Пример #1
  def _BulkEditEmailTasks(
      self, cnxn, issues, old_owner_ids, omit_addrs, project,
      non_private_issues, users_by_id, ids_in_issues, starrers,
      commenter_view, hostport, comment_text, amendments, config):
    """Generate Email PBs to notify interested users after a bulk edit."""
    # 1. Get the user IDs of everyone who could be notified,
    # and make all their user proxies. Also, build a dictionary
    # of all the users to notify and the issues that they are
    # interested in.  Also, build a dictionary of additional email
    # addresses to notify and the issues to notify them of.
    users_by_id = {}
    ids_to_notify_of_issue = {}
    additional_addrs_to_notify_of_issue = collections.defaultdict(list)

    users_to_queries = notify_reasons.GetNonOmittedSubscriptions(
        cnxn, self.services, [project.project_id], {})
    config = self.services.config.GetProjectConfig(
        cnxn, project.project_id)
    for issue, old_owner_id in zip(issues, old_owner_ids):
      issue_participants = set(
          [tracker_bizobj.GetOwnerId(issue), old_owner_id] +
      # users named in user-value fields that notify.
      for fd in config.field_defs:
            notify_reasons.ComputeNamedUserIDsToNotify(issue.field_values, fd))
      for user_id in ids_in_issues[issue.local_id]:
        # TODO(jrobbins): implement batch GetUser() for speed.
        if not user_id:
        auth = authdata.AuthData.FromUserID(
            cnxn, user_id, self.services)
        if (auth.user_pb.notify_issue_change and
            not auth.effective_ids.isdisjoint(issue_participants)):
          ids_to_notify_of_issue.setdefault(user_id, []).append(issue)
        elif (auth.user_pb.notify_starred_issue_change and
              user_id in starrers[issue.local_id]):
          # Skip users who have starred issues that they can no longer view.
          starrer_perms = permissions.GetPermissions(
              auth.user_pb, auth.effective_ids, project)
          granted_perms = tracker_bizobj.GetGrantedPerms(
              issue, auth.effective_ids, config)
          starrer_can_view = permissions.CanViewIssue(
              auth.effective_ids, starrer_perms, project, issue,
          if starrer_can_view:
            ids_to_notify_of_issue.setdefault(user_id, []).append(issue)
            'ids_to_notify_of_issue[%s] = %s',
            [i.local_id for i in ids_to_notify_of_issue.get(user_id, [])])

      # Find all subscribers that should be notified.
      subscribers_to_consider = notify_reasons.EvaluateSubscriptions(
          cnxn, issue, users_to_queries, self.services, config)
      for sub_id in subscribers_to_consider:
        auth = authdata.AuthData.FromUserID(cnxn, sub_id, self.services)
        sub_perms = permissions.GetPermissions(
            auth.user_pb, auth.effective_ids, project)
        granted_perms = tracker_bizobj.GetGrantedPerms(
            issue, auth.effective_ids, config)
        sub_can_view = permissions.CanViewIssue(
            auth.effective_ids, sub_perms, project, issue,
        if sub_can_view:
          ids_to_notify_of_issue.setdefault(sub_id, [])
          if issue not in ids_to_notify_of_issue[sub_id]:

      if issue in non_private_issues:
        for notify_addr in issue.derived_notify_addrs:

    # 2. Compose an email specifically for each user, and one email to each
    # notify_addr with all the issues that it.
    # Start from non-members first, then members to reveal email addresses.
    email_tasks = []
    needed_user_view_ids = [uid for uid in ids_to_notify_of_issue
                            if uid not in users_by_id]
        cnxn, self.services.user, needed_user_view_ids))
    member_ids_to_notify_of_issue = {}
    non_member_ids_to_notify_of_issue = {}
    member_additional_addrs = {}
    non_member_additional_addrs = {}
    addr_to_addrperm = {}  # {email_address: AddrPerm object}
    all_user_prefs = self.services.user.GetUsersPrefs(
        cnxn, ids_to_notify_of_issue)

