def decam_sky(overwrite=False): ''' read in decam sky data ''' fpickle = os.path.join(UT.dat_dir(), 'decam_sky.p') if not os.path.isfile(fpickle) or overwrite: fdecam =, 'decalsobs-zpt-dr3-allv2.fits')) _decam = fdecam[1].data keep = ((_decam['AIRMASS'] != 0.0) & (_decam['TRANSP'] > .75) & (_decam['TRANSP'] < 1.3)) decam = {} for k in _decam.names: decam[k.lower()] = _decam[k][keep] # calculate moon altitude and moon separation time = astropy.time.Time(decam['date'], format='jd') location = astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation.from_geodetic( lat='-30d10m10.78s', lon='-70d48m23.49s', height=2241.4*u.m) moon_position = astropy.coordinates.get_moon(time, location) moon_ra = moon_position.ra.value moon_dec = moon_position.dec.value moon_position_altaz = moon_position.transform_to(astropy.coordinates.AltAz(obstime=time, location=location)) decam['moon_alt'] = moon_position_altaz.alt.value sun_position = astropy.coordinates.get_sun(time) decam['moon_sun_sep'] = sun_position.separation(moon_position).deg pickle.dump(decam, open(fpickle, 'wb')) else: decam = pickle.load(open(fpickle, 'rb')) return decam
def _twilight_coeffs(): ''' save twilight coefficients from Parker ''' import pandas as pd f = os.path.join(UT.code_dir(), 'dat', 'sky', 'MoonResults.csv') coeffs = pd.DataFrame.from_csv(f) coeffs.columns = [ 'wl', 'model', 'data_var', 'unexplained_var',' X2', 'rX2', 'c0', 'c_am', 'tau', 'tau2', 'c_zodi', 'c_isl', 'sol', 'I', 't0', 't1', 't2', 't3', 't4', 'm0', 'm1', 'm2', 'm3', 'm4', 'm5', 'm6', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5', 'c6'] # keep moon models twi_coeffs = coeffs[coeffs['model'] == 'twilight'] coeffs = coeffs[coeffs['model'] == 'moon'] # order based on wavelengths for convenience wave_sort = np.argsort(np.array(coeffs['wl'])) twi = {} twi['wave'] = np.array(coeffs['wl'])[wave_sort] for k in ['t0', 't1', 't2', 't3', 't4', 'c0']: twi[k] = np.array(twi_coeffs[k])[wave_sort] # save to file ftwi = os.path.join(UT.dat_dir(), 'sky', 'twilight_coeffs.p') pickle.dump(twi, open(ftwi, 'wb')) return None
def _Noll_sky_ESO(): ''' try to reproduce plots in Noll et al. (2012) using the ESO sky model ''' # Noll+(2012) Figure 1 generated from parameters in Table 1 dic = { 'airmass': 1.0366676717, # skysim.zodiacal.airmass_zodi(90 - 85.1) (based on alitutde) 'moon_sun_sep': 77.9, # separation of sun and moon 'moon_target_sep': 51.3, # separation of moon and target 'moon_alt': 41.3, # altitude of the moon above the horizon 'moon_earth_dist': 1., # relative distance to the moon 'ecl_lon': -124.5, # heliocentric eclipitic longitude 'ecl_lat': -31.6, # heliocentric eclipitic latitude 'msolflux': 205.5, # monthly-averaged solar radio flux at 10.7 cm 'pwv_mode': 'season', # pwv or season 'season': 4, 'time': 3, 'vacair': 'air', 'wmin': 300., 'wmax': 4200., 'wdelta': 5., 'observatory': '2640'} skyModel = skycalc.SkyModel() skyModel.callwith(dic) ftmp = os.path.join(UT.dat_dir(), 'sky', '_tmp.fits') skyModel.write(ftmp) # the clunkiest way to deal with this ever. f = fdata = f[1].data wave = fdata['lam'] # wavelength in Ang radiance = fdata['flux'] # photons/s/m^2/microm/arcsec^2 (radiance -- f**k) print fdata.names fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) sub.plot(wave, np.log10(radiance), c='k', lw=0.5, label='composite') for k, lbl, clr in zip(['flux_sml', 'flux_ssl', 'flux_zl', 'flux_tie', 'flux_tme', 'flux_ael', 'flux_arc'], ['moon', 'stars', 'zodiacal', 'telescope', 'lower atmos.', 'airglow lines', 'resid. cont.'], ['b', 'C0', 'g', 'r', 'y', 'm', 'cyan']): sub.plot(wave, np.log10(fdata[k]), lw=0.5, c=clr, label=lbl) sub.legend(loc='lower right', frameon=True, fontsize=15) sub.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength [$\mu m$]', fontsize=20) sub.set_xlim(0.2, 4.2) sub.set_ylabel(r'Radiance [dex]', fontsize=20) sub.set_ylim(-1.5, 7.5) fig.savefig(os.path.join(UT.code_dir(), 'figs', '_Nollfig1_sky_ESO.png'), bbox_inches='tight') fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) w0p5 = np.abs(wave - 0.5).argmin() sub.plot(wave, (fdata['flux_sml']/fdata['flux_sml'][w0p5]), lw=0.5, c='b', label='Moon') sub.plot(wave, (fdata['flux_ssl']/fdata['flux_ssl'][w0p5]), lw=0.5, c='g', ls='--', label='stars') sub.plot(wave, (fdata['flux_zl']/fdata['flux_zl'][w0p5]), lw=0.5, c='r', ls='-.', label='zodiacal light') sub.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize=15) sub.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength [$\mu m$]', fontsize=20) sub.set_xlim(0.36, 0.885) sub.set_ylabel(r'rel.radiance', fontsize=20) sub.set_ylim(0.,1.8) fig.savefig(os.path.join(UT.code_dir(), 'figs', '_Nollfig6_sky_ESO.png'), bbox_inches='tight') return None
def boss_sky(): ''' read in BOSS sky data -- fluxes and meta-data :notes: BOSS sky fiber treats the sky as a point source and therefore corrects for fiber-loss accordingly. Therefore to do it correctly would involve backing out the uncorrected sky flux, which is complicated. ''' fboss = os.path.join(UT.dat_dir(), 'sky', 'Bright_BOSS_Sky_blue.fits') boss = return boss
def sky_ESO(airmass, moon_sun_sep, moonalt, moonsep, observatory='2400'): ''' calculate sky brightness using ESO sky calc :param airmass: airmass ranging from [1., 3.] :param moon_sun_sep: Separation in deg of Sun and Moon as seen from Earth :param moonalt: Moon Altitude over Horizon in deg :param moonsep: Moon-Target Separation in deg :references: - - ''' airmassp = 1./(1./airmass + 0.025*np.exp(-11./airmass)) # correct sec(z) airmass to Rozenberg (1966) airmass dic = {'airmass': round(airmass,5), 'incl_moon': 'Y', 'moon_sun_sep': moon_sun_sep, 'moon_target_sep': moonsep, 'moon_alt': moonalt, 'wmin': 355., 'wmax': 985., 'observatory': observatory} skyModel = skycalc.SkyModel() skyModel.callwith(dic) ftmp = os.path.join(UT.dat_dir(), 'sky', '_tmp.fits') skyModel.write(ftmp) # the clunkiest way to deal with this ever. f = fdata = f[1].data wave = fdata['lam'] * 1e4 # wavelength in Ang radiance = fdata['flux'] # photons/s/m^2/microm/arcsec^2 (radiance -- f**k) radiance *= 1e-8 # photons/s/cm^2/Ang/arcsec^2 # photons/s/cm^2/Ang/arcsec^2 * h * c / lambda Isky = 1.99 * 1e-8 * radiance / wave * 1e17 # 10^-17 erg/s/cm^2/Ang/arcsec^2 return wave, Isky
