Пример #1
def addSingleBattery(battDict):
   #Check to see if node where battery is going to be added exists 
    feederTree = battDict['feederDict']
    nodeOK = 0
    for key1 in feederTree:
        for key2 in feederTree[key1]:
            if feederTree[key1][key2] == battDict['battNode'] and key2=='name':
                if 'object' in feederTree[key1] and (feederTree[key1]['object'] == 'meter' or feederTree[key1]['object'] == 'node'): #Attaching to a normal meter
                    meterType = 'meter'
                    phases = str( feederTree[key1]['phases'])
                elif 'object' in feederTree[key1] and (feederTree[key1]['object'] == 'triplex_meter' or feederTree[key1]['object'] == 'triplex_node'):
                    meterType = 'triplex_meter'
                    phases = str(feederTree[key1]['phases'])
                targetKey = key1  #Need this to find the nominal voltage of the node where the meter is being added.
                nodeOK = 1
                #Find available key value
                maxKey = feeder.getMaxKey(feederTree)          
    if nodeOK == 0:            
        raise Exception('Battery not able to be added at node {}; node does not exist.'.format(battDict['battNode']))  
        #Getting parameters needed to add components
        meterNominalV = feederTree[targetKey]['nominal_voltage']
        #Add new meter, inverter, and battery to feeder dictionary
        meterName = str(battDict['battNode'])+'_meter'
        feederTree[str(maxKey + 1)]={'phases': phases, 
                                     'name': meterName,
                                     'object': meterType,
        invName = str(battDict['battNode'])+'_inv'
        feederTree[str(maxKey + 2)]={'name':invName,
                                'parent': meterName,
                                'object': 'inverter',
                                'four_quadrant_control_mode': battDict['invControl'].upper(),
                                'sense_object': str(battDict['controlSenseNode']),
                                'charge_lockout_time': str(battDict['invChargeLockoutTime']),
                                'rated_power':str(battDict['invPowerRatingkW']) + ' kW',
                                'charge_on_threshold':str(battDict['invChargeOnThresholdkW']) + ' kW',
                                'charge_off_threshold': str(battDict['invChargeOffThresholdkW']) + ' kW',
                                'discharge_on_threshold':str(battDict['invDischargeOnThresholdkW']) + ' kW',
                                'discharge_off_threshold':str(battDict['invDischargeOffThresholdkW']) + ' kW',
                                'max_discharge_rate':str(battDict['invMaxChargeRatekW']) + ' kW',
                                'max_charge_rate':str(battDict['invMaxDischargeRatekW']) + ' kW'} 
        batteryName = str(battDict['battNode'])+'_battery'
        feederTree[str(maxKey + 3)]={'name': batteryName,
                                'parent': invName,
                                'object': 'battery',
                                'battery_type': str(battDict['battType']),
                                'battery_capacity': str(battDict['battEnergyRatingkWh']) + ' kWh',
                                'base_efficiency': str(battDict['battEfficiency']),
                                'state_of_charge': str(battDict['battSOCpu']),
    return feederTree
Пример #2
def omfCalibrate(workDir, feederPath, scadaPath):
	'''calibrates a feeder and saves the calibrated tree at a location'''
	with open(feederPath, "r") as jsonIn:
		feederJson = json.load(jsonIn)
		tree = feederJson.get("tree", {})
	scadaSubPower = _processScadaData(workDir,scadaPath)
	# Force FBS powerflow, because NR fails a lot.
	for key in tree:
		if tree[key].get("module","").lower() == "powerflow":
			tree[key] = {"module":"powerflow","solver_method":"FBS"}
	# Attach player.
	classOb = {"class":"player", "variable_names":["value"], "variable_types":["double"]}
	playerOb = {"object":"player", "property":"value", "name":"scadaLoads", "file":"subScada.player", "loop":"0"}
	maxKey = feeder.getMaxKey(tree)
	tree[maxKey+1] = classOb
	tree[maxKey+2] = playerOb
	# Make loads reference player.
	loadTemplate = {"object": "triplex_load",
		"power_pf_12": "0.95",
		"impedance_pf_12": "0.98",
		"power_pf_12": "0.90",
		"impedance_fraction_12": "0.7",
		"power_fraction_12": "0.3"}
	for key in tree:
		ob = tree[key]
		if ob.get("object","") == "triplex_node" and ob.get("power_12","") != "":
			newOb = dict(loadTemplate)
			newOb["name"] = ob.get("name", "")
			newOb["parent"] = ob.get("parent", "")
			newOb["phases"] = ob.get("phases", "")
			newOb["nominal_voltage"] = ob.get("nominal_voltage","")
			newOb["latitude"] = ob.get("latitude","0")
			newOb["longitude"] = ob.get("longitude","0")
			oldPow = ob.get("power_12","").replace("j","d")
			pythagPower = gridlabd._strClean(oldPow)
			newOb["base_power_12"] = "scadaLoads.value*" + str(pythagPower)
			tree[key] = newOb
	# Search for the substation regulator and attach a recorder there.
	for key in tree:
		if tree[key].get('bustype','').lower() == 'swing':
			swingName = tree[key].get('name')
	for key in tree:
		if tree[key].get('object','') == 'regulator' and tree[key].get('from','') == swingName:
			regIndex = key
			SUB_REG_NAME = tree[key]['name']
	recOb = {"object": "recorder",
		"parent": SUB_REG_NAME,
		"property": "power_in.real,power_in.imag",
		"file": "caliSub.csv",
		"interval": "900"}
	tree[maxKey + 3] = recOb
	HOURS = 100
	feeder.adjustTime(tree, HOURS, "hours", "2011-01-01")
	# Run Gridlabd.
	output = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, keepFiles=True, workDir=workDir)
	# Calculate scaling constant.
	outRealPow = output["caliSub.csv"]["power_in.real"]
	outImagPower = output["caliSub.csv"]["power_in.imag"]
	outAppPowerKw = [(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5/1000 for x in zip(outRealPow, outImagPower)]
	# HACK: ignore first time step in output and input because GLD sometimes breaks the first step.
	SCAL_CONST = sum(scadaSubPower[1:HOURS])/sum(outAppPowerKw[1:HOURS])
	# Rewrite the subScada.player file so all the power values are multiplied by the SCAL_CONSTANT.
	newPlayData = []
	with open(pJoin(workDir, "subScada.player"), "r") as playerFile:
		for line in playerFile:
			(key,val) = line.split(',')
			newPlayData.append(str(key) + ',' + str(float(val)*SCAL_CONST) + "\n")
	with open(pJoin(workDir, "subScadaCalibrated.player"), "w") as playerFile:
		for row in newPlayData:
	# Test by running a glm with subScadaCalibrated.player and caliSub.csv2.
	tree[maxKey+2]["file"] = "subScadaCalibrated.player"
	tree[maxKey + 3]["file"] = "caliSubCheck.csv"
	secondOutput = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, keepFiles=True, workDir=workDir)
	plt.plot(outAppPowerKw[1:HOURS], label="initialGuess")
	plt.plot(scadaSubPower[1:HOURS], label="scadaSubPower")
	secondAppKw = [(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5/1000
		for x in zip(secondOutput["caliSubCheck.csv"]["power_in.real"], secondOutput["caliSubCheck.csv"]["power_in.imag"])]
	plt.plot(secondAppKw[1:HOURS], label="finalGuess")
	# Write the final output.
	with open(pJoin(workDir,"calibratedFeeder.json"),"w") as outJson:
		playerString = open(pJoin(workDir,"subScadaCalibrated.player")).read()
		feederJson["attachments"]["subScadaCalibrated.player"] = playerString
		feederJson["tree"] = tree
		json.dump(feederJson, outJson, indent=4)
Пример #3
def omfCalibrate(workDir, feederPath, scadaPath):
    '''calibrates a feeder and saves the calibrated tree at a location'''
    with open(feederPath, "r") as jsonIn:
        feederJson = json.load(jsonIn)
        tree = feederJson.get("tree", {})
    scadaSubPower = _processScadaData(workDir, scadaPath)
    # Force FBS powerflow, because NR fails a lot.
    for key in tree:
        if tree[key].get("module", "").lower() == "powerflow":
            tree[key] = {"module": "powerflow", "solver_method": "FBS"}
    # Attach player.
    classOb = {
        "class": "player",
        "variable_names": ["value"],
        "variable_types": ["double"]
    playerOb = {
        "object": "player",
        "property": "value",
        "name": "scadaLoads",
        "file": "subScada.player",
        "loop": "0"
    maxKey = feeder.getMaxKey(tree)
    tree[maxKey + 1] = classOb
    tree[maxKey + 2] = playerOb
    # Make loads reference player.
    loadTemplate = {
        "object": "triplex_load",
        "power_pf_12": "0.95",
        "impedance_pf_12": "0.98",
        "power_pf_12": "0.90",
        "impedance_fraction_12": "0.7",
        "power_fraction_12": "0.3"
    for key in tree:
        ob = tree[key]
        if ob.get("object",
                  "") == "triplex_node" and ob.get("power_12", "") != "":
            newOb = dict(loadTemplate)
            newOb["name"] = ob.get("name", "")
            newOb["parent"] = ob.get("parent", "")
            newOb["phases"] = ob.get("phases", "")
            newOb["nominal_voltage"] = ob.get("nominal_voltage", "")
            newOb["latitude"] = ob.get("latitude", "0")
            newOb["longitude"] = ob.get("longitude", "0")
            oldPow = ob.get("power_12", "").replace("j", "d")
            pythagPower = gridlabd._strClean(oldPow)
            newOb["base_power_12"] = "scadaLoads.value*" + str(pythagPower)
            tree[key] = newOb
    # Search for the substation regulator and attach a recorder there.
    for key in tree:
        if tree[key].get('bustype', '').lower() == 'swing':
            swingName = tree[key].get('name')
    for key in tree:
        if tree[key].get('object', '') == 'regulator' and tree[key].get(
                'from', '') == swingName:
            regIndex = key
            SUB_REG_NAME = tree[key]['name']
    recOb = {
        "object": "recorder",
        "parent": SUB_REG_NAME,
        "property": "power_in.real,power_in.imag",
        "file": "caliSub.csv",
        "interval": "900"
    tree[maxKey + 3] = recOb
    HOURS = 100
    feeder.adjustTime(tree, HOURS, "hours", "2011-01-01")
    # Run Gridlabd.
    output = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, keepFiles=True, workDir=workDir)
    # Calculate scaling constant.
    outRealPow = output["caliSub.csv"]["power_in.real"]
    outImagPower = output["caliSub.csv"]["power_in.imag"]
    outAppPowerKw = [(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5 / 1000
                     for x in zip(outRealPow, outImagPower)]
