def crawl_article(url): domain = html_helper.url_parse(url) html = html_helper.get_html_content(url) content = html_helper.extra_content(html) file.create_file(content['title'], content['content']) return { "slug": content['next_link'], "url": domain + content['next_link'] }
def main(): """ 1. random 產生 high dimension data 2. create_dis_sigmas_prob 3. create_p_q 4. gradient descent(without momentum) """ dir_name = "File" label = np.zeros(200) ''' # step 1 & step 2 # ''' raw_high_file_name = "high.json" file.create_file(raw_high_file_name, dir_name) rewrite = True if rewrite: raw_high_data = np.random.randint(100, size=(50, 5)) file.write_json(file.numpy_array_to_list(raw_high_data), raw_high_file_name, dir_name) high_data = file.list_to_numpy_array( file.read_json(raw_high_file_name, dir_name)) print(high_data) tsne = TSNE(label, high_data, dir_name) tsne.create_dis_sigmas_prob() ''' # step 3 ''' # high_dim_vectors = file.list_to_numpy_array(file.read_json("high.json", dir_name)) # dis = file.list_to_numpy_array(file.read_json("dis.json", dir_name)) # sigmas = file.list_to_numpy_array(file.read_json("sigmas.json", dir_name)) # prob = file.list_to_numpy_array(file.read_json("prob.json", dir_name)) # # dis_df = pd.DataFrame(dis) # prob_df = pd.DataFrame(prob) # sigmas_df = pd.DataFrame(sigmas) # # tsne = TSNE(label, high_dim_vectors,dir_name) # tsne.fromfile(dis,prob,sigmas) # tsne.create_p() '''
def create_dis_sigmas_prob(self): self.calculate_dis() self.find_sigmas() for i in range(self.n): self.calculate_row_prob(i) dis_df = pd.DataFrame(self.dis) prob_df = pd.DataFrame(self.prob) sigmas_df = pd.DataFrame(self.sigmas) prob_file_name = "prob.json" dir_name = self.dir_name file.create_file(prob_file_name, dir_name) file.write_json(file.numpy_array_to_list(self.prob), prob_file_name, dir_name) dis_file_name = "dis.json" dir_name = self.dir_name file.create_file(dis_file_name, dir_name) file.write_json(file.numpy_array_to_list(self.dis), dis_file_name, dir_name) sigmas_file_name = "sigmas.json" dir_name = self.dir_name file.create_file(sigmas_file_name, dir_name) file.write_json(file.numpy_array_to_list(self.sigmas), sigmas_file_name, dir_name)
def handle_files(): if request.method == 'POST': file = request.files['file'] # validate assets type if file is None: return json.jumps({'code': -2, 'msg': 'Missing uploaded assets.'}) try: file_id = create_file(file) print('ok') return json.dumps({'code': 0, 'data': file_id}) except ValueError as e: print(str(e)) return json.dumps({'code': -1, 'msg': str(e)}) else: file_id ='utf-8') if file_id is None or file_id == '': return json.dumps({'code': -1, 'msg': 'Missing assets id.'}) remove_file(file_id) return json.dumps({'code': 0, 'data': file_id})
def run_on_video(video_path, output_video_name, conf_thresh): cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path,cv2.CAP_DSHOW) height = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT) width = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') # writer = cv2.VideoWriter(output_video_name, fourcc, int(fps), (int(width), int(height))) total_frames = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT) if not cap.isOpened(): raise ValueError("Video open failed.") status = True idx = 0 while status: start_stamp = time.time() status, img_raw = img_raw = cv2.cvtColor(img_raw, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) read_frame_stamp = time.time() if (status): inference(img_raw, conf_thresh, iou_thresh=0.5, target_shape=(260, 260), draw_result=True, show_result=False) cv2.imshow('image', img_raw[:, :, ::-1]) k = cv2.waitKey(10) inference_stamp = time.time() # writer.write(img_raw) write_frame_stamp = time.time() idx += 1 global i #print("%d of %d" % (idx, total_frames)) if k ==ord('p'): create()#创建数据库 time_now,the_path = create_file() cv2.imwrite(str(the_path)+'/'+'demo'+str(i) + '.jpg', img_raw[:, :, ::-1]) print(time_now[11:]) #os.renames('./time/'+time_now[0:10]+'/demo.jpg','./time/'+time_now[0:10]+'/'+time_now[11:]+'.jpg') #cv2.imwrite('D:/picture/' + time_now[11:-1] +'.jpg', img_raw[:, :, ::-1]) #print(str(the_path)+'/'+str(time_now[11:21])+str(i)+'.jpg') i += 1 print(i) print("successfully capture!") store(flag) f = open('record.txt', 'a') if flag ==1: f.write( '时间: ' + time_now + ' 识别结果:未佩戴口罩 ' + '\n') print("未佩戴口罩") if flag ==0: f.write( '时间: ' + time_now + ' 识别结果:已佩戴口罩 ' + '\n') print("已佩戴口罩") if flag == -1: f.write( '时间: ' + time_now + ' 识别结果: 未识别到人像' + '\n') print("未识别到人像") f.close if k ==ord('o'): print("over") cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() return
def run_on_video(video_path, output_video_name, conf_thresh): cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path, cv2.CAP_DSHOW) height = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT) width = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') total_frames = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT) if not cap.isOpened(): raise ValueError("Video open failed.") status = True idx = 0 while status: start_stamp = time.time() status, img_raw = img_raw = cv2.cvtColor(img_raw, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) read_frame_stamp = time.time() if (status): inference(img_raw, conf_thresh, iou_thresh=0.5, target_shape=(260, 260), draw_result=True, show_result=False) cv2.imshow('image', img_raw[:, :, ::-1]) k = cv2.waitKey(10) inference_stamp = time.time() write_frame_stamp = time.time() idx += 1 global i if k == ord('p'): db.create() #创建数据库 time_now, the_path = create_file() cv2.imwrite( str(the_path) + '/' + 'demo' + str(i) + '.jpg', img_raw[:, :, ::-1]) #print("现在时间:" + time_now[11:]) print("成功捕获第{}张图像!".format(i + 1)) isHelmet = hg.classifier( str(the_path) + '/' + 'demo' + str(i) + '.jpg') flag = isHelmet, time_now),time_now) i += 1 f = open('record.txt', 'a') if flag == 1: f.write('时间: ' + time_now + ' 识别结果:未佩戴安全帽 ' + '\n') print("未佩戴安全帽") if flag == 0: f.write('时间: ' + time_now + ' 识别结果:已佩戴安全帽 ' + '\n') print("已佩戴安全帽") if flag == -1: f.write('时间: ' + time_now + ' 识别结果: 未识别到人像' + '\n') print("未识别到人像") matching.matching(i, the_path) #匹配 if k == ord('o'): print("over") cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() return
def check(pluto_dir, get_arch): work_dir = os.getcwd() print ("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n") print ("\n>> Inspecting system configuration << \n") # log_file = pluto_dir+'/system.conf' log_file = work_dir + "/sysconf.out" config_dir = pluto_dir + "/Config/" python_dir = pluto_dir + "/Tools/Python" bintools_dir = pluto_dir + "/Tools/bin_tools" param_file = pluto_dir + "/Src/pluto.h" os.chdir(python_dir) log = [] # --------------------- # get user name # --------------------- try: user = os.getlogin() except OSError: user = "******" # --------------------- # get system spec. # --------------------- PLATFORM = os.uname() # --------------------- # find current # version of PLUTO # --------------------- scrh = file.word_find(param_file, "PLUTO_VERSION") ipos = scrh[0] scrh = file.read_lines(param_file, ipos, ipos + 1) vers = string.split(scrh[0]) vers = vers[2] # ------------------------------ # print a short system summary # ------------------------------ print "User.......................", user print "System name................", PLATFORM[0] print "Node name..................", PLATFORM[1] print "Release....................", PLATFORM[2] print "Arch.......................", PLATFORM[4] print "Byteorder..................", sys.byteorder print "Version....................", PLATFORM[3] print "Working_dir................", work_dir print "PLUTO main dir.............", pluto_dir print "PLUTO version..............", vers # -------------------------------------- # Check for gcc or another c compiler # -------------------------------------- compiler_list = ["gcc", "cc", "gcc2"] COMPILER_NAME = "" for x in compiler_list: if CHECK_FOR(x) == "YES": print "C Compiler................. " + x COMPILER_NAME = x break if COMPILER_NAME == "": print "! Can not find a C compiler !" # ----------------- # check for mpi # ----------------- mpi_compiler_list = ["mpicc", "mpiCC", "mpcc_r", "hcc", "mpcc"] MPI_COMPILER_NAME = "" for x in mpi_compiler_list: if CHECK_FOR(x) == "YES": print "MPI Compiler .............. " + x MPI_COMPILER_NAME = x break if MPI_COMPILER_NAME == "": print "MPI Compiler............... NOT FOUND" if get_arch: print "\n" print "Proposed makefile names: \n" print "> " + PLATFORM[0] + "." + PLATFORM[4] + "." + COMPILER_NAME + ".defs" print "> " + PLATFORM[0] + "." + PLATFORM[4] + "." + MPI_COMPILER_NAME + ".defs" return # --------------------------------------------------- # Build log list, that will be compared to the # sysconf.out file. # --------------------------------------------------- log.append("USER = "******"\n") log.append("WORKING_DIR = " + work_dir + "\n") log.append("SYSTEM_NAME = " + PLATFORM[0] + "\n") log.append("NODE_NAME = " + PLATFORM[1] + "\n") log.append("RELEASE = " + PLATFORM[2] + "\n") log.append("ARCH = " + PLATFORM[4] + "\n") log.append("BYTE_ORDER = " + sys.byteorder + "\n") log.append("VERSION = " + PLATFORM[3] + "\n") log.append("PLUTO_DIR = " + pluto_dir + "\n") log.append("PLUTO_VERSION = " + vers + "\n") log.append("C_COMPILER = " + COMPILER_NAME + "\n") log.append("MPI_C_COMPILER = " + MPI_COMPILER_NAME + "\n") # ---------------------------- # check for online updates # ---------------------------- print "\n> Checking for updates (canceled)...