Пример #1
def test_dependent_percentile(es):
    v = Feature(es['log']['value'])
    p = Percentile(v)
    p2 = Percentile(p - 1)
    pandas_backend = PandasBackend(es, [p, p2])
    df = pandas_backend.calculate_all_features(range(10, 17), None)
    true = es['log'].df[v.get_name()].rank(pct=True)
    true = true.loc[range(10, 17)]
    for t, a in zip(true.values, df[p.get_name()].values):
        assert (pd.isnull(t) and pd.isnull(a)) or t == a
Пример #2
def test_percentile_agg_percentile(es):
    v = Feature(es['log']['value'])
    p = Percentile(v)
    agg = Sum(p, es['sessions'])
    pagg = Percentile(agg)
    pandas_backend = PandasBackend(es, [pagg])
    df = pandas_backend.calculate_all_features([0, 1], None)

    log_vals = es['log'].df[[v.get_name(), 'session_id']]
    log_vals['percentile'] = log_vals[v.get_name()].rank(pct=True)
    true_p = log_vals.groupby('session_id')['percentile'].sum().fillna(0)
    true_p = true_p.rank(pct=True)[[0, 1]]

    for t, a in zip(true_p.values, df[pagg.get_name()].values):
        assert (pd.isnull(t) and pd.isnull(a)) or t == a
Пример #3
def test_percentile_with_cutoff(es):
    v = Feature(es['log']['value'])
    p = Percentile(v)
    pandas_backend = PandasBackend(es, [p])
    df = pandas_backend.calculate_all_features(
        [2], pd.Timestamp('2011/04/09 10:30:13'))
    assert df[p.get_name()].tolist()[0] == 1.0
Пример #4
def test_approximate_dfeat_of_need_all_values(entityset):
    es = entityset
    p = Percentile(es['log']['value'])
    agg_feat = Sum(p, es['sessions'])
    agg_feat2 = Sum(agg_feat, es['customers'])
    dfeat = DirectFeature(agg_feat2, es['sessions'])

    feature_matrix = calculate_feature_matrix([dfeat, agg_feat],
                                              instance_ids=[0, 2],
                                              approximate=Timedelta(10, 's'),
                                              cutoff_time=[datetime(2011, 4, 9, 10, 31, 19),
                                                           datetime(2011, 4, 9, 11, 0, 0)])
    log_df = es['log'].df
    instances = [0, 2]
    cutoffs = [pd.Timestamp('2011-04-09 10:31:19'), pd.Timestamp('2011-04-09 11:00:00')]
    approxes = [pd.Timestamp('2011-04-09 10:31:10'), pd.Timestamp('2011-04-09 11:00:00')]
    true_vals = []
    true_vals_approx = []
    for instance, cutoff, approx in zip(instances, cutoffs, approxes):
        log_data_cutoff = log_df[log_df['datetime'] < cutoff]
        log_data_cutoff['percentile'] = log_data_cutoff['value'].rank(pct=True)
        true_agg = log_data_cutoff.loc[log_data_cutoff['session_id'] == instance, 'percentile'].fillna(0).sum()
        true_vals.append(round(true_agg, 3))

        log_data_approx = log_df[log_df['datetime'] < approx]
        log_data_approx['percentile'] = log_data_approx['value'].rank(pct=True)
        true_agg_approx = log_data_approx.loc[log_data_approx['session_id'].isin([0, 1, 2]), 'percentile'].fillna(0).sum()
        true_vals_approx.append(round(true_agg_approx, 3))
    lapprox = [round(x, 3) for x in feature_matrix[dfeat.get_name()].tolist()]
    test_list = [round(x, 3) for x in feature_matrix[agg_feat.get_name()].tolist()]
    assert lapprox == true_vals_approx
    assert test_list == true_vals
def test_uses_full_entity_feat_of_approximate(entityset):
    es = entityset
    agg_feat = Sum(es['log']['value'], es['sessions'])
    agg_feat2 = Sum(agg_feat, es['customers'])
    agg_feat3 = Min(agg_feat, es['customers'])
    dfeat = DirectFeature(agg_feat2, es['sessions'])
    dfeat2 = DirectFeature(agg_feat3, es['sessions'])
    p = Percentile(dfeat)