    # TODO(jrobbins): Merge ids_to_notify_of_issue entries for linked accounts.

    for user_id in ids_to_notify_of_issue:
      if not user_id:
        continue  # Don't try to notify NO_USER_SPECIFIED
      if users_by_id[user_id].email in omit_addrs:
        logging.info('Omitting %s', user_id)
      user_issues = ids_to_notify_of_issue[user_id]
      if not user_issues:
        continue  # user's prefs indicate they don't want these notifications
      auth = authdata.AuthData.FromUserID(
          cnxn, user_id, self.services)
      is_member = bool(framework_bizobj.UserIsInProject(
          project, auth.effective_ids))
      if is_member:
        member_ids_to_notify_of_issue[user_id] = user_issues
        non_member_ids_to_notify_of_issue[user_id] = user_issues
      addr = users_by_id[user_id].email
      addr_to_addrperm[addr] = notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
          is_member, addr, users_by_id[user_id].user,
          notify_reasons.REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED, all_user_prefs[user_id])

    for addr, addr_issues in additional_addrs_to_notify_of_issue.items():
      auth = None
        auth = authdata.AuthData.FromEmail(cnxn, addr, self.services)
      except:  # pylint: disable=bare-except
        logging.warning('Cannot find user of email %s ', addr)
      if auth:
        is_member = bool(framework_bizobj.UserIsInProject(
            project, auth.effective_ids))
        is_member = False
      if is_member:
        member_additional_addrs[addr] = addr_issues
        non_member_additional_addrs[addr] = addr_issues
      addr_to_addrperm[addr] = notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
          is_member, addr, None, notify_reasons.REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED, None)

    for user_id, user_issues in non_member_ids_to_notify_of_issue.items():
      addr = users_by_id[user_id].email
      email = self._FormatBulkIssuesEmail(
          addr_to_addrperm[addr], user_issues, users_by_id,
          commenter_view, hostport, comment_text, amendments, config, project)
      logging.info('about to bulk notify non-member %s (%s) of %s',
                   users_by_id[user_id].email, user_id,
                   [issue.local_id for issue in user_issues])

    for addr, addr_issues in non_member_additional_addrs.items():
      email = self._FormatBulkIssuesEmail(
          addr_to_addrperm[addr], addr_issues, users_by_id, commenter_view,
          hostport, comment_text, amendments, config, project)
      logging.info('about to bulk notify non-member additional addr %s of %s',
                   addr, [addr_issue.local_id for addr_issue in addr_issues])


    for user_id, user_issues in member_ids_to_notify_of_issue.items():
      addr = users_by_id[user_id].email
      email = self._FormatBulkIssuesEmail(
          addr_to_addrperm[addr], user_issues, users_by_id,
          commenter_view, hostport, comment_text, amendments, config, project)
      logging.info('about to bulk notify member %s (%s) of %s',
                   addr, user_id, [issue.local_id for issue in user_issues])

    for addr, addr_issues in member_additional_addrs.items():
      email = self._FormatBulkIssuesEmail(
          addr_to_addrperm[addr], addr_issues, users_by_id, commenter_view,
          hostport, comment_text, amendments, config, project)
      logging.info('about to bulk notify member additional addr %s of %s',
                   addr, [addr_issue.local_id for addr_issue in addr_issues])

    # 4. Add in the project's issue_notify_address.  This happens even if it
    # is the same as the commenter's email address (which would be an unusual
    # but valid project configuration).  Only issues that any contributor could
    # view are included in emails to the all-issue-activity mailing lists.
    if (project.issue_notify_address
        and project.issue_notify_address not in omit_addrs):
      non_private_issues_live = []
      for issue in issues:
        contributor_could_view = permissions.CanViewIssue(
            set(), permissions.CONTRIBUTOR_ACTIVE_PERMISSIONSET,
            project, issue)
        if contributor_could_view:

      if non_private_issues_live:
        project_notify_addrperm = notify_reasons.AddrPerm(
            True, project.issue_notify_address, None,
            notify_reasons.REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED, None)
        email = self._FormatBulkIssuesEmail(
            project_notify_addrperm, non_private_issues_live,
            users_by_id, commenter_view, hostport, comment_text, amendments,
            config, project)
        logging.info('about to bulk notify all-issues %s of %s',
                     [issue.local_id for issue in non_private_issues])

    return email_tasks
Пример #2
  def HandleRequest(self, mr):
    """Process the task to notify users after an approval change.

      mr: common information parsed from the HTTP request.

      Results dictionary in JSON format which is useful just for debugging.
      The main goal is the side-effect of sending emails.

    send_email = bool(mr.GetIntParam('send_email'))
    issue_id = mr.GetPositiveIntParam('issue_id')
    approval_id = mr.GetPositiveIntParam('approval_id')
    comment_id = mr.GetPositiveIntParam('comment_id')
    hostport = mr.GetParam('hostport')

    params = dict(
    logging.info('approval change params are %r', params)

    issue, approval_value = self.services.issue.GetIssueApproval(
        mr.cnxn, issue_id, approval_id, use_cache=False)
    project = self.services.project.GetProject(mr.cnxn, issue.project_id)
    config = self.services.config.GetProjectConfig(mr.cnxn, issue.project_id)

    approval_fd = tracker_bizobj.FindFieldDefByID(approval_id, config)
    if approval_fd is None:
      raise exceptions.NoSuchFieldDefException()