\n" # try: # urllib.urlretrieve("","updates.txt") # scrh = file.word_find ("updates.txt","release") # ipos = scrh[0] # scrh = file.read_lines ("updates.txt", ipos, ipos + 1) # rels = string.split(scrh[0]) # if (rels[1] != vers): # print " ******************************************************* " # print " A new version of PLUTO ("+rels[1]+") is available at" # print "" # print " *******************************************************\n" # scrh = raw_input("> Press enter to continue.") # os.chdir(work_dir) # except: # print "! Connection not available\n" # ------------------------------------------------ # Compare the list 'log' with the file log_file; # # - if they match, no update is necessary, # ==> return to main menu # # - if they do not match or if log_file does not # exists, create a new one # # ------------------------------------------------ if os.path.exists(log_file): scrh = file.read_lines(log_file, 0, 128) if scrh[0:] == log[0:]: print "\n>> ok" os.chdir(work_dir) return else: print "\n> System configuration file is not up to date. Updating..." else: print "\n> System configuration file not found, creating one..." file.create_file(log_file, log) # ------------ # Make Tools # ------------ # print (" > Making binary tools in "+bintools_dir+"...") # os.chdir(bintools_dir) # os.system('make -s clean') # os.system('make -s dbl2flt') # os.system('make -s bin2ascii') # if (HAVE_LIBPNG == 'YES'): # os.system('make -s bin2png') # --------------------------- # Add important info here # --------------------------- # scrh = raw_input(" > Press enter to continue.") os.chdir(work_dir) return
def problem(work_dir, pluto_path, pluto_dir, additional_files, additional_flags, makefile_template, AUTO_UPDATE): # before proceeding we scan pre-existing definitions.h # for obsolete statements in order to and make proper replacements. replace_obsoletes(work_dir) # sys.exit(1) HD = 1 RHD = 2 MHD = 3 SRMHD = 4 RMHD = 5 WITH_CHOMBO = 0 # enable/disable Chombo AMR FULL = 0 WITH_FD = 0 # enable/disable finite difference schemes WITH_SB = 0 # enable/disable shearing box module WITH_FARGO = 0 # enable/disable FARGO module for orbital advection # ***************************************** # check command line arguments # ***************************************** for x in sys.argv: if (x == "--with-chombo" or x == "--with-chombo:"): WITH_CHOMBO = 1 if (x == "--full"): FULL = 1 if (x == "--with-fd"): WITH_FD = 1 if (x == "--with-sb"): WITH_SB = 1 if (x == "--with-fargo"): WITH_FARGO = 1 # -- default makefile template -- if (WITH_CHOMBO): makefile_template.append('/Src/Templates/makefile.chombo') else: makefile_template.append('/Src/Templates/makefile') # Create user-editable menu entries = [] options = [] default = [] scrh = [] entries.append('PHYSICS') if (WITH_FD or WITH_FARGO): options.append(['HD', 'MHD']) default.append('HD') elif (WITH_SB): options.append(['MHD']) default.append('MHD') else: options.append(['HD', 'RHD', 'MHD', 'RMHD']) default.append('HD') entries.append('DIMENSIONS') if (WITH_SB or WITH_FARGO): options.append(['2', '3']) default.append('2') else: options.append(['1', '2', '3']) default.append('1') entries.append('COMPONENTS') if (WITH_SB): options.append(['2', '3']) default.append('2') else: options.append(['1', '2', '3']) default.append('1') entries.append('GEOMETRY') if (WITH_CHOMBO): # options.append(['CARTESIAN','CYLINDRICAL','AXISYM']) options.append(['CARTESIAN', 'CYLINDRICAL']) default.append('CARTESIAN') elif (WITH_FD or WITH_SB): options.append(['CARTESIAN']) default.append('CARTESIAN') else: # options.append(['CARTESIAN','CYLINDRICAL','AXISYM','POLAR','SPHERICAL']) options.append(['CARTESIAN', 'CYLINDRICAL', 'POLAR', 'SPHERICAL']) default.append('CARTESIAN') # entries.append('UNIFORM_GRID') # if (WITH_CHOMBO): # options.append('YES') # default.append('YES') # else: # options.append(['YES','NO']) # default.append('YES') entries.append('BODY_FORCE') if (WITH_SB): options.append(['VECTOR', 'POTENTIAL', '(VECTOR+POTENTIAL)']) default.append('VECTOR') else: options.append(['NO', 'VECTOR', 'POTENTIAL', '(VECTOR+POTENTIAL)']) default.append('NO') entries.append('COOLING') options.append(['NO', 'POWER_LAW', 'TABULATED', 'SNEq', 'MINEq']) # ,'H2_COOL']) default.append('NO') # entries.append('INCLUDE_PARTICLES') # options.append(['NO','YES']) # default.append('NO') # set interpolation options entries.append('INTERPOLATION') if (WITH_CHOMBO): options.append(['FLAT', 'LINEAR', 'WENO3', 'PARABOLIC']) default.append('LINEAR') elif (FULL): options.append( ['FLAT', 'LINEAR', 'LimO3', 'WENO3', 'PARABOLIC', 'MP5']) default.append('LINEAR') elif (WITH_FD): options.append(['WENO3_FD', 'WENOZ_FD', 'MP5_FD', 'LIMO3_FD']) default.append('WENOZ_FD') else: options.append(['FLAT', 'LINEAR', 'LimO3', 'WENO3', 'PARABOLIC']) # Default default.append('LINEAR') entries.append('TIME_STEPPING') if (WITH_CHOMBO): # options.append(['HANCOCK','CHARACTERISTIC_TRACING','RK_MIDPOINT','EULER','RK2']) options.append(['EULER', 'HANCOCK', 'CHARACTERISTIC_TRACING', 'RK2']) default.append('HANCOCK') elif (WITH_FD): options.append(['RK3']) default.append('RK3') else: # options.append(['EULER','RK_MIDPOINT','RK2','RK3','HANCOCK','CHARACTERISTIC_TRACING']) options.append( ['EULER', 'RK2', 'RK3', 'HANCOCK', 'CHARACTERISTIC_TRACING']) default.append('RK2') entries.append('DIMENSIONAL_SPLITTING') if (WITH_CHOMBO or WITH_FARGO): options.append(['NO']) default.append('NO') else: options.append(['YES', 'NO']) default.append('YES') entries.append('NTRACER') for n in range(5): scrh.append(repr(n)) options.append(scrh) default.append('0') scrh = [] entries.append('USER_DEF_PARAMETERS') for n in range(32): scrh.append(repr(n + 1)) options.append(scrh) default.append('1') # ************************************************** # If definitions.h already exists try to read # default values from it. # ************************************************** if (os.path.exists(work_dir + '/definitions.h')): for x in entries: try: scrh = file.string_list(work_dir + '/definitions.h', x) tmp = string.split(scrh[0]) i = entries.index(tmp[1]) y = options[i] i2 = y.index(tmp[2]) default[entries.index(x)] = tmp[2] except ValueError: continue except IndexError: continue # **** ok, call menu **** if AUTO_UPDATE == 0: selection = '' menu.SetTitle("Setup problem") selection = menu.Browse(entries, default, options) # selection =,options,default,'Setup problem') # ************************************************** # define Physics module sub-menus # ************************************************** i = entries.index('DIMENSIONS') dimensions = int(default[i]) i = entries.index('PHYSICS') physics_module = default[i] i = entries.index('GEOMETRY') geometry = default[i] i = entries.index('INTERPOLATION') interpolation = default[i] i = entries.index('TIME_STEPPING') time_stepping = default[i] i = entries.index('DIMENSIONAL_SPLITTING') dim_splitting = default[i] # HD if physics_module == 'HD': entries_HD = [] options_HD = [] default_HD = [] entries_HD.append('EOS') options_HD.append(['IDEAL', 'ISOTHERMAL']) default_HD.append('IDEAL') entries_HD.append('ENTROPY_SWITCH') options_HD.append(['NO', 'YES']) default_HD.append('NO') entries_HD.append('THERMAL_CONDUCTION') if (WITH_CHOMBO == 1): options_HD.append(['NO', 'EXPLICIT']) else: # options_HD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT','SUPER_TIME_STEPPING','RK_CHEBYSHEV']) options_HD.append(['NO', 'EXPLICIT', 'SUPER_TIME_STEPPING']) default_HD.append('NO') entries_HD.append('VISCOSITY') if (WITH_CHOMBO == 1): options_HD.append(['NO', 'EXPLICIT']) else: # options_HD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT','SUPER_TIME_STEPPING','RK_CHEBYSHEV']) options_HD.append(['NO', 'EXPLICIT', 'SUPER_TIME_STEPPING']) default_HD.append('NO') entries_HD.append('ROTATING_FRAME') options_HD.append(['NO', 'YES']) default_HD.append('NO') # if (physics_module == "HD" and dim_splitting == "YES"): # if (geometry == "POLAR" or geometry == "SPHERICAL"): # entries_HD.append('FARGO_SCHEME') # options_HD.append(['NO','YES']) # default_HD.append('NO') # Read