    # HACK: ignore first time step in output and input because GLD sometimes breaks the first step.
    SCAL_CONST = sum(scadaSubPower[1:HOURS]) / sum(outAppPowerKw[1:HOURS])
    # Rewrite the subScada.player file so all the power values are multiplied by the SCAL_CONSTANT.
    newPlayData = []
    with open(pJoin(workDir, "subScada.player"), "r") as playerFile:
        for line in playerFile:
            (key, val) = line.split(',')
                str(key) + ',' + str(float(val) * SCAL_CONST) + "\n")
    with open(pJoin(workDir, "subScadaCalibrated.player"), "w") as playerFile:
        for row in newPlayData:
    # Test by running a glm with subScadaCalibrated.player and caliSub.csv2.
    tree[maxKey + 2]["file"] = "subScadaCalibrated.player"
    tree[maxKey + 3]["file"] = "caliSubCheck.csv"
    secondOutput = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree,
    plt.plot(outAppPowerKw[1:HOURS], label="initialGuess")
    plt.plot(scadaSubPower[1:HOURS], label="scadaSubPower")
    secondAppKw = [
        (x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5 / 1000
        for x in zip(secondOutput["caliSubCheck.csv"]["power_in.real"],
    plt.plot(secondAppKw[1:HOURS], label="finalGuess")
    plt.savefig(pJoin(workDir, "caliCheckPlot.png"))
    # Write the final output.
    with open(pJoin(workDir, "calibratedFeeder.json"), "w") as outJson:
        playerString = open(pJoin(workDir, "subScadaCalibrated.player")).read()
        feederJson["attachments"]["subScadaCalibrated.player"] = playerString
        feederJson["tree"] = tree
        json.dump(feederJson, outJson, indent=4)
Пример #4
def attachVolts(workDir, feederPath, voltVectorA, voltVectorB, voltVectorC, simStartDate, simLength, simLengthUnits):
	'''read voltage vectors of 3 different phases, run gridlabd, and attach output to the feeder.'''
		timeStamp = [simStartDate['Date']]
		for x in range (1, 8760):
			timeStamp.append(timeStamp[x-1] + dt.timedelta(hours=1))
		firstDateTime = timeStamp[1]
		with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"),"phaseAVoltage.player"),"w") as voltFile:
			for x in range(0, 8760):
				timestamp = timeStamp[x]
				voltage = str("%0.2f"%float(voltVectorA[x]))+"+0j"
				line = timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " " + simStartDate['timeZone'] + "," + str(voltage) + "\n"
		with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"),"phaseBVoltage.player"),"w") as voltFile:
			for x in range(0, 8760):
				timestamp = timeStamp[x]
				voltage = str("%0.2f"%float(voltVectorB[x]))+"-"+str("%0.4f"%float(random.uniform(6449,6460)))+"j"
				line = timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " " + simStartDate['timeZone'] + "," + str(voltage) + "\n"
		with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"),"phaseCVoltage.player"),"w") as voltFile:
			for x in range(0, 8760):
				timestamp = timeStamp[x]
				voltage = str("%0.2f"%float(voltVectorC[x]))+"+"+str("%0.4f"%float(random.uniform(6449,6460)))+"j"
				line = timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " " + simStartDate['timeZone'] + "," + str(voltage) + "\n"
		with open(feederPath, "r") as jsonIn:
			feederJson = json.load(jsonIn)
			tree = feederJson.get("tree", {})
		# Find swingNode name.
		for key in tree:
			if tree[key].get('bustype','').lower() == 'swing':
				swingName = tree[key].get('name')
		# Attach player.
		classOb = {'omftype':'class player','argument':'{double value;}'}
		voltageObA = {"object":"player", "property":"voltage_A", "file":"phaseAVoltage.player", "loop":"0", "parent":swingName}
		voltageObB = {"object":"player", "property":"voltage_B", "file":"phaseBVoltage.player", "loop":"0", "parent":swingName}
		voltageObC = {"object":"player", "property":"voltage_C", "file":"phaseCVoltage.player", "loop":"0", "parent":swingName}
		maxKey = feeder.getMaxKey(tree)
		voltplayerKeyA = maxKey + 2
		voltplayerKeyB = maxKey + 3
		voltplayerKeyC = maxKey + 4
		tree[maxKey+1] = classOb
		tree[voltplayerKeyA] = voltageObA
		tree[voltplayerKeyB] = voltageObB
		tree[voltplayerKeyC] = voltageObC
		# Adjust time and run output.
		feeder.adjustTime(tree, simLength, simLengthUnits, firstDateTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
		output = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, keepFiles=True, workDir=pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"))
		# Write the output.
		with open(pJoin(workDir,"calibratedFeeder.omd"),"w") as outJson:
			playerStringA = open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"),"phaseAVoltage.player")).read()
			playerStringB = open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"),"phaseBVoltage.player")).read()
			playerStringC = open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"),"phaseCVoltage.player")).read()
			feederJson["attachments"]["phaseAVoltage.player"] = playerStringA
			feederJson["attachments"]["phaseBVoltage.player"] = playerStringB
			feederJson["attachments"]["phaseCVoltage.player"] = playerStringC
			feederJson["tree"] = tree
			json.dump(feederJson, outJson, indent=4)
		return pJoin(workDir,"calibratedFeeder.omd"), True
		print "Failed to run gridlabD with voltage players."
		return "", False
Пример #5
def omfCalibrate(workDir, feederPath, scadaPath, simStartDate, simLength, simLengthUnits, solver="FBS", calibrateError=(0.05,5), trim=5):
	'''calibrates a feeder and saves the calibrated tree at a location.
	Note: feeders with cap banks should be calibrated with cap banks OPEN.
	We have seen cap banks throw off calibration.'''
	with open(feederPath, "r") as jsonIn:
		feederJson = json.load(jsonIn)
		tree = feederJson.get("tree", {})
	simLength = simLength + trim
	# Process scada data.
	scadaSubPower = _processScadaData(pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"),scadaPath, simStartDate, simLengthUnits)
	# Load specified solver.
	for key in tree:
		if tree[key].get("module","").lower() == "powerflow":
			tree[key] = {"module":"powerflow","solver_method":solver}	
	# Attach player.
	classOb = {'omftype':'class player','argument':'{double value;}'}
	playerOb = {"object":"player", "property":"value", "name":"scadaLoads", "file":"subScada.player", "loop":"0"}
	maxKey = feeder.getMaxKey(tree)
	playerKey = maxKey + 2
	tree[maxKey+1] = classOb
	tree[playerKey] = playerOb
	# Make loads reference player.
	loadTemplate = {"object": "triplex_load",
		"power_pf_12": "0.95",
		"impedance_pf_12": "0.98",
		"power_pf_12": "0.90",
		"impedance_fraction_12": "0.7",
		"power_fraction_12": "0.3"}
	loadTemplateR = {"object": "load",
		"impedance_pf_A": "0.98",
		"impedance_pf_B": "0.98",
		"impedance_pf_C": "0.98",
		"power_pf_A": "0.90",
		"power_pf_B": "0.90",
		"power_pf_C": "0.90",
		"impedance_fraction_A": "0.7",
		"impedance_fraction_B": "0.7",
		"impedance_fraction_C": "0.7",
		"power_fraction_A": "0.3",
		"power_fraction_B": "0.3",
		"power_fraction_C": "0.3"}		
	for key in tree:
		ob = tree[key]
		if ob.get("object","") == "triplex_node" and ob.get("power_12","") != "":
			# Add to triplex_nodes.
			newOb = dict(loadTemplate)
			newOb["name"] = ob.get("name", "")
			newOb["parent"] = ob.get("parent", "")
			newOb["phases"] = ob.get("phases", "")
			newOb["nominal_voltage"] = ob.get("nominal_voltage","")
			newOb["latitude"] = ob.get("latitude","0")
			newOb["longitude"] = ob.get("longitude","0")
			oldPow = ob.get("power_12","").replace("j","d")
			pythagPower = gridlabd._strClean(oldPow)
			newOb["base_power_12"] = "scadaLoads.value*" + str(pythagPower)
			tree[key] = newOb
		elif ob.get("object","") == "load":
			# Add to residential_loads too.
			newOb = dict(loadTemplateR)
			newOb["name"] = ob.get("name", "")
			newOb["parent"] = ob.get("parent", "")
			newOb["phases"] = ob.get("phases", "")
			newOb["load_class"] = ob.get("load_class", "")
			newOb["nominal_voltage"] = ob.get("nominal_voltage","")
			newOb["latitude"] = ob.get("latitude","0")
			newOb["longitude"] = ob.get("longitude","0")
				oldPow = ob.get("constant_power_A","").replace("j","d")
				pythagPower = gridlabd._strClean(oldPow)
				newOb["base_power_A"] = "scadaLoads.value*" + str(pythagPower)
				oldPow = ob.get("constant_power_B","").replace("j","d")
				pythagPower = gridlabd._strClean(oldPow)
				newOb["base_power_B"] = "scadaLoads.value*" + str(pythagPower)
				oldPow = ob.get("constant_power_C","").replace("j","d")
				pythagPower = gridlabd._strClean(oldPow)
				newOb["base_power_C"] = "scadaLoads.value*" + str(pythagPower)
			tree[key] = newOb
	# Convert swing bus to a meter.
	for key in tree:
		if tree[key].get('bustype','').lower() == 'swing' and tree[key].get('object','') != 'meter':
			swingName = tree[key].get('name')
			regIndex = key
			tree[key]['object'] = 'meter'	
	# Search for the substation meter and attach a recorder there.
	for key in tree:
		if tree[key].get('bustype','').lower() == 'swing':
			swingName = tree[key].get('name')
	recOb = {"object": "recorder",
		"parent": swingName,
		"property": "measured_real_power,measured_reactive_power,measured_power",
		"file": "caliSub.csv",
		"interval": "900"}
	outputRecorderKey = maxKey + 3
	tree[outputRecorderKey] = recOb
	feeder.adjustTime(tree, simLength, simLengthUnits, simStartDate['Date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
	# Run Gridlabd, calculate scaling constant.
	def runPowerflowIter(tree,scadaSubPower):
		'''Runs powerflow once, then iterates.'''
