def meanplots(self): figpref.current() pl.close('all') def pcolor(fld, F, cmin, cmax, oneside=True): pl.figure(F) self.pcolor(miv(fld), oneside=oneside) pl.clim(cmin,cmax) """ h = np.where(self.Dchl>0, self.Dchl, np.nan) pcolor(nanmean(h, axis=0), 1, 0, 2) h = np.where(self.Dchl<0, self.Dchl, np.nan) pcolor(-nanmean(h, axis=0), 2, 0, 2) h = np.where(self.Dsst>0, self.Dsst, np.nan) pcolor(nanmean(h, axis=0), 3, 0, 0.4) h = np.where(self.Dsst<0, self.Dsst, np.nan) pcolor(-nanmean(h, axis=0), 4, 0, 0.4) """ pcolor(nanmean(self.Dchl, axis=0), 5, -0.25, 0.25, False) pl.title(r"Mean change of Chl (mg m$^{-3}$)") pl.savefig('figs/liege/meanmap_Dchl.pdf',transparent=True) pcolor(nanmean(self.Dsst, axis=0), 6, -0.25, 0.25, False) pl.title(r"Mean change of SST ($\degree$C)") pl.savefig('figs/liege/meanmap_Dsst.pdf',transparent=True)
def movie(self): import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams['axes.labelcolor'] = 'white' pl.close(1) pl.figure(1, (8, 4.5), facecolor='k') miv = figpref.current() jd0 = pl.date2num(dtm(2005, 1, 1)) jd1 = pl.date2num(dtm(2005, 12, 31)) mp = projmaps.Projmap('glob') x, y = mp(self.llon, self.llat) for t in np.arange(jd0, jd1): print pl.num2date(t) self.load(t) pl.clf() pl.subplot(111, axisbg='k') mp.pcolormesh(x, y, miv(np.sqrt(self.u**2 + self.v**2)), cmap=cm.gist_heat) pl.clim(0, 1.5) mp.nice() pl.title( '%04i-%02i-%02i' % (pl.num2date(t).year, pl.num2date(t).month, pl.num2date(t).day), color='w') pl.savefig('/Users/bror/oscar/norm/%03i.png' % t, bbox_inches='tight', facecolor='k', dpi=150)
def glob(self): mat = np.load('globcummat.npz') figpref.current() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1) pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.rand(500000))), c='g', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values, rectangular distr.') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.randn(500000))), c='r', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values, normal distr.') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.lognormal(0,1,500000))), c='b', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values log-normal distr.') pl.plot(np.linspace(0,1,100), np.mean(mat['globmat'],axis=1), lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="Global") pl.plot(np.linspace(0,1,100), np.mean(mat['northmat'],axis=1), lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="Northern hemisphere") pl.plot(np.linspace(0,1,100), np.mean(mat['southmat'],axis=1), lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="Southern hemisphere") pl.ylim(0,1) pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig('figs/liege/glob_glob.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
def cumcummap(self): figpref.current() h5fld = self.Dchl tlen, jmat, imat = h5fld.shape ppp = np.zeros((jmat, imat)) * np.nan for j in np.arange(jmat): for i in np.arange(imat): vec = h5fld[:, j, i] vec = vec[vec > 0] if len(vec) > 0: ppp[j, i] = self.cumpos(vec) pl.close(1) pl.figure(1) self.pcolor(miv(ppp), oneside=True) pl.clim(0.3, 0.8) pl.title(r'Cumulative Dchl for 10% highest pos obs.') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cumcummap_pos_Dchl.pdf') ppp = np.zeros((jmat, imat)) * np.nan for j in np.arange(jmat): for i in np.arange(imat): vec = h5fld[:, j, i] vec = -vec[vec < 0] if len(vec) > 0: ppp[j, i] = self.cumpos(vec) pl.close(2) pl.figure(2) self.pcolor(miv(ppp), oneside=True) pl.clim(0.3, 0.8) pl.title(r'Cumulative Dchl for 10% highest neg obs.') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cumcummap_neg_Dchl.pdf') h5fld = self.Dsst tlen, jmat, imat = h5fld.shape ppp = np.zeros((jmat, imat)) * np.nan for j in np.arange(jmat): for i in np.arange(imat): vec = h5fld[:, j, i] vec = vec[vec > 0] if len(vec) > 0: ppp[j, i] = self.cumpos(vec) pl.close(3) pl.figure(3) self.pcolor(miv(ppp), oneside=True) pl.clim(0.3, 0.8) pl.title(r'Cumulative Dsst for 10% highest pos obs.') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cumcummap_pos_Dsst.pdf') ppp = np.zeros((jmat, imat)) * np.nan for j in np.arange(jmat): for i in np.arange(imat): vec = h5fld[:, j, i] vec = -vec[vec < 0] if len(vec) > 0: ppp[j, i] = self.cumpos(vec) pl.close(4) pl.figure(4) self.pcolor(miv(ppp), oneside=True) pl.clim(0.3, 0.8) pl.title(r'Cumulative Dsst for 10% highest neg obs.') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cumcummap_neg_Dsst.pdf')
def o2ar(self): cr = figpref.current() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1) pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.rand(500000))), c='g', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values, rectangular distr.') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.randn(500000))), c='r', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values, normal distr.') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.lognormal(0, 1, 500000))), c='b', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values log-normal distr.') vec = cr.ncp[cr.ncp > 0] pl.plot(*self.cumcum(vec), lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="O2Ar based NCP") pl.ylim(0, 1) pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig('figs/liege/glob_o2ar.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
