Пример #1
def main(argv):
    Merge files of the format <search_term>_####.tsv" 
    in the data_raw directory and outputs into the "merged" directory


    if validate_argv(argv) is False:
        print "Usage: mergeFiles.py <search_term>"

    input_directory_name = 'data_raw'
    search_term = argv[0]
    output_file_name = search_term + '_merged.tsv'
    output_directory_name = 'merged'

    output_path = fp.set_output_file_path(output_file_name, output_directory_name) 
    output = open(output_path, 'a')
    for h1 in range(3):
        for h2 in range(10):
            for m1 in range(6):
                for m2 in range(10):
                    file_name = search_term + '_' + str(h1) + str(h2) + str(m1) + str(m2) + '.tsv'
                    file_path = fp.get_file_path(file_name, input_directory_name)
                    if fp.filename_exists(file_path):
                        file = open(file_path, 'r')
                        for line in file:
def validate_argv(argv):
    List[String,...] -> Boolean
    Takes a command line argument and ensures that a) there are only 2 arguments and b) 1st & 2nd argument is a valid path and file.  False if any of the above are not true
    if len(argv) != 2:
        return False
    file_name = argv[0]
    input_directory_name = argv[1]
    file_path = fp.get_file_path(file_name, input_directory_name)
    if fp.filename_exists(file_path) is False:
        print "File doesn't exist"
        return False
    return True
Пример #3
def validate_argv(argv):
    List[String,...] -> Boolean
    Takes a command line argument and ensures that a) there are only 3 arguments and b) 1st & 2nd argument is a valid path and file c) 3rd argument is a positive integer. Returns False if any of the above are not true
    if len(argv) != 3:
        return False
    file_name = argv[0]
    input_directory_name = argv[1]
    n = argv[2]
    file_path = fp.get_file_path(file_name, input_directory_name)
    if fp.filename_exists(file_path) is False:
        print "File doesn't exist"
        return False
        n_int = int(n)
        if n_int < 2 or n_int > 5:
            print "n must be greater than 1 or less than 6"
            return False
        return False
        print "n must be an integer"
    return True