		# Run initial powerflow to get power.
		print "Starting calibration."
		print "Goal of calibration: Error: %s, Iterations: <%s, trim: %s"%(calibrateError[0], calibrateError[1], trim)		
		output = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, keepFiles=True, workDir=pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"))
		outRealPow = output["caliSub.csv"]["measured_real_power"][trim:simLength]
		outImagPower = output["caliSub.csv"]["measured_reactive_power"][trim:simLength]
		outAppPowerKw = [(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5/1000 for x in zip(outRealPow, outImagPower)]
		lastFile = "subScada.player"
		nextFile = "subScadaCalibrated.player"
		nextPower = outAppPowerKw
		error = (sum(outRealPow)/1000-sum(scadaSubPower))/sum(scadaSubPower)
		iteration = 1
		print "First error:", error
		while abs(error)>calibrateError[0] and iteration<calibrateError[1]:
			# Run calibration and iterate up to 5 times.
			SCAL_CONST = sum(scadaSubPower)/sum(nextPower)
			print "Calibrating & running again... Error: %s, Iteration: %s, SCAL_CONST: %s"%(str(round(abs(error*100),2)), str(iteration), round(SCAL_CONST,2))
			newPlayData = []
			with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"), lastFile), "r") as playerFile:
				for line in playerFile:
					(key,val) = line.split(',')
					newPlayData.append(str(key) + ',' + str(float(val)*SCAL_CONST) + "\n")
			with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"), nextFile), "w") as playerFile:
				for row in newPlayData:
			tree[playerKey]["file"] = nextFile
			tree[outputRecorderKey]["file"] = "caliSubCheck.csv"
			nextOutput = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, keepFiles=True, workDir=pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"))
			outRealPowIter = nextOutput["caliSubCheck.csv"]["measured_real_power"][trim:simLength]
			outImagPowerIter = nextOutput["caliSubCheck.csv"]["measured_reactive_power"][trim:simLength]
			nextAppKw = [(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5/1000
				for x in zip(outRealPowIter, outImagPowerIter)]
			lastFile = nextFile
			nextFile = "subScadaCalibrated"+str(iteration)+".player"
			nextPower = nextAppKw
			# Compute error and iterate.
			error = (sum(outRealPowIter)/1000-sum(scadaSubPower))/sum(scadaSubPower)
			if iteration==1: outRealPowIter = outRealPow
		print "Calibration done: Error: %s, Iteration: %s, SCAL_CONST: %s"%(str(round(abs(error*100),2)), str(iteration), round(SCAL_CONST,2))		
		return outRealPow, outRealPowIter, lastFile, iteration
	outRealPow, outRealPowIter, lastFile, iteration = runPowerflowIter(tree,scadaSubPower[trim:simLength])
	caliPowVectors = [[float(element) for element in scadaSubPower[trim:simLength]], [float(element)/1000 for element in outRealPow], [float(element)/1000 for element in outRealPowIter]]
	labels = ["scadaSubPower","initialGuess","finalGuess"]
	colors = ['red','lightblue','blue']
	chartData = {"Title":"Substation Calibration Check (Iterated "+str(iteration+1)+"X)", "fileName":"caliCheckPlot", "colors":colors,"labels":labels, "timeZone":simStartDate['timeZone']}
	print "Len:", len(caliPowVectors[0]), len(caliPowVectors[1]), len(caliPowVectors[2])
	plotLine(workDir, caliPowVectors, chartData, simStartDate['Date']+dt.timedelta(hours=trim), simLengthUnits)
	# Write the final output.
	with open(pJoin(workDir,"calibratedFeeder.omd"),"w") as outJson:
		playerString = open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"),lastFile)).read()
		feederJson["attachments"][lastFile] = playerString
		feederJson["tree"] = tree
		json.dump(feederJson, outJson, indent=4)
Пример #6
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import sys, json
import feeder, weather
from solvers.gridlabd import runInFilesystem

# Make a weather file.
weather.makeClimateCsv('2014-01-01', '2014-01-11', 'MSP', './mspWeather.csv')

# Add stuff to the feeder.
with open('./Orville Tree Pond Calibrated.json', 'r') as inFile:
    myFeed = json.load(inFile)
    myTree = myFeed['tree']
# HACK:doesn't matter if we import modules twice, so just stick everything on the end.
oldMax = feeder.getMaxKey(myTree)
myTree[oldMax + 1] = {'omftype': 'module', 'argument': 'tape'}
myTree[oldMax + 2] = {'omftype': 'module', 'argument': 'climate'}
myTree[oldMax + 3] = {
    'object': 'csv_reader',
    'name': 'weatherReader',
    'filename': 'mspWeather.csv'
myTree[oldMax + 4] = {
    'object': 'climate',
    'name': 'exampleClimate',
    'tmyfile': 'mspWeather.csv',
    'reader': 'weatherReader'
# Add a few panels too to test.
myTree[oldMax + 5] = {
Пример #7
def attachVolts(workDir, feederPath, voltVectorA, voltVectorB, voltVectorC,
                simStartDate, simLength, simLengthUnits):
    '''read voltage vectors of 3 different phases, run gridlabd, and attach output to the feeder.'''
        timeStamp = [simStartDate['Date']]
        for x in range(1, 8760):
            timeStamp.append(timeStamp[x - 1] + dt.timedelta(hours=1))
        firstDateTime = timeStamp[1]
        with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"), "phaseAVoltage.player"),
                  "w") as voltFile:
            for x in range(0, 8760):
                timestamp = timeStamp[x]
                voltage = str("%0.2f" % float(voltVectorA[x])) + "+0j"
                line = timestamp.strftime(
                    "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
                ) + " " + simStartDate['timeZone'] + "," + str(voltage) + "\n"
        with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"), "phaseBVoltage.player"),
                  "w") as voltFile:
            for x in range(0, 8760):
                timestamp = timeStamp[x]
                voltage = str("%0.2f" % float(voltVectorB[x])) + "-" + str(
                    "%0.4f" % float(random.uniform(6449, 6460))) + "j"
                line = timestamp.strftime(
                    "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
                ) + " " + simStartDate['timeZone'] + "," + str(voltage) + "\n"
        with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"), "phaseCVoltage.player"),
                  "w") as voltFile:
            for x in range(0, 8760):
                timestamp = timeStamp[x]
                voltage = str("%0.2f" % float(voltVectorC[x])) + "+" + str(
                    "%0.4f" % float(random.uniform(6449, 6460))) + "j"
                line = timestamp.strftime(
                    "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
                ) + " " + simStartDate['timeZone'] + "," + str(voltage) + "\n"
        with open(feederPath, "r") as jsonIn:
            feederJson = json.load(jsonIn)
            tree = feederJson.get("tree", {})
        # Find swingNode name.
        for key in tree:
            if tree[key].get('bustype', '').lower() == 'swing':
                swingName = tree[key].get('name')
        # Attach player.
        classOb = {'omftype': 'class player', 'argument': '{double value;}'}
        voltageObA = {
            "object": "player",
            "property": "voltage_A",
            "file": "phaseAVoltage.player",
            "loop": "0",
            "parent": swingName
        voltageObB = {
            "object": "player",
            "property": "voltage_B",
            "file": "phaseBVoltage.player",
            "loop": "0",
            "parent": swingName
        voltageObC = {
            "object": "player",
            "property": "voltage_C",
            "file": "phaseCVoltage.player",
            "loop": "0",
            "parent": swingName
        maxKey = feeder.getMaxKey(tree)
        voltplayerKeyA = maxKey + 2
        voltplayerKeyB = maxKey + 3
        voltplayerKeyC = maxKey + 4
        tree[maxKey + 1] = classOb
        tree[voltplayerKeyA] = voltageObA
        tree[voltplayerKeyB] = voltageObB
        tree[voltplayerKeyC] = voltageObC
        # Adjust time and run output.
        feeder.adjustTime(tree, simLength, simLengthUnits,
                          firstDateTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
        output = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree,
                                          workDir=pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"))
        # Write the output.
        with open(pJoin(workDir, "calibratedFeeder.omd"), "w") as outJson:
            playerStringA = open(
                pJoin(pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"),
            playerStringB = open(
                pJoin(pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"),
            playerStringC = open(
                pJoin(pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"),
            feederJson["attachments"]["phaseAVoltage.player"] = playerStringA
            feederJson["attachments"]["phaseBVoltage.player"] = playerStringB
            feederJson["attachments"]["phaseCVoltage.player"] = playerStringC
            feederJson["tree"] = tree
            json.dump(feederJson, outJson, indent=4)
        return pJoin(workDir, "calibratedFeeder.omd"), True
        print "Failed to run gridlabD with voltage players."
        return "", False
Пример #8
def omfCalibrate(workDir,
                 calibrateError=(0.05, 5),
    '''calibrates a feeder and saves the calibrated tree at a location.
	Note: feeders with cap banks should be calibrated with cap banks OPEN.
	We have seen cap banks throw off calibration.'''
    with open(feederPath, "r") as jsonIn:
        feederJson = json.load(jsonIn)
        tree = feederJson.get("tree", {})
    simLength = simLength + trim
    # Process scada data.
    scadaSubPower = _processScadaData(pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"), scadaPath,
                                      simStartDate, simLengthUnits)
    # Load specified solver.
    for key in tree:
        if tree[key].get("module", "").lower() == "powerflow":
            tree[key] = {"module": "powerflow", "solver_method": solver}
    # Attach player.
    classOb = {'omftype': 'class player', 'argument': '{double value;}'}
    playerOb = {
        "object": "player",
        "property": "value",
        "name": "scadaLoads",
        "file": "subScada.player",
        "loop": "0"
    maxKey = feeder.getMaxKey(tree)
    playerKey = maxKey + 2
    tree[maxKey + 1] = classOb
    tree[playerKey] = playerOb
    # Make loads reference player.
    loadTemplate = {
        "object": "triplex_load",
        "power_pf_12": "0.95",
        "impedance_pf_12": "0.98",
        "power_pf_12": "0.90",
        "impedance_fraction_12": "0.7",
        "power_fraction_12": "0.3"
    loadTemplateR = {
        "object": "load",
        "impedance_pf_A": "0.98",
        "impedance_pf_B": "0.98",
        "impedance_pf_C": "0.98",
        "power_pf_A": "0.90",
        "power_pf_B": "0.90",
        "power_pf_C": "0.90",
        "impedance_fraction_A": "0.7",
        "impedance_fraction_B": "0.7",
        "impedance_fraction_C": "0.7",
        "power_fraction_A": "0.3",
        "power_fraction_B": "0.3",
        "power_fraction_C": "0.3"
    for key in tree:
        ob = tree[key]
        if ob.get("object", "") in ("triplex_node", "triplex_load") and (
                ob.get("power_12") or ob.get("base_power_12")):