HD pre-existing HD submenu defaults, if they exists if (os.path.exists(work_dir + '/definitions.h')): for x in entries_HD: try: scrh = file.string_list(work_dir + '/definitions.h', x) tmp = string.split(scrh[0]) default_HD[entries_HD.index(x)] = tmp[2] except IndexError: continue if AUTO_UPDATE == 0: selection = '' menu.SetTitle("HD Menu") selection = menu.Browse(entries_HD, default_HD, options_HD) # selection =,options_HD,default_HD,'HD MENU') # RHD if physics_module == 'RHD': entries_RHD = [] options_RHD = [] default_RHD = [] entries_RHD.append('EOS') options_RHD.append(['IDEAL', 'TAUB']) default_RHD.append('IDEAL') entries_RHD.append('USE_FOUR_VELOCITY') options_RHD.append(['NO', 'YES']) default_RHD.append('NO') entries_RHD.append('ENTROPY_SWITCH') options_RHD.append(['NO', 'YES']) default_RHD.append('NO') # Read RHD pre-existing RHD submenu defaults, if they exists if (os.path.exists(work_dir + '/definitions.h')): for x in entries_RHD: try: scrh = file.string_list(work_dir + '/definitions.h', x) tmp = string.split(scrh[0]) default_RHD[entries_RHD.index(x)] = tmp[2] except IndexError: continue if AUTO_UPDATE == 0: selection = '' menu.SetTitle("RHD Menu") selection = menu.Browse(entries_RHD, default_RHD, options_RHD) # selection =,options_RHD,default_RHD,'RHD MENU') # MHD if (physics_module == 'MHD'): entries_MHD = [] options_MHD = [] default_MHD = [] entries_MHD.append('EOS') options_MHD.append(['IDEAL', 'BAROTROPIC', 'ISOTHERMAL']) default_MHD.append('IDEAL') entries_MHD.append('ENTROPY_SWITCH') options_MHD.append(['NO', 'YES']) default_MHD.append('NO') entries_MHD.append('MHD_FORMULATION') if (WITH_CHOMBO or WITH_FD): options_MHD.append(['NONE', 'EIGHT_WAVES', 'DIV_CLEANING']) default_MHD.append('EIGHT_WAVES') elif (WITH_SB or WITH_FARGO): options_MHD.append(['CONSTRAINED_TRANSPORT']) default_MHD.append('CONSTRAINED_TRANSPORT') else: options_MHD.append([ 'NONE', 'EIGHT_WAVES', 'DIV_CLEANING', 'CONSTRAINED_TRANSPORT' ]) default_MHD.append('EIGHT_WAVES') entries_MHD.append('BACKGROUND_FIELD') options_MHD.append(['NO', 'YES']) default_MHD.append('NO') entries_MHD.append('RESISTIVE_MHD') if (WITH_CHOMBO == 1): options_MHD.append(['NO', 'EXPLICIT']) else: # options_MHD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT','SUPER_TIME_STEPPING','RK_CHEBYSHEV']) options_MHD.append(['NO', 'EXPLICIT', 'SUPER_TIME_STEPPING']) default_MHD.append('NO') entries_MHD.append('HALL_MHD') options_MHD.append(['NO', 'RIEMANN', 'SOURCE']) default_MHD.append('NO') entries_MHD.append('AMBIPOLAR_DIFFUSION') options_MHD.append(['NO', 'EXPLICIT']) default_MHD.append('NO') entries_MHD.append('THERMAL_CONDUCTION') if (WITH_CHOMBO == 1): options_MHD.append(['NO', 'EXPLICIT']) else: # options_MHD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT','SUPER_TIME_STEPPING','RK_CHEBYSHEV']) options_MHD.append(['NO', 'EXPLICIT', 'SUPER_TIME_STEPPING']) default_MHD.append('NO') entries_MHD.append('VISCOSITY') if (WITH_CHOMBO == 1): options_MHD.append(['NO', 'EXPLICIT']) else: # options_MHD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT','SUPER_TIME_STEPPING','RK_CHEBYSHEV']) options_MHD.append(['NO', 'EXPLICIT', 'SUPER_TIME_STEPPING']) default_MHD.append('NO') entries_MHD.append('ROTATING_FRAME') options_MHD.append(['NO', 'YES']) default_MHD.append('NO') # Read MHD pre-existing MHD submenu defaults, if they exists if (os.path.exists(work_dir + '/definitions.h')): for x in entries_MHD: ix = entries_MHD.index(x) try: scrh = file.string_list(work_dir + '/definitions.h', x) tmp = string.split(scrh[0]) try: # if the choice is not in the permitted list of options, # ValueError is raised and the default choice is kept. i = options_MHD[ix].index(tmp[2]) default_MHD[ix] = tmp[2] except ValueError: continue except IndexError: continue if AUTO_UPDATE == 0: selection = '' if (physics_module == 'MHD'): menu.SetTitle("MHD Menu") selection = menu.Browse(entries_MHD, default_MHD, options_MHD) # selection =,options_MHD,default_MHD,'MHD MENU') # RMHD if physics_module == 'RMHD': entries_RMHD = [] options_RMHD = [] default_RMHD = [] entries_RMHD.append('EOS') options_RMHD.append(['IDEAL', 'TAUB']) default_RMHD.append('IDEAL') entries_RMHD.append('ENTROPY_SWITCH') options_RMHD.append(['NO', 'YES']) default_RMHD.append('NO') entries_RMHD.append('MHD_FORMULATION') if (WITH_CHOMBO == 1): options_RMHD.append(['NONE', 'EIGHT_WAVES', 'DIV_CLEANING']) else: options_RMHD.append([ 'NONE', 'EIGHT_WAVES', 'DIV_CLEANING', 'CONSTRAINED_TRANSPORT' ]) default_RMHD.append('NONE') # Read RMHD pre-existing RMHD submenu defaults, if they exists if (os.path.exists(work_dir + '/definitions.h')): for x in entries_RMHD: ix = entries_RMHD.index(x) try: scrh = file.string_list(work_dir + '/definitions.h', x) tmp = string.split(scrh[0]) try: # if the choice is not in the permitted list of options, # ValueError is raised and the default choice is kept. i = options_RMHD[ix].index(tmp[2]) default_RMHD[ix] = tmp[2] except ValueError: continue except IndexError: continue if AUTO_UPDATE == 0: selection = '' if (physics_module == 'RMHD'): menu.SetTitle("RMHD Menu") selection = menu.Browse(entries_RMHD, default_RMHD, options_RMHD) # selection =,options_RMHD,default_RMHD,'RMHD MENU') # ******************************************************************** # USER_DEF PARAMETERS: # # Read them from definitions.h if the file exists; # assign 'SCRH' otherwise. # ******************************************************************** i = entries.index('USER_DEF_PARAMETERS') npar = int(default[i]) u_def_par = [] if (os.path.exists(work_dir + '/definitions.h')): scrh = file.word_find(work_dir + '/definitions.h', 'parameters') k0 = scrh[0] + 2 scrh = file.read_lines(work_dir + '/definitions.h', k0, k0 + npar) for n in range(npar): try: x = string.split(scrh[n]) if (x[0] == "#define"): u_def_par.append(x[1]) else: u_def_par.append('SCRH') except IndexError: u_def_par.append('SCRH') # scrh[n + 1] = '#define SCRH x' else: for n in range(npar): u_def_par.append('SCRH') if AUTO_UPDATE == 0: # u_def_par = ['SCRH'] menu.SetTitle("User-defined parameters") menu.Insert(int(default[i]), u_def_par) # menu.put(int(default[i]),u_def_par,'USER DEF SECTION') # ----------------------------------------------------- # Create the list 'tmp' that will be used to write # the new definitions.h header file # ----------------------------------------------------- tmp = [] for x in entries: i = entries.index(x) y = default[i] tmp.append('#define ' + x.ljust(21) + ' ' + y + '\n') tmp.append('\n/* -- physics dependent declarations -- */\n\n') if (physics_module == 'MHD'): for x in entries_MHD: i = entries_MHD.index(x) tmp.append('#define ' + x.ljust(21) + ' ' + default_MHD[i] + '\n') if physics_module == 'HD': for x in entries_HD: i = entries_HD.index(x) tmp.append('#define ' + x.ljust(21) + ' ' + default_HD[i] + '\n') if physics_module == 'RHD': for x in entries_RHD: i = entries_RHD.index(x) tmp.append('#define ' + x.ljust(21) + ' ' + default_RHD[i] + '\n') if physics_module == 'RMHD': for x in entries_RMHD: i = entries_RMHD.index(x) tmp.append('#define ' + x.ljust(21) + ' ' + default_RMHD[i] + '\n') # ***************************************** # add Chombo-AMR specific flags # ***************************************** if (WITH_CHOMBO and os.path.exists(work_dir + '/definitions.h')): scrh = file.string_list(work_dir + '/definitions.h', 'AMR_EN_SWITCH') tmp.append('\n/* -- Chombo-AMR flags -- */\n\n') if (len(scrh) != 0): strsplit = string.split(scrh[0]) value = strsplit[2] tmp.append('#define AMR_EN_SWITCH ' + value + '\n') else: tmp.append('#define AMR_EN_SWITCH NO\n') # ******************************************************* # add pointer names to user defined parameters # ******************************************************* tmp.append('\n/* -- pointers to user-def parameters -- */\n\n') for x in u_def_par: i = u_def_par.index(x) tmp.append('#define ' + x.ljust(16) + ' ' + repr(i) + '\n') # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # In this section, also, udpate the pluto.ini # initialization file by appending the correct # sequence of user defined parameters # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # menu.RestoreScreen() plutoini = work_dir + "/pluto.ini" scrh = file.string_find(plutoini, 'Parameters') ipos = scrh[0] + 2 # start reading/writing pluto.ini at this point # to build a list of the userdef parameters scrh = file.read_lines(plutoini, ipos, 999) # read until end of file pname = [] pvalue = [] for x in scrh: y = string.split(x) # pname and pvalue contain the list of parameter if (len(y) == 0): continue # skip blank lines pname.append(y[0]) # names and their respective values as present pvalue.append(y[1]) # in