    # GetCommentsForIssue will fill the sequence for all comments, while
    # other method for getting a single comment will not.
    # The comment sequence is especially useful for Approval issues with
    # many comment sections.
    comment = None
    all_comments = self.services.issue.GetCommentsForIssue(mr.cnxn, issue_id)
    for c in all_comments:
      if c.id == comment_id:
        comment = c
    if not comment:
      raise exceptions.NoSuchCommentException()

    field_user_ids = set()
    relevant_fds = [fd for fd in config.field_defs if
                    not fd.approval_id or
                    fd.approval_id is approval_value.approval_id]
    for fd in relevant_fds:
          notify_reasons.ComputeNamedUserIDsToNotify(issue.field_values, fd))
    users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
        mr.cnxn, self.services.user, [issue.owner_id],

    tasks = []
    if send_email:
      tasks = self._MakeApprovalEmailTasks(
          hostport, issue, project, approval_value, approval_fd.field_name,
          comment, users_by_id, list(field_user_ids), mr.perms)

    notified = notify_helpers.AddAllEmailTasks(tasks)

    return {
        'params': params,
        'notified': notified,
        'tasks': tasks,
Пример #3
  def HandleRequest(self, mr):
    """Process the task to notify users after an issue blocking change.

      mr: common information parsed from the HTTP request.

      Results dictionary in JSON format which is useful just for debugging.
      The main goal is the side-effect of sending emails.
    issue_ids = mr.GetIntListParam('issue_ids')
    hostport = mr.GetParam('hostport')
    if not issue_ids:
      return {
          'params': {},
          'notified': [],
          'message': 'Cannot proceed without a valid issue IDs.',

    old_owner_ids = mr.GetIntListParam('old_owner_ids')
    comment_text = mr.GetParam('comment_text')
    commenter_id = mr.GetPositiveIntParam('commenter_id')
    amendments = mr.GetParam('amendments')
    send_email = bool(mr.GetIntParam('send_email'))
    params = dict(
        issue_ids=issue_ids, commenter_id=commenter_id, hostport=hostport,
        old_owner_ids=old_owner_ids, comment_text=comment_text,
        send_email=send_email, amendments=amendments)

    logging.info('bulk edit params are %r', params)
    issues = self.services.issue.GetIssues(mr.cnxn, issue_ids)
    # TODO(jrobbins): For cross-project bulk edits, prefetch all relevant
    # projects and configs and pass a dict of them to subroutines.  For
    # now, all issue must be in the same project.
    project_id = issues[0].project_id
    project = self.services.project.GetProject(mr.cnxn, project_id)
    config = self.services.config.GetProjectConfig(mr.cnxn, project_id)
    issues = [issue for issue in issues if not issue.is_spam]
    anon_perms = permissions.GetPermissions(None, set(), project)

    users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
        mr.cnxn, self.services.user, [commenter_id])
    ids_in_issues = {}
    starrers = {}

    non_private_issues = []
    for issue, old_owner_id in zip(issues, old_owner_ids):
      # TODO(jrobbins): use issue_id consistently rather than local_id.
      starrers[issue.local_id] = self.services.issue_star.LookupItemStarrers(
          mr.cnxn, issue.issue_id)
      named_ids = set()  # users named in user-value fields that notify.
      for fd in config.field_defs:
            issue.field_values, fd))
      direct, indirect = self.services.usergroup.ExpandAnyUserGroups(
          mr.cnxn, list(issue.cc_ids) + list(issue.derived_cc_ids) +
          [issue.owner_id, old_owner_id, issue.derived_owner_id] +
      ids_in_issues[issue.local_id] = set(starrers[issue.local_id])
      ids_in_issue_needing_views = (
          ids_in_issues[issue.local_id] |
      new_ids_in_issue = [user_id for user_id in ids_in_issue_needing_views
                          if user_id not in users_by_id]
              mr.cnxn, self.services.user, new_ids_in_issue))

      anon_can_view = permissions.CanViewIssue(
          set(), anon_perms, project, issue)
      if anon_can_view:

    commenter_view = users_by_id[commenter_id]
    omit_addrs = {commenter_view.email}

    tasks = []
    if send_email:
      email_tasks = self._BulkEditEmailTasks(
          mr.cnxn, issues, old_owner_ids, omit_addrs, project,
          non_private_issues, users_by_id, ids_in_issues, starrers,
          commenter_view, hostport, comment_text, amendments, config)
      tasks = email_tasks

    notified = notify_helpers.AddAllEmailTasks(tasks)
    return {
        'params': params,
        'notified': notified,