            # Add to triplex_nodes.
            newOb = dict(loadTemplate)
            newOb["name"] = ob.get("name", "")
            newOb["parent"] = ob.get("parent", "")
            newOb["phases"] = ob.get("phases", "")
            newOb["nominal_voltage"] = ob.get("nominal_voltage", "")
            newOb["latitude"] = ob.get("latitude", "0")
            newOb["longitude"] = ob.get("longitude", "0")
            oldPow = ob.get("power_12", "").replace("j", "d")
            if not oldPow:
                oldPow = ob.get("base_power_12")
                if "scadaloads.value*" in oldPow:
                    oldPow = oldPow[17:]
            pythagPower = gridlabd._strClean(oldPow)
            newOb["base_power_12"] = "scadaLoads.value*" + str(pythagPower)
            tree[key] = newOb
        elif ob.get("object", "") == "load":
            # Add to residential_loads too.
            newOb = dict(loadTemplateR)
            newOb["name"] = ob.get("name", "")
            newOb["parent"] = ob.get("parent", "")
            newOb["phases"] = ob.get("phases", "")
            newOb["load_class"] = ob.get("load_class", "")
            newOb["nominal_voltage"] = ob.get("nominal_voltage", "")
            newOb["latitude"] = ob.get("latitude", "0")
            newOb["longitude"] = ob.get("longitude", "0")
                oldPow = ob.get("constant_power_A", "").replace("j", "d")
                pythagPower = gridlabd._strClean(oldPow)
                newOb["base_power_A"] = "scadaLoads.value*" + str(pythagPower)
                oldPow = ob.get("constant_power_B", "").replace("j", "d")
                pythagPower = gridlabd._strClean(oldPow)
                newOb["base_power_B"] = "scadaLoads.value*" + str(pythagPower)
                oldPow = ob.get("constant_power_C", "").replace("j", "d")
                pythagPower = gridlabd._strClean(oldPow)
                newOb["base_power_C"] = "scadaLoads.value*" + str(pythagPower)
            tree[key] = newOb
    # Convert swing bus to a meter.
    for key in tree:
        if tree[key].get('bustype', '').lower() == 'swing' and tree[key].get(
                'object', '') != 'meter':
            swingName = tree[key].get('name')
            regIndex = key
            tree[key]['object'] = 'meter'
    # Search for the substation meter and attach a recorder there.
    for key in tree:
        if tree[key].get('bustype', '').lower() == 'swing':
            swingName = tree[key].get('name')
    recOb = {
        "object": "recorder",
        "parent": swingName,
        "file": "caliSub.csv",
        "interval": "3600"
    outputRecorderKey = maxKey + 3
    tree[outputRecorderKey] = recOb
    feeder.adjustTime(tree, simLength, simLengthUnits,
                      simStartDate['Date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))

    # Run Gridlabd, calculate scaling constant.
    def runPowerflowIter(tree, scadaSubPower):
        '''Runs powerflow once, then iterates.'''
        # Run initial powerflow to get power.
        print "Starting calibration."
        print "Goal of calibration: Error: %s, Iterations: <%s, trim: %s" % (
            calibrateError[0], calibrateError[1], trim)
        output = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree,
                                          workDir=pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"))
        outRealPow = output["caliSub.csv"]["measured_real_power"][
        outImagPower = output["caliSub.csv"]["measured_reactive_power"][
        outAppPowerKw = [(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5 / 1000
                         for x in zip(outRealPow, outImagPower)]
        lastFile = "subScada.player"
        nextFile = "subScadaCalibrated.player"
        nextPower = outAppPowerKw
        error = (sum(outRealPow) / 1000 -
                 sum(scadaSubPower)) / sum(scadaSubPower)
        iteration = 1
        print "First error:", error
        while abs(error) > calibrateError[0] and iteration < calibrateError[1]:
            # Run calibration and iterate up to 5 times.
            SCAL_CONST = sum(scadaSubPower) / sum(nextPower)
            print "Calibrating & running again... Error: %s, Iteration: %s, SCAL_CONST: %s" % (
                str(round(abs(error * 100),
                          6)), str(iteration), round(SCAL_CONST, 6))
            newPlayData = []
            with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"), lastFile),
                      "r") as playerFile:
                for line in playerFile:
                    (key, val) = line.split(',')
                        str(key) + ',' + str(float(val) * SCAL_CONST) + "\n")
            with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"), nextFile),
                      "w") as playerFile:
                for row in newPlayData:
            tree[playerKey]["file"] = nextFile
            tree[outputRecorderKey]["file"] = "caliSubCheck.csv"
            nextOutput = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree,
                                                      workDir, "gridlabD"))
            outRealPowIter = nextOutput["caliSubCheck.csv"][
            outImagPowerIter = nextOutput["caliSubCheck.csv"][
            nextAppKw = [(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5 / 1000
                         for x in zip(outRealPowIter, outImagPowerIter)]
            lastFile = nextFile
            nextFile = "subScadaCalibrated" + str(iteration) + ".player"
            nextPower = nextAppKw
            # Compute error and iterate.
            error = (sum(outRealPowIter) / 1000 -
                     sum(scadaSubPower)) / sum(scadaSubPower)
            iteration += 1
            if iteration == 1: outRealPowIter = outRealPow
            SCAL_CONST = 1.0
        print "Calibration done: Error: %s, Iteration: %s, SCAL_CONST: %s" % (
            str(round(abs(error * 100),
                      2)), str(iteration), round(SCAL_CONST, 2))
        return outRealPow, outRealPowIter, lastFile, iteration

    outRealPow, outRealPowIter, lastFile, iteration = runPowerflowIter(
        tree, scadaSubPower[trim:simLength])
    caliPowVectors = [[
        float(element) for element in scadaSubPower[trim:simLength]
    ], [float(element) / 1000 for element in outRealPow],
                      [float(element) / 1000 for element in outRealPowIter]]
    labels = ["scadaSubPower", "initialGuess", "finalGuess"]
    colors = ['red', 'lightblue', 'blue']
    chartData = {
        "Substation Calibration Check (Iterated " + str(iteration + 1) + "X)",
        "fileName": "caliCheckPlot",
        "colors": colors,
        "labels": labels,
        "timeZone": simStartDate['timeZone']
    # Trimming vectors to make them all the same length as the smallest vector
    minCaliPowVecLen = min(len(caliPowVectors[0]), len(caliPowVectors[1]),
    caliPowVectors[0] = caliPowVectors[0][:minCaliPowVecLen]
    caliPowVectors[1] = caliPowVectors[1][:minCaliPowVecLen]
    caliPowVectors[2] = caliPowVectors[2][:minCaliPowVecLen]
    print "Len:", len(caliPowVectors[0]), len(caliPowVectors[1]), len(
    plotLine(workDir, caliPowVectors, chartData,
             simStartDate['Date'] + dt.timedelta(hours=trim), simLengthUnits)
    # Write the final output.
    with open(pJoin(workDir, "calibratedFeeder.omd"), "w") as outJson:
        playerString = open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"), lastFile)).read()
        feederJson["attachments"][lastFile] = playerString
        feederJson["tree"] = tree
        json.dump(feederJson, outJson, indent=4)
Пример #9
def heavyProcessing(modelDir, inputDict):
    ''' Run the model in its directory. WARNING: GRIDLAB CAN TAKE HOURS TO COMPLETE. '''
    print "STARTING TO RUN", modelDir
    beginTime = datetime.datetime.now()
    # Get feeder name and data in.
        os.mkdir(pJoin(modelDir, 'gldContainer'))
    feederDir, feederName = inputDict["feederName"].split("___")
        pJoin(__metaModel__._omfDir, "data", "Feeder", feederDir,
              feederName + ".json"), pJoin(modelDir, "feeder.json"))
        pJoin(__metaModel__._omfDir, "data", "Climate",
              inputDict["climateName"] + ".tmy2"),
        pJoin(modelDir, "gldContainer", "climate.tmy2"))
        startTime = datetime.datetime.now()
        feederJson = json.load(open(pJoin(modelDir, "feeder.json")))
        tree = feederJson["tree"]
        # Set up GLM with correct time and recorders:
        feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Regulator", "object", "regulator")
        feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Capacitor", "object", "capacitor")
        feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Inverter", "object", "inverter")
        feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Windmill", "object", "windturb_dg")
        feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "CollectorVoltage", None, None)
        feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Climate", "object", "climate")
        feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "OverheadLosses", None, None)
        feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "UndergroundLosses", None, None)
        feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TriplexLosses", None, None)
        feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TransformerLosses", None, None)
        # Attach recorders for system voltage map:
        stub = {
            'object': 'group_recorder',
            'group': '"class=node"',
            'property': 'voltage_A',
            'interval': 3600,
            'file': 'aVoltDump.csv'
        for phase in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
            copyStub = dict(stub)
            copyStub['property'] = 'voltage_' + phase
            copyStub['file'] = phase.lower() + 'VoltDump.csv'
            tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = copyStub
        rawOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(
            workDir=pJoin(modelDir, 'gldContainer'))
        cleanOut = {}
        # Std Err and Std Out
        cleanOut['stderr'] = rawOut['stderr']
        cleanOut['stdout'] = rawOut['stdout']
        # Time Stamps
        for key in rawOut:
            if '# timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
                cleanOut['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# timestamp']
            elif '# property.. timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
                cleanOut['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# property.. timestamp']
                cleanOut['timeStamps'] = []
        # Day/Month Aggregation Setup:
        stamps = cleanOut.get('timeStamps', [])
        level = inputDict.get('simLengthUnits', 'hours')
        # Climate
        for key in rawOut:
            if key.startswith('Climate_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
                cleanOut['climate'] = {}
                cleanOut['climate']['Rain Fall (in/h)'] = hdmAgg(
                    rawOut[key].get('rainfall'), sum, level)
                cleanOut['climate']['Wind Speed (m/s)'] = hdmAgg(
                    rawOut[key].get('wind_speed'), avg, level)
                cleanOut['climate']['Temperature (F)'] = hdmAgg(
                    rawOut[key].get('temperature'), max, level)
                cleanOut['climate']['Snow Depth (in)'] = hdmAgg(
                    rawOut[key].get('snowdepth'), max, level)
                cleanOut['climate']['Direct Normal (W/sf)'] = hdmAgg(
                    rawOut[key].get('solar_direct'), sum, level)
                #cleanOut['climate']['Global Horizontal (W/sf)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_global'), sum, level)
                climateWbySFList = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_global'), sum,
                #converting W/sf to W/sm
                climateWbySMList = [x * 10.76392 for x in climateWbySFList]
                    'Global Horizontal (W/sm)'] = climateWbySMList
        # Voltage Band
        if 'VoltageJiggle.csv' in rawOut:
            cleanOut['allMeterVoltages'] = {}
            cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Min'] = hdmAgg([
                float(i / 2)
                for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['min(voltage_12.mag)']
            ], min, level)
            cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Mean'] = hdmAgg([
                float(i / 2)
                for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['mean(voltage_12.mag)']
            ], avg, level)
            cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['StdDev'] = hdmAgg([
                float(i / 2)
                for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['std(voltage_12.mag)']
            ], avg, level)
            cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Max'] = hdmAgg([
                float(i / 2)
                for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['max(voltage_12.mag)']
            ], max, level)
        # Power Consumption
        cleanOut['Consumption'] = {}
        # Set default value to be 0, avoiding missing value when computing Loads
        cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
        cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
        cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
        for key in rawOut:
            if key.startswith('SwingKids_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
                oneSwingPower = hdmAgg(
                            rawOut[key]['sum(power_in.imag)']), avg, level)