def heatmap(self, maskvec=None, jd=None, cmap=None, alpha=1, colorbar=True, clf=True, map_region=None, log=False, kwargs={}): """Plot particle positions on a map mask: Boolean vector determining which particles to plot ntrac: Particle ID jd: Julian date to plot, has to be included in jdvec. cmap: color map to use alpha: transparancy of pcolormap clf: Clear figure if True colorbar: Show colorbar if True (default) map_region: Use other map_regions than set by config file kwargs: Other arguments to pcolor (must be a dict). """ if maskvec is None: maskvec = self.ntrac==self.ntrac if jd is not None: maskvec = maskvec & (self.jd==jd) if USE_FIGPREF: figpref.current() if clf: pl.clf() if cmap is not None: kwargs['cmap'] = cmap if log is True: kwargs['norm'] = LogNorm() if colorbar is True: kwargs['colorbar'] = True mat = self.heatmat(nan=True, maskvec=maskvec, jd=None) mat[mat==0] = np.nan self.gcm.pcolor(mat, **kwargs) if jd: pl.title(pl.num2date(jd).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
def globtime(self): mat = np.load('globcummat.npz') jd1 = pl.datestr2num('2003-01-01') jd2 = pl.datestr2num('2012-12-31') jdvec = np.arange(jd1, jd2) figpref.current() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1) pl.plot_date(jdvec, mat['northmat'][10, :], 'r-', alpha=0.5, label="Northern hemisphere") pl.plot_date(jdvec, mat['southmat'][10, :], 'b-', alpha=0.5, label="Southern hemisphere") pl.ylim(0, 1) pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig('figs/liege/glob_time.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
def latslice(self, datadir='/Volumes/keronHD3/globChl/result/'): from import loadmat figpref.current() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1) pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.rand(500000))), c='g', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values, rectangular distr.') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.randn(500000))), c='r', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values, normal distr.') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.lognormal(0, 1, 500000))), c='b', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values log-normal distr.') for lat in [0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75]: mat = loadmat(datadir + 'latsliceschl_lat%i.mat' % lat) pl.plot(*self.cumcum(mat['chl']), lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="Chl, lat=%i" % lat) pl.ylim(0, 1) pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig('figs/liege/glob_latslice.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
def meanplots(self): figpref.current() pl.close('all') def pcolor(fld, F, cmin, cmax, oneside=True): pl.figure(F) self.pcolor(miv(fld), oneside=oneside) pl.clim(cmin, cmax) """ h = np.where(self.Dchl>0, self.Dchl, np.nan) pcolor(nanmean(h, axis=0), 1, 0, 2) h = np.where(self.Dchl<0, self.Dchl, np.nan) pcolor(-nanmean(h, axis=0), 2, 0, 2) h = np.where(self.Dsst>0, self.Dsst, np.nan) pcolor(nanmean(h, axis=0), 3, 0, 0.4) h = np.where(self.Dsst<0, self.Dsst, np.nan) pcolor(-nanmean(h, axis=0), 4, 0, 0.4) """ pcolor(nanmean(self.Dchl, axis=0), 5, -0.25, 0.25, False) pl.title(r"Mean change of Chl (mg m$^{-3}$)") pl.savefig('figs/liege/meanmap_Dchl.pdf', transparent=True) pcolor(nanmean(self.Dsst, axis=0), 6, -0.25, 0.25, False) pl.title(r"Mean change of SST ($\degree$C)") pl.savefig('figs/liege/meanmap_Dsst.pdf', transparent=True)
def meantime2plot(self, sst=True, chl=True): figpref.current() pl.close(1) fig = pl.figure(1) pl.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, right=0.85, left=0.15) def plot(fldname): self.histmoeller(fldname) pl.fill_between(self.jdvec, self.jdvec * 0, self.posmean, facecolor='powderblue') pl.fill_between(self.jdvec, self.negmean, self.jdvec * 0, facecolor='pink') pl.plot(self.jdvec, self.negmean + self.posmean, lw=1, c='k') pl.gca().xaxis.axis_date() if sst: ax = pl.subplot(2, 1, 1) plot('Dsst') pl.ylabel('Dsst ($\degree$C d$^{-1}$') pl.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) if chl: ax = pl.subplot(2, 1, 2) plot('Dchl') pl.ylim(-2, 2) pl.yticks([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]) pl.ylabel('Chl (mg m$^{3}$ d$^{-1}$)') pl.savefig('figs/liege/meantime_both.pdf')
def movie(self): import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams['axes.labelcolor'] = 'white' pl.close(1) pl.figure(1,(8,4.5),facecolor='k') miv = figpref.current() jd0 = pl.date2num(dtm(2005,1,1)) jd1 = pl.date2num(dtm(2005,12,31)) mp = projmaps.Projmap('glob') x,y = mp(self.llon,self.llat) for t in np.arange(jd0,jd1): print pl.num2date(t) self.load(t) pl.clf() pl.subplot(111,axisbg='k') mp.pcolormesh(x,y, miv(np.sqrt(self.u**2 +self.v**2)), cmap=cm.gist_heat) pl.clim(0,1.5) mp.nice() pl.title('%04i-%02i-%02i' % (pl.num2date(t).year, pl.num2date(t).month, pl.num2date(t).day), color='w') pl.savefig('/Users/bror/oscar/norm/%03i.png' % t, bbox_inches='tight',facecolor='k',dpi=150)
