Пример #1
    def _aggregateFields(self):
        #if not self.pointerResolved:
        #  raise ValueError('I should be resolved')
        self._dirty = True

        myfields = []

        signature = self.getSignature()
        pencoder = pattern.PatternEncoder(signature, minGroupSize=3)
        patterns = pencoder.makePattern()

        #txt = self.getSignature(text=True)
        #log.warning('signature of len():%d, %s'%(len(txt),txt))
        #p = pattern.findPatternText(txt, 2, 3)

        #log.debug('aggregateFields came up with pattern %s'%(patterns))

        # pattern is made on FieldType,
        #so we need to dequeue self.fields at the same time to enqueue in myfields
        for nb, fieldTypesAndSizes in patterns:
            #print 'fieldTypesAndSizes:',fieldTypesAndSizes
            if nb == 1:
                fieldType = fieldTypesAndSizes[0]  # its a tuple
                field = self._fields.pop(0)
                myfields.append(field)  # single el
                #log.debug('simple field:%s '%(field) )
            elif len(fieldTypesAndSizes
                     ) > 1:  #  array of subtructure DEBUG XXX TODO
                log.debug('substructure with sig %s' % (fieldTypesAndSizes))
                myelements = []
                for i in range(nb):
                    fields = [
                        for i in range(len(fieldTypesAndSizes))
                    ]  # nb-1 left
                    #otherFields = [ self.fields.pop(0) for i in range((nb-1)*len(fieldTypesAndSizes)) ]
                    # need global ref to compare substructure signature to other anonstructure
                    firstField = FieldType.makeStructField(
                        self, fields[0].offset, fields)
                array = makeArrayField(self, myelements)
                #log.debug('array of structure %s'%(array))
            elif len(fieldTypesAndSizes) == 1:  #make array of elements or
                log.debug('found array of %s' %
                fields = [self.fields.pop(0) for i in range(nb)]
                array = makeArrayField(self, fields)
                #log.debug('array of elements %s'%(array))
            else:  # TODO DEBUG internal struct
                raise ValueError('fields patterns len is incorrect %d' %

        log.debug('done with aggregateFields')
        self._fields = myfields
        #print 'final', self.fields
Пример #2
    def _findSubStructures(self):
        if not self._pointerResolved:
            raise ValueError('I should be resolved')
        self._dirty = True

        myfields = []

        signature = self.getTypeSignature()
        pencoder = pattern.PatternEncoder(signature, minGroupSize=2)
        patterns = pencoder.makePattern()

        txt = self.getTypeSignature(text=True)
        p = pattern.findPatternText(txt, 1, 2)

        log.debug('substruct typeSig: %s' % txt)
        log.debug('substruct findPatterntext: %s' % p)
        log.debug('substruct came up with pattern %s' % (patterns))

        # pattern is made on FieldType,
        #so we need to dequeue self.fields at the same time to enqueue in myfields
        for nb, fieldTypes in patterns:
            if nb == 1:
                field = self._fields.pop(0)
                myfields.append(field)  # single el
                #log.debug('simple field:%s '%(field) )
            elif len(fieldTypes) > 1:  #  array of subtructure DEBUG XXX TODO
                log.debug('fieldTypes:%s' % fieldTypes)
                log.debug('substructure with sig %s' %
                          (''.join([ft.sig[0] for ft in fieldTypes])))
                myelements = []
                for i in range(nb):
                    fields = [
                        self._fields.pop(0) for i in range(len(fieldTypes))
                    ]  # nb-1 left
                    #otherFields = [ self.fields.pop(0) for i in range((nb-1)*len(fieldTypesAndSizes)) ]
                    # need global ref to compare substructure signature to other anonstructure
                    firstField = FieldType.makeStructField(
                        self, fields[0].offset, fields)
                array = makeArrayField(self, myelements)
                #log.debug('array of structure %s'%(array))
            elif len(fieldTypes
                     ) == 1:  #make array of elements obase on same base type
                log.debug('found array of %s' %
                fields = [self._fields.pop(0) for i in range(nb)]
                array = makeArrayField(self, fields)
                #log.debug('array of elements %s'%(array))
            else:  # TODO DEBUG internal struct
                raise ValueError('fields patterns len is incorrect %d' %

        log.debug('done with findSubstructure')
        self._fields = myfields
        #print 'final', self.fields
Пример #3
    def _aggregateFields(self):
        # if not self.resolvedPointers:
        #  raise ValueError('I should be resolved')
        self._dirty = True

        myfields = []

        signature = self.getSignature()
        pencoder = pattern.PatternEncoder(signature, minGroupSize=3)
        patterns = pencoder.makePattern()

