def hydroWithInitialCondition(argv): """ Run hydro using intitial conditions specified in a source folder. Usage: direct_init_filename source_folder destination_folder hydro_executable and parameters """ initial_dir = "Initial" # check argument and get directories if len(argv) < 4: print( "Usage: direct_init_filename source_folder destination_folder hydro_executable and parameters" ) exit() else: direct_init_file = argv[1] sourceDir = argv[2] targetDir = argv[3] current_dir = getcwd() # get hydro_executable and parameters executable = " ".join(argv[4:]) # get those initial conditions that already exist makeDir(targetDir) files_exist = [] for aDir in ls(targetDir, "dir"): files_exist = union( [files_exist, ls(path.join(targetDir, aDir, initial_dir), "file")]) # the big loop for init_file in ls(sourceDir, "file"): # first check if this initial has already be used if init_file in files_exist: print("\n********************************\n") print("Initial file" + " " + init_file + " " + "already exists; skipping it.") continue run("rm ./Initial/*") print( "\n=============================================================\n" ) print("Using" + " " + path.join(sourceDir, init_file) + "...") copy(path.join(sourceDir, init_file), path.join(current_dir, initial_dir, init_file)) copy(path.join(sourceDir, init_file), path.join(current_dir, initial_dir, direct_init_file)) print("python ./" + " " + targetDir + " " + executable) run("python ./" + " " + targetDir + " " + executable)
def hydroWithInitialCondition(argv): """ Run hydro using intitial conditions specified in a source folder. Usage: direct_init_filename source_folder destination_folder hydro_executable and parameters """ initial_dir = "Initial"; # check argument and get directories if len(argv)<4: print("Usage: direct_init_filename source_folder destination_folder hydro_executable and parameters"); exit(); else: direct_init_file=argv[1]; sourceDir=argv[2]; targetDir=argv[3]; current_dir = getcwd(); # get hydro_executable and parameters executable = " ".join(argv[4:]); # get those initial conditions that already exist makeDir(targetDir); files_exist = []; for aDir in ls(targetDir, "dir"): files_exist = union([files_exist, ls(path.join(targetDir, aDir, initial_dir), "file")]); # the big loop for init_file in ls(sourceDir, "file"): # first check if this initial has already be used if init_file in files_exist: print("\n********************************\n"); print("Initial file"+" "+init_file+" "+"already exists; skipping it."); continue; run("rm ./Initial/*"); print("\n=============================================================\n"); print("Using"+" "+path.join(sourceDir, init_file)+"..."); copy(path.join(sourceDir, init_file), path.join(current_dir, initial_dir, init_file)); copy(path.join(sourceDir, init_file), path.join(current_dir, initial_dir, direct_init_file)); print("python ./" + " " + targetDir + " " + executable); run("python ./" + " " + targetDir + " " + executable);
def record_hydro(argv): """ Run the commands specified by argv[2:] then copy the generated data files to a uniquely generated directory under argv[1]. """ properEndingString1 = "Early" # if this string is not found, the program must stoped in the middle properEndingString2 = "Decoupling" if len(argv) > 1: # generate necessary strings unique_signature = "-".join( argv[2:]) + "--" + strftime("%Y-%m-%d@%H:%M:%S") # for debug: print unique_signature store_rel_path = unique_signature logfile = unique_signature + ".log" exe_line = " ".join(argv[2:]) + " | tee " + logfile # clean up first run("bash ./") # execute hydro code (presumably) print "Executing " + exe_line + "..." run(exe_line) # copy data files tmpfile = open(path.join(getcwd(), logfile)) tmpBuffer = if ((properEndingString1 in tmpBuffer) or (properEndingString2 in tmpBuffer)): # program normally exited print("Program quit normally, copy data now.") # create target directory store_path = path.join(argv[1], store_rel_path) store_path = makeDir(store_path, "new") # get the next available dir run("bash ./" + " " + str(getcwd()) + " " + store_path) else: print("Error in executation.") # clean up again run("bash ./") else: print "Usage: record base-dir-path command (with parameters)"
def record_hydro(argv): """ Run the commands specified by argv[2:] then copy the generated data files to a uniquely generated directory under argv[1]. """ properEndingString1 = "Early" # if this string is not found, the program must stoped in the middle properEndingString2 = "Decoupling" if len(argv) > 1: # generate necessary strings unique_signature = "-".join(argv[2:])+"--"+strftime("%Y-%m-%d@%H:%M:%S") # for debug: print unique_signature store_rel_path = unique_signature logfile = unique_signature+".log" exe_line = " ".join(argv[2:])+" | tee "+logfile # clean up first run("bash ./") # execute hydro code (presumably) print "Executing " + exe_line + "..." run(exe_line) # copy data files tmpfile = open(path.join(getcwd(), logfile)) tmpBuffer = if ((properEndingString1 in tmpBuffer) or (properEndingString2 in tmpBuffer)): # program normally exited print("Program quit normally, copy data now."); # create target directory store_path = path.join(argv[1],store_rel_path); store_path = makeDir(store_path, "new"); # get the next available dir run("bash ./"+" "+str(getcwd())+" "+store_path) else: print("Error in executation.") # clean up again run("bash ./") else: print "Usage: record base-dir-path command (with parameters)"