                if 'Power' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
                    cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = oneSwingPower
                    cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = vecSum(
                        oneSwingPower, cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'])
            elif key.startswith('Inverter_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
                realA = rawOut[key]['power_A.real']
                realB = rawOut[key]['power_B.real']
                realC = rawOut[key]['power_C.real']
                imagA = rawOut[key]['power_A.imag']
                imagB = rawOut[key]['power_B.imag']
                imagC = rawOut[key]['power_C.imag']
                oneDgPower = hdmAgg(
                    vecSum(vecPyth(realA, imagA), vecPyth(realB, imagB),
                           vecPyth(realC, imagC)), avg, level)
                if 'DG' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
                    cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower
                    cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum(
                        oneDgPower, cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'])
            elif key.startswith('Windmill_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
                vrA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.real']
                vrB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.real']
                vrC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.real']
                viA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.imag']
                viB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.imag']
                viC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.imag']
                crB = rawOut[key]['current_B.real']
                crA = rawOut[key]['current_A.real']
                crC = rawOut[key]['current_C.real']
                ciA = rawOut[key]['current_A.imag']
                ciB = rawOut[key]['current_B.imag']
                ciC = rawOut[key]['current_C.imag']
                powerA = vecProd(vecPyth(vrA, viA), vecPyth(crA, ciA))
                powerB = vecProd(vecPyth(vrB, viB), vecPyth(crB, ciB))
                powerC = vecProd(vecPyth(vrC, viC), vecPyth(crC, ciC))
                oneDgPower = hdmAgg(vecSum(powerA, powerB, powerC), avg, level)
                if 'DG' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
                    cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower
                    cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum(
                        oneDgPower, cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'])
            elif key in [
                    'OverheadLosses.csv', 'UndergroundLosses.csv',
                    'TriplexLosses.csv', 'TransformerLosses.csv'
                realA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.real)']
                imagA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.imag)']
                realB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.real)']
                imagB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.imag)']
                realC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.real)']
                imagC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.imag)']
                oneLoss = hdmAgg(
                    vecSum(vecPyth(realA, imagA), vecPyth(realB, imagB),
                           vecPyth(realC, imagC)), avg, level)
                if 'Losses' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
                    cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = oneLoss
                    cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = vecSum(
                        oneLoss, cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'])
            elif key.startswith('Regulator_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
                #split function to strip off .csv from filename and user rest of the file name as key. for example- Regulator_VR10.csv -> key would be Regulator_VR10
                regName = ""
                regName = key
                newkey = regName.split(".")[0]
                cleanOut[newkey] = {}
                cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapA'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
                cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapB'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
                cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapC'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
                cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapA'] = rawOut[key]['tap_A']
                cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapB'] = rawOut[key]['tap_B']
                cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapC'] = rawOut[key]['tap_C']
                cleanOut[newkey]['RegPhases'] = rawOut[key]['phases'][0]
            elif key.startswith('Capacitor_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
                capName = ""
                capName = key
                newkey = capName.split(".")[0]
                cleanOut[newkey] = {}
                cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1A'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
                cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1B'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
                cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1C'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
                cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1A'] = rawOut[key]['switchA']
                cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1B'] = rawOut[key]['switchB']
                cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1C'] = rawOut[key]['switchC']
                cleanOut[newkey]['CapPhases'] = rawOut[key]['phases'][0]
        # What percentage of our keys have lat lon data?
        latKeys = [
            tree[key]['latitude'] for key in tree if 'latitude' in tree[key]
        latPerc = 1.0 * len(latKeys) / len(tree)
        if latPerc < 0.25: doNeato = True
        else: doNeato = False
        # Generate the frames for the system voltage map time traveling chart.
        genTime = generateVoltChart(tree,
        cleanOut['genTime'] = genTime
        # Aggregate up the timestamps:
        if level == 'days':
            cleanOut['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps,
                                               lambda x: x[0][0:10], 'days')
        elif level == 'months':
            cleanOut['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps,
                                               lambda x: x[0][0:7], 'months')
        # Write the output.
        with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allOutputData.json"), "w") as outFile:
            json.dump(cleanOut, outFile, indent=4)
        # Update the runTime in the input file.
        endTime = datetime.datetime.now()
        inputDict["runTime"] = str(
            datetime.timedelta(seconds=int((endTime -
        with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"), "w") as inFile:
            json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
        # Clean up the PID file.
        os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, "gldContainer", "PID.txt"))
        print "DONE RUNNING", modelDir
    except Exception as e:
        print "MODEL CRASHED", e
        # Cancel to get rid of extra background processes.
            os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, 'PPID.txt'))
        thisErr = traceback.format_exc()
        inputDict['stderr'] = thisErr
        with open(os.path.join(modelDir, 'stderr.txt'), 'w') as errorFile:
        # Dump input with error included.
        with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"), "w") as inFile:
            json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
    finishTime = datetime.datetime.now()
    inputDict["runTime"] = str(
        datetime.timedelta(seconds=int((finishTime -
    with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"), "w") as inFile:
        json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
        os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, "PPID.txt"))
Пример #10
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import sys, json
import feeder, weather
from solvers.gridlabd import runInFilesystem

# Make a weather file.
weather.makeClimateCsv('2014-01-01', '2014-01-11', 'MSP', './mspWeather.csv')

# Add stuff to the feeder.
with open('./Orville Tree Pond Calibrated.json','r') as inFile:
	myFeed = json.load(inFile)
	myTree = myFeed['tree']
# HACK:doesn't matter if we import modules twice, so just stick everything on the end.
oldMax = feeder.getMaxKey(myTree)
myTree[oldMax + 1] = {'omftype':'module', 'argument':'tape'}
myTree[oldMax + 2] = {'omftype':'module', 'argument':'climate'}
myTree[oldMax + 3] = {'object':'csv_reader', 'name':'weatherReader', 'filename':'mspWeather.csv'}
myTree[oldMax + 4] = {'object':'climate', 'name':'exampleClimate', 'tmyfile':'mspWeather.csv', 'reader':'weatherReader'}
# Add a few panels too to test.
myTree[oldMax + 5] = {'name':'solEngInverter', 
	'parent':'node19 23CC 01001447022_A', 
	'generator_mode':'CONSTANT_PF' }
myTree[oldMax + 6] = {'generator_mode':'SUPPLY_DRIVEN', 
	'area':'30000 sf', 
Пример #11
def omfCalibrate(workDir, feederPath, scadaPath, simStartDate, simLength, calibrateError=0.05):
	'''calibrates a feeder and saves the calibrated tree at a location'''
	with open(feederPath, "r") as jsonIn:
		feederJson = json.load(jsonIn)
		tree = feederJson.get("tree", {})
	# Process scada data.
	gridlabdDir = pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD")
	scadaSubPower = _processScadaData(gridlabdDir,scadaPath, simStartDate)
	# Force FBS powerflow, because NR fails a lot.
	for key in tree:
		if tree[key].get("module","").lower() == "powerflow":
			tree[key] = {"module":"powerflow","solver_method":"FBS"}
	# Attach player.
	classOb = {'omftype':'class player','argument':'{double value;}'}
	playerOb = {"object":"player", "property":"value", "name":"scadaLoads", "file":"subScada.player", "loop":"0"}
	maxKey = feeder.getMaxKey(tree)
	playerKey = maxKey + 2
	tree[maxKey+1] = classOb
	tree[playerKey] = playerOb
	# Make loads reference player.
	loadTemplate = {"object": "triplex_load",
		"power_pf_12": "0.95",
		"impedance_pf_12": "0.98",
		"power_pf_12": "0.90",
		"impedance_fraction_12": "0.7",
		"power_fraction_12": "0.3"}
	loadTemplateR = {"object": "load",
		"impedance_pf_A": "0.98",
		"impedance_pf_B": "0.98",
		"impedance_pf_C": "0.98",
		"power_pf_A": "0.90",
		"power_pf_B": "0.90",
		"power_pf_C": "0.90",
		"impedance_fraction_A": "0.7",
		"impedance_fraction_B": "0.7",
		"impedance_fraction_C": "0.7",
		"power_fraction_A": "0.3",
		"power_fraction_B": "0.3",
		"power_fraction_C": "0.3"}		
	for key in tree:
		ob = tree[key]
		if ob.get("object","") == "triplex_node" and ob.get("power_12","") != "":
			# Add to triplex_nodes.
			newOb = dict(loadTemplate)
			newOb["name"] = ob.get("name", "")
			newOb["parent"] = ob.get("parent", "")
			newOb["phases"] = ob.get("phases", "")
			newOb["nominal_voltage"] = ob.get("nominal_voltage","")
			newOb["latitude"] = ob.get("latitude","0")
			newOb["longitude"] = ob.get("longitude","0")
			oldPow = ob.get("power_12","").replace("j","d")
			pythagPower = gridlabd._strClean(oldPow)
			newOb["base_power_12"] = "scadaLoads.value*" + str(pythagPower)
			tree[key] = newOb
		elif ob.get("object","") == "load":
			# Add to residential_loads too.
			newOb = dict(loadTemplateR)
			newOb["name"] = ob.get("name", "")
			newOb["parent"] = ob.get("parent", "")
			newOb["phases"] = ob.get("phases", "")
			newOb["load_class"] = ob.get("load_class", "")
			newOb["nominal_voltage"] = ob.get("nominal_voltage","")
			newOb["latitude"] = ob.get("latitude","0")
			newOb["longitude"] = ob.get("longitude","0")
				oldPow = ob.get("constant_power_A","").replace("j","d")
				pythagPower = gridlabd._strClean(oldPow)
				newOb["base_power_A"] = "scadaLoads.value*" + str(pythagPower)
				oldPow = ob.get("constant_power_B","").replace("j","d")
				pythagPower = gridlabd._strClean(oldPow)
				newOb["base_power_B"] = "scadaLoads.value*" + str(pythagPower)
				oldPow = ob.get("constant_power_C","").replace("j","d")
				pythagPower = gridlabd._strClean(oldPow)
				newOb["base_power_C"] = "scadaLoads.value*" + str(pythagPower)
			tree[key] = newOb
	# Convert swing bus to a meter.
	for key in tree:
		if tree[key].get('bustype','').lower() == 'swing' and tree[key].get('object','') != 'meter':
			swingName = tree[key].get('name')
			regIndex = key
			tree[key]['object'] = 'meter'	
	# Search for the substation meter and attach a recorder there.
	for key in tree:
		if tree[key].get('bustype','').lower() == 'swing':
			swingName = tree[key].get('name')
	recOb = {"object": "recorder",
		"parent": swingName,
		"property": "measured_real_power,measured_reactive_power,measured_power",
		"file": "caliSub.csv",
		"interval": "900"}
	outputRecorderKey = maxKey + 3
	tree[outputRecorderKey] = recOb
	feeder.adjustTime(tree, simLength, "hours", simStartDate['Date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
	# Run Gridlabd, calculate scaling constant.
	def runPowerflowIter(tree,scadaSubPower):
		'''Runs powerflow once, then iterates.'''