def meantime2plot(self, sst=True, chl=True): figpref.current() pl.close(1) fig = pl.figure(1) pl.subplots_adjust(hspace=0,right=0.85, left=0.15) def plot(fldname): self.histmoeller(fldname) pl.fill_between(self.jdvec, self.jdvec*0, self.posmean, facecolor='powderblue') pl.fill_between(self.jdvec, self.negmean, self.jdvec*0, facecolor='pink') pl.plot(self.jdvec, self.negmean+self.posmean,lw=1,c='k') pl.gca().xaxis.axis_date() if sst: ax = pl.subplot(2,1,1) plot('Dsst') pl.ylabel('Dsst ($\degree$C d$^{-1}$') pl.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) if chl: ax = pl.subplot(2,1,2) plot('Dchl') pl.ylim(-2,2) pl.yticks([-2,-1,0,1,2]) pl.ylabel('Chl (mg m$^{3}$ d$^{-1}$)') pl.savefig('figs/liege/meantime_both.pdf')
def cumcum_theory(self): figpref.current() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1) pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.rand(500000))), c='g', lw=2, ls="-", label='Random values, rectangular distr.') pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.ylim(0,1) pl.savefig('figs/liege/cc_theory_rectdist.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.randn(500000))), c='r', lw=2, ls="-", label='Random values, normal distr.') pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.ylim(0,1) pl.savefig('figs/liege/cc_theory_normrectdist.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.lognormal(0,1,500000))), c='b', lw=2, ls="-", label='Random values log-normal distr.') pl.ylim(0,1) pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cc_theory_lognormrectdist.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
def reset(self): self.ffmpgF = ("-mbd rd -flags +mv4+aic -trellis 2 " + " -cmp 2 -subcmp 2 -g 300 -y") self.oset = " -vcodec libx264 -qscale 1" self.tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() print " === Images for video saved at " + self.tdir self.n = 0 pl.close('all') figpref.current()
def patch(tr): figpref.current() pl.figure(1) sH0,_ = tr.scatter(jd=732371.125+0,s=3,c='g',clf=False) sH1,_ = tr.scatter(jd=732371.125+1,s=3,c='r',clf=False) sH2,_ = tr.scatter(jd=732371.125+2,s=3,c='b',clf=False) pl.legend((sH0,sH1,sH2),('0 Hours','24 Hours','48 Hours') ) pl.savefig('figs/patch_days.png')
def interp(ps,intstart=6353): import figpref import projmaps figpref.current() ps.c.execute("SELECT distinct(ints) FROM casco__chlor_a " + " WHERE intstart=%i" % intstart) ints1,ints2 = ps.c.fetchall() sql = """SELECT t1.ntrac,t1.val,t2.val,p.x,p.y,p.ints FROM casco__chlor_a t1 INNER JOIN casco__chlor_a t2 ON t1.ntrac=t2.ntrac INNER JOIN casco p ON t1.ntrac=p.ntrac WHERE t1.intstart=%i AND t2.intstart=%i AND p.intstart=%i AND t1.ints=%i AND t2.ints=%i; """ % (intstart,intstart,intstart,ints1[0],ints2[0]) ps.c.execute(sql) res = zip(*ps.c.fetchall()) class trj: pass if len(res) > 0: for n,a in enumerate(['ntrac','t1val','t2val','x','y','ints']): trj.__dict__[a] = np.array(res[n]) mask = (trj.ints.astype(np.float)/100-trj.ints/100)>0.5 trj.ints[mask]=trj.ints[mask]+1 tvec = np.unique(trj.ints) tvec = tvec[tvec<=ints2[0]] itvec = tvec-tvec.min() itvec = itvec.astype(np.float)/itvec.max() mp = projmaps.Projmap('casco') xl,yl = mp(ps.llon,ps.llat) for n,t in enumerate(tvec): fld = ps.cs.llat * 0 cnt = ps.cs.llat * 0 xvc = (trj.x[trj.ints==t].astype( yvc = (trj.y[trj.ints==t].astype( val = ( np.log(trj.t1val[trj.ints==t])*(1-itvec[n]) + np.log(trj.t2val[trj.ints==t])*(itvec[n]) ) for x,y,v in zip(xvc,yvc,val): fld[y,x] += v cnt[y,x] += 1 pl.clf() mp.pcolormesh(xl,yl,miv(fld/cnt)) mp.nice() jd = (ps.base_iso + (float(t)-(intstart)/8*3600*24)/3600/24 + intstart/8) + 0.583 pl.title(pl.num2date(jd).strftime("log(Chl) %Y-%m-%d %H:%M")) pl.clim(-2,2.5) pl.savefig("interp_%i_%03i.png" % (intstart,n), dpi=100)
def contour(self,fld, *args, **kwargs): """Make a pcolor-plot of field""" if USE_FIGPREF: figpref.current() if not hasattr(self, 'mp'): self.add_mp() miv = if type(fld) == str: field = self.__dict__[fld] else: field = fld x,y =, self.llat),y,miv(field), *args, **kwargs)
def histmoellerplot(self, fldname="Dchl"): self.histmoeller(fldname) figpref.current() pl.close(1) fig = pl.figure(1) pl.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, right=0.85, left=0.15) def subplot(sp, mat, vec, xvec): ax = pl.subplot(2, 1, sp, axisbg='0.8') im = pl.pcolormesh(self.jdvec, xvec, miv(mat.T), rasterized=True, norm=LogNorm(vmin=1, vmax=10000), cmap=WRY()) pl.plot(self.jdvec, vec, lw=2) pl.gca().xaxis.axis_date() pl.setp(ax, xticklabels=[]) return im im = subplot(1, self.posmat, self.posmean, self.hpos) im = subplot(2, self.negmat, self.negmean, -self.hpos) pl.figtext(0.08, 0.5, r'%s d$^{-1}$)' % fldname, rotation='vertical', size=16, va='center') cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.87, 0.15, 0.025, 0.7]) cb = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax) cb.set_label('Number of grid cells') pl.savefig('figs/liege/histmoeller_%s.pdf' % fldname) pl.close(2) fig = pl.figure(2) pl.fill_between(self.jdvec, self.jdvec * 0, self.posmean, facecolor='powderblue') pl.fill_between(self.jdvec, self.negmean, self.jdvec * 0, facecolor='pink') pl.plot(self.jdvec, self.negmean + self.posmean, lw=1, c='k') #pl.title(fldname) pl.gca().xaxis.axis_date() pl.savefig('figs/liege/meantime_%s.pdf' % fldname)
