Пример #1
def test_frames_getting():
    from ffvideo import VideoStream

    vs = VideoStream(v0)

    f1 = vs.current() # first frame
    f2 = vs.next()
    assert f2.timestamp > f1.timestamp

    f = vs[0] # first frame
    assert f.frameno == 0
    f = vs.get_frame_no(100)
#    f = vs[100]
#    assert f.frameno == 100

    f = vs.get_frame_no(100)
    f = vs.get_frame_at_sec(1)
    assert f.timestamp - 1 < 0.1
    f = vs.get_frame_at_pts(133000)

    assert f.width == vs.frame_width
    assert f.height == vs.frame_height
    assert f.mode == vs.frame_mode
Пример #2
def test_frames_getting():
    from ffvideo import VideoStream

    vs = VideoStream(v0)

    f1 = vs.current()  # first frame
    f2 = vs.next()
    assert f2.timestamp > f1.timestamp

    f = vs[0]  # first frame
    assert f.frameno == 0
    f = vs.get_frame_no(100)
    #    f = vs[100]
    #    assert f.frameno == 100

    f = vs.get_frame_no(100)
    f = vs.get_frame_at_sec(1)
    assert f.timestamp - 1 < 0.1
    f = vs.get_frame_at_pts(133000)

    assert f.width == vs.frame_width
    assert f.height == vs.frame_height
    assert f.mode == vs.frame_mode
Пример #3
class Movie(QtCore.QObject):
    """This class represent the video data stream"""

    frameChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
    endOfVideo = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
    def __init__(self, fileName=None):
        """Initialize the video stream and open the video file if a fileName is provided.
        :param filename: a string containing the name of the file to be opened.
        super(Movie, self).__init__()
        if(fileName is not None):
        self.timer = None
        self.frame = None
        self.isPlaying = False
        self.frameRate = 0
        self.frameNumber = 0
    def reset(self):
        """Reset the movie object. Remove the source."""
        self.timer = None
        self.frame = None
        self.isPlaying = False
        self.frameRate = 0
        self.frameNumber = 0
    def setMovie(self, fileName):
        """Open a video file.
        :param filename: a string containing the name of the file to be opened.
        :raise: TypeError: The fileName is not a string.
        if(isinstance(fileName, basestring)):
            self.fileName =  u''.join(fileName).encode('utf-8')
            self.source = VideoStream(self.fileName)
            raise TypeError('fileName must be a string')
        self.frameRate = self.source.framerate
        self.frameNumber = self.source.duration*1000/self.source.framerate
        self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
    def resetMovie(self):
        """Reset the video stream."""
        self.source = VideoStream(self.fileName)
    def play(self): 
        """Start to read the video stream."""
        self.isPlaying = True
    def pause(self):
        """Pause the reading of the video stream."""
        self.isPlaying = False
    def frameMustChange(self):
        """Slot called when it is time to load the next frame.
        :raise: Exception: The file cannot be read because the codec is not supported or the video is compressed.
    def toggleState(self):
        """Toggle between playing and pausing the video."""
    def jumpToFrame(self, position):
        """Modify the position in the video.
        :param position: a value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the position in the video. 0 is the beginning and 1 is the end.
            position = 1.0
            position = 0.001
        frame = self.source.get_frame_at_sec(position*self.source.duration).ndarray
        return frame
    def readNextFrame(self):
        """Load the next frame.
        :raise: Exception: The file cannot be read because the codec is not supported or the video is compressed.
            self.rawBuffer = self.source.next().ndarray()
        except ffvideo.NoMoreData:
            self.isPlaying = False
            self.rawBuffer = None
    def readNCFrame(self, number):
        """Load the next frame.
        :raise: Exception: The file cannot be read because the codec is not supported or the video is compressed.
        position = self.source.current().frameno
                self.rawBuffer = self.source.get_frame_no(position+number).ndarray()
        except ffvideo.NoMoreData:
            self.isPlaying = False
            self.isPlaying = False

    def currentPositionRatio(self):
        """Returns the position in the video.
        :return: a value between 0 and 1 representing the position in the video. 0 is the beginning and 1 is the end.
        if(self.source is not None and self.source.current() is not None):
            result = self.source.current().timestamp/self.source.duration
                return 1.0
                return 0.0
                return result
            return 1.0
    def getFrameNumber(self):
        """Returns the number of frame in the video.
        :return: An integer representing the number of frame in the video.
        return int(self.source.duration*self.source.framerate)
    def getFrameSize(self):
        return (self.source.frame_width, self.source.frame_height)
    def getEllapsedTime(self):
        """Returns the number ellapsed time in the video.
        :return: An integer representing the number of frame in the video.
        return self.source.current().timestamp
Пример #4
class videoExplorer(object):
    Class for access of recorded video files