		# Run initial powerflow to get power.
		print "Running initial calibration powerflow."
		output = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, keepFiles=True, workDir=gridlabdDir)
		outRealPow = output["caliSub.csv"]["measured_real_power"]
		outImagPower = output["caliSub.csv"]["measured_reactive_power"]
		outAppPowerKw = [(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5/1000 for x in zip(outRealPow, outImagPower)]
		lastFile = "subScada.player"
		nextFile = "subScadaCalibrated.player"
		nextPower = outAppPowerKw
		error = (sum(outRealPow[1:simLength])/1000-sum(scadaSubPower[1:simLength]))/sum(scadaSubPower[1:simLength])
		iteration = 1
		while abs(error)>calibrateError and iteration<5:
			# Run calibration and iterate up to 5 times.
			SCAL_CONST = sum(scadaSubPower[1:simLength])/sum(nextPower[1:simLength])
			print "Calibrating loads, running powerflow again. Our SCAL_CONST is: ", SCAL_CONST
			newPlayData = []
			with open(pJoin(gridlabdDir, lastFile), "r") as playerFile:
				for line in playerFile:
					(key,val) = line.split(',')
					newPlayData.append(str(key) + ',' + str(float(val)*SCAL_CONST) + "\n")
			with open(pJoin(gridlabdDir, nextFile), "w") as playerFile:
				for row in newPlayData:
			tree[playerKey]["file"] = nextFile
			tree[outputRecorderKey]["file"] = "caliSubCheck.csv"
			nextOutput = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, keepFiles=True, workDir=gridlabdDir)
			outRealPowIter = nextOutput["caliSubCheck.csv"]["measured_real_power"]
			outImagPowerIter = nextOutput["caliSubCheck.csv"]["measured_reactive_power"]
			nextAppKw = [(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5/1000
				for x in zip(outRealPowIter, outImagPowerIter)]
			lastFile = nextFile
			nextFile = "subScadaCalibrated"+str(iteration)+".player"
			nextPower = nextAppKw
			# Compute error and iterate.
			error = (sum(outRealPowIter[1:simLength])/1000-sum(scadaSubPower[1:simLength]))/sum(scadaSubPower[1:simLength])
			print "Error:", abs(error*100), "% Iteration:", iteration
		return outRealPow, outRealPowIter, lastFile, iteration
	outRealPow, outRealPowIter, lastFile, iteration = runPowerflowIter(tree,scadaSubPower)
	caliPowVectors = [[float(element) for element in scadaSubPower[1:simLength]], [float(element)/1000 for element in outRealPow[1:simLength]], [float(element)/1000 for element in outRealPowIter[1:simLength]]]
	labels = ["scadaSubPower","initialGuess","finalGuess"]
	colors = ['red','lightblue','blue']
	chartData = {"Title":"Substation Calibration Check (Iterated "+str(iteration+1)+"X)", "fileName":"caliCheckPlot", "colors":colors,"labels":labels, "timeZone":simStartDate['timeZone']}
	plotLine(workDir, caliPowVectors, chartData, simStartDate['Date']+dt.timedelta(hours=1), 'hours')
	# Write the final output.
	with open(pJoin(workDir,"calibratedFeeder.json"),"w") as outJson:
		playerString = open(pJoin(gridlabdDir,lastFile)).read()
		feederJson["attachments"][lastFile] = playerString
		feederJson["tree"] = tree
		json.dump(feederJson, outJson, indent=4)
def heavyProcessing(modelDir, inputDict):
	''' Run the model in its directory. WARNING: GRIDLAB CAN TAKE HOURS TO COMPLETE. '''
	print "STARTING TO RUN", modelDir
	beginTime = datetime.datetime.now()
	# Get feeder name and data in.
	try: os.mkdir(pJoin(modelDir,'gldContainer'))
	except: pass
		feederName = inputDict["feederName1"]
		inputDict["climateName"], latforpvwatts = zipCodeToClimateName(inputDict["zipCode"])
		shutil.copy(pJoin(__metaModel__._omfDir, "data", "Climate", inputDict["climateName"] + ".tmy2"),
			pJoin(modelDir, "gldContainer", "climate.tmy2"))
		startTime = datetime.datetime.now()
		feederJson = json.load(open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName+'.omd')))
		tree = feederJson["tree"]
		# Set up GLM with correct time and recorders:
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Regulator", "object", "regulator")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Capacitor", "object", "capacitor")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Inverter", "object", "inverter")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Windmill", "object", "windturb_dg")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "CollectorVoltage", None, None)
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Climate", "object", "climate")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "OverheadLosses", None, None)
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "UndergroundLosses", None, None)
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TriplexLosses", None, None)
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TransformerLosses", None, None)
		# Attach recorders for system voltage map:
		stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=node"', 'property':'voltage_A', 'interval':3600, 'file':'aVoltDump.csv'}
		for phase in ['A','B','C']:
			copyStub = dict(stub)
			copyStub['property'] = 'voltage_' + phase
			copyStub['file'] = phase.lower() + 'VoltDump.csv'
			tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = copyStub
		feeder.adjustTime(tree=tree, simLength=float(inputDict["simLength"]),
			simLengthUnits=inputDict["simLengthUnits"], simStartDate=inputDict["simStartDate"])
		rawOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, attachments=feederJson["attachments"], 
			keepFiles=True, workDir=pJoin(modelDir,'gldContainer'))
		cleanOut = {}
		# Std Err and Std Out
		cleanOut['stderr'] = rawOut['stderr']
		cleanOut['stdout'] = rawOut['stdout']
		# Time Stamps
		for key in rawOut:
			if '# timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
				cleanOut['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# timestamp']
			elif '# property.. timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
				cleanOut['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# property.. timestamp']
				cleanOut['timeStamps'] = []
		# Day/Month Aggregation Setup:
		stamps = cleanOut.get('timeStamps',[])
		level = inputDict.get('simLengthUnits','hours')
		# Climate
		for key in rawOut:
			if key.startswith('Climate_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				cleanOut['climate'] = {}
				cleanOut['climate']['Rain Fall (in/h)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('rainfall'), sum, level)
				cleanOut['climate']['Wind Speed (m/s)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('wind_speed'), avg, level)
				cleanOut['climate']['Temperature (F)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('temperature'), max, level)
				cleanOut['climate']['Snow Depth (in)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('snowdepth'), max, level)
				cleanOut['climate']['Direct Normal (W/sf)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_direct'), sum, level)
				#cleanOut['climate']['Global Horizontal (W/sf)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_global'), sum, level)	
				climateWbySFList= hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_global'), sum, level)
				#converting W/sf to W/sm
				climateWbySMList= [x*10.76392 for x in climateWbySFList]
				cleanOut['climate']['Global Horizontal (W/sm)']=climateWbySMList			
		# Voltage Band
		if 'VoltageJiggle.csv' in rawOut:
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages'] = {}
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Min'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['min(voltage_12.mag)']], min, level)
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Mean'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['mean(voltage_12.mag)']], avg, level)
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['StdDev'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['std(voltage_12.mag)']], avg, level)
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Max'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['max(voltage_12.mag)']], max, level)
		# Power Consumption
		cleanOut['Consumption'] = {}
		# Set default value to be 0, avoiding missing value when computing Loads
		cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
		cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
		cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
		for key in rawOut:
			if key.startswith('SwingKids_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				oneSwingPower = hdmAgg(vecPyth(rawOut[key]['sum(power_in.real)'],rawOut[key]['sum(power_in.imag)']), avg, level)
				if 'Power' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
					cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = oneSwingPower
					cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = vecSum(oneSwingPower,cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'])
			elif key.startswith('Inverter_') and key.endswith('.csv'): 	
				realA = rawOut[key]['power_A.real']
				realB = rawOut[key]['power_B.real']
				realC = rawOut[key]['power_C.real']
				imagA = rawOut[key]['power_A.imag']
				imagB = rawOut[key]['power_B.imag']
				imagC = rawOut[key]['power_C.imag']
				oneDgPower = hdmAgg(vecSum(vecPyth(realA,imagA),vecPyth(realB,imagB),vecPyth(realC,imagC)), avg, level)
				if 'DG' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
					cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower
					cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum(oneDgPower,cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'])
			elif key.startswith('Windmill_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				vrA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.real']
				vrB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.real']
				vrC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.real']
				viA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.imag']
				viB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.imag']
				viC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.imag']
				crB = rawOut[key]['current_B.real']
				crA = rawOut[key]['current_A.real']
				crC = rawOut[key]['current_C.real']
				ciA = rawOut[key]['current_A.imag']
				ciB = rawOut[key]['current_B.imag']
				ciC = rawOut[key]['current_C.imag']
				powerA = vecProd(vecPyth(vrA,viA),vecPyth(crA,ciA))
				powerB = vecProd(vecPyth(vrB,viB),vecPyth(crB,ciB))
				powerC = vecProd(vecPyth(vrC,viC),vecPyth(crC,ciC))
				oneDgPower = hdmAgg(vecSum(powerA,powerB,powerC), avg, level)
				if 'DG' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
					cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower
					cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum(oneDgPower,cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'])
			elif key in ['OverheadLosses.csv', 'UndergroundLosses.csv', 'TriplexLosses.csv', 'TransformerLosses.csv']:
				realA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.real)']
				imagA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.imag)']
				realB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.real)']
				imagB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.imag)']
				realC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.real)']
				imagC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.imag)']
				oneLoss = hdmAgg(vecSum(vecPyth(realA,imagA),vecPyth(realB,imagB),vecPyth(realC,imagC)), avg, level)
				if 'Losses' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
					cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = oneLoss
					cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = vecSum(oneLoss,cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'])
			elif key.startswith('Regulator_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				#split function to strip off .csv from filename and user rest of the file name as key. for example- Regulator_VR10.csv -> key would be Regulator_VR10
				regName = key
				cleanOut[newkey] ={}
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapA'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapB'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapC'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapA'] = rawOut[key]['tap_A']
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapB'] = rawOut[key]['tap_B']
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapC'] = rawOut[key]['tap_C']
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegPhases'] = rawOut[key]['phases'][0]
			elif key.startswith('Capacitor_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				capName = key
				cleanOut[newkey] ={}
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1A'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1B'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1C'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1A'] = rawOut[key]['switchA']
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1B'] = rawOut[key]['switchB']
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1C'] = rawOut[key]['switchC']
				cleanOut[newkey]['CapPhases'] = rawOut[key]['phases'][0]