def cumcumtime(self): figpref.current() h5fld = self.Dsst tlen,_,_ = h5fld.shape ppp = [] for t in np.arange(tlen): vec = h5fld[t,:,:] vec = vec[vec>0] if len(vec) > 0: ppp.append(self.cumpos(vec)) #pl.close(1) #pl.figure(1) pl.plot(ppp)
def cumcumtime(self): figpref.current() h5fld = self.Dsst tlen, _, _ = h5fld.shape ppp = [] for t in np.arange(tlen): vec = h5fld[t, :, :] vec = vec[vec > 0] if len(vec) > 0: ppp.append(self.cumpos(vec)) #pl.close(1) #pl.figure(1) pl.plot(ppp)
def totmatplot(mat,dt): """Plot a histmoeller diagram of totmat""" xi = np.linspace(np.log(0.001), np.log(10), 101) figpref.current() pl.clf() pl.contourf(np.arange(30),np.exp((xi[1:]+xi[:-1])/2), miv(mat/mat.max(axis=0)[np.newaxis,:]), np.arange(0,1.1,0.125), cmap=cm.OrRd) pl.clim(0,1) pl.setp(pl.gca(),yscale='log') cb = pl.colorbar(aspect=40, pad=0.001, ticks=[0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1])'Relative number of particles') pl.xlim(0,26) pl.xlabel("Time (days)") pl.ylabel(r"Positive change in Chlorophyll (mg l$^{-1}$ d$^{-1}$)") pl.title("Biological production from particle tracking. Dt=%i hour(s)" % dt)
def cumcum_theory(): figpref.current() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1) #a = np.random.randn(4,4) a = np.random.lognormal(0, 1, (4, 4)) pl.clf() pl.pcolormesh(abs(a), cmap=WRY()) pl.yticks([]) pl.xticks([]) pl.savefig('figs/liege/cc_theory_grid.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') b = np.reshape(np.abs(a), (1, 16)) pl.clf() pl.subplot(8, 1, 1) pl.pcolormesh(b, cmap=WRY()) pl.yticks([]) pl.xticks([]) pl.savefig('figs/liege/cc_theory_vec.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') c = np.sort(b)[:, ::-1] pl.clf() pl.subplot(8, 1, 1) pl.pcolormesh(c, cmap=WRY()) pl.yticks([]) pl.xticks([]) pl.savefig('figs/liege/cc_theory_sortvec.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') d = np.hstack((0, np.squeeze(np.cumsum(c) / np.sum(c)))) pl.clf() pl.plot(np.linspace(0, 1, 17), d) pl.ylim(0, 1) #pl.xticks([]) pl.savefig('figs/liege/cc_theory_cumcum.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
def glob(self): mat = np.load('globcummat.npz') figpref.current() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1) pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.rand(500000))), c='g', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values, rectangular distr.') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.randn(500000))), c='r', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values, normal distr.') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.lognormal(0, 1, 500000))), c='b', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values log-normal distr.') pl.plot(np.linspace(0, 1, 100), np.mean(mat['globmat'], axis=1), lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="Global") pl.plot(np.linspace(0, 1, 100), np.mean(mat['northmat'], axis=1), lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="Northern hemisphere") pl.plot(np.linspace(0, 1, 100), np.mean(mat['southmat'], axis=1), lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="Southern hemisphere") pl.ylim(0, 1) pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig('figs/liege/glob_glob.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
def totmatplot(mat, dt): """Plot a histmoeller diagram of totmat""" xi = np.linspace(np.log(0.001), np.log(10), 101) figpref.current() pl.clf() pl.contourf(np.arange(30), np.exp((xi[1:] + xi[:-1]) / 2), miv(mat / mat.max(axis=0)[np.newaxis, :]), np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.125), cmap=cm.OrRd) pl.clim(0, 1) pl.setp(pl.gca(), yscale='log') cb = pl.colorbar(aspect=40, pad=0.001, ticks=[0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1])'Relative number of particles') pl.xlim(0, 26) pl.xlabel("Time (days)") pl.ylabel(r"Positive change in Chlorophyll (mg l$^{-1}$ d$^{-1}$)") pl.title("Biological production from particle tracking. Dt=%i hour(s)" % dt)
def globtime(self): mat = np.load('globcummat.npz') jd1 = pl.datestr2num('2003-01-01') jd2 = pl.datestr2num('2012-12-31') jdvec = np.arange(jd1,jd2) figpref.current() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1) pl.plot_date(jdvec, mat['northmat'][10,:],'r-', alpha=0.5, label="Northern hemisphere") pl.plot_date(jdvec, mat['southmat'][10,:],'b-', alpha=0.5, label="Southern hemisphere") pl.ylim(0,1) pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig('figs/liege/glob_time.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