def cI_twi(alpha, delta, airmass): ''' twilight contribution :param alpha: :param delta: :param airmass: :return twi: ''' ftwi = os.path.join(UT.dat_dir(), 'sky', 'twilight_coeffs.p') twi_coeffs = pickle.load(open(ftwi, 'rb')) twi = ( twi_coeffs['t0'] * np.abs(alpha) + # CT2 twi_coeffs['t1'] * np.abs(alpha)**2 + # CT1 twi_coeffs['t2'] * np.abs(delta)**2 + # CT3 twi_coeffs['t3'] * np.abs(delta) # CT4 ) * np.exp(-twi_coeffs['t4'] * airmass) + twi_coeffs['c0'] return twi_coeffs['wave'], np.array(twi)
def _sky_ESOvsKSvband(): ''' ''' # get default ESO moon scatterlight brightness dic = { 'airmass': 1.0366676717, # skysim.zodiacal.airmass_zodi(90 - 85.1) (based on alitutde) 'moon_sun_sep': 77.9, # separation of sun and moon 'moon_target_sep': 51.3, # separation of moon and target 'moon_alt': 41.3, # altitude of the moon above the horizon 'moon_earth_dist': 1., # relative distance to the moon 'ecl_lon': -124.5, # heliocentric eclipitic longitude 'ecl_lat': -31.6, # heliocentric eclipitic latitude 'msolflux': 205.5, # monthly-averaged solar radio flux at 10.7 cm 'pwv_mode': 'season', # pwv or season 'season': 4, 'time': 3, 'vacair': 'air', 'wmin': 300., 'wmax': 4200., 'wdelta': 5., 'observatory': '2640'} skyModel = skycalc.SkyModel() skyModel.callwith(dic) ftmp = os.path.join(UT.dat_dir(), 'sky', '_tmp.fits') skyModel.write(ftmp) # the clunkiest way to deal with this ever. f = fdata = f[1].data wave_eso = fdata['lam'] # wavelength in Ang radiance = fdata['flux_sml'] # photons/s/m^2/microm/arcsec^2 (radiance -- f**k) radiance *= 1e-8 # photons/s/cm^2/Ang/arcsec^2 Im_eso = 1.99 * 1e-8 * radiance / (wave_eso * 1e4) * 1e17 # 10^-17 erg/s/cm^2/Ang/arcsec^2 # get moon brightness where some moon spectra is caled by KS V-band specsim_sky = Sky.specsim_initialize('desi') specsim_wave = specsim_sky._wavelength # Ang specsim_sky.airmass = 1.0366676717 specsim_sky.moon.moon_phase = 77.9/180. #np.arccos(2.*moonill - 1)/np.pi specsim_sky.moon.moon_zenith = (90. - 41.3) * u.deg specsim_sky.moon.separation_angle = 51.3 * u.deg # updated KS coefficients specsim_sky.moon.KS_CR = 10**5.70 specsim_sky.moon.KS_CM0 = 7.15 specsim_sky.moon.KS_CM1 = 40. Im_ks = specsim_sky.moon.surface_brightness.value rho = fR = 10**5.36*(1.06 + np.cos(np.radians(rho))**2) fM = 10 ** (6.15 - rho/ 40.) fRp = 10**5.70*(1.06 + np.cos(np.radians(rho))**2) fMp = 10 ** (7.15 - rho/ 40.) fRn = 10**5.66*(1.06 + np.cos(np.radians(rho))**2) fMn = 10 ** (5.54 - rho/ 178.) tRS = np.interp(specsim_wave/1e4, wave_eso, fdata['trans_rs']) tMS = np.interp(specsim_wave/1e4, wave_eso, fdata['trans_ms']) tall = np.interp(specsim_wave/1e4, wave_eso, fdata['trans']) Xo = (1 - 0.96 * np.sin(specsim_sky.moon.obs_zenith)**2)**(-0.5) Xm = (1 - 0.96 * np.sin(specsim_sky.moon.moon_zenith)**2)**(-0.5) tkso = 10 ** (-0.4 * (specsim_sky.moon.vband_extinction * Xo)) tksm = 10 ** (-0.4 * (specsim_sky.moon.vband_extinction * Xm)) fcorr = ((fRp*(1.-tRS**Xo) + fMp*(1.-tMS**Xo))*tall**Xm)/((fRp+fMp) * (1-tkso) * tksm) f_eso_ks = ((fRp*(1.-tRS**Xo) + fMp*(1.-tMS**Xo))*tall**Xm)/((fR+fM) * (1-tkso) * tksm) f_nks_ks = (fRn + fMn)/(fR + fM) f_peso_ks = (fRp + fMp)/(fR + fM) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) sub.plot(wave_eso, Im_eso, c='k', label='ESO refit KS') sub.plot(specsim_wave/1e4, fcorr*Im_ks * 1e17, c='C1', label='V-band scale ESO coeff.') sub.