    Allows to filter video files in a root folder to be retrieved by date

    def __init__(self,  verbose=False, rootPath="/run/media/peter/Elements/peter/data/"):

            verbose (bool):
                                switch verbosity on (prints some status messages)
            rootPath (string):
                                root directory to be scanned for video files
        self.rootPath = rootPath
        self.start = 0
        self.end = 0
        self.fileList = []
        self.nightList = []
        self.dayList = []
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.vs = None
        self.frameMode = None
        self.frame = None

    def setTimeRange(self,  start,  end):
        set range of video explorer (works similar to a slice())

        :note:`The range is inclusive for the lower and upper end of the range`

            start (datetime object):
                                beginning of time range
            end(datetime object):
                                end of time range
        self.start = start
        self.end = end

    def setRootPath(self,  root):
        Set root path of object

        self.rootPath = root

    def parseFiles(self):
        parses files in the main path and returns list of all files fitting
        the start - end criteria

        make sure that before calling this function:

            - start and end datetimes were set
            - mainPath is set

        .. seealso::
        if self.start == 0 or self.end == 0:
            raise ValueError("start or end value not set properly")

        self.fileList = []

        for root,  dirs,  files in os.walk(self.rootPath):
            for fn in files:
                ################################################################ TODO: sort files by file name
                fileDT = self.fileName2DateTime(fn)

                if fileDT == -1:
                    ## file is no mp4 file of interest
                ################################################################ TODO: add option to load files without filter

                if self.start <= fileDT and self.end >= fileDT:
                    ## if timestamp is within the given range, add to list
                    self.fileList.append([fileDT, root + r'/' + fn])


    def filterDayVideos(self):
        generates list (self.nightList) of videos that were recorded during
        day (between 10am and 11pm)
        self.dayList = []

        for vid in self.fileList:
            hour = vid[0].hour
            if hour >= 10 and hour < 23:

    def filterNightVideos(self):
        generates list (self.nightList) of videos that were recorded during
        night (between 11pm and 10am)
        self.nightList = []

        for vid in self.fileList:
            hour = vid[0].hour
            if hour < 10 or hour >= 23:

    def getPathsOfList(self,  list):
        returns a list of pure filenames without the corresponding datetime
        out = []
        for item in list:

        return out

    def getDatesOfList(self,  list):
        returns a list of pure datetime without the corresponding paths
        out = [item[0] for item in list]

        return out

    def fileName2DateTime(self,  fn, ending="mp4"):
        converts filename of video file to python datetime object

            fn (string):

            out (datetime object):
                                conversion of filename

        basename = os.path.basename(fn)
        parts = re.split("[.]",  basename)
        date = re.split("[-]", parts[0])
        time = re.split("[-]", parts[1])

        if fn[-len(ending):] != ending:
            return -1

        if len(date) != 3:
            raise ValueError("mp4 file without proper date part discovered")
            return -1

        if len(time) < 3:
            raise ValueError("mp4 file without proper time part discovered")
            return -1

        out = dt.datetime(int(date[0]), int(date[1]), int(date[2]),
                          int(time[0]), int(time[1]), int(time[2]))

        return out

    def findInteruptions(self, fileList):
        separates the filelist into ranges of consequent films, i.e. each
        range represents a batch of videos that share the same background model

        :note:`it is assumed that each consequtive file is 1 min long`

            fileList (list of [datetime, path])
                                each element of this list can be generated by

            ranges of datetime that can be passed directly into
        # set file chunk size to 1 minute
        chunkSize = dt.time(0, 1)

        fileList = sorted(fileList)

        rngs = []
        start = None
        stop = None

        if len(fileList) < 2:
            raise ValueError("There are less then 2 files in the list. That usually means that a wrong folder was selected.")