def freqmaps(self): figpref.current() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1) h = np.where(self.Dchl > 0.5, 1, 0) fld = np.sum(h, axis=0).astype(np.float) / np.nansum( self.Dchl * 0 + 1, 0) self.pcolor(miv(fld * 100), oneside=True) pl.clim(0, 25) pl.title(r'Percent observations where Dchl > 0.5 mg $m^{-3}$') pl.savefig('figs/liege/freqmap_pos_Dchl.pdf', transparent=True) pl.close(2) pl.figure(2) h = np.where(self.Dchl < -0.5, 1, 0) fld = np.sum(h, axis=0).astype(np.float) / np.nansum( self.Dchl * 0 + 1, 0) self.pcolor(miv(fld * 100), oneside=True) pl.clim(0, 25) pl.title('Percent observations where Dchl < -0.5 mg $m^{-3}$') pl.savefig('figs/liege/freqmap_neg_Dchl.pdf') figpref.current() pl.close(3) pl.figure(3) h = np.where(self.Dsst > 0.4, 1, 0) fld = np.sum(h, axis=0).astype(np.float) / np.nansum( self.Dsst * 0 + 1, 0) self.pcolor(miv(fld * 100), oneside=True) pl.clim(0, 25) pl.title(r'Percent observations where Dsst > 0.4 $\degree$C') pl.savefig('figs/liege/freqmap_pos_Dsst.pdf') pl.close(4) pl.figure(4) h = np.where(self.Dsst < -0.4, 1, 0) fld = np.sum(h, axis=0).astype(np.float) / np.nansum( self.Dsst * 0 + 1, 0) self.pcolor(miv(fld * 100), oneside=True) pl.clim(0, 25) pl.title('Percent observations where Dsst < -0.4 $\degree$C') pl.savefig('figs/liege/freqmap_neg_Dsst.pdf')
def pcolor(self, fld, title=None, colorbar=False, **kwargs): """Make a pcolor-plot of field""" if USE_FIGPREF: figpref.current() if not hasattr(self, 'mp'): self.add_mp() miv = if type(fld) == str: field = getattr(self, fld) else: field = fld x,y =, self.llat),y,miv(field), **kwargs) if title is not None: pl.title(title) if colorbar: if type(colorbar) is dict:**colorbar) else:
def cumcumtot(self): figpref.current() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1) pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.rand(500000))), c='g', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values, rectangular distr.') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.randn(500000))), c='r', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values, normal distr.') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.lognormal(0,1,500000))), c='b', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values log-normal distr.') vec = self.Dsst[~np.isnan(self.Dsst)] pl.plot(*self.cumcum(vec[vec>0]), lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="SST, positive values") pl.ylim(0,1) pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cumcumtot_pos_sst.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(-vec[vec<0]), lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="SST, negative values") pl.ylim(0,1) pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cumcumtot_posneg_sst.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') vec = self.Dchl[~np.isnan(self.Dchl)] pl.plot(*self.cumcum(vec[vec>0]), lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="Chl, positive values") pl.ylim(0,1) pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cumcumtot_posneg_sst_pos_chl.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(-vec[vec<0]), lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="Chl, negative values") pl.ylim(0,1) pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cumcumtot_posneg_sst_posneg_chl.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cumcumtot.pdf')
def tauregmap(self): if not hasattr(self,'regtaus'): self.calc_halftimes() if not hasattr(self,'reg'): self.regvec_from_regions() if not hasattr(self,'lon'): self.ijll() figpref.current() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1) mask = (self.jd==self.jd.min()) & (self.reg>0) x,y =[mask],[mask]) regs = self.reg[mask] taus = self.reg[mask].astype(np.float) for n,t in enumerate(self.regtaus): taus[regs==n] = t, y, 5, taus*24) pl.clim(0,30) cb = pl.colorbar(aspect=30,pad=0.02,ticks=[0,6,12,18,24,30])'$\tau$ (Hours)') pl.title('Residence times defined as e-folding half-life ') pl.savefig('residencetimes.png')
def hr_vs_dy_figs(ntrac=200): figpref.current() tr = Discs('bem', 'bem') tr.load() tr.fld2trajs('chlo') tr.ijll() mask = tr.ntrac == ntrac chl = tr.chlo[mask][:200] jd = tr.jd[mask][:200] dchl = chl[1:] - chl[:-1] #plot_date(jd,chl,'-') #plot(jd[1:], cumsum(dchl)+chl[0]) plot_date(jd[1:], dchl, '-') plot(jd[1::24], dchl[::24]) pl.figure(1) pl.clf() x, y =[mask],[mask]), y) pl.savefig('chlhrdy_map_%i.png' % ntrac) pl.figure(2) pl.clf() pl.subplot(2, 1, 1) pl.plot_date(jd, chl, '-') pl.plot(jd[1::24], (cumsum(dchl) + chl[0])[::24], 'o-') pl.ylabel('Chl (mg C / ml)') pl.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mf) pl.subplot(2, 1, 2) pl.plot_date(jd[1:], dchl, '-') pl.plot(jd[1::24], dchl[::24], 'o-') pl.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mf) pl.ylabel('Change in Chl (mg C / ml)') pl.xlabel('Time (days)') pl.savefig('chlhrdy_dchl_%i.png' % ntrac)
def hr_vs_dy_figs(ntrac=200): figpref.current() tr = Discs('bem','bem') tr.load() tr.fld2trajs('chlo') tr.ijll() mask = tr.ntrac == ntrac chl = tr.chlo[mask][:200] jd = tr.jd[mask][:200] dchl = chl[1:]-chl[:-1] #plot_date(jd,chl,'-') #plot(jd[1:], cumsum(dchl)+chl[0]) plot_date(jd[1:], dchl,'-') plot(jd[1::24], dchl[::24]) pl.figure(1) pl.clf() x,y =[mask],[mask]),y) pl.savefig('chlhrdy_map_%i.png' % ntrac) pl.figure(2) pl.clf() pl.subplot(2,1,1) pl.plot_date(jd,chl,'-') pl.plot(jd[1::24], (cumsum(dchl)+chl[0])[::24],'o-') pl.ylabel('Chl (mg C / ml)') pl.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mf) pl.subplot(2,1,2) pl.plot_date(jd[1:], dchl,'-') pl.plot(jd[1::24], dchl[::24],'o-') pl.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mf) pl.ylabel('Change in Chl (mg C / ml)') pl.xlabel('Time (days)') pl.savefig('chlhrdy_dchl_%i.png' % ntrac)