        # txt = self.getSignature(text=True)
        # log.warning('signature of len():%d, %s'%(len(txt),txt))
        # p = pattern.findPatternText(txt, 2, 3)
        # log.debug(p)

        # log.debug('aggregateFields came up with pattern %s'%(patterns))

        # pattern is made on FieldType,
        # so we need to dequeue self.fields at the same time to enqueue in
        # myfields
        for nb, fieldTypesAndSizes in patterns:
            # print 'fieldTypesAndSizes:',fieldTypesAndSizes
            if nb == 1:
                fieldType = fieldTypesAndSizes[0]  # its a tuple
                field = self._fields.pop(0)
                myfields.append(field)  # single el
                # log.debug('simple field:%s '%(field) )
            # array of subtructure DEBUG XXX TODO
            elif len(fieldTypesAndSizes) > 1:
                log.debug("substructure with sig %s" % (fieldTypesAndSizes))
                myelements = []
                for i in range(nb):
                    fields = [self._fields.pop(0) for i in range(len(fieldTypesAndSizes))]  # nb-1 left
                    # otherFields = [ self.fields.pop(0) for i in range((nb-1)*len(fieldTypesAndSizes)) ]
                    # need global ref to compare substructure signature to
                    # other anonstructure
                    firstField = FieldType.makeStructField(self, fields[0].offset, fields)
                array = makeArrayField(self, myelements)
                # log.debug('array of structure %s'%(array))
            elif len(fieldTypesAndSizes) == 1:  # make array of elements or
                log.debug("found array of %s" % (self._fields[0].typename.basename))
                fields = [self.fields.pop(0) for i in range(nb)]
                array = makeArrayField(self, fields)
                # log.debug('array of elements %s'%(array))
            else:  # TODO DEBUG internal struct
                raise ValueError("fields patterns len is incorrect %d" % (len(fieldTypesAndSizes)))

        log.debug("done with aggregateFields")
        self._fields = myfields
        # print 'final', self.fields
Пример #4
    def _findSubStructures(self):
        if not self.resolvedPointers:
            raise ValueError("I should be resolved")
        self._dirty = True

        myfields = []

        signature = self.getTypeSignature()
        pencoder = pattern.PatternEncoder(signature, minGroupSize=2)
        patterns = pencoder.makePattern()

        txt = self.getTypeSignature(text=True)
        p = pattern.findPatternText(txt, 1, 2)

        log.debug("substruct typeSig: %s" % txt)
        log.debug("substruct findPatterntext: %s" % p)
        log.debug("substruct came up with pattern %s" % (patterns))

        # pattern is made on FieldType,
        # so we need to dequeue self.fields at the same time to enqueue in
        # myfields
        for nb, fieldTypes in patterns:
            if nb == 1:
                field = self._fields.pop(0)
                myfields.append(field)  # single el
                # log.debug('simple field:%s '%(field) )
            elif len(fieldTypes) > 1:  # array of subtructure DEBUG XXX TODO
                log.debug("fieldTypes:%s" % fieldTypes)
                log.debug("substructure with sig %s" % ("".join([ft.sig[0] for ft in fieldTypes])))
                myelements = []
                for i in range(nb):
                    fields = [self._fields.pop(0) for i in range(len(fieldTypes))]  # nb-1 left
                    # otherFields = [ self.fields.pop(0) for i in range((nb-1)*len(fieldTypesAndSizes)) ]
                    # need global ref to compare substructure signature to
                    # other anonstructure
                    firstField = FieldType.makeStructField(self, fields[0].offset, fields)
                array = makeArrayField(self, myelements)
                # log.debug('array of structure %s'%(array))
            # make array of elements obase on same base type
            elif len(fieldTypes) == 1:
                log.debug("found array of %s" % (self._fields[0].typename.basename))
                fields = [self._fields.pop(0) for i in range(nb)]
                array = makeArrayField(self, fields)
                # log.debug('array of elements %s'%(array))
            else:  # TODO DEBUG internal struct
                raise ValueError("fields patterns len is incorrect %d" % (len(fieldTypes)))