        for i in range(len(fileList) - 1):
            if start is None:
                start = fileList[i][0]
                if (not (fileList[i + 1][0] - fileList[i][0]) <= dt.timedelta(minutes=1))\
                    or fileList[i + 1][0].second != 0:
                    stop = fileList[i][0]

            elif (not (fileList[i + 1][0] - fileList[i][0]) == dt.timedelta(minutes=1))\
                    or fileList[i + 1][0].second != 0:
                stop = fileList[i][0]

            if stop is not None:
                rngs += [[start, stop, i]]
                start = None
                stop = None

        stop = fileList[i+1][0]
        rngs += [[start, stop, i]]

        return rngs

    def getRandomFrame(self, pathList,  info=False, frameMode='L'):
        returns the first frame from a random video of the list

            pathList (List of Strings):
                                paths to video files
            info (bool):
                                return frame and filename
            frameMode (String):
                                Switch of color mode:

                                - 'RGB': color representation
                                - 'L':   gray-scale representation
                                - 'F':   ???

            frame (ndarray):
                                decoded video frame
        file = pathList[random.randint(0,  len(pathList) - 1)]
        frameNo = random.randint(0,  1600 - 1)

        if self.verbose:
            print "processing frame {0} of video {1}".format(frameNo,  file)

        self.vs = VideoStream(file, frame_mode=frameMode, exact_seek=True)
        self.frameMode = frameMode

        frame = self.vs.next().ndarray()

        if info:
            return [frame, file]
            return frame

    def getFrame(self, file, frameNo=0, info=False, frameMode='L'):
        returns the given frame from a given video

            file (String):
                                path to video file
            frameNo (int):
                                frame number to be returned
            info (bool):
                                return frame and filename
            frameMode (String):
                                Switch of color mode:

                                - 'RGB': color representation
                                - 'L':   gray-scale representation
                                - 'F':   ???

            frame (ndarray):
                                decoded video frame

        if self.verbose:
            print "processing frame {0} of video {1}".format(frameNo,  file)

        if not self.vs \
        or self.frameMode != frameMode \
        or self.vs.filename != file:
            self.vs = VideoStream(file, frame_mode=frameMode, exact_seek=True)

            self.frameMode = frameMode
        frame = self.vs.get_frame_no(frameNo).ndarray()
        if info:
            return [frame, file]
            return frame
    def next(self):
        returns next frame in opened video file
        Call getFrame() or getRandomFrame() first
            info (bool):
                                return frame and filename
        .. seealso::
        if self.vs is None:
            raise AttributeError("no video stream defined. (It might be that" +\
                                 " the last frame was captured before)")
            frame = self.vs.next().ndarray()
        except ffvideo.NoMoreData:
            self.vs = None
            frame = None
            raise StopIteration
        return frame
    def setVideoStream(self, file,  info=False, frameMode='L'):
        returns the first frame from a random video of the list
            pathList (List of Strings):
                                paths to video files
            info (bool):
                                return frame and filename
            frameMode (String):
                                Switch of color mode:
                                - 'RGB': color representation
                                - 'L':   gray-scale representation
                                - 'F':   ???
            frame (ndarray):
                                decoded video frame
        frameNo = random.randint(0,  1600 - 1)
        if self.verbose:
            print "processing frame {0} of video {1}".format(frameNo,  file)

        if not self.frame is None:
            del self.frame

        if not self.vs is None:
            del self.vs

        self.vs = VideoStream(file, frame_mode=frameMode, exact_seek=True)
        self.frameMode = frameMode
    def __iter__(self):
        # rewind ffvideo thingy
        if self.vs is not None:
        return self
    def splitFolders(path):
        splits path into its folders and returns them 
        in a list. 

