    % (self.options['portServer'], ex))
                self.port = int(self.caller.getFreePort())
            self.logger.info("Try to get a free port")
            self.port = int(self.caller.getFreePort())
        self._setUp(self.conf, self.port)
        destFiles = self.options["destFiles"]
        self.logger.info("%s - checking presence of files at target "
                         "location ..." % self.__class__.__name__)
        self.logger.debug("Results:\n%s" %
        user = self.options["sudouser"]
        self.logger.debug("Local grid user is '%s'" % user)
        self.executor = Executor(self.id,
            output = self.executor.execute()
        # on errors, do not do any cleanup or port releasing, from
        # Executor.execute() the instance is in the container and shall
        # be handled by CleanupProcessesAction
        except Exception as ex:
            raiser, ex = self._checkAddrAlreadyInUseError(str(ex))
            msg = ("Could not start FDT server on %s port: %s, reason: %s" %
                   (getHostName(), self.port, ex))
            self.logger.critical(msg, traceBack=True)
            self.status = -2
            raise raiser(msg)
            rObj = Result(self.id)
            rObj.status = 0
            self.status = 0
            # port on which FDT Java server runs
            rObj.serverPort = self.port
            rObj.msg = "FDT server is running"
            rObj.log = output
            self.logger.debug("Response to client: %s" % rObj)

            endTime = datetime.datetime.now()
            elapsed = (endTime - startTime).seconds
            par = dict(id=self.id, fdt_server_init=elapsed)
            self.logger.debug("Starting FDT server lasted: %s [s]." % elapsed)
            if self.apMon:
                self.logger.debug("Sending data to ApMon ...")
                self.apMon.sendParameters("fdtd_server_writer", None, par)
            return rObj

    def getID(self):
        """ Returns transfer ID """
        return self.id

    def getStatus(self):
        """ Returns class status """
        return self.status

    def getHost(self):
        """ Returns hostname. """
        return self.conf.get("hostname") or getHostName()

    def getMsg(self):
        """ Returns last raised message in the queue """
        return self.executor.lastMessage()

    def getLog(self):
        """ Returns log file lines """
        return self.executor.getLogs()

    def getServerPort(self):
        """Returns server port on which it is listening"""
        return self.port

    def executeWithLogOut(self):
        """ Execute transfer which will log everything back to calling client """
        for line in self.executor.executeWithLogOut():
            yield line

    def executeWithOutLogOut(self):
        """ Execute without log output to the client on the fly. Logs can be received from getLog """
        return self.executor.executeWithOutLogOut()
Пример #6
class SendingClientAction(Action):
    """ Sending client class """

    def __init__(self, options):
        Instance of this class is created by fdtcp and some parameters are
        passed (options), options is a dictionary.
        self.apMon = None
        self.id = options['transferId']
        Action.__init__(self, self.id)
        self.options = options
        self.command = None
        self.status = -1
        self.logger = self.options['logger']
        self.caller = self.options['caller']
        self.conf = self.options['conf']
        self.executor = None
        self.port = None
        if 'apmonObj' in self.options.keys():
            self.apMon = self.options['apmonObj']

    def _setUp(self):
        """ Set up Sending client action """
        # generate FDT fileList, put it into the same location as log file
        if self.conf.get("logFile"):
            logDir = os.path.dirname(self.conf.get("logFile"))
            logDir = "/tmp"
        directory = os.path.join(logDir, "fileLists")
        fileListName = os.path.join(directory, "fdt-fileList-%s" % self.id)
            if not os.path.exists(directory):
        except IOError as ex:
            msg = ("Could not create FDT client fileList file %s, "
                   "reason: %s" % (fileListName, ex))
            self.status = -2
            raise FDTDException(msg)  # this will be propagated to fdtcp

        with open(fileListName, 'w') as fd:
            for fileName in self.options["transferFiles"]:
                # is list of TransferFiles instances
                fd.write("%s\n" % fileName)
        self.options["fileList"] = fileListName
        if 'monID' not in self.options:
            self.options["monID"] = self.id
        newOptions = self.options
        newOptions['apmonDest'] = self.conf.get("apMonDestinations")
        if not self.apMon:
            self.apMon = getApmonObj(newOptions['apmonDest'])

        self.command = self.conf.get("fdtSendingClientCommand") % newOptions

    def execute(self):
        This method is invoked by fdtd once the action object is received
        from remote fdtcp (where the action instance was created). Options
        known on fdtd are set on the action instance (e.g. finalizing command
        for invoking FDT Java - location of fdt.jar is known only at fdtd site).
        # this method is called on PYRO service side, user its logger
        # from now on
        localGridUser = self.options["gridUserSrc"]
        self.logger.debug("Local grid user is '%s'" % localGridUser)
        self.options["sudouser"] = localGridUser

        killTimeout = self.conf.get("fdtSendingClientKillTimeout")
        self.executor = Executor(self.id,
                output = self.executor.execute()
            except ExecutorException as ex:
                msg = ("FDT Java client on %s failed, "
                       "reason: %s" % (getHostName(), ex))
                raise FDTDException(msg)
            except Exception as ex:
                msg = ("FDT Java client on %s failed, "
                       "reason: %s" % (getHostName(), ex))
                self.logger.error(msg, traceBack=True)
                raise FDTDException(msg)
                # no other exception was raised during execution
                rObj = Result(self.id)
                rObj.status = 0
                self.status = 0
                rObj.log = output
                rObj.msg = "Output from FDT client"
                self.logger.debug("FDT client log (as sent to "
                                  "fdtcp):\n%s" % output)
                return rObj
            # give signal on this actions Executor instance that its handling
            # finished (e.g. CleanupProcessesAction may be waiting for this)
            self.executor.syncFlag = False

    def getID(self):
        """ Returns transfer ID """
        return self.id

    def getStatus(self):
        """ Returns class status """
        return self.status

    def getHost(self):
        """ Returns hostname. """
        return self.conf.get("hostname") or getHostName()

    def getMsg(self):
        """ Returns last raised message in the queue """
        return self.executor.lastMessage()

    def getLog(self):
        """ Returns log file lines """
        return self.executor.getLogs()

    def getServerPort(self):
        """Returns server port on which it is listening"""
        raise NotImplementedError("Sending client does not provide port info.")
        # This behaviour might change whenever we do pull mode.

    def executeWithLogOut(self):
        """ Execute transfer and yield log out to the client """
        for line in self.executor.executeWithLogOut():
            print(line, end='')
            yield line

    def executeWithOutLogOut(self):
        """ Execute without log output to the client on the fly. Logs can be received from getLog """
        return self.executor.executeWithOutLogOut()