pluto.ini for x in u_def_par: # loop on the actual list of parameters; par_exist = 0 # is the parameter already present in pluto.ini ? for y in pname: if (x == y): # if yes, use the original value instead of '0' par_exist = 1 i = pname.index(y) file.insert(plutoini, pname[i] + " " + pvalue[i] + "\n", ipos) break if (par_exist == 0): # if not, set default value to 0 file.insert(plutoini, x + ' 0\n', ipos) ipos = ipos + 1 # delete all other lines in pluto.ini file.delete_lines(plutoini, ipos, ipos + 256) # *************************************************************** # check dependencies for conditional inclusion # of additional object files; this is useful # for makefile creation # *************************************************************** # additional files will be compiled # depending on the user's choice of # time integration scheme # the next line removes all elements from additional_files # and pluto_path so the list can be built from scratch # for x in additional_files: additional_files.remove(x) # for x in pluto_path : pluto_path.remove(x) additional_files[:] = [] additional_flags[:] = [] pluto_path[:] = [] divb = ' ' # ********************************************** # physics module & parabolic term treatment # ********************************************** sts_flag = 0 # if changed to 1, include the super-time-stepping driver rkc_flag = 0 # if changed to 1, include the runge-kutta-Chebyshev driver exp_flag = 0 # if changed to 1, include explicit parabolic time-stepping cur_flag = 0 # if changed to 1, include current calculation if (physics_module == 'HD'): pluto_path.append('HD/') entries_MOD = entries_HD default_MOD = default_HD n = entries_MOD.index('THERMAL_CONDUCTION') if (default_MOD[n] != 'NO'): pluto_path.append('Thermal_Conduction/') if (default_MOD[n] == 'SUPER_TIME_STEPPING'): sts_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'RK_CHEBYSHEV'): rkc_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'EXPLICIT'): exp_flag = 1 n = entries_MOD.index('VISCOSITY') if (default_MOD[n] != 'NO'): pluto_path.append('Viscosity/') if (default_MOD[n] == 'SUPER_TIME_STEPPING'): sts_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'RK_CHEBYSHEV'): rkc_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'EXPLICIT'): exp_flag = 1 elif (physics_module == 'RHD'): pluto_path.append('RHD/') entries_MOD = entries_RHD default_MOD = default_RHD elif (physics_module == 'MHD'): pluto_path.append('MHD/') entries_MOD = entries_MHD default_MOD = default_MHD n = entries_MOD.index('MHD_FORMULATION') divb = default_MOD[n] if (divb == 'CONSTRAINED_TRANSPORT'): pluto_path.append('MHD/CT/') elif (divb == 'DIV_CLEANING'): pluto_path.append('MHD/GLM/') n = entries_MOD.index('RESISTIVE_MHD') if (default_MOD[n] != 'NO'): pluto_path.append('MHD/Resistive/') cur_flag = 1 if (default_MOD[n] == 'SUPER_TIME_STEPPING'): sts_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'RK_CHEBYSHEV'): rkc_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'EXPLICIT'): exp_flag = 1 n = entries_MOD.index('HALL_MHD') if (default_MOD[n] != 'NO'): pluto_path.append('MHD/Hall/') if (default_MOD[n] == 'RIEMANN'): cur_flag = 1 n = entries_MOD.index('AMBIPOLAR_DIFFUSION') if (default_MOD[n] != 'NO'): pluto_path.append('MHD/Ambipolar/') cur_flag = 1 n = entries_MOD.index('THERMAL_CONDUCTION') if (default_MOD[n] != 'NO'): pluto_path.append('Thermal_Conduction/') if (default_MOD[n] == 'SUPER_TIME_STEPPING'): sts_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'RK_CHEBYSHEV'): rkc_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'EXPLICIT'): exp_flag = 1 n = entries_MOD.index('VISCOSITY') if (default_MOD[n] != 'NO'): pluto_path.append('Viscosity/') if (default_MOD[n] == 'SUPER_TIME_STEPPING'): sts_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'RK_CHEBYSHEV'): rkc_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'EXPLICIT'): exp_flag = 1 if (cur_flag == 1): pluto_path.append('MHD/Current/') additional_flags.append(' -DNEED_CURRENT') # *************************** # need shearingbox module ? # *************************** if (WITH_SB == 1): pluto_path.append('MHD/ShearingBox/') additional_flags.append(' -DSHEARINGBOX') elif (physics_module == 'RMHD'): pluto_path.append('RMHD/') entries_MOD = entries_RMHD default_MOD = default_RMHD n = entries_MOD.index('MHD_FORMULATION') divb = default_MOD[n] if (divb == 'CONSTRAINED_TRANSPORT'): pluto_path.append('MHD/CT/') elif (divb == 'DIV_CLEANING'): pluto_path.append('MHD/GLM/') # ***************************** # Interpolation # ***************************** if (interpolation == 'FLAT'): additional_files.append('states_flat.o') elif (interpolation == 'LINEAR'): additional_files.append('states_plm.o') elif (interpolation == 'PARABOLIC'): additional_files.append('states_ppm.o') elif (interpolation == 'LimO3'): additional_files.append('states_limo3.o') elif (interpolation == 'WENO3'): additional_files.append('states_weno3.o') elif (WITH_FD): # Finite Difference additional_files.append('states_fd.o') additional_files.append('fd_reconstruct.o') additional_files.append('fd_flux.o') additional_flags.append(' -DFINITE_DIFFERENCE') # ***************************** # Time Stepping # ***************************** if (WITH_CHOMBO): # ** AMR file inclusion ** if (dimensions == 1): additional_files.append('PatchCTU.1D.o') else: if (time_stepping == 'RK_MIDPOINT'): additional_files.append('PatchRK.3D.o') elif (time_stepping == 'EULER'): additional_files.append('PatchEuler.3D.o') elif (time_stepping == 'RK2'): additional_files.append('PatchEuler.3D.o') else: additional_files.append('PatchCTU.3D.o') else: if (time_stepping == 'CHARACTERISTIC_TRACING'): if (dim_splitting == 'YES'): additional_files.append('sweep.o') else: additional_files.append('unsplit_ctu.o') elif (time_stepping == 'HANCOCK'): if (dim_splitting == 'YES'): additional_files.append('sweep.o') else: additional_files.append('unsplit_ctu.o') elif (time_stepping == 'RK_MIDPOINT'): additional_files.append('rk_midpoint.o') else: if (dim_splitting == 'YES'): additional_files.append('sweep.o') else: additional_files.append('unsplit.o') if (time_stepping == 'CHARACTERISTIC_TRACING'): additional_files.append('char_tracing.o') elif (time_stepping == 'HANCOCK'): additional_files.append('hancock.o') # if (interpolation != 'LINEAR'): # if (time_stepping == 'CHARACTERISTIC_TRACING'): # additional_files.append('states_ppm_char.o') # else: # additional_files.append('rk_states.o') # ***************************** # FARGO Scheme # ***************************** if (WITH_FARGO): pluto_path.append('Fargo/') additional_flags.append(' -DFARGO') # ***************************** # Geometry # ***************************** # additional_files.append('rhs.o') # additional_files.append('rhs.o') # if (geometry == "CARTESIAN"): # additional_files.append('rhs_cart.o') # if (geometry == "AXISYM"): # additional_files.append('cylsource.o') # ***************************** # Cooling # ***************************** n = entries.index('COOLING') if (default[n] == 'POWER_LAW'): pluto_path.append('Cooling/Power_Law/') elif (default[n] == 'TABULATED'): pluto_path.append('Cooling/Tab/') additional_files.append('cooling_source.o') additional_files.append('cooling_ode_solver.o') elif (default[n] == 'SNEq'): pluto_path.append('Cooling/SNEq/') additional_files.append('cooling_source.o') additional_files.append('cooling_ode_solver.o') elif (default[n] == 'MINEq'): pluto_path.append('Cooling/MINEq/') additional_files.append('cooling_source.o') additional_files.append('cooling_ode_solver.o') elif (default[n] == 'H2_COOL'): pluto_path.append('Cooling/H2_COOL/') additional_files.append('cooling_source.o') additional_files.append('cooling_ode_solver.o') # ********************************** # parabolic flux: file inclusion # ********************************** if (sts_flag == 1): additional_files.append('sts.o') additional_files.append('parabolic_rhs.o') if (rkc_flag == 1): additional_files.append('rkc.o') additional_files.append('parabolic_rhs.o') if (exp_flag == 1): additional_files.append('parabolic_flux.o') # ********************************************** # Vector potential # ********************************************** if (physics_module == 'MHD' or physics_module == 'RMHD'): additional_files.append('vec_pot_diff.o') if (WITH_CHOMBO == 0): additional_files.append('vec_pot_update.o') # ***************************** # Particles # ***************************** # n = entries.index('INCLUDE_PARTICLES') # if (default[n] == 'YES'): # pluto_path.append('Particles/') # **************************************************************** # DEFINE ALL NON-USER FRIENDLY CONSTANTS # **************************************************************** tmp.append('\n/* -- supplementary