        .. note::
            Last entry of the returned list will be the
            basename of the path if applicable

            path (string):
                            path to split

            folders (list of strings):
                            list of folders in path
        while 1:

            if folder!="":
                if path!="":



        return folders

    def retrieveVideoLength(filename, initialStepSize=10000):
        Finds video length by accessing it bruteforce

        idx = initialStepSize
        modi = initialStepSize
        vE = videoExplorer()

        reached_end = False

        while modi > 0:
            while True:
                    vE.getFrame(filename, frameNo=idx, frameMode='RGB')
                except ffvideo.FFVideoError:
                    if modi == 1:
                        idx -= modi

                    reached_end = True
                except StopIteration:
                    if modi == 1:
                        idx -= modi

                    reached_end = True

                if reached_end and modi > 1:
                    modi /= 2

                idx += modi

            modi /= 2
            idx -= modi

        return idx + 1 # + 1 to make it the same behaviour as len()

    def findFileInList(lst, filename):
        returns the position of the file within the list of paths
        return [a for a,b in enumerate(lst) if b[1].endswith(filename)]
    def findClosestDate(dateList, date):
		min(DTlist,key=lambda date : abs(dt-date))
Пример #5
class videoExplorer(object):
    Class for access of recorded video files

    Allows to filter video files in a root folder to be retrieved by date

    def __init__(self,

            verbose (bool):
                                switch verbosity on (prints some status messages)
            rootPath (string):
                                root directory to be scanned for video files
        self.rootPath = rootPath
        self.start = 0
        self.end = 0
        self.fileList = []
        self.nightList = []
        self.dayList = []
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.vs = None
        self.frameMode = None
        self.frame = None

    def setTimeRange(self, start, end):
        set range of video explorer (works similar to a slice())

        :note:`The range is inclusive for the lower and upper end of the range`

            start (datetime object):
                                beginning of time range
            end(datetime object):
                                end of time range
        self.start = start
        self.end = end

    def setRootPath(self, root):
        Set root path of object

        self.rootPath = root

    def parseFiles(self):
        parses files in the main path and returns list of all files fitting
        the start - end criteria

        make sure that before calling this function:

            - start and end datetimes were set
            - mainPath is set

        .. seealso::
        if self.start == 0 or self.end == 0:
            raise ValueError("start or end value not set properly")

        self.fileList = []

        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.rootPath):
            for fn in files:
                ################################################################ TODO: sort files by file name
                fileDT = self.fileName2DateTime(fn)

                if fileDT == -1:
                    ## file is no mp4 file of interest
                ################################################################ TODO: add option to load files without filter

                if self.start <= fileDT and self.end >= fileDT:
                    ## if timestamp is within the given range, add to list
                    self.fileList.append([fileDT, root + r'/' + fn])


    def filterDayVideos(self):
        generates list (self.nightList) of videos that were recorded during
        day (between 10am and 11pm)
        self.dayList = []

        for vid in self.fileList:
            hour = vid[0].hour
            if hour >= 10 and hour < 23:

    def filterNightVideos(self):
        generates list (self.nightList) of videos that were recorded during
        night (between 11pm and 10am)
        self.nightList = []

        for vid in self.fileList:
            hour = vid[0].hour
            if hour < 10 or hour >= 23:

    def getPathsOfList(self, list):
        returns a list of pure filenames without the corresponding datetime
        out = []
        for item in list:

        return out

    def getDatesOfList(self, list):
        returns a list of pure datetime without the corresponding paths
        out = [item[0] for item in list]

        return out

    def fileName2DateTime(self, fn, ending="mp4"):
        converts filename of video file to python datetime object

            fn (string):

            out (datetime object):
                                conversion of filename

        basename = os.path.basename(fn)
        parts = re.split("[.]", basename)
        date = re.split("[-]", parts[0])
        time = re.split("[-]", parts[1])

        if fn[-len(ending):] != ending:
            return -1

        if len(date) != 3:
            raise ValueError("mp4 file without proper date part discovered")
            return -1

        if len(time) < 3:
            raise ValueError("mp4 file without proper time part discovered")
            return -1

        out = dt.datetime(int(date[0]), int(date[1]), int(date[2]),
                          int(time[0]), int(time[1]), int(time[2]))

        return out

    def findInteruptions(self, fileList):
        separates the filelist into ranges of consequent films, i.e. each
        range represents a batch of videos that share the same background model

        :note:`it is assumed that each consequtive file is 1 min long`

            fileList (list of [datetime, path])
                                each element of this list can be generated by

            ranges of datetime that can be passed directly into
        # set file chunk size to 1 minute
        chunkSize = dt.time(0, 1)

        fileList = sorted(fileList)

        rngs = []
        start = None
        stop = None

        if len(fileList) < 2:
            raise ValueError(
                "There are less then 2 files in the list. That usually means that a wrong folder was selected."