		# What percentage of our keys have lat lon data?
		latKeys = [tree[key]['latitude'] for key in tree if 'latitude' in tree[key]]
		latPerc = 1.0*len(latKeys)/len(tree)
		if latPerc < 0.25: doNeato = True
		else: doNeato = False
		# Generate the frames for the system voltage map time traveling chart.
		genTime = generateVoltChart(tree, rawOut, modelDir, neatoLayout=doNeato)
		cleanOut['genTime'] = genTime
		# Aggregate up the timestamps:
		if level=='days':
			cleanOut['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps, lambda x:x[0][0:10], 'days')
		elif level=='months':
			cleanOut['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps, lambda x:x[0][0:7], 'months')
		# Write the output.
		with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allOutputData.json"),"w") as outFile:
			json.dump(cleanOut, outFile, indent=4)
		# Update the runTime in the input file.
		endTime = datetime.datetime.now()
		inputDict["runTime"] = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int((endTime - startTime).total_seconds())))
		with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"),"w") as inFile:
			json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
		# Clean up the PID file.
		os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, "gldContainer", "PID.txt"))
		print "DONE RUNNING", modelDir
	except Exception as e:
		# If input range wasn't valid delete output, write error to disk.
		thisErr = traceback.format_exc()
		print 'ERROR IN MODEL', modelDir, thisErr
		inputDict['stderr'] = thisErr
		with open(os.path.join(modelDir,'stderr.txt'),'w') as errorFile:
		with open(pJoin(modelDir,"allInputData.json"),"w") as inFile:
			json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
	finishTime = datetime.datetime.now()
	inputDict["runTime"] = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds = int((finishTime - beginTime).total_seconds())))
	with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"),"w") as inFile:
		json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent = 4)
Пример #13
def addBattery(battDict):
    #Validating input dictionary keys
    validKeys= ['feederDict',                   #REQUIRED
                'battNode',                     #REQUIRED     
                'battEnergyRatingkWh',          #REQUIRED
                'invControl',                   #REQUIRED
                'battEfficiency',               #optional
                'battType',                     #optional
                'battSOCpu',                    #optional   
                'invPowerRatingkW',             #REQUIRED
                'invChargeLockoutTime',         #optional
                'invDischargeLockoutTime',      #optional
                'invEfficiency',                #optional
                'invChargeOnThresholdkW',       #REQUIRED for LOAD_FOLLOWING control mode if and only if controlSenseAveragePowerkW not specified
                'invChargeOffThresholdkW',      #REQUIRED for LOAD_FOLLOWING control mode if and only if controlSenseAveragePowerkW not specified
                'invDischargeOffThresholdkW',   #REQUIRED for LOAD_FOLLOWING control mode if and only if controlSenseAveragePowerkW not specified
                'invDischargeOnThresholdkW',    #REQUIRED for LOAD_FOLLOWING control mode if and only if controlSenseAveragePowerkW not specified
                'invMaxDischargeRatekW',        #optional
                'invMaxChargeRatekW',           #optional
                'controlSenseNode',             #REQUIRED for LOAD_FOLLOWING
                'controlSenseAveragePowerkW',   #REQUIRED for LOAD_FOLLOWING control mode if and only if invCharge/DischargeOn/OffThresholdKW not specified
                'constantPOut',                 #REQUIRED for CONSTANT_PQ control mode      
                'constantQout']                 #REQUIRED for CONSTANT_PQ control mode 
    for key1 in battDict:
        if (key1 not in validKeys) and (key1 != 'feederDict'):
            raise KeyError ('{} found in input parameter dictionary and is not a valid parameter.'.format(key1))
    #Validating string parameter values
    if 'invControl' in battDict:
        isinstance(battDict['invControl'], basestring)
        raise Exception('Required parameter inverter control mode (\'invControl\') is undefined. ')
    if 'battType' in battDict:
        isinstance(battDict['battType'], basestring)
        battDict['battType'] = 'LI_ION'
        warnings.warn ('Battery type (\'battType\') is undefined, setting to \'LI_ION\'.')
    #Validating numeric parameter values
    if 'battEnergyRatingkWh' in battDict:
        if not (isinstance(battDict['battEnergyRatingkWh'], int) or isinstance(battDict['battEnergyRatingkWh'], float)) :
            raise TypeError('Parameter \'battEnergyRatingkWh\' is \'{}\', must be a numeric value.'.format(battDict['battEnergyRatingkWh']))
        raise Exception('Required parameter battery power rating (\'battEnergyRatingkWh\') undefined.')
    if 'battEfficiency' in battDict:
        if not (isinstance(battDict['battEfficiency'], int) or isinstance(battDict['battEfficiency'], float)) :
            raise TypeError('Parameter \'battEfficiency\' is \'{}\', must be a numeric value.'.format(battDict['battEfficiency']))
        battDict['battEfficiency'] = 0.85
        warnings.warn('Battery efficiency (\'battEfficiency\') undefined, setting to 0.85 (85%).')
    if 'battSOCpu' in battDict:
        if not (isinstance(battDict['battSOCpu'], int) or isinstance(battDict['battSOCpu'], float)) :
            raise TypeError('Parameter \'battSOCpu\' is \'{}\', must be a numeric value.'.format(battDict['battSOCpu']))
        battDict['battSOCpu'] = 1
        warnings.warn('Battery initial state-of-charge (\'battSOCpu\') undefined, setting to 1pu (full).')    
    if 'invPowerRatingkW' in battDict:
        if not (isinstance(battDict['invPowerRatingkW'], int) or isinstance(battDict['invPowerRatingkW'], float)) :
            raise TypeError('Parameter \'invPowerRatingkW\' is \'{}\', must be a numeric value.'.format(battDict['invPowerRatingkW']))
        raise Exception('Required parameter inverter power rating (\'invPowerRatingkW\') undefined.')
    if 'invChargeLockoutTime' in battDict:
        if not (isinstance(battDict['invChargeLockoutTime'], int) or isinstance(battDict['invChargeLockoutTime'], float)) :
            raise TypeError('Parameter \'invChargeLockoutTime\' is \'{}\', must be a numeric value.'.format(battDict['invChargeLockoutTime']))
        battDict['invChargeLockoutTime'] = 5
        warnings.warn('Inverter charge lockout time (\'invChargeLockoutTime\') undefined, setting to 5 seconds.')
    if 'invDischargeLockoutTime' in battDict:
        if not (isinstance(battDict['invDischargeLockoutTime'], int) or isinstance(battDict['invDischargeLockoutTime'], float)) :
            raise TypeError('Parameter \'invDischargeLockoutTime\' is \'{}\', must be a numeric type.'.format(battDict['invDischargeLockoutTime']))
        battDict['invDischargeLockoutTime'] = 5
        warnings.warn('Inverter discharge lockout time (\'invDischargeLockoutTime\') undefined, setting to 5 seconds.')
    if 'invEfficiency' in battDict:
        if not (isinstance(battDict['invEfficiency'], int) or isinstance(battDict['invEfficiency'], float)) :
            raise TypeError('Parameter \'invEfficiency\' is \'{}\', must be a numeric value.'.format(battDict['invEfficiency']))
        battDict['invEfficiency'] = 0.95
        warnings.warn('Inverter efficiency (\'invEfficiency\') undefined, setting to 0.95 (95%).' ) 
    if 'invMaxDischargeRatekW' in battDict:
        if not (isinstance(battDict['invMaxDischargeRatekW'], int) or isinstance(battDict['invMaxDischargeRatekW'], float)) :
            raise TypeError('Parameter \'invMaxDischargeRatekW\' is \'{}\', must be a numeric value.'.format(battDict['invMaxDischargeRatekW']))
        battDict['invMaxDischargeRatekW'] = battDict['invPowerRatingkW']
        warnings.warn('Inverter maximum discharge rate (\'invMaxDischargeRatekW\') undefined, setting to inverter power rating of {}kW.'.format(battDict['invPowerRatingkW']))   
    if 'invMaxChargeRatekW' in battDict:
        if not (isinstance(battDict['invMaxChargeRatekW'], int) or isinstance(battDict['invMaxChargeRatekW'], float)) :
            raise TypeError('Parameter \'invMaxChargeRatekW\' is \'{}\', must be a numeric value.'.format(battDict['invMaxChargeRatekW']))
        battDict['invMaxChargeRatekW'] = battDict['invPowerRatingkW']
        warnings.warn('Inverter maximum charge rate (\'invMaxChargeRatekW\') undefined, setting to inverter power rating of {}kW.'.format(battDict['invPowerRatingkW']))  
    if battDict['invControl'].upper() == 'CONSTANT_PQ':
        if 'constantPOut' in battDict:
            if not (isinstance(battDict['constantPOut'], int) or isinstance(battDict['constantPOut'], float)) :
                raise TypeError('Parameter \'constantPOut\' is \'{}\', must be a numeric value.'.format(battDict['constantPOut']))
            raise Exception('Required parameter constant real power out (\'constantPOut\') is undefined. ')
        if 'constantQOUT' in battDict:
            if not (isinstance(battDict['constantQOut'], int) or isinstance(battDict['constantQOut'], float)) :
                raise TypeError('Parameter \'constantQOut\' is \'{}\', must be a numeric value.'.format(battDict['constantQOut']))
            raise Exception('Required parameter constant reactive power out (\'constantQOut\') is undefined. ')
    elif battDict['invControl'].upper() == 'LOAD_FOLLOWING':
        if 'controlSenseAveragePowerkW' in battDict:
            if('invChargeOffThresholdkW' in battDict or 'invDischargeOffThresholdkW' in battDict or 
            'invChargeOnThresholdkW' in battDict or 'invDischargeOnThresholdkW' in battDict):
                raise Exception('Conflicting inverter settings detected. Only either \'controlSenseAveragePowerkW\' or the set of \'invChargeOffThresholdkW\', \'invChargeOnThresholdkW\', \'invDischargeOffThresholdkW\', \'invDischargeOnThresholdkW\' can be defined.')
