def launch_single(in_directory, out_directory, job_name, logs=logs, nodes=2): js = JobScheduler(pycmd=PYCMD, jobName=job_name, logDir=logs, nodes=nodes, jobType='single', jobArray=in_directory, options=[in_directory, out_directory])
def launch(methods): """ This part launches the jobs that run in main """ cwd = os.getcwd() script = "" js = JobScheduler(cwd + "/" + script, logDir = logs, jobName = "r0046_", partition = 'exfel', nodes = 4, jobType = 'array', jobArray = methods) = False)
def launch(mode = 'pulse'): """ This part launches the jobs that run in main """ cwd = getcwd() script = "" js = JobScheduler(cwd + "/" + script, logDir = logs, jobName = "mirror_optimisation", partition = 'exfel', nodes = 1, jobType = 'array', jobArray = np.arange(3,15,0.5)) = False)
def launch(): """ This part launches the jobs that run in main """ cwd = os.getcwd() script = os.path.basename(__file__) js = JobScheduler(cwd + "/" + script, logDir = logs, jobName = "extract_intensity_", partition = 'exfel', nodes = 4, jobType = 'array', jobArray = os.listdir(indir)) = False)
def launch_batch(in_directory, out_directory, job_name, logs = logs, nodes = 4): js = JobScheduler(pycmd = PYCMD, jobName = job_name, logDir = logs, nodes = nodes, jobType = 'array', jobArray = os.listdir(in_directory), options = out_directory) = False)
def propagation_batch_launcher(input_directory, sdir, focus, analysis = False, crop = None, append = None, descriptor = "", VERBOSE = True): """ This part launches the jobs that run in main """ wfr_directory = input_directory mkdir_p(sdir) cwd = os.getcwd() script = __file__ filename = script function = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name js = JobScheduler(cwd + "/" + script, logDir = logs + "/", jobName = "NVE_4.96keV", partition = 'exfel', nodes = 2, jobType = 'array', jobArray = wfr_directory, options = [sdir, focus, analysis, crop, append, descriptor]) = False)
def get_intensity_autocorrelation_ensemble( array_dir=dCache + "whitefield_data/cropped_intensity_r0047.npy", method=get_normalised_difference): """ This part launches the jobs that run in main """ arr = np.load(array_dir) cwd = os.getcwd() script = "" js = JobScheduler(cwd + "/" + script, logDir=logs, jobName="autocorrelation_analysis_", partition='exfel', nodes=1, jobType='array', jobArray=range(arr.shape[-1]))