Пример #1
    def inverse_image(self, A):
        Given a submodule A of the codomain of this morphism, return
        the inverse image of A under this morphism.


            sage: V = span([[1/2,1,1],[3/2,2,1],[0,0,1]],ZZ); W = V.span([2*V.0+4*V.1, 9*V.0+12*V.1, 4*V.2]); Q = V/W; Q
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (4, 12)
            sage: phi = Q.hom([0, Q.1])
            sage: phi.inverse_image(Q.submodule([]))
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (4)
            sage: phi.kernel()
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (4)
            sage: phi.inverse_image(phi.codomain())
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (4, 12)

            sage: phi.inverse_image(Q.submodule([Q.0]))
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (4)
            sage: phi.inverse_image(Q.submodule([Q.1]))
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (4, 12)

            sage: phi.inverse_image(ZZ^3)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: A must be a finitely generated quotient module
            sage: phi.inverse_image(ZZ^3 / W.scale(2))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: A must be a submodule of the codomain
        from fgp_module import is_FGP_Module
        if not is_FGP_Module(A):
            raise TypeError("A must be a finitely generated quotient module")
        if not A.is_submodule(self.codomain()):
            raise ValueError("A must be a submodule of the codomain")
        V = self._phi.inverse_image(A.V())
        D = self.domain()
        V = D.W() + V
        return D._module_constructor(V, D.W(), check=fgp_module.DEBUG)
Пример #2
    def inverse_image(self, A):
        Given a submodule A of the codomain of this morphism, return
        the inverse image of A under this morphism.


            sage: V = span([[1/2,1,1],[3/2,2,1],[0,0,1]],ZZ); W = V.span([2*V.0+4*V.1, 9*V.0+12*V.1, 4*V.2]); Q = V/W; Q
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (4, 12)
            sage: phi = Q.hom([0, Q.1])
            sage: phi.inverse_image(Q.submodule([]))
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (4)
            sage: phi.kernel()
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (4)
            sage: phi.inverse_image(phi.codomain())
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (4, 12)

            sage: phi.inverse_image(Q.submodule([Q.0]))
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (4)
            sage: phi.inverse_image(Q.submodule([Q.1]))
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (4, 12)

            sage: phi.inverse_image(ZZ^3)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: A must be a finitely generated quotient module
            sage: phi.inverse_image(ZZ^3 / W.scale(2))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: A must be a submodule of the codomain
        from fgp_module import is_FGP_Module
        if not is_FGP_Module(A):
            raise TypeError("A must be a finitely generated quotient module")
        if not A.is_submodule(self.codomain()):
            raise ValueError("A must be a submodule of the codomain")
        V = self._phi.inverse_image(A.V())
        D = self.domain()
        V = D.W() + V
        return D._module_constructor(V, D.W(), check=fgp_module.DEBUG)
Пример #3
    def __call__(self, x):

            sage: V = span([[1/2,1,1],[3/2,2,1],[0,0,1]],ZZ); W = V.span([2*V.0+4*V.1, 9*V.0+12*V.1, 4*V.2])
            sage: Q = V/W
            sage: phi = Q.hom([Q.0+3*Q.1, -Q.1]);
            sage: phi(Q.0) == Q.0 + 3*Q.1

        We compute the image of some submodules of the domain::

            sage: phi(Q)
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (4, 12)
            sage: phi(Q.submodule([Q.0]))
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (4)
            sage: phi(Q.submodule([Q.1]))
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (12)
            sage: phi(W/W)
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants ()

        We try to evaluate on a module that is not a submodule of the domain, which raises a ValueError::

            sage: phi(V/W.scale(2))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: x must be a submodule or element of the domain

        We evaluate on an element of the domain that is not in the V
        for the optimized representation of the domain::

            sage: V = span([[1/2,0,0],[3/2,2,1],[0,0,1]],ZZ); W = V.span([2*V.0+4*V.1, 9*V.0+12*V.1, 4*V.2])
            sage: Q = V/W; Q
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (4, 12)
            sage: O, X = Q.optimized()
            sage: O.V()
            Free module of degree 3 and rank 2 over Integer Ring
            User basis matrix:
            [0 0 1]
            [0 2 0]
            sage: phi = Q.hom([Q.0, 4*Q.1])
            sage: x = Q(V.0); x
            (0, 4)
            sage: x == 4*Q.1
            sage: x in O.V()
            sage: phi(x)
            (0, 4)
            sage: phi(4*Q.1)
            (0, 4)
            sage: phi(4*Q.1) == phi(x)
        from fgp_module import is_FGP_Module
        if is_FGP_Module(x):
            if not x.is_submodule(self.domain()):
                raise ValueError(
                    "x must be a submodule or element of the domain")
            # perhaps can be optimized with a matrix multiply; but note
            # the subtlety of optimized representations.
            return self.codomain().submodule(
                [self(y) for y in x.smith_form_gens()])
            C = self.codomain()
            D = self.domain()
            O, X = D.optimized()
            x = D(x)
            if O is D:
                x = x.lift()
                # Now we have to transform x so that it is in the optimized representation.
                x = D.V().coordinate_vector(x.lift()) * X
            return C(self._phi(x))
Пример #4
    def __call__(self, x):

            sage: V = span([[1/2,1,1],[3/2,2,1],[0,0,1]],ZZ); W = V.span([2*V.0+4*V.1, 9*V.0+12*V.1, 4*V.2])
            sage: Q = V/W
            sage: phi = Q.hom([Q.0+3*Q.1, -Q.1]);
            sage: phi(Q.0) == Q.0 + 3*Q.1

        We compute the image of some submodules of the domain::

            sage: phi(Q)
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (4, 12)
            sage: phi(Q.submodule([Q.0]))
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (4)
            sage: phi(Q.submodule([Q.1]))
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (12)
            sage: phi(W/W)
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants ()

        We try to evaluate on a module that is not a submodule of the domain, which raises a ValueError::

            sage: phi(V/W.scale(2))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: x must be a submodule or element of the domain

        We evaluate on an element of the domain that is not in the V
        for the optimized representation of the domain::

            sage: V = span([[1/2,0,0],[3/2,2,1],[0,0,1]],ZZ); W = V.span([2*V.0+4*V.1, 9*V.0+12*V.1, 4*V.2])
            sage: Q = V/W; Q
            Finitely generated module V/W over Integer Ring with invariants (4, 12)
            sage: O, X = Q.optimized()
            sage: O.V()
            Free module of degree 3 and rank 2 over Integer Ring
            User basis matrix:
            [0 0 1]
            [0 2 0]
            sage: phi = Q.hom([Q.0, 4*Q.1])
            sage: x = Q(V.0); x
            (0, 4)
            sage: x == 4*Q.1
            sage: x in O.V()
            sage: phi(x)
            (0, 4)
            sage: phi(4*Q.1)
            (0, 4)
            sage: phi(4*Q.1) == phi(x)
        from fgp_module import is_FGP_Module
        if is_FGP_Module(x):
            if not x.is_submodule(self.domain()):
                raise ValueError("x must be a submodule or element of the domain")
            # perhaps can be optimized with a matrix multiply; but note
            # the subtlety of optimized representations.
            return self.codomain().submodule([self(y) for y in x.smith_form_gens()])
            C = self.codomain()
            D = self.domain()
            O, X = D.optimized()
            x = D(x)
            if O is D:
                x = x.lift()
                # Now we have to transform x so that it is in the optimized representation.
                x = D.V().coordinate_vector(x.lift()) * X
            return C(self._phi(x))