        for i in range(len(fileList) - 1):
            if start is None:
                start = fileList[i][0]
                if (not (fileList[i + 1][0] - fileList[i][0]) <= dt.timedelta(minutes=1))\
                    or fileList[i + 1][0].second != 0:
                    stop = fileList[i][0]

            elif (not (fileList[i + 1][0] - fileList[i][0]) == dt.timedelta(minutes=1))\
                    or fileList[i + 1][0].second != 0:
                stop = fileList[i][0]

            if stop is not None:
                rngs += [[start, stop, i]]
                start = None
                stop = None

        stop = fileList[i + 1][0]
        rngs += [[start, stop, i]]

        return rngs

    def getRandomFrame(self, pathList, info=False, frameMode='L'):
        returns the first frame from a random video of the list

            pathList (List of Strings):
                                paths to video files
            info (bool):
                                return frame and filename
            frameMode (String):
                                Switch of color mode:

                                - 'RGB': color representation
                                - 'L':   gray-scale representation
                                - 'F':   ???

            frame (ndarray):
                                decoded video frame
        file = pathList[random.randint(0, len(pathList) - 1)]
        frameNo = random.randint(0, 1600 - 1)

        if self.verbose:
            print "processing frame {0} of video {1}".format(frameNo, file)

        self.vs = VideoStream(file, frame_mode=frameMode, exact_seek=True)
        self.frameMode = frameMode

        frame = self.vs.next().ndarray()

        if info:
            return [frame, file]
            return frame

    def getFrame(self, file, frameNo=0, info=False, frameMode='L'):
        returns the given frame from a given video

            file (String):
                                path to video file
            frameNo (int):
                                frame number to be returned
            info (bool):
                                return frame and filename
            frameMode (String):
                                Switch of color mode:

                                - 'RGB': color representation
                                - 'L':   gray-scale representation
                                - 'F':   ???

            frame (ndarray):
                                decoded video frame

        if self.verbose:
            print "processing frame {0} of video {1}".format(frameNo, file)

        if not self.vs \
        or self.frameMode != frameMode \
        or self.vs.filename != file:
            self.vs = VideoStream(file, frame_mode=frameMode, exact_seek=True)

            self.frameMode = frameMode

        frame = self.vs.get_frame_no(frameNo).ndarray()

        if info:
            return [frame, file]
            return frame

    def next(self):
        returns next frame in opened video file
        Call getFrame() or getRandomFrame() first
            info (bool):
                                return frame and filename
        .. seealso::

        if self.vs is None:
            raise AttributeError("no video stream defined. (It might be that" +\
                                 " the last frame was captured before)")

            frame = self.vs.next().ndarray()
        except ffvideo.NoMoreData:
            self.vs = None
            frame = None
            raise StopIteration

        return frame

    def setVideoStream(self, file, info=False, frameMode='L'):
        returns the first frame from a random video of the list
            pathList (List of Strings):
                                paths to video files
            info (bool):
                                return frame and filename
            frameMode (String):
                                Switch of color mode:
                                - 'RGB': color representation
                                - 'L':   gray-scale representation
                                - 'F':   ???
            frame (ndarray):
                                decoded video frame
        frameNo = random.randint(0, 1600 - 1)

        if self.verbose:
            print "processing frame {0} of video {1}".format(frameNo, file)

        if not self.frame is None:
            del self.frame

        if not self.vs is None:
            del self.vs

        self.vs = VideoStream(file, frame_mode=frameMode, exact_seek=True)
        self.frameMode = frameMode

    def __iter__(self):
        # rewind ffvideo thingy
        if self.vs is not None:

        return self

    def splitFolders(path):
        splits path into its folders and returns them 
        in a list. 

        .. note::
            Last entry of the returned list will be the
            basename of the path if applicable

            path (string):
                            path to split

            folders (list of strings):
                            list of folders in path
        folders = []
        while 1:
            path, folder = os.path.split(path)

            if folder != "":
                if path != "":



        return folders

    def retrieveVideoLength(filename, initialStepSize=10000):
        Finds video length by accessing it bruteforce

        idx = initialStepSize
        modi = initialStepSize
        vE = videoExplorer()

        reached_end = False

        while modi > 0:
            while True:
                    vE.getFrame(filename, frameNo=idx, frameMode='RGB')
                except ffvideo.FFVideoError:
                    if modi == 1:
                        idx -= modi