def cumcum_theory(): figpref.current() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1) #a = np.random.randn(4,4) a = np.random.lognormal(0,1,(4,4)) pl.clf() pl.pcolormesh(abs(a), cmap=WRY()) pl.yticks([]) pl.xticks([]) pl.savefig('figs/liege/cc_theory_grid.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') b = np.reshape(np.abs(a),(1,16)) pl.clf() pl.subplot(8,1,1) pl.pcolormesh(b, cmap=WRY()) pl.yticks([]) pl.xticks([]) pl.savefig('figs/liege/cc_theory_vec.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') c = np.sort(b)[:,::-1] pl.clf() pl.subplot(8,1,1) pl.pcolormesh(c, cmap=WRY()) pl.yticks([]) pl.xticks([]) pl.savefig('figs/liege/cc_theory_sortvec.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') d = np.hstack((0,np.squeeze(np.cumsum(c)/np.sum(c)))) pl.clf() pl.plot(np.linspace(0,1,17), d) pl.ylim(0,1) #pl.xticks([]) pl.savefig('figs/liege/cc_theory_cumcum.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
def freqmaps(self): figpref.current() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1) h = np.where(self.Dchl>0.5, 1, 0) fld = np.sum(h, axis=0).astype(np.float) / np.nansum(self.Dchl*0+1,0) self.pcolor(miv(fld*100), oneside=True) pl.clim(0,25) pl.title(r'Percent observations where Dchl > 0.5 mg $m^{-3}$') pl.savefig('figs/liege/freqmap_pos_Dchl.pdf',transparent=True) pl.close(2) pl.figure(2) h = np.where(self.Dchl<-0.5, 1, 0) fld = np.sum(h, axis=0).astype(np.float) / np.nansum(self.Dchl*0+1,0) self.pcolor(-miv(fld*100), oneside="neg") pl.clim(-25,0) pl.title('Percent observations where Dchl < -0.5 mg $m^{-3}$') pl.savefig('figs/liege/freqmap_neg_Dchl.pdf') figpref.current() pl.close(3) pl.figure(3) h = np.where(self.Dsst>0.4, 1, 0) fld = np.sum(h, axis=0).astype(np.float) / np.nansum(self.Dsst*0+1,0) self.pcolor(miv(fld*100), oneside=True) pl.clim(0,25) pl.title(r'Percent observations where Dsst > 0.4 $\degree$C') pl.savefig('figs/liege/freqmap_pos_Dsst.pdf') pl.close(4) pl.figure(4) h = np.where(self.Dsst<-0.4, 1, 0) fld = np.sum(h, axis=0).astype(np.float) / np.nansum(self.Dsst*0+1,0) self.pcolor(-miv(fld*100), oneside="neg") pl.clim(-25,0) pl.title('Percent observations where Dsst < -0.4 $\degree$C') pl.savefig('figs/liege/freqmap_neg_Dsst.pdf')
def histmoellerplot(self, fldname="Dchl"): self.histmoeller(fldname) figpref.current() pl.close(1) fig = pl.figure(1) pl.subplots_adjust(hspace=0,right=0.85, left=0.15) def subplot(sp, mat, vec, xvec): ax = pl.subplot(2,1,sp, axisbg='0.8') im =pl.pcolormesh(self.jdvec, xvec, miv(mat.T), rasterized=True, norm=LogNorm(vmin=1,vmax=10000), cmap=WRY()) pl.plot(self.jdvec, vec, lw=2) pl.gca().xaxis.axis_date() pl.setp(ax, xticklabels=[]) return im im = subplot(1, self.posmat, self.posmean, self.hpos) im = subplot(2, self.negmat, self.negmean, -self.hpos) pl.figtext(0.08,0.5, r'%s d$^{-1}$)' % fldname, rotation='vertical', size=16, va='center') cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.87, 0.15, 0.025, 0.7]) cb = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax) cb.set_label('Number of grid cells') pl.savefig('figs/liege/histmoeller_%s.pdf' % fldname) pl.close(2) fig = pl.figure(2) pl.fill_between(self.jdvec, self.jdvec*0, self.posmean, facecolor='powderblue') pl.fill_between(self.jdvec, self.negmean, self.jdvec*0, facecolor='pink') pl.plot(self.jdvec, self.negmean+self.posmean,lw=1,c='k') #pl.title(fldname) pl.gca().xaxis.axis_date() pl.savefig('figs/liege/meantime_%s.pdf' % fldname)
def o2ar(self): cr figpref.current() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1) pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.rand(500000))), c='g', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values, rectangular distr.') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.randn(500000))), c='r', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values, normal distr.') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.lognormal(0,1,500000))), c='b', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values log-normal distr.') vec = cr.ncp[cr.ncp>0] pl.plot(*self.cumcum(vec), lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="O2Ar based NCP") pl.ylim(0,1) pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig('figs/liege/glob_o2ar.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
def cumcum_theory(self): figpref.current() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1) pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.rand(500000))), c='g', lw=2, ls="-", label='Random values, rectangular distr.') pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.ylim(0, 1) pl.savefig('figs/liege/cc_theory_rectdist.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.randn(500000))), c='r', lw=2, ls="-", label='Random values, normal distr.') pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.ylim(0, 1) pl.savefig('figs/liege/cc_theory_normrectdist.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.lognormal(0, 1, 500000))), c='b', lw=2, ls="-", label='Random values log-normal distr.') pl.ylim(0, 1) pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cc_theory_lognormrectdist.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
