Пример #1
def show_example():
	# Configurable parameters
	field = fieldmath.BinaryField(0x11D)
	generator = 0x02
	msglen = 8
	ecclen = 5
	rs = reedsolomon.ReedSolomon(field, generator, msglen, ecclen)
	# Generate random message
	message = [random.randrange(field.size) for _ in range(msglen)]
	print("Original message: {}".format(message))
	# Encode message to produce codeword
	codeword = rs.encode(message)
	print("Encoded codeword: {}".format(codeword))
	# Perturb some values in the codeword
	probability = float(ecclen // 2) / (msglen + ecclen)
	perturbed = 0
	for i in range(len(codeword)):
		if random.random() < probability:
			codeword[i] ^= random.randrange(1, field.size)
			perturbed += 1
	print("Number of values perturbed: {}".format(perturbed))
	print("Perturbed codeword: {}".format(codeword))
	# Try to decode the codeword
	decoded = rs.decode(codeword)
	print("Decoded message: {}".format(decoded if (decoded is not None) else "Failure"))
Пример #2
def reed_encode(data, ecclen):
    msglen = len(data)
    field = fieldmath.BinaryField(0x11D)
    generator = 0x02
    rs = reed.ReedSolomon(field, generator, msglen, ecclen)

    encoded = rs.encode(data)
    return encoded
Пример #3
def test_correctness():
    # Field parameters
    field = fieldmath.BinaryField(0x11D)
    generator = 0x02

    # Run forever unless an exception is thrown or unexpected behavior is encountered
    testduration = 10.0  # In seconds
    while True:
        # Choose random Reed-Solomon parameters
        msglen = random.randrange(1, field.size)
        ecclen = random.randrange(1, field.size)
        codewordlen = msglen + ecclen
        if codewordlen > field.size - 1:
        numerrors = random.randrange(codewordlen + 1)
        rs = reedsolomon.ReedSolomon(field, generator, msglen, ecclen)

        # Do as many trials as possible in a fixed amount of time
        numsuccess = 0
        numwrong = 0
        numfailure = 0
        starttime = time.time()
        while time.time() - starttime < testduration:

            # Generate random message
            message = [random.randrange(field.size) for _ in range(msglen)]

            # Encode message to codeword
            codeword = rs.encode(message)

            # Perturb values in the codeword
            indexes = [i for i in range(codewordlen)]
            for i in range(numerrors):
                # Partial Durstenfeld shuffle
                j = random.randrange(i, codewordlen)
                indexes[i], indexes[j] = indexes[j], indexes[i]
                # Actual perturbation
                codeword[indexes[i]] ^= random.randrange(1, field.size)

            # Try to decode the codeword, and evaluate result
            decoded = rs.decode(codeword)
            if decoded == message:
                numsuccess += 1
            elif numerrors <= ecclen // 2:
                raise AssertionError("Decoding should have succeeded")
            elif decoded is not None:
                numwrong += 1
                numfailure += 1

        # Print parameters and statistics for this round
            f"msgLen={msglen}, eccLen={ecclen}, codewordLen={codewordlen}, numErrors={numerrors};  numTrials={numsuccess + numwrong + numfailure}, numSuccess={numsuccess}, numWrong={numwrong}, numFailure={numfailure}"
 def test_invert_randomly_binary(self):
     TRIALS = 100
     f = fieldmath.BinaryField(0x481)
     for _ in range(TRIALS):
         size = int(math.sqrt(random.random()) * 9) + 2
         size = max(min(size, 10), 1)
         mat = fieldmath.Matrix(size, size, f)
         for i in range(mat.row_count()):
             for j in range(mat.column_count()):
                 mat.set(i, j, random.randrange(f.size))
         self._test_invert(f, mat)
Пример #5
def GPUBI(A):  #生成矩阵的标准化
    f = fieldmath.BinaryField(modprim)  #prim
    numRows = len(A)  #行
    numCols = len(A[0])  #列
    mat = fieldmath.Matrix(numRows, numCols, f)
    for x in range(numRows):
        for y in range(numCols):
            mat.set(x, y, A[x][y])
    GPUB = np.zeros((k, n + w), dtype=np.int)
    xx = np.array(mat.values)
    return xx