            if not (isinstance(battDict['controlSenseAveragePowerkW'], int) or isinstance(battDict['controlSenseAveragePowerkW'], float)) :
                raise TypeError('Parameter \'controlSenseAveragePowerkW\' is \'{}\', must be a numeric type.'.format(battDict['controlSenseAveragePowerkW']))
            print 'Setting inverter hysteris to default levels based on value of \'invChargeOnThresholdkW\'.'
            battDict['invChargeOffThresholdkW'] = battDict['controlSenseAveragePowerkW'] * 0.95
            battDict['invDischargeOffThresholdkW'] = battDict['controlSenseAveragePowerkW'] * 1.05
            battDict['invChargeOnThresholdkW'] = battDict['controlSenseAveragePowerkW'] * 0.7
            battDict['invDischargeOnThresholdkW'] = battDict['controlSenseAveragePowerkW'] * 1.3
        elif('invChargeOffThresholdkW' in battDict and 'invDischargeOffThresholdkW' in battDict and 
            'invChargeOnThresholdkW' in battDict and 'invDischargeOnThresholdkW' in battDict):
            if 'controlSenseAveragePowerkW' in battDict:
                raise Exception('Conflicting inverter settings detected. Only either \'controlSenseAveragePowerkW\' or the set of \'invChargeOffThresholdkW\', \'invChargeOnThresholdkW\', \'invDischargeOffThresholdkW\', \'invDischargeOnThresholdkW\' can be defined.')
            raise Exception('Either \'controlSenseAveragePowerkW\' or the set of \'invChargeOffThresholdkW\', \'invChargeOnThresholdkW\', \'invDischargeOffThresholdkW\', \'invDischargeOnThresholdkW\' can and must be defined.') 
        raise ValueError('{} is an unsupported value for \'invControl\'. Valid values are \'CONSTAN_PQ\' or \'LOAD_FOLLOWING\'.'.format(battDict['invControl']))
    #Adding in generators module declaration
    maxKey = feeder.getMaxKey(battDict['feederDict'])
    battDict['feederDict'][str(maxKey + 1)]={'omftype': 'module', 
                                             'argument': 'generators'}
    battNodeList = battDict['battNode']
    for index in range(len(battNodeList)):
        battDict['battNode'] = battNodeList[index]
        battDict['feederDict'] = addSingleBattery(battDict)
    return battDict['feederDict']
Пример #14
def omfCalibrate(workDir, feederPath, scadaPath, simStartDate, simLength):
	'''calibrates a feeder and saves the calibrated tree at a location'''
	with open(feederPath, "r") as jsonIn:
		feederJson = json.load(jsonIn)
		tree = feederJson.get("tree", {})
	# Process scada data.
	gridlabdDir = pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD")
	scadaSubPower = _processScadaData(gridlabdDir,scadaPath, simStartDate)
	# Force FBS powerflow, because NR fails a lot.
	for key in tree:
		if tree[key].get("module","").lower() == "powerflow":
			tree[key] = {"module":"powerflow","solver_method":"FBS"}
	# Attach player.
	classOb = {'omftype':'class player','argument':'{double value;}'}
	playerOb = {"object":"player", "property":"value", "name":"scadaLoads", "file":"subScada.player", "loop":"0"}
	maxKey = feeder.getMaxKey(tree)
	playerKey = maxKey + 2
	tree[maxKey+1] = classOb
	tree[playerKey] = playerOb
	# Make loads reference player.
	loadTemplate = {"object": "triplex_load",
		"power_pf_12": "0.95",
		"impedance_pf_12": "0.98",
		"power_pf_12": "0.90",
		"impedance_fraction_12": "0.7",
		"power_fraction_12": "0.3"}
	loadTemplateR = {"object": "load",
		"impedance_pf_A": "0.98",
		"impedance_pf_B": "0.98",
		"impedance_pf_C": "0.98",
		"power_pf_A": "0.90",
		"power_pf_B": "0.90",
		"power_pf_C": "0.90",
		"impedance_fraction_A": "0.7",
		"impedance_fraction_B": "0.7",
		"impedance_fraction_C": "0.7",
		"power_fraction_A": "0.3",
		"power_fraction_B": "0.3",
		"power_fraction_C": "0.3"}		
	for key in tree:
		ob = tree[key]
		if ob.get("object","") == "triplex_node" and ob.get("power_12","") != "":
			# Add to triplex_nodes.
			newOb = dict(loadTemplate)
			newOb["name"] = ob.get("name", "")
			newOb["parent"] = ob.get("parent", "")
			newOb["phases"] = ob.get("phases", "")
			newOb["nominal_voltage"] = ob.get("nominal_voltage","")
			newOb["latitude"] = ob.get("latitude","0")
			newOb["longitude"] = ob.get("longitude","0")
			oldPow = ob.get("power_12","").replace("j","d")
			pythagPower = gridlabd._strClean(oldPow)
			newOb["base_power_12"] = "scadaLoads.value*" + str(pythagPower)
			tree[key] = newOb
		elif ob.get("object","") == "load":
			# Add to residential_loads too.
			newOb = dict(loadTemplateR)
			newOb["name"] = ob.get("name", "")
			newOb["parent"] = ob.get("parent", "")
			newOb["phases"] = ob.get("phases", "")
			newOb["load_class"] = ob.get("load_class", "")
			newOb["nominal_voltage"] = ob.get("nominal_voltage","")
			newOb["latitude"] = ob.get("latitude","0")
			newOb["longitude"] = ob.get("longitude","0")
				oldPow = ob.get("constant_power_A","").replace("j","d")
				pythagPower = gridlabd._strClean(oldPow)
				newOb["base_power_A"] = "scadaLoads.value*" + str(pythagPower)
				oldPow = ob.get("constant_power_B","").replace("j","d")
				pythagPower = gridlabd._strClean(oldPow)
				newOb["base_power_B"] = "scadaLoads.value*" + str(pythagPower)
				oldPow = ob.get("constant_power_C","").replace("j","d")
				pythagPower = gridlabd._strClean(oldPow)
				newOb["base_power_C"] = "scadaLoads.value*" + str(pythagPower)
			tree[key] = newOb
	# Convert swing bus to a meter.
	for key in tree:
		if tree[key].get('bustype','').lower() == 'swing' and tree[key].get('object','') != 'meter':
			swingName = tree[key].get('name')
			regIndex = key
			tree[key]['object'] = 'meter'	
	# Search for the substation meter and attach a recorder there.
	for key in tree:
		if tree[key].get('bustype','').lower() == 'swing':
			swingName = tree[key].get('name')
	recOb = {"object": "recorder",
		"parent": swingName,
		"property": "measured_real_power,measured_reactive_power,measured_power",
		"file": "caliSub.csv",
		"interval": "900"}
	outputRecorderKey = maxKey + 3
	tree[outputRecorderKey] = recOb
	feeder.adjustTime(tree, simLength, "hours", simStartDate['Date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
	# Run Gridlabd, calculate scaling constant.
	def runPowerflowIter(tree,scadaSubPower, iterationTimes):
		'''Runs powerflow once, then iterates.'''
		print "Running calibration powerflow #1."
		output = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, keepFiles=True, workDir=gridlabdDir)
		outRealPow = output["caliSub.csv"]["measured_real_power"]
		outImagPower = output["caliSub.csv"]["measured_reactive_power"]
		outAppPowerKw = [(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5/1000 for x in zip(outRealPow, outImagPower)]
		lastFile = "subScada.player"
		nextFile = "subScadaCalibrated.player"
		nextPower = outAppPowerKw
		for i in range(1, iterationTimes+1):
			SCAL_CONST = sum(scadaSubPower[1:simLength])/sum(nextPower[1:simLength])
			print "Running calibration powerflow (iteration", str(i+1), "of", iterationTimes+1,") (SCAL_CONST: ", SCAL_CONST,")"
			newPlayData = []
			with open(pJoin(gridlabdDir, lastFile), "r") as playerFile:
				for line in playerFile:
					(key,val) = line.split(',')
					newPlayData.append(str(key) + ',' + str(float(val)*SCAL_CONST) + "\n")
			with open(pJoin(gridlabdDir, nextFile), "w") as playerFile:
				for row in newPlayData:
			tree[playerKey]["file"] = nextFile
			tree[outputRecorderKey]["file"] = "caliSubCheck.csv"
			nextOutput = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, keepFiles=True, workDir=gridlabdDir)
			outRealPow2nd = nextOutput["caliSubCheck.csv"]["measured_real_power"]
			outImagPower2nd = nextOutput["caliSubCheck.csv"]["measured_reactive_power"]
			nextAppKw = [(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5/1000
				for x in zip(outRealPow2nd, outImagPower2nd)]
			lastFile = nextFile
			nextFile = "subScadaCalibrated"+str(i)+".player"
			nextPower = outAppPowerKw
		return outRealPow, outRealPow2nd, lastFile
	iterationTimes = 1
	outRealPow, outRealPow2nd, lastFile = runPowerflowIter(tree,scadaSubPower,iterationTimes)
	caliPowVectors = [[float(element) for element in scadaSubPower[1:simLength]], [float(element)/1000 for element in outRealPow[1:simLength]], [float(element)/1000 for element in outRealPow2nd[1:simLength]]]
	labels = ["scadaSubPower","initialGuess","finalGuess"]
	colors = ['red','lightblue','blue']
	chartData = {"Title":"Substation Calibration Check (Iterated "+str(iterationTimes+1)+"X)", "fileName":"caliCheckPlot", "colors":colors,"labels":labels, "timeZone":simStartDate['timeZone']}
	plotLine(workDir, caliPowVectors, chartData, simStartDate['Date']+dt.timedelta(hours=1), 'hours')
	# Write the final output.
	with open(pJoin(workDir,"calibratedFeeder.json"),"w") as outJson:
		playerString = open(pJoin(gridlabdDir,lastFile)).read()
		feederJson["attachments"][lastFile] = playerString
		feederJson["tree"] = tree
		json.dump(feederJson, outJson, indent=4)