def latslice(self, datadir='/Volumes/keronHD3/globChl/result/'): from import loadmat figpref.current() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1) pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.rand(500000))), c='g', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values, rectangular distr.') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.randn(500000))), c='r', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values, normal distr.') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.lognormal(0,1,500000))), c='b', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values log-normal distr.') for lat in [0,15,30,45,60,75]: mat = loadmat(datadir + 'latsliceschl_lat%i.mat' % lat) pl.plot(*self.cumcum(mat['chl']), lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="Chl, lat=%i" % lat) pl.ylim(0,1) pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig('figs/liege/glob_latslice.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
def scatter(self,mask=None, ntrac=None, jd=None, k1=None, k2=None, c="g", alpha=1, lc='-w', lw='0.5', clf=True, coord="latlon", land="nice", map_region=None): """Plot particle positions on a map mask: Boolean vector determining which particles to plot ntrac: Particle ID jd: Julian date to plot, has to be included in jdvec. k1: only plot particle deeper than k1 k2: only plot particle shallower than k1 c: color of particles (string or array) alpha: transparancy of particles clf: Clear figure if True coord: Use lat-lon coordinates if set to "latlon" (default), i-j coordinates if set to "ij" land: Use landmask from basemap if set to "nice" (default), landmask from model if set to "model". map_region: Use other map_regions than set by config file """ if mask is None: mask = self.ntrac==self.ntrac if jd is not None: mask = mask & (self.jd==jd) if ntrac is not None: mask = mask & (self.ntrac==ntrac) if (type(c) != str) & (len(c) == len(mask)): c = c[mask] if USE_FIGPREF: figpref.current() if clf: pl.clf() """ if coord is "latlon": x,y =[mask],[mask]) scH =, y, 5, c, lw=0, alpha=alpha) else: scH = pl.scatter(self.x[mask],self.y[mask], 5, c,lw=0, alpha=alpha) """ if coord is "latlon": if (not hasattr(self,'mp')) & (coord=="latlon"): self.add_mp(map_region) if (not hasattr(self,'lon')) & (coord=="latlon"): self.ijll() xvec,yvec =[mask],[mask]) scatter = else: xvec,yvec = self.x[mask],self.y[mask] scatter = pl.scatter scH = mp.scatter(xvec, yvec, 5, c, lw=0, alpha=alpha) if land is "nice": land = elif coord is "latlon":, self.mpyll,, True), cmap=GR_CMAP) else: pl.pcolormesh(np.arange(self.gcm.i1, self.gcm.i2+1), np.arange(self.gcm.j1, self.gcm.j2+1),, True), cmap=GR_CMAP) pl.xlim(0, self.imt) pl.ylim(0, self.jmt) if (ntrac is not None) & (coord is "latlon"):,y,lc,lw=lw) """ xl,yl = [self.llon[0,0], self.llon[0,-1], self.llon[-1,-1], self.llon[-1,0],self.llon[0,0]], [self.llat[0,0], self.llat[0,-1], self.llat[-1,-1], self.llat[-1,0], self.llat[0,0]] ),yl,'0.5') """ if jd: pl.title(pl.num2date(jd).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")) return scH
def cumcummap(self): figpref.current() h5fld = self.Dchl tlen,jmat,imat = h5fld.shape ppp = np.zeros((jmat,imat)) * np.nan for j in np.arange(jmat): for i in np.arange(imat): vec = h5fld[:,j,i] vec = vec[vec>0] if len(vec) > 0: ppp[j,i] = self.cumpos(vec) pl.close(1) pl.figure(1) self.pcolor(miv(ppp), oneside=True) pl.clim(0.3,0.8) pl.title(r'Cumulative Dchl for 10% highest pos obs.') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cumcummap_pos_Dchl.pdf') ppp = np.zeros((jmat,imat)) * np.nan for j in np.arange(jmat): for i in np.arange(imat): vec = h5fld[:,j,i] vec = -vec[vec<0] if len(vec) > 0: ppp[j,i] = self.cumpos(vec) pl.close(2) pl.figure(2) self.pcolor(miv(ppp), oneside=True) pl.clim(0.3,0.8) pl.title(r'Cumulative Dchl for 10% highest neg obs.') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cumcummap_neg_Dchl.pdf') h5fld = self.Dsst tlen,jmat,imat = h5fld.shape ppp = np.zeros((jmat,imat)) * np.nan for j in np.arange(jmat): for i in np.arange(imat): vec = h5fld[:,j,i] vec = vec[vec>0] if len(vec) > 0: ppp[j,i] = self.cumpos(vec) pl.close(3) pl.figure(3) self.pcolor(miv(ppp), oneside=True) pl.clim(0.3,0.8) pl.title(r'Cumulative Dsst for 10% highest pos obs.') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cumcummap_pos_Dsst.pdf') ppp = np.zeros((jmat,imat)) * np.nan for j in np.arange(jmat): for i in np.arange(imat): vec = h5fld[:,j,i] vec = -vec[vec<0] if len(vec) > 0: ppp[j,i] = self.cumpos(vec) pl.close(4) pl.figure(4) self.pcolor(miv(ppp), oneside=True) pl.clim(0.3,0.8) pl.title(r'Cumulative Dsst for 10% highest neg obs.') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cumcummap_neg_Dsst.pdf')