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=20) sub.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength [$\mu m$]', fontsize=20) sub.set_xlim(0.3, 1.) sub.set_ylabel(r'Moon Brightness', fontsize=20) fig.savefig(os.path.join(UT.code_dir(), 'figs', '_sky_ESOvsKSvband.png'), bbox_inches='tight') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) sub.plot(specsim_wave, f_eso_ks, c='k', label='ESO') sub.plot(specsim_wave, np.repeat(f_nks_ks, len(specsim_wave)), c='C0', label='refit KS') sub.plot(specsim_wave, np.repeat(f_peso_ks, len(specsim_wave)), c='C1', label='pseudo ESO') sub.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=20) sub.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength [$A$]', fontsize=20) sub.set_xlim(3.4e3, 9.8e3) sub.set_ylabel(r'(moon model)/(KS moon)', fontsize=20) fig.savefig(os.path.join(UT.code_dir(), 'figs', '_sky_ESOoverKS.png'), bbox_inches='tight') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) sub.plot(wave_eso, fdata['trans_rs'], c='k', label='Rayleigh') sub.plot(wave_eso, fdata['trans_ms'], c='C1', label='Mie') sub.plot(wave_eso, np.repeat(10**(-0.4*specsim_sky.moon.vband_extinction*dic['airmass']), len(wave_eso))) sub.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=20) sub.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength [$\mu m$]', fontsize=20) sub.set_xlim(0.3, 1.) sub.set_ylabel(r'transmission', fontsize=20) fig.savefig(os.path.join(UT.code_dir(), 'figs', '_sky_ESOvsKSvband.trans.png'), bbox_inches='tight') return None
def Obvs_HODLHD_test(theta, halo, mneut=0.0, nreal=1, nzbin=4, seed=1, obvs='plk', Nmesh=360): ''' Build the observables `obvs` for {theta_test} given halo catalog ''' folder = ''.join([ UT.dat_dir(), 'lhd/', str(mneut), 'eV_', str(nreal), '_z', str(nzbin), '_', str(samples), 'samples/', 'HOD', method, '_seed', str(seed_hod), '_', str(i_p), '/' ]) # F(theta) --- i.e. the galaxy catalog generated # from the halo catalog p_hod = { 'logMmin': theta[0], 'sigma_logM': theta[1], 'logM0': theta[2], 'logM1': theta[3], 'alpha': theta[4] } g = FM.Galaxies(halos, p_hod, seed=seed) g['RSDPosition'] = FM.RSD(g, LOS=[0, 0, 1]) # impose RSD # measure P(k) from F(theta) in real and z space for rsd in [False, True]: if obvs == 'plk': # power spectrum multipole plk = FM.Observables(gals, observable='plk', rsd=rsd, Nmesh=Nmesh) # write to file if rsd: str_rsd = '.zspace' else: str_rsd = '.rspace' fname = ''.join([ folder, 'pk.theta_test.menut', str(mneut), '.nreal', str(nreal), '.nzbin', str(nzbin), str_rsd, '.', str(Nmesh), '.nbkt.dat' ]) # save to file f = open(fname, 'w') f.write("### header ### \n") f.write("# shotnoise %f \n" % plk['shotnoise']) f.write("# columns : k , P0, P2, P4 \n") f.write('### header ### \n') for ik in range(len(plk['k'])): f.write("%f \t %f \t %f \t %f" % (plk['k'][ik], plk['p0k'][ik], plk['p2k'][ik], plk['p4k'][ik])) f.write("\n") f.close() obvs = plk else: raise NotImplementedError('only Plk implemented') return None