constants (user editable) -- */ \n\n') no_us_fr = [] no_us_fr.append('#define INITIAL_SMOOTHING NO\n') no_us_fr.append('#define WARNING_MESSAGES NO\n') no_us_fr.append('#define PRINT_TO_FILE NO\n') no_us_fr.append('#define INTERNAL_BOUNDARY NO\n') no_us_fr.append('#define SHOCK_FLATTENING NO\n') if (not WITH_FD): no_us_fr.append('#define ARTIFICIAL_VISCOSITY NO\n') no_us_fr.append('#define CHAR_LIMITING NO\n') no_us_fr.append('#define LIMITER DEFAULT\n') # add geometry-dependent switches if (geometry == "AXISYM"): no_us_fr.append('#define ADD_CYLSOURCE 1\n') # if (geometry == "POLAR" and physics_module == "HD"): # no_us_fr.append('#define FARGO_SCHEME NO\n') # add flux ct switches for MHD or RMHD if (divb == "CONSTRAINED_TRANSPORT"): no_us_fr.append('#define CT_EMF_AVERAGE UCT_HLL\n') no_us_fr.append('#define CT_EN_CORRECTION NO\n') no_us_fr.append('#define ASSIGN_VECTOR_POTENTIAL YES\n') elif (physics_module == "MHD" or physics_module == "RMHD"): no_us_fr.append('#define ASSIGN_VECTOR_POTENTIAL NO\n') if (physics_module == "MHD" or physics_module == "RMHD"): if (not WITH_CHOMBO): no_us_fr.append('#define UPDATE_VECTOR_POTENTIAL NO\n') if (time_stepping == 'HANCOCK'): if (physics_module == 'RMHD'): no_us_fr.append('#define PRIMITIVE_HANCOCK NO\n') else: no_us_fr.append('#define PRIMITIVE_HANCOCK YES\n') # add definition of STS_NU if (sts_flag == 1): no_us_fr.append('#define STS_nu 0.01\n') # *************************************************************** # Read pre-existing non-user-editable defaults; # Use the default value if they exist # *************************************************************** if (os.path.exists(work_dir + '/definitions.h')): for x in no_us_fr: try: xl = string.split(x) scrh = file.string_list(work_dir + '/definitions.h', xl[1]) no_us_fr[no_us_fr.index(x)] = scrh[0] except IndexError: continue # add elements of no_us_fr to tmp for x in no_us_fr: tmp.append(x) # -- create definitions.h -- file.create_file(work_dir + '/definitions.h', tmp) return
def scatter_2d(point2d, class_indexes, n_iter, dir_name, ms=3, alpha=0.1, momentum=None, save=None): """ :param save: :param momentum: :param dir_name: :param n_iter: :param point2d: :param class_indexes: :param ms: marker size :param alpha: :param savename: :return: """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 6)) classes = list(np.unique(class_indexes)) markers = 'os' * len(classes) colors =, 1, len(classes))) for i, cls in enumerate(classes): mark = markers[i] ax.plot(point2d[class_indexes == cls, 0], point2d[class_indexes == cls, 1], marker=mark, linestyle='', ms=ms, label=str(cls), alpha=alpha, color=colors[i], markeredgecolor='black', markeredgewidth=0.4) ax.legend() # if save: ''' # save picture at every iteration ''' pic_name = "iter" if momentum: pic_name = "momentum_" + pic_name file.create_dir(dir_name + "\\" + "pic") plt.savefig(dir_name + "\\" + "pic\\" + pic_name + str(n_iter)) ''' # save low dimension vectors at every iteration ''' low_file_name = "low_" + str(n_iter) + ".json" if momentum: low_file_name = "momentum_" + low_file_name dir_name = dir_name file.create_file(low_file_name, dir_name) file.write_json(file.numpy_array_to_list(point2d), low_file_name, dir_name) return ax
def check(pluto_dir, get_arch): work_dir = os.getcwd() print("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n") print("\n>> Inspecting system configuration << \n") # log_file = pluto_dir+'/system.conf' log_file = work_dir + '/sysconf.out' config_dir = pluto_dir + '/Config/' python_dir = pluto_dir + '/Tools/Python' bintools_dir = pluto_dir + '/Tools/bin_tools' param_file = pluto_dir + '/Src/pluto.h' os.chdir(python_dir) log = [] # --------------------- # get user name # --------------------- try: user = os.getlogin() except OSError: user = '******' # --------------------- # get system spec. # --------------------- PLATFORM = os.uname() # --------------------- # find current # version of PLUTO # --------------------- scrh = file.word_find(param_file, "PLUTO_VERSION") ipos = scrh[0] scrh = file.read_lines(param_file, ipos, ipos + 1) vers = string.split(scrh[0]) vers = vers[2] # ------------------------------ # print a short system summary # ------------------------------ print "User.......................", user print "System name................", PLATFORM[0] print "Node name..................", PLATFORM[1] print "Release....................", PLATFORM[2] print "Arch.......................", PLATFORM[4] print "Byteorder..................", sys.byteorder print "Version....................", PLATFORM[3] print "Working_dir................", work_dir print "PLUTO main dir.............", pluto_dir print "PLUTO version..............", vers # -------------------------------------- # Check for gcc or another c compiler # -------------------------------------- compiler_list = ['gcc', 'cc', 'gcc2'] COMPILER_NAME = '' for x in compiler_list: if (CHECK_FOR(x) == 'YES'): print "C Compiler................. " + x COMPILER_NAME = x break if (COMPILER_NAME == ''): print "! Can not find a C compiler !" # ----------------- # check for mpi # ----------------- mpi_compiler_list = ['mpicc', 'mpiCC', 'mpcc_r', 'hcc', 'mpcc'] MPI_COMPILER_NAME = '' for x in mpi_compiler_list: if (CHECK_FOR(x) == 'YES'): print "MPI Compiler .............. " + x MPI_COMPILER_NAME = x break if (MPI_COMPILER_NAME == ''): print "MPI Compiler............... NOT FOUND" if (get_arch): print "\n" print "Proposed makefile names: \n" print "> " + PLATFORM[0] + "." + PLATFORM[ 4] + "." + COMPILER_NAME + ".defs" print "> " + PLATFORM[0] + "." + PLATFORM[ 4] + "." + MPI_COMPILER_NAME + ".defs" return # --------------------------------------------------- # Build log list, that will be compared to the # sysconf.out file. # --------------------------------------------------- log.append("USER = "******"WORKING_DIR = " + work_dir + "\n") log.append("SYSTEM_NAME = " + PLATFORM[0] + "\n") log.append("NODE_NAME = " + PLATFORM[1] + "\n") log.append("RELEASE = " + PLATFORM[2] + "\n") log.append("ARCH = " + PLATFORM[4] + "\n") log.append("BYTE_ORDER = " + sys.byteorder + "\n") log.append("VERSION = " + PLATFORM[3] + "\n") log.append("PLUTO_DIR = " + pluto_dir + '\n') log.append("PLUTO_VERSION = " + vers + '\n') log.append("C_COMPILER = " + COMPILER_NAME + '\n') log.append("MPI_C_COMPILER = " + MPI_COMPILER_NAME + '\n') # ---------------------------- # check for online updates # ---------------------------- print "\n> Checking for updates (canceled)...\n" # try: # urllib.urlretrieve("","updates.txt") # scrh = file.word_find ("updates.txt","release") # ipos = scrh[0] # scrh = file.read_lines ("updates.txt", ipos, ipos + 1) # rels = string.split(scrh[0]) # if (rels[1] != vers): # print " ******************************************************* " # print " A new version of PLUTO ("+rels[1]+") is available at" # print "" # print " *******************************************************\n" # scrh = raw_input("> Press enter to continue.") # os.chdir(work_dir) # except: # print "! Connection not available\n" # ------------------------------------------------ # Compare the list 'log' with the file log_file; # # - if they match, no update is necessary, # ==> return to main menu # # - if they do not match or if log_file does not # exists, create a new one # # ------------------------------------------------ if (os.path.exists(log_file)): scrh = file.read_lines(log_file, 0, 128) if (scrh[0:] == log[0:]): print "\n>> ok" os.chdir(work_dir) return else: print "\n> System configuration file is not up to date. Updating..." else: print "\n> System configuration file not found, creating one..." file.create_file(log_file, log) # ------------ # Make Tools # ------------ # print (" > Making binary tools in "+bintools_dir+"...") # os.chdir(bintools_dir) # os.system('make -s clean') # os.system('make -s dbl2flt') # os.system('make -s bin2ascii') # if (HAVE_LIBPNG == 'YES'): # os.system('make -s bin2png') # --------------------------- # Add important info here # --------------------------- # scrh = raw_input(" > Press enter to continue.") os.chdir(work_dir) return