def scatter(self, mask=None, ntrac=None, jd=None, k1=None, k2=None, c="g", clf=True, coord="latlon", land="nice", map_region=None): """Plot particle positions on a map mask: Boolean vector inidcating which particles to plot ntrac: Particle ID jd: Julian date to plot, has to be included in jdvec. k1: only plot particle deeper than k1 k2: only plot particle shallower than k1 c: color of particles clf: Clear figure if True coord: Use lat-lon coordinates if set to "latlon" (default), i-j coordinates if set to "ij" land: Use landmask from basemap if set to "nice" (default), landmask from model if set to "model". map_region: Use other map_regions than set by config file """ if (not hasattr(self, 'mp')) & (coord == "latlon"): self.add_mp(map_region) if (not hasattr(self, 'lon')) & (coord == "latlon"): self.ijll() if mask is None: mask = self.ntrac == self.ntrac if jd is not None: mask = mask & (self.jd == jd) if ntrac is not None: mask = mask & (self.ntrac == ntrac) figpref.current() if clf: pl.clf() if coord is "latlon": x, y =[mask],[mask]) scH =, y, 5, c) else: scH = pl.scatter(self.x[mask], self.y[mask], 5, c) if land is "nice": land = elif coord is "latlon":, self.mpyll,, False), cmap=GrGr()) else: pl.pcolormesh(np.arange(self.gcm.i1, self.gcm.i2 + 1), np.arange(self.gcm.j1, self.gcm.j2 + 1),, False), cmap=GrGr()) if (ntrac is not None) & (coord is "latlon"):, y, '-w', lw=0.5) """ xl,yl = [self.llon[0,0], self.llon[0,-1], self.llon[-1,-1], self.llon[-1,0],self.llon[0,0]], [self.llat[0,0], self.llat[0,-1], self.llat[-1,-1], self.llat[-1,0], self.llat[0,0]] ),yl,'0.5') """ if jd: pl.title(pl.num2date(jd).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")) return scH
def cumcumtot(self): figpref.current() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1) pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.rand(500000))), c='g', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values, rectangular distr.') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.randn(500000))), c='r', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values, normal distr.') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(abs(np.random.lognormal(0, 1, 500000))), c='b', lw=1, ls=":", label='Random values log-normal distr.') vec = self.Dsst[~np.isnan(self.Dsst)] pl.plot(*self.cumcum(vec[vec > 0]), lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="SST, positive values") pl.ylim(0, 1) pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cumcumtot_pos_sst.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(-vec[vec < 0]), lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="SST, negative values") pl.ylim(0, 1) pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cumcumtot_posneg_sst.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') vec = self.Dchl[~np.isnan(self.Dchl)] pl.plot(*self.cumcum(vec[vec > 0]), lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="Chl, positive values") pl.ylim(0, 1) pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cumcumtot_posneg_sst_pos_chl.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') pl.plot(*self.cumcum(-vec[vec < 0]), lw=2, alpha=0.5, label="Chl, negative values") pl.ylim(0, 1) pl.legend(loc='lower right') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cumcumtot_posneg_sst_posneg_chl.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') pl.savefig('figs/liege/cumcumtot.pdf')
def scatter(self,mask=None, ntrac=None, jd=None, k1=None, k2=None, c="g", clf=True, coord="latlon", land="nice", map_region=None): """Plot particle positions on a map mask: Boolean vector inidcating which particles to plot ntrac: Particle ID jd: Julian date to plot, has to be included in jdvec. k1: only plot particle deeper than k1 k2: only plot particle shallower than k1 c: color of particles clf: Clear figure if True coord: Use lat-lon coordinates if set to "latlon" (default), i-j coordinates if set to "ij" land: Use landmask from basemap if set to "nice" (default), landmask from model if set to "model". map_region: Use other map_regions than set by config file """ if (not hasattr(self,'mp')) & (coord=="latlon"): self.add_mp(map_region) if (not hasattr(self,'lon')) & (coord=="latlon"): self.ijll() if mask is None: mask = self.ntrac==self.ntrac if jd is not None: mask = mask & (self.jd==jd) if ntrac is not None: mask = mask & (self.ntrac==ntrac) figpref.current() if clf: pl.clf() if coord is "latlon": x,y =[mask],[mask]) scH =, y, 5, c) else: scH = pl.scatter(self.x[mask], self.y[mask], 5, c) if land is "nice": land = elif coord is "latlon":, self.mpyll,, False), cmap=GrGr()) else: pl.pcolormesh(np.arange(self.gcm.i1, self.gcm.i2+1), np.arange(self.gcm.j1, self.gcm.j2+1),, False), cmap=GrGr()) if (ntrac is not None) & (coord is "latlon"):,y,'-w',lw=0.5) """ xl,yl = [self.llon[0,0], self.llon[0,-1], self.llon[-1,-1], self.llon[-1,0],self.llon[0,0]], [self.llat[0,0], self.llat[0,-1], self.llat[-1,-1], self.llat[-1,0], self.llat[0,0]] ),yl,'0.5') """ if jd: pl.title(pl.num2date(jd).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")) return scH