        log.debug("done with findSubstructure")
        self._fields = myfields
        # print 'final', self.fields
Пример #5
 def _aggZeroesBetweenIntArrays(self):
   if len(self._fields) < 3:
   myfields = sorted(self._fields)
   i = 0
   while ( i < len(myfields) - 3 ):
     prev = myfields[i]
     field = myfields[i+1]
     next = myfields[i+2]
     if prev.isArray() and next.isArray() and field.isZeroes() and (
         fieldtypes.isIntegerType(prev.basicTypename) and
         fieldtypes.isIntegerType(next.basicTypename) ):
       # we have zeroes in the middle
       fieldLen = len(field)
       nbWord = fieldLen//Config.WORDSIZE 
       if (fieldLen % Config.WORDSIZE == 0) and  nbWord < 4: # more than 3 word zerroes it is probably another buffer
         # concat prev, field and next arrays to get on array
         newFields = prev.elements+[field]
         field.checkSmallInt() # force it in a small integer
         if nbWord > 1:
           for offsetadd in range(Config.WORDSIZE, Config.WORDSIZE*nbWord, Config.WORDSIZE):
             newFields.append(self._addField(field.offset+offsetadd, FieldType.SMALLINT, Config.WORDSIZE, False))
         # make an array for newFields and insert it in place of prev+field+next
         # pop prev, newfields and next, and put them in an array
         #print 'aggZeroes', i, len(newFields)#, ','.join([f.toString('') for f in newFields])
         drop = [ myfields.pop(i) for x in range(3) ] #prev, 
         array = makeArrayField(self, newFields )          
         myfields.insert(i, array)
   self._fields = myfields
Пример #6
 def cutInThree():
   log.debug('cutting in three %d %d %d'%(ind, nbSeen, val))
   # cut array in three
   index = self._fields.index(_arrayField)
   oldArray = self._fields.pop(index) # cut it from self.fields
   # cut the field in 3 parts ( ?zerroes, val, list)
   # add the rest
   if len(_arrayField.elements[ind+1:]) > 1: # add zerroes in front
     self._fields.insert(index, makeArrayField(self, _arrayField.elements[ind+1:]) )
   elif len(_arrayField.elements[ind+1:]) == 1: # add zero field
     self._fields.insert(index, _arrayField.elements[ind+1])
   # add the value
   self._fields.insert(index, _arrayField.elements[ind])
   # add zerroes in front
   if ind > 1: 
     self._fields.insert(index, makeArrayField(self, _arrayField.elements[:ind]) )
   elif ind == 1: # add zero field
     self._fields.insert(index, _arrayField.elements[0])
Пример #7
 def cutInThree():
     log.debug('cutting in three %d %d %d' % (ind, nbSeen, val))
     # cut array in three
     index = self._fields.index(_arrayField)
     oldArray = self._fields.pop(index)  # cut it from self.fields
     # cut the field in 3 parts ( ?zerroes, val, list)
     # add the rest
     if len(_arrayField.elements[ind + 1:]) > 1:  # add zerroes in front
             index, makeArrayField(self,
                                   _arrayField.elements[ind + 1:]))
     elif len(_arrayField.elements[ind + 1:]) == 1:  # add zero field
         self._fields.insert(index, _arrayField.elements[ind + 1])
     # add the value
     self._fields.insert(index, _arrayField.elements[ind])
     # add zerroes in front
     if ind > 1:
             index, makeArrayField(self, _arrayField.elements[:ind]))
     elif ind == 1:  # add zero field
         self._fields.insert(index, _arrayField.elements[0])
Пример #8
    def _aggZeroesBetweenIntArrays(self):
        if len(self._fields) < 3:
        self._dirty = True

        myfields = sorted(self._fields)
        i = 0
        while (i < len(myfields) - 3):
            prev = myfields[i]
            field = myfields[i + 1]
            next = myfields[i + 2]
            if prev.isArray() and next.isArray() and field.isZeroes() and (
                    and fieldtypes.isIntegerType(next.basicTypename)):
                # we have zeroes in the middle
                fieldLen = len(field)
                nbWord = fieldLen // Config.WORDSIZE
                if (
                        fieldLen % Config.WORDSIZE == 0
                ) and nbWord < 4:  # more than 3 word zerroes it is probably another buffer
                    # concat prev, field and next arrays to get on array
                    newFields = prev.elements + [field]
                    field.checkSmallInt()  # force it in a small integer
                    if nbWord > 1:
                        for offsetadd in range(Config.WORDSIZE,
                                               Config.WORDSIZE * nbWord,
                                self._addField(field.offset + offsetadd,
                                               Config.WORDSIZE, False))
                    # make an array for newFields and insert it in place of prev+field+next
                    # pop prev, newfields and next, and put them in an array
                    #print 'aggZeroes', i, len(newFields)#, ','.join([f.toString('') for f in newFields])
                    drop = [myfields.pop(i) for x in range(3)]  #prev,
                    array = makeArrayField(self, newFields)
                    myfields.insert(i, array)
            i += 1
        self._fields = myfields