def problem(work_dir, pluto_path, pluto_dir, additional_files, additional_flags, makefile_template, AUTO_UPDATE): # before proceeding we scan pre-existing definitions.h # for obsolete statements in order to and make proper replacements. replace_obsoletes(work_dir) # sys.exit(1) HD = 1 RHD = 2 MHD = 3 SRMHD = 4 RMHD = 5 WITH_CHOMBO = 0 # enable/disable Chombo AMR FULL = 0 WITH_FD = 0 # enable/disable finite difference schemes WITH_SB = 0 # enable/disable shearing box module WITH_FARGO = 0 # enable/disable FARGO module for orbital advection # ***************************************** # check command line arguments # ***************************************** for x in sys.argv: if (x == "--with-chombo" or x == "--with-chombo:"): WITH_CHOMBO = 1 if (x == "--full"): FULL = 1 if (x == "--with-fd"): WITH_FD = 1 if (x == "--with-sb"): WITH_SB = 1 if (x == "--with-fargo"): WITH_FARGO = 1 # -- default makefile template -- if (WITH_CHOMBO): makefile_template.append('/Src/Templates/makefile.chombo') else: makefile_template.append('/Src/Templates/makefile') # Create user-editable menu entries = [] options = [] default = [] scrh = [] entries.append('PHYSICS') if (WITH_FD or WITH_FARGO): options.append(['HD','MHD']) default.append('HD') elif (WITH_SB): options.append(['MHD']) default.append('MHD') else: options.append(['HD','RHD','MHD','RMHD']) default.append('HD') entries.append('DIMENSIONS') if(WITH_SB or WITH_FARGO): options.append(['2','3']) default.append('2') else: options.append(['1','2','3']) default.append('1') entries.append('COMPONENTS') if (WITH_SB): options.append(['2','3']) default.append('2') else: options.append(['1','2','3']) default.append('1') entries.append('GEOMETRY') if (WITH_CHOMBO): # options.append(['CARTESIAN','CYLINDRICAL','AXISYM']) options.append(['CARTESIAN','CYLINDRICAL']) default.append('CARTESIAN') elif (WITH_FD or WITH_SB): options.append(['CARTESIAN']) default.append('CARTESIAN') else: # options.append(['CARTESIAN','CYLINDRICAL','AXISYM','POLAR','SPHERICAL']) options.append(['CARTESIAN','CYLINDRICAL','POLAR','SPHERICAL']) default.append('CARTESIAN') # entries.append('UNIFORM_GRID') # if (WITH_CHOMBO): # options.append('YES') # default.append('YES') # else: # options.append(['YES','NO']) # default.append('YES') entries.append('BODY_FORCE') if (WITH_SB): options.append(['VECTOR', 'POTENTIAL', '(VECTOR+POTENTIAL)']) default.append('VECTOR') else: options.append(['NO','VECTOR', 'POTENTIAL', '(VECTOR+POTENTIAL)']) default.append('NO') entries.append('COOLING') options.append(['NO','POWER_LAW','TABULATED','SNEq','MINEq']) # ,'H2_COOL']) default.append('NO') # entries.append('INCLUDE_PARTICLES') # options.append(['NO','YES']) # default.append('NO') # set interpolation options entries.append('INTERPOLATION') if (WITH_CHOMBO): options.append(['FLAT','LINEAR','WENO3','PARABOLIC']) default.append('LINEAR') elif (FULL): options.append(['FLAT','LINEAR','LimO3', 'WENO3','PARABOLIC', 'MP5']) default.append('LINEAR') elif (WITH_FD): options.append(['WENO3_FD', 'WENOZ_FD', 'MP5_FD','LIMO3_FD']) default.append('WENOZ_FD') else: options.append(['FLAT','LINEAR','LimO3','WENO3','PARABOLIC']) # Default default.append('LINEAR') entries.append('TIME_STEPPING') if (WITH_CHOMBO): # options.append(['HANCOCK','CHARACTERISTIC_TRACING','RK_MIDPOINT','EULER','RK2']) options.append(['EULER','HANCOCK','CHARACTERISTIC_TRACING','RK2']) default.append('HANCOCK') elif (WITH_FD): options.append(['RK3']) default.append('RK3') else: # options.append(['EULER','RK_MIDPOINT','RK2','RK3','HANCOCK','CHARACTERISTIC_TRACING']) options.append(['EULER','RK2','RK3','HANCOCK','CHARACTERISTIC_TRACING']) default.append('RK2') entries.append('DIMENSIONAL_SPLITTING') if (WITH_CHOMBO or WITH_FARGO): options.append(['NO']) default.append('NO') else: options.append(['YES','NO']) default.append('YES') entries.append('NTRACER') for n in range(5): scrh.append(repr(n)) options.append(scrh) default.append('0') scrh =[] entries.append('USER_DEF_PARAMETERS') for n in range(32): scrh.append(repr(n+1)) options.append(scrh) default.append('1') # ************************************************** # If definitions.h already exists try to read # default values from it. # ************************************************** if (os.path.exists(work_dir+'/definitions.h')): for x in entries: try: scrh = file.string_list(work_dir+'/definitions.h',x) tmp = string.split(scrh[0]) i = entries.index(tmp[1]) y = options[i] i2 = y.index(tmp[2]) default[entries.index(x)] = tmp[2] except ValueError: continue except IndexError: continue # **** ok, call menu **** if AUTO_UPDATE == 0: selection = '' menu.SetTitle("Setup problem") selection = menu.Browse(entries,default,options) # selection =,options,default,'Setup problem') # ************************************************** # define Physics module sub-menus # ************************************************** i = entries.index('DIMENSIONS') dimensions = int(default[i]) i = entries.index('PHYSICS') physics_module = default[i] i = entries.index('GEOMETRY') geometry = default[i] i = entries.index('INTERPOLATION') interpolation = default[i] i = entries.index('TIME_STEPPING') time_stepping = default[i] i = entries.index('DIMENSIONAL_SPLITTING') dim_splitting = default[i] # HD if physics_module == 'HD': entries_HD = [] options_HD = [] default_HD = [] entries_HD.append('EOS') options_HD.append(['IDEAL','ISOTHERMAL']) default_HD.append('IDEAL') entries_HD.append('ENTROPY_SWITCH') options_HD.append(['NO','YES']) default_HD.append('NO') entries_HD.append('THERMAL_CONDUCTION') if (WITH_CHOMBO == 1): options_HD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT']) else: # options_HD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT','SUPER_TIME_STEPPING','RK_CHEBYSHEV']) options_HD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT','SUPER_TIME_STEPPING']) default_HD.append('NO') entries_HD.append('VISCOSITY') if (WITH_CHOMBO == 1): options_HD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT']) else: # options_HD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT','SUPER_TIME_STEPPING','RK_CHEBYSHEV']) options_HD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT','SUPER_TIME_STEPPING']) default_HD.append('NO') entries_HD.append('ROTATING_FRAME') options_HD.append(['NO','YES']) default_HD.append('NO') # if (physics_module == "HD" and dim_splitting == "YES"): # if (geometry == "POLAR" or geometry == "SPHERICAL"): # entries_HD.append('FARGO_SCHEME') # options_HD.append(['NO','YES']) # default_HD.append('NO') # Read HD pre-existing HD submenu defaults, if they exists if (os.path.exists(work_dir+'/definitions.h')): for x in entries_HD: try: scrh = file.string_list(work_dir+'/definitions.h',x) tmp = string.split(scrh[0]) default_HD[entries_HD.index(x)] = tmp[2] except IndexError: continue if AUTO_UPDATE == 0: selection = '' menu.SetTitle("HD Menu") selection = menu.Browse(entries_HD, default_HD, options_HD) # selection =,options_HD,default_HD,'HD MENU') # RHD if physics_module == 'RHD': entries_RHD = [] options_RHD = [] default_RHD = [] entries_RHD.append('EOS') options_RHD.append(['IDEAL','TAUB']) default_RHD.append('IDEAL') entries_RHD.append('USE_FOUR_VELOCITY') options_RHD.append(['NO','YES']) default_RHD.append('NO') entries_RHD.append('ENTROPY_SWITCH') options_RHD.append(['NO','YES']) default_RHD.append('NO') # Read RHD pre-existing RHD submenu defaults, if they exists if (os.path.exists(work_dir+'/definitions.h')): for x in entries_RHD: try: scrh = file.string_list(work_dir+'/definitions.h',x) tmp = string.split(scrh[0]) default_RHD[entries_RHD.index(x)] = tmp[2] except IndexError: continue if AUTO_UPDATE == 0: selection = '' menu.SetTitle("RHD Menu") selection = menu.Browse(entries_RHD, default_RHD, options_RHD) # selection =,options_RHD,default_RHD,'RHD MENU') # MHD if (physics_module == 'MHD'): entries_MHD = [] options_MHD = [] default_MHD = [] entries_MHD.append('EOS') options_MHD.append(['IDEAL','BAROTROPIC','ISOTHERMAL']) default_MHD.append('IDEAL') entries_MHD.append('ENTROPY_SWITCH') options_MHD.append(['NO','YES']) default_MHD.append('NO') entries_MHD.append('MHD_FORMULATION') if (WITH_CHOMBO or WITH_FD): options_MHD.append(['NONE','EIGHT_WAVES','DIV_CLEANING']) default_MHD.append('EIGHT_WAVES') elif (WITH_SB or WITH_FARGO): options_MHD.append(['CONSTRAINED_TRANSPORT']) default_MHD.append('CONSTRAINED_TRANSPORT') else: options_MHD.append(['NONE','EIGHT_WAVES','DIV_CLEANING', 'CONSTRAINED_TRANSPORT']) default_MHD.append('EIGHT_WAVES') entries_MHD.append('BACKGROUND_FIELD') options_MHD.append(['NO','YES']) default_MHD.append('NO') entries_MHD.append('RESISTIVE_MHD') if (WITH_CHOMBO == 1): options_MHD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT']) else: # options_MHD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT','SUPER_TIME_STEPPING','RK_CHEBYSHEV']) options_MHD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT','SUPER_TIME_STEPPING']) default_MHD.append('NO') entries_MHD.append('HALL_MHD') options_MHD.append(['NO','RIEMANN','SOURCE']) default_MHD.append('NO') entries_MHD.append('AMBIPOLAR_DIFFUSION') options_MHD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT']) default_MHD.append('NO') entries_MHD.append('THERMAL_CONDUCTION') if (WITH_CHOMBO == 1): options_MHD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT']) else: # options_MHD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT','SUPER_TIME_STEPPING','RK_CHEBYSHEV']) options_MHD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT','SUPER_TIME_STEPPING']) default_MHD.append('NO') entries_MHD.append('VISCOSITY') if (WITH_CHOMBO == 1): options_MHD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT']) else: # options_MHD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT','SUPER_TIME_STEPPING','RK_CHEBYSHEV']) options_MHD.append(['NO','EXPLICIT','SUPER_TIME_STEPPING']) default_MHD.append('NO') entries_MHD.append('ROTATING_FRAME') options_MHD.append(['NO','YES']) default_MHD.append('NO') # Read MHD pre-existing MHD submenu defaults, if they exists if (os.path.exists(work_dir+'/definitions.h')): for x in entries_MHD: ix = entries_MHD.index(x) try: scrh = file.string_list(work_dir+'/definitions.h',x) tmp = string.split(scrh[0]) try: # if the choice is not in the permitted list of options, # ValueError is raised and the default choice is kept. i = options_MHD[ix].index(tmp[2]) default_MHD[ix] = tmp[2] except ValueError: continue except IndexError: continue if AUTO_UPDATE == 0: selection = '' if (physics_module == 'MHD'): menu.SetTitle("MHD Menu") selection = menu.Browse(entries_MHD, default_MHD, options_MHD) # selection =,options_MHD,default_MHD,'MHD MENU') # RMHD if physics_module == 'RMHD': entries_RMHD = [] options_RMHD = [] default_RMHD = [] entries_RMHD.append('EOS') options_RMHD.append(['IDEAL','TAUB']) default_RMHD.append('IDEAL') entries_RMHD.append('ENTROPY_SWITCH') options_RMHD.append(['NO','YES']) default_RMHD.append('NO') entries_RMHD.append('MHD_FORMULATION') if (WITH_CHOMBO == 1): options_RMHD.append(['NONE','EIGHT_WAVES','DIV_CLEANING']) else: options_RMHD.append(['NONE','EIGHT_WAVES','DIV_CLEANING','CONSTRAINED_TRANSPORT']) default_RMHD.append('NONE') # Read RMHD pre-existing RMHD submenu defaults, if they exists if (os.path.exists(work_dir+'/definitions.h')): for x in entries_RMHD: ix = entries_RMHD.index(x) try: scrh = file.string_list(work_dir+'/definitions.h',x) tmp = string.split(scrh[0]) try: # if the choice is not in the permitted list of options, # ValueError is raised and the default choice is kept. i = options_RMHD[ix].index(tmp[2]) default_RMHD[ix] = tmp[2] except ValueError: continue except IndexError: continue if AUTO_UPDATE == 0: selection = '' if (physics_module == 'RMHD'): menu.SetTitle("RMHD Menu") selection = menu.Browse(entries_RMHD, default_RMHD, options_RMHD) # selection =,options_RMHD,default_RMHD,'RMHD MENU') # ******************************************************************** # USER_DEF PARAMETERS: # # Read them from definitions.h if the file exists; # assign 'SCRH' otherwise. # ******************************************************************** i = entries.index('USER_DEF_PARAMETERS') npar = int(default[i]) u_def_par = [] if (os.path.exists(work_dir+'/definitions.h')): scrh = file.word_find(work_dir+'/definitions.h','parameters') k0 = scrh[0] + 2 scrh = file.read_lines(work_dir+'/definitions.h', k0, k0 + npar) for n in range(npar): try: x = string.split(scrh[n]) if (x[0] == "#define"): u_def_par.append(x[1]) else: u_def_par.append('SCRH') except IndexError: u_def_par.append('SCRH') # scrh[n + 1] = '#define SCRH x' else: for n in range(npar): u_def_par.append('SCRH') if AUTO_UPDATE == 0: # u_def_par = ['SCRH'] menu.SetTitle ("User-defined parameters") menu.Insert(int(default[i]),u_def_par) # menu.put(int(default[i]),u_def_par,'USER DEF SECTION') # ----------------------------------------------------- # Create the list 'tmp' that will be used to write # the new definitions.h header file # ----------------------------------------------------- tmp = [] for x in entries: i = entries.index(x) y = default[i] tmp.append('#define '+x.ljust(21)+' '+y+'\n') tmp.append('\n/* -- physics dependent declarations -- */\n\n'); if (physics_module == 'MHD'): for x in entries_MHD: i = entries_MHD.index(x) tmp.append('#define '+x.ljust(21)+' '+default_MHD[i]+'\n') if physics_module == 'HD': for x in entries_HD: i = entries_HD.index(x) tmp.append('#define '+x.ljust(21)+' '+default_HD[i]+'\n') if physics_module == 'RHD': for x in entries_RHD: i = entries_RHD.index(x) tmp.append('#define '+x.ljust(21)+' '+default_RHD[i]+'\n') if physics_module == 'RMHD': for x in entries_RMHD: i = entries_RMHD.index(x) tmp.append('#define '+x.ljust(21)+' '+default_RMHD[i]+'\n') # ***************************************** # add Chombo-AMR specific flags # ***************************************** if (WITH_CHOMBO and os.path.exists(work_dir+'/definitions.h')): scrh = file.string_list(work_dir+'/definitions.h','AMR_EN_SWITCH') tmp.append('\n/* -- Chombo-AMR flags -- */\n\n'); if (len(scrh) != 0): strsplit = string.split(scrh[0]) value = strsplit[2] tmp.append('#define AMR_EN_SWITCH '+value+'\n') else: tmp.append('#define AMR_EN_SWITCH NO\n') # ******************************************************* # add pointer names to user defined parameters # ******************************************************* tmp.append('\n/* -- pointers to user-def parameters -- */\n\n'); for x in u_def_par: i = u_def_par.index(x) tmp.append('#define '+x.ljust(16)+' '+repr(i)+'\n') # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # In this section, also, udpate the pluto.ini # initialization file by appending the correct # sequence of user defined parameters # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # menu.RestoreScreen() plutoini = work_dir+"/pluto.ini" scrh = file.string_find (plutoini, 'Parameters') ipos = scrh[0] + 2 # start reading/writing pluto.ini at this point # to build a list of the userdef parameters scrh = file.read_lines(plutoini,ipos,999) # read until end of file pname = [] pvalue = [] for x in scrh: y = string.split(x) # pname and pvalue contain the list of parameter if (len(y) == 0): continue # skip blank lines pname.append (y[0]) # names and their respective values as present pvalue.append(y[1]) # in pluto.ini for x in u_def_par: # loop on the actual list of parameters; par_exist = 0 # is the parameter already present in pluto.ini ? for y in pname: if (x == y): # if yes, use the original value instead of '0' par_exist = 1 i = pname.index(y) file.insert (plutoini, pname[i] + " " + pvalue[i] + "\n", ipos) break if (par_exist == 0): # if not, set default value to 0 file.insert (plutoini, x+' 0\n',ipos) ipos = ipos + 1 # delete all other lines in pluto.ini file.delete_lines(plutoini, ipos, ipos + 256) # *************************************************************** # check dependencies for conditional inclusion # of additional object files; this is useful # for makefile creation # *************************************************************** # additional files will be compiled # depending on the user's choice of # time integration scheme # the next line removes all elements from additional_files # and pluto_path so the list can be built from scratch # for x in additional_files: additional_files.remove(x) # for x in pluto_path : pluto_path.remove(x) additional_files[:] = [] additional_flags[:] = [] pluto_path[:] = [] divb = ' ' # ********************************************** # physics module & parabolic term treatment # ********************************************** sts_flag = 0 # if changed to 1, include the super-time-stepping driver rkc_flag = 0 # if changed to 1, include the runge-kutta-Chebyshev driver exp_flag = 0 # if changed to 1, include explicit parabolic time-stepping cur_flag = 0 # if changed to 1, include current calculation if (physics_module == 'HD'): pluto_path.append('HD/') entries_MOD = entries_HD default_MOD = default_HD n = entries_MOD.index('THERMAL_CONDUCTION') if (default_MOD[n] != 'NO'): pluto_path.append('Thermal_Conduction/') if (default_MOD[n] == 'SUPER_TIME_STEPPING'): sts_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'RK_CHEBYSHEV'): rkc_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'EXPLICIT'): exp_flag = 1 n = entries_MOD.index('VISCOSITY') if (default_MOD[n] != 'NO'): pluto_path.append('Viscosity/') if (default_MOD[n] == 'SUPER_TIME_STEPPING'): sts_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'RK_CHEBYSHEV'): rkc_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'EXPLICIT'): exp_flag = 1 elif (physics_module == 'RHD'): pluto_path.append('RHD/') entries_MOD = entries_RHD default_MOD = default_RHD elif (physics_module == 'MHD'): pluto_path.append('MHD/') entries_MOD = entries_MHD default_MOD = default_MHD n = entries_MOD.index('MHD_FORMULATION') divb = default_MOD[n] if (divb == 'CONSTRAINED_TRANSPORT'): pluto_path.append('MHD/CT/') elif (divb == 'DIV_CLEANING'): pluto_path.append('MHD/GLM/') n = entries_MOD.index('RESISTIVE_MHD') if (default_MOD[n] != 'NO'): pluto_path.append('MHD/Resistive/') cur_flag = 1 if (default_MOD[n] == 'SUPER_TIME_STEPPING'): sts_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'RK_CHEBYSHEV'): rkc_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'EXPLICIT'): exp_flag = 1 n = entries_MOD.index('HALL_MHD') if (default_MOD[n] != 'NO'): pluto_path.append('MHD/Hall/') if (default_MOD[n] == 'RIEMANN'): cur_flag = 1 n = entries_MOD.index('AMBIPOLAR_DIFFUSION') if (default_MOD[n] != 'NO'): pluto_path.append('MHD/Ambipolar/') cur_flag = 1 n = entries_MOD.index('THERMAL_CONDUCTION') if (default_MOD[n] != 'NO'): pluto_path.append('Thermal_Conduction/') if (default_MOD[n] == 'SUPER_TIME_STEPPING'): sts_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'RK_CHEBYSHEV'): rkc_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'EXPLICIT'): exp_flag = 1 n = entries_MOD.index('VISCOSITY') if (default_MOD[n] != 'NO'): pluto_path.append('Viscosity/') if (default_MOD[n] == 'SUPER_TIME_STEPPING'): sts_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'RK_CHEBYSHEV'): rkc_flag = 1 elif (default_MOD[n] == 'EXPLICIT'): exp_flag = 1 if ( cur_flag == 1): pluto_path.append('MHD/Current/') additional_flags.append(' -DNEED_CURRENT') # *************************** # need shearingbox module ? # *************************** if (WITH_SB == 1): pluto_path.append('MHD/ShearingBox/') additional_flags.append(' -DSHEARINGBOX') elif (physics_module == 'RMHD'): pluto_path.append('RMHD/') entries_MOD = entries_RMHD default_MOD = default_RMHD n = entries_MOD.index('MHD_FORMULATION') divb = default_MOD[n] if (divb == 'CONSTRAINED_TRANSPORT'): pluto_path.append('MHD/CT/') elif (divb == 'DIV_CLEANING'): pluto_path.append('MHD/GLM/') # ***************************** # Interpolation # ***************************** if (interpolation == 'FLAT'): additional_files.append('states_flat.o') elif (interpolation == 'LINEAR'): additional_files.append('states_plm.o') elif (interpolation == 'PARABOLIC'): additional_files.append('states_ppm.o') elif (interpolation == 'LimO3'): additional_files.append('states_limo3.o') elif (interpolation == 'WENO3'): additional_files.append('states_weno3.o') elif (WITH_FD): # Finite Difference additional_files.append('states_fd.o') additional_files.append('fd_reconstruct.o') additional_files.append('fd_flux.o') additional_flags.append(' -DFINITE_DIFFERENCE') # ***************************** # Time Stepping # ***************************** if (WITH_CHOMBO): # ** AMR file inclusion ** if (dimensions == 1): additional_files.append('PatchCTU.1D.o') else: if (time_stepping == 'RK_MIDPOINT'): additional_files.append('PatchRK.3D.o') elif (time_stepping == 'EULER'): additional_files.append('PatchEuler.3D.o') elif (time_stepping == 'RK2'): additional_files.append('PatchEuler.3D.o') else: additional_files.append('PatchCTU.3D.o') else: if (time_stepping == 'CHARACTERISTIC_TRACING'): if (dim_splitting == 'YES'): additional_files.append('sweep.o') else: additional_files.append('unsplit_ctu.o') elif (time_stepping == 'HANCOCK'): if (dim_splitting == 'YES'): additional_files.append('sweep.o') else: additional_files.append('unsplit_ctu.o') elif (time_stepping == 'RK_MIDPOINT'): additional_files.append('rk_midpoint.o') else: if (dim_splitting == 'YES'): additional_files.append('sweep.o') else: additional_files.append('unsplit.o') if (time_stepping == 'CHARACTERISTIC_TRACING'): additional_files.append('char_tracing.o') elif (time_stepping == 'HANCOCK'): additional_files.append('hancock.o') # if (interpolation != 'LINEAR'): # if (time_stepping == 'CHARACTERISTIC_TRACING'): # additional_files.append('states_ppm_char.o') # else: # additional_files.append('rk_states.o') # ***************************** # FARGO Scheme # ***************************** if (WITH_FARGO): pluto_path.append('Fargo/') additional_flags.append(' -DFARGO') # ***************************** # Geometry # ***************************** # additional_files.append('rhs.o') # additional_files.append('rhs.o') # if (geometry == "CARTESIAN"): # additional_files.append('rhs_cart.o') # if (geometry == "AXISYM"): # additional_files.append('cylsource.o') # ***************************** # Cooling # ***************************** n = entries.index('COOLING') if (default[n] == 'POWER_LAW'): pluto_path.append('Cooling/Power_Law/') elif (default[n] == 'TABULATED'): pluto_path.append('Cooling/Tab/') additional_files.append('cooling_source.o') additional_files.append('cooling_ode_solver.o') elif (default[n] == 'SNEq'): pluto_path.append('Cooling/SNEq/') additional_files.append('cooling_source.o') additional_files.append('cooling_ode_solver.o') elif (default[n] == 'MINEq'): pluto_path.append('Cooling/MINEq/') additional_files.append('cooling_source.o') additional_files.append('cooling_ode_solver.o') elif (default[n] == 'H2_COOL'): pluto_path.append('Cooling/H2_COOL/') additional_files.append('cooling_source.o') additional_files.append('cooling_ode_solver.o') # ********************************** # parabolic flux: file inclusion # ********************************** if (sts_flag == 1): additional_files.append('sts.o') additional_files.append('parabolic_rhs.o') if (rkc_flag == 1): additional_files.append('rkc.o') additional_files.append('parabolic_rhs.o') if (exp_flag == 1): additional_files.append('parabolic_flux.o') # ********************************************** # Vector potential # ********************************************** if (physics_module == 'MHD' or physics_module == 'RMHD'): additional_files.append('vec_pot_diff.o') if (WITH_CHOMBO == 0): additional_files.append('vec_pot_update.o') # ***************************** # Particles # ***************************** # n = entries.index('INCLUDE_PARTICLES') # if (default[n] == 'YES'): # pluto_path.append('Particles/') # **************************************************************** # DEFINE ALL NON-USER FRIENDLY CONSTANTS # **************************************************************** tmp.append('\n/* -- supplementary constants (user editable) -- */ \n\n') no_us_fr = [] no_us_fr.append('#define INITIAL_SMOOTHING NO\n') no_us_fr.append('#define WARNING_MESSAGES NO\n') no_us_fr.append('#define PRINT_TO_FILE NO\n') no_us_fr.append('#define INTERNAL_BOUNDARY NO\n') no_us_fr.append('#define SHOCK_FLATTENING NO\n') if (not WITH_FD): no_us_fr.append('#define ARTIFICIAL_VISCOSITY NO\n') no_us_fr.append('#define CHAR_LIMITING NO\n') no_us_fr.append('#define LIMITER DEFAULT\n') # add geometry-dependent switches if (geometry == "AXISYM"): no_us_fr.append('#define ADD_CYLSOURCE 1\n') # if (geometry == "POLAR" and physics_module == "HD"): # no_us_fr.append('#define FARGO_SCHEME NO\n') # add flux ct switches for MHD or RMHD if (divb == "CONSTRAINED_TRANSPORT"): no_us_fr.append('#define CT_EMF_AVERAGE UCT_HLL\n') no_us_fr.append('#define CT_EN_CORRECTION NO\n') no_us_fr.append('#define ASSIGN_VECTOR_POTENTIAL YES\n') elif (physics_module == "MHD" or physics_module == "RMHD"): no_us_fr.append('#define ASSIGN_VECTOR_POTENTIAL NO\n') if (physics_module == "MHD" or physics_module == "RMHD"): if (not WITH_CHOMBO): no_us_fr.append('#define UPDATE_VECTOR_POTENTIAL NO\n') if (time_stepping == 'HANCOCK'): if (physics_module == 'RMHD'): no_us_fr.append('#define PRIMITIVE_HANCOCK NO\n') else: no_us_fr.append('#define PRIMITIVE_HANCOCK YES\n') # add definition of STS_NU if (sts_flag == 1): no_us_fr.append('#define STS_nu 0.01\n') # *************************************************************** # Read pre-existing non-user-editable defaults; # Use the default value if they exist # *************************************************************** if (os.path.exists(work_dir+'/definitions.h')): for x in no_us_fr: try: xl = string.split(x) scrh = file.string_list(work_dir+'/definitions.h',xl[1]) no_us_fr[no_us_fr.index(x)] = scrh[0] except IndexError: continue # add elements of no_us_fr to tmp for x in no_us_fr: tmp.append(x) # -- create definitions.h -- file.create_file(work_dir+'/definitions.h',tmp) return
#Comment try: answer = 1 while answer < 3 and answer > 0: answer = int(input("What would you like to do? \n(1) Simple Calculator \n(2) Create / Edit / Read a File \n(3) Nothing \nAnswer: ")) if answer == 1: print("\nYou chose '1'.") num1 = float(input("First number: ")) num2 = float(input("Second number: ")) operator = input ("What to do with it: ") calculator.simple_calculator(num1,num2,operator) elif answer == 2: print("\nYou chose '2'.") option = input("Create, Edit, or Read a file: ") if option.lower() == "create": file.create_file() elif option.lower() == "edit": file.edit_file() elif option.lower() == "read": file.read_file() else: print("That is not an option.\n") else: print("\nYou chose '3' or a number that is out of range. Bye.") except: print("\nYou have entered an invalid answer. Bye.")