    # only dfeat2 should be approximated
    # because Percentile needs all values

    feature_matrix_only_dfeat2 = calculate_feature_matrix(
        instance_ids=[0, 2],
        approximate=Timedelta(10, 's'),
            datetime(2011, 4, 9, 10, 31, 19),
            datetime(2011, 4, 9, 11, 0, 0)
    assert feature_matrix_only_dfeat2[dfeat2.get_name()].tolist() == [1, 0]

    feature_matrix_approx = calculate_feature_matrix(
        [p, dfeat, dfeat2, agg_feat],
        instance_ids=[0, 2],
        approximate=Timedelta(10, 's'),
            datetime(2011, 4, 9, 10, 31, 19),
            datetime(2011, 4, 9, 11, 0, 0)
    assert feature_matrix_only_dfeat2[dfeat2.get_name()].tolist(
    ) == feature_matrix_approx[dfeat2.get_name()].tolist()

    feature_matrix_small_approx = calculate_feature_matrix(
        [p, dfeat, dfeat2, agg_feat],
        instance_ids=[0, 2],
        approximate=Timedelta(10, 'ms'),
            datetime(2011, 4, 9, 10, 31, 19),
            datetime(2011, 4, 9, 11, 0, 0)

    feature_matrix_no_approx = calculate_feature_matrix(
        [p, dfeat, dfeat2, agg_feat],
        instance_ids=[0, 2],
            datetime(2011, 4, 9, 10, 31, 19),
            datetime(2011, 4, 9, 11, 0, 0)
    for f in [p, dfeat, agg_feat]:
        for fm1, fm2 in combinations([
                feature_matrix_approx, feature_matrix_small_approx,
        ], 2):
            assert fm1[f.get_name()].tolist() == fm2[f.get_name()].tolist()
def test_percentile(es):
    v = Feature(es['log']['value'])
    p = Percentile(v)
    pandas_backend = PandasBackend(es, [v, p])
    df = pandas_backend.calculate_all_features(range(17), None)
    true = df[v.get_name()].rank(pct=True)
    for t, a in zip(true.values, df[p.get_name()].values):
        assert (pd.isnull(t) and pd.isnull(a)) or t == a
Пример #7
def test_direct_percentile(es):
    v = Feature(es['customers']['age'])
    p = Percentile(v)
    d = Feature(p, es['sessions'])
    pandas_backend = PandasBackend(es, [d])
    df = pandas_backend.calculate_all_features([0, 1], None)

    cust_vals = es['customers'].df[[v.get_name()]]
    cust_vals['percentile'] = cust_vals[v.get_name()].rank(pct=True)
    true_p = cust_vals['percentile'].loc[[0, 0]]
    for t, a in zip(true_p.values, df[d.get_name()].values):
        assert (pd.isnull(t) and pd.isnull(a)) or t == a
Пример #8
def test_direct_agg_percentile(es):
    v = Feature(es['log']['value'])
    p = Percentile(v)
    agg = Sum(p, es['customers'])
    d = Feature(agg, es['sessions'])
    pandas_backend = PandasBackend(es, [d])
    df = pandas_backend.calculate_all_features([0, 1], None)

    log_vals = es['log'].df[[v.get_name(), 'session_id']]
    log_vals['percentile'] = log_vals[v.get_name()].rank(pct=True)
    log_vals['customer_id'] = [0] * 10 + [1] * 5 + [2] * 2
    true_p = log_vals.groupby('customer_id')['percentile'].sum().fillna(0)
    true_p = true_p[[0, 0]]
    for t, a in zip(true_p.values, df[d.get_name()].values):
        assert (pd.isnull(t) and pd.isnull(a)) or round(t, 3) == round(a, 3)
Пример #9
def test_two_kinds_of_dependents(es):
    v = Feature(es['log']['value'])
    product = Feature(es['log']['product_id'])
    agg = Sum(v, es['customers'], where=product == 'coke zero')
    p = Percentile(agg)
    g = Absolute(agg)
    agg2 = Sum(v, es['sessions'], where=product == 'coke zero')
    # Adding this feature in tests line 218 in pandas_backend
    # where we remove columns in result_frame that already exist
    # in the output entity_frames in preparation for pd.concat
    # In a prior version, this failed because we changed the result_frame
    # variable itself, rather than making a new variable _result_frame.
    # When len(output_frames) > 1, the second iteration won't have
    # all the necessary columns because they were removed in the first
    agg3 = Sum(agg2, es['customers'])
    pandas_backend = PandasBackend(es, [p, g, agg3])
    df = pandas_backend.calculate_all_features([0, 1], None)
    assert df[p.get_name()].tolist() == [0.5, 1.0]
    assert df[g.get_name()].tolist() == [15, 26]