                    reached_end = True
                except StopIteration:
                    if modi == 1:
                        idx -= modi

                    reached_end = True

                if reached_end and modi > 1:
                    modi /= 2

                idx += modi

            modi /= 2
            idx -= modi

        return idx + 1  # + 1 to make it the same behaviour as len()

    def findFileInList(lst, filename):
        returns the position of the file within the list of paths
        return [a for a, b in enumerate(lst) if b[1].endswith(filename)]

    def findClosestDate(dateList, date):
        min(DTlist, key=lambda date: abs(dt - date))
Пример #6
class Movie(QtCore.QObject):
    """This class represent the video data stream"""

    frameChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
    endOfVideo = QtCore.pyqtSignal()

    def __init__(self, fileName=None):
        """Initialize the video stream and open the video file if a fileName is provided.
        :param filename: a string containing the name of the file to be opened.
        self.rawBuffer = None
        self.source = None
        super(Movie, self).__init__()
        if (fileName is not None):
        self.timer = None
        self.frame = None
        self.isPlaying = False
        self.frameRate = 0
        self.frameNumber = 0

    def reset(self):
        """Reset the movie object. Remove the source."""
        self.rawBuffer = None
        self.source = None
        self.timer = None
        self.frame = None
        self.isPlaying = False
        self.frameRate = 0
        self.frameNumber = 0

    def setMovie(self, fileName):
        """Open a video file.
        :param filename: a string containing the name of the file to be opened.
        :raise: TypeError: The fileName is not a string.
        if (isinstance(fileName, basestring)):
            self.fileName = u''.join(fileName).encode('utf-8')
            self.source = VideoStream(self.fileName)
            raise TypeError('fileName must be a string')

        self.frameRate = self.source.framerate
        self.frameNumber = self.source.duration * 1000 / self.source.framerate
        self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
        self.timer.setInterval(1000.0 / self.frameRate)

    def resetMovie(self):
        """Reset the video stream."""
        self.source = VideoStream(self.fileName)

    def play(self):
        """Start to read the video stream."""
        self.isPlaying = True

    def pause(self):
        """Pause the reading of the video stream."""
        self.isPlaying = False

    def frameMustChange(self):
        """Slot called when it is time to load the next frame.
        :raise: Exception: The file cannot be read because the codec is not supported or the video is compressed.

    def toggleState(self):
        """Toggle between playing and pausing the video."""
        if (self.isPlaying == True):

    def jumpToFrame(self, position):
        """Modify the position in the video.
        :param position: a value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the position in the video. 0 is the beginning and 1 is the end.
        if (position > 1.0):
            position = 1.0
        elif (position < 0.001):
            position = 0.001
        frame = self.source.get_frame_at_sec(position *
        return frame

    def readNextFrame(self):
        """Load the next frame.
        :raise: Exception: The file cannot be read because the codec is not supported or the video is compressed.
            self.rawBuffer = self.source.next().ndarray()
        except ffvideo.NoMoreData:
            self.isPlaying = False
            self.rawBuffer = None

    def readNCFrame(self, number):
        """Load the next frame.
        :raise: Exception: The file cannot be read because the codec is not supported or the video is compressed.
        position = self.source.current().frameno
            self.rawBuffer = self.source.get_frame_no(position +
        except ffvideo.NoMoreData:
            self.isPlaying = False
        if (self.source.current().frameno >=
                self.source.duration * self.source.framerate):
            self.isPlaying = False

    def currentPositionRatio(self):
        """Returns the position in the video.
        :return: a value between 0 and 1 representing the position in the video. 0 is the beginning and 1 is the end.
        if (self.source is not None and self.source.current() is not None):
            result = self.source.current().timestamp / self.source.duration
            if (result > 1.0):
                return 1.0
            elif (result < 0.0):
                return 0.0
                return result
            return 1.0

    def getFrameNumber(self):
        """Returns the number of frame in the video.
        :return: An integer representing the number of frame in the video.
        return int(self.source.duration * self.source.framerate)

    def getFrameSize(self):
        return (self.source.frame_width, self.source.frame_height)

    def getEllapsedTime(self):
        """Returns the number ellapsed time in the video.
        :return: An integer representing the number of frame in the video.
        return self.source.current().timestamp