def title_screen(screen, screen_rect): in_title_screen = True # Load background_image = load_image(background_file) main_title_image = load_image('ccc_pumptrack_attack_title.png') # Main Theme load_music(main_theme) while in_title_screen: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT or event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: return # Draw Background background_rect = background_image.get_rect() background_rect.left, = [0, 0] screen.fill(colors.white) screen.blit(background_image, background_rect) main_title_image_rect = main_title_image.get_rect() = (screen_rect.size[0] / 2 + 20, screen_rect.size[1] / 2 - 80) screen.blit(main_title_image, main_title_image_rect) press_any_key = text_format("Press any key to continue", MENU_FONT, 18, colors.white) press_any_key_rect = press_any_key.get_rect() = (screen_rect.size[0] / 2, 500) screen.blit(press_any_key, press_any_key_rect) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(30)
def leaderboard_menu(screen, menu_logos): in_leaderboard_menu = True # Load background_image = load_image(background_file) menu_line = load_image(menu_line_file) leaderboard_list = load_leaderboard() while in_leaderboard_menu: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT or \ (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE): return # Draw Background background_rect = background_image.get_rect() background_rect.left, = [0, 0] screen.fill([255, 255, 255]) screen.blit(background_image, background_rect) # Draw Logos menu_logos.draw(screen) title = text_format(TITLE_TEXT, MENU_FONT, 50, colors.white) screen.blit(title, (150, 220)) position_header_text = text_format("POSITION", MENU_FONT, 16, colors.white) screen.blit(position_header_text, (150, 300)) time_header_text = text_format("TIME (seconds)", MENU_FONT, 16, colors.white) screen.blit(time_header_text, (300, 300)) name_header_text = text_format("NAME", MENU_FONT, 16, colors.white) screen.blit(name_header_text, (500, 300)) screen.blit(menu_line, (150, 320)) for place in range(10): y_position = 330 + place * 16 place_text = text_format( str(place + 1) + ".", MENU_FONT, 16, colors.white) time_text = text_format(leaderboard_list[place][0], MENU_FONT, 16, colors.white) name_text = text_format(leaderboard_list[place][1], MENU_FONT, 16, colors.white) screen.blit(place_text, (150, y_position)) screen.blit(time_text, (300, y_position)) screen.blit(name_text, (500, y_position)) screen.blit(menu_line, (150, 500)) press_escape_text = text_format( "Press 'Escape' key to return to the Main Menu", MENU_FONT, 16, colors.white) screen.blit(press_escape_text, (150, 520)) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(30)
def splash_intro(screen): intro = True while intro: for event in pygame.event.get(): print(event) if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() quit() screen.fill(black) splash_fps = fileUtils.load_image("fps_logo.png") splash_fps_rect = splash_fps.get_rect() = (DISPLAY_WIDTH / 2, DISPLAY_HEIGHT / 2) splash_ccc = fileUtils.load_image("ccc_logo.png") splash_ccc = pygame.transform.smoothscale(splash_ccc, (300, 300)) splash_ccc_rect = splash_ccc.get_rect() = (DISPLAY_WIDTH / 2, DISPLAY_HEIGHT / 2) splash_pygame = fileUtils.load_image("pygame-badge-SMA.png") splash_pygame_rect = splash_pygame.get_rect() = (DISPLAY_WIDTH / 2, DISPLAY_HEIGHT / 2) fade_in(screen, splash_fps, splash_fps_rect) pygame.time.wait(1000) fade_out(screen, splash_fps, splash_fps_rect) fade_in(screen, splash_ccc, splash_ccc_rect) pygame.time.wait(1000) fade_out(screen, splash_ccc, splash_ccc_rect) fade_in(screen, splash_pygame, splash_pygame_rect) pygame.time.wait(1000) fade_out(screen, splash_pygame, splash_pygame_rect) intro = False
def settings_menu(menu_logos): menu = True selected = 0 # Load background_image = load_image(background_file) menu_line = load_image(menu_line_file) while menu: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT or \ (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE): return if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_UP: if selected <= 0: selected = len(menu_options) - 1 else: selected -= 1 elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: if selected == len(menu_options) - 1: selected = 0 else: selected += 1 if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN: if selected == 0: change_sound_volume() if selected == 1: change_music_volume() if selected == 2: toggle_full_screen() if selected == 3: menu = False # Draw Background background_rect = background_image.get_rect() background_rect.left, = [0, 0] screen = pygame.display.get_surface() screen.fill([255, 255, 255]) screen.blit(background_image, background_rect) # Draw Logos menu_logos.draw(screen) # Main Menu UI # screen.fill(colors.light_blue) title = text_format(TITLE_TEXT, MENU_FONT, 50, colors.white) sfx_volume = MENU_SFX_VOLUME + str(int(pygame.mixer.Channel(0).get_volume() * 10)) music_volume = MENU_MUSIC_VOLUME + str(int(*10)) full_screen_mode = MENU_FULL_SCREEN_MODE + is_full_screen() if selected == 0: text_start = text_format(sfx_volume, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.white) else: text_start = text_format(sfx_volume, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.light_gray) if selected == 1: text_settings = text_format(music_volume, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.white) else: text_settings = text_format(music_volume, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.light_gray) if selected == 2: text_credits = text_format(full_screen_mode, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.white) else: text_credits = text_format(full_screen_mode, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.light_gray) if selected == 3: text_quit = text_format(MENU_RETURN, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.white) else: text_quit = text_format(MENU_RETURN, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.light_gray) text_option_description = text_format(menu_options_descriptions[selected], MENU_FONT, 16, colors.white) # Main Menu Text screen.blit(title, (150, 220)) screen.blit(menu_line, (150, 320)) screen.blit(text_start, (150, 340)) screen.blit(text_settings, (150, 370)) screen.blit(text_credits, (150, 400)) screen.blit(text_quit, (150, 460)) screen.blit(menu_line, (150, 500)) screen.blit(text_option_description, (150, 520)) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(30)
def __init__(self): self.menu_line = load_image(menu_line_file)
def main_menu(screen, screen_rect): menu = True selected = 0 menu_logos = MenuLogos() # Load background_image = load_image(background_file) menu_line = load_image(menu_line_file) menu_logos.load() while menu: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() quit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_UP: if selected <= 0: selected = len(menu_options) - 1 else: selected -= 1 elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: if selected == len(menu_options) - 1: selected = 0 else: selected += 1 if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN: if selected == 0: game_play(screen, screen_rect) if selected == 1: settings_menu(menu_logos) if selected == 2: leaderboard_menu(screen, menu_logos) if selected == 3: credits_menu(screen, menu_logos) if selected == 4: pygame.quit() quit() # Draw Background background_rect = background_image.get_rect() background_rect.left, = [0, 0] screen.fill([255, 255, 255]) screen.blit(background_image, background_rect) # Draw Logos menu_logos.draw(screen) # Main Menu UI title = text_format(TITLE_TEXT, MENU_FONT, 50, colors.white) if selected == 0: text_start = text_format(MENU_START, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.white) else: text_start = text_format(MENU_START, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.light_gray) if selected == 1: text_settings = text_format(MENU_SETTINGS, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.white) else: text_settings = text_format(MENU_SETTINGS, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.light_gray) if selected == 2: text_leaderboard = text_format(MENU_LEADERBOARD, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.white) else: text_leaderboard = text_format(MENU_LEADERBOARD, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.light_gray) if selected == 3: text_credits = text_format(MENU_CREDITS, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.white) else: text_credits = text_format(MENU_CREDITS, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.light_gray) if selected == 4: text_quit = text_format(MENU_QUIT, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.white) else: text_quit = text_format(MENU_QUIT, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.light_gray) text_option_description = text_format( menu_options_descriptions[selected], MENU_FONT, 16, colors.white) # Main Menu Text screen.blit(title, (150, 220)) screen.blit(menu_line, (150, 320)) screen.blit(text_start, (150, 340)) screen.blit(text_settings, (150, 370)) screen.blit(text_leaderboard, (150, 400)) screen.blit(text_credits, (150, 430)) screen.blit(text_quit, (150, 460)) screen.blit(menu_line, (150, 500)) screen.blit(text_option_description, (150, 520)) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(30)
def __init__(self): self.menu_line = load_image(menu_line_file) self.leaderboard_list = load_leaderboard()
def game_play(screen, screen_rect): playing = True game_state = GameState.STARTING number_of_laps = 2 # Load images, assign to sprite classes img = fileUtils.load_image('rider1-placeholder.png') Player.images = [img, pygame.transform.flip(img, 1, 0)] # decorate the game window # icon = pygame.transform.scale(Rider.images[0], (32, 32)) # pygame.display.set_icon(icon) # pygame.display.set_caption('Pygame Aliens') # pygame.mouse.set_visible(0) # create the background, tile the bgd image background = fileUtils.load_image('pumptrack.png') background_rect = background.get_rect() screen.blit(background, background_rect) pygame.display.flip() background_in_alpha = pygame.Surface( (screen_rect.size[0], screen_rect.size[1])) background_in_alpha.set_alpha(128) background_in_alpha.fill( # load the sound effects # shoot_sound = load_sound('car_door.wav') """if pygame.mixer: music = os.path.join(main_dir, 'data', 'house_lo.wav')""" # fileUtils.load_music("Lame_Drivers_-_01_-_Frozen_Egg.mp3") # # Initialize Game Groups aliens = pygame.sprite.Group() all = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() lastalien = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle() # assign default groups to each sprite class Player.containers = all Rider.containers = aliens, all, lastalien TimeCounter.containers = all # Create Some Starting Values clock = pygame.time.Clock() # initialize our starting sprites player = Player(screen_rect, way_points_pump_track, True) time_counter = TimeCounter() time_countdown = CountDown() game_over = GameOverScreen() pause_menu = PauseScreen() if pygame.font: all.add(time_counter) button_down = False while playing: # get input for event in pygame.event.get(): game_over_state = game_over.update_input(event) if game_over_state == GameOverState.RESTART: game_state = GameState.RESTART elif game_over_state == GameOverState.QUIT: return quit_game = pause_menu.update_input(event) if quit_game: return if event.type == pygame.QUIT \ or (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE and game_state == GameState.PLAYING): game_state = GameState.PAUSED if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN \ and event.key == pygame.K_SPACE \ and button_down is False \ and game_state == GameState.PLAYING: button_down = True all.clear(screen, background) all.update() # player.update_state(game_state) time_counter.set_state(game_state) time_countdown.set_state(game_state) game_over.set_state(game_state) time_countdown.update() if time_countdown.countdown <= 0 and game_state == GameState.STARTING: game_state = GameState.PLAYING screen.blit(background, background_rect) pygame.display.flip() if game_state == GameState.PLAYING: player.pump() if button_down is True: player.add_pump() button_down = False if player.lap >= number_of_laps: game_state = GameState.GAME_OVER game_over.set_final_time(time_counter.time_in_millis) if game_state == GameState.STARTING: time_countdown.draw(screen, screen_rect, background, background_in_alpha) pygame.display.update() if game_state == GameState.PAUSED: pause_menu.draw(screen, screen_rect, background, background_in_alpha) pygame.display.update() if game_state == GameState.GAME_OVER: game_over.draw(screen, screen_rect, background, background_in_alpha) pygame.display.update() if game_state == GameState.RESTART: clock = pygame.time.Clock() player = Player(screen_rect, way_points_pump_track, True) time_counter = TimeCounter() time_countdown = CountDown() game_state = GameState.STARTING dirty = all.draw(screen) pygame.display.update(dirty) clock.tick(30)
def credits_menu(screen, menu_logos): in_credits_menu = True selected = 0 # Load background_image = load_image(background_file) menu_line = load_image(menu_line_file) while in_credits_menu: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT or \ (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE): return if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_UP: if selected <= 0: selected = len(menu_options) - 1 else: selected -= 1 elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: if selected == len(menu_options) - 1: selected = 0 else: selected += 1 if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN: if selected == 0: go_to_web(CCC_URL) if selected == 1: go_to_web(CCC_FACEBOOK_URL) if selected == 2: return # Draw Background background_rect = background_image.get_rect() background_rect.left, = [0, 0] screen.fill([255, 255, 255]) screen.blit(background_image, background_rect) # Draw Logos menu_logos.draw(screen) title = text_format(TITLE_TEXT, MENU_FONT, 50, colors.white) screen.blit(title, (150, 220)) developed_by = text_format( "DEVELOPED BY FERRAN PONS (PROGRAMMING AND GRAPHICS)", MENU_FONT, 16, colors.white) screen.blit(developed_by, (150, 300)) screen.blit(menu_line, (150, 320)) if selected == 0: text_ccc_about = text_format(MENU_ABOUT_CCC, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.white) else: text_ccc_about = text_format(MENU_ABOUT_CCC, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.light_gray) if selected == 1: text_ccc_facebook = text_format(MENU_GO_TO_WEB, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.white) else: text_ccc_facebook = text_format(MENU_GO_TO_WEB, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.light_gray) if selected == 2: text_quit = text_format(MENU_RETURN, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.white) else: text_quit = text_format(MENU_RETURN, MENU_FONT, 25, colors.light_gray) text_option_description = text_format( menu_options_descriptions[selected], MENU_FONT, 16, colors.white) screen.blit(text_ccc_about, (150, 340)) screen.blit(text_ccc_facebook, (150, 370)) screen.blit(text_quit, (150, 460)) screen.blit(menu_line, (150, 500)) screen.blit(text_option_description, (150, 520)) music_title_text = text_format("MUSIC", MENU_FONT, 18, colors.white) screen.blit(music_title_text, (800, 300)) screw_wave = text_format("Screw Wave by Windom Earle", MENU_FONT, 16, colors.white) screen.blit(screw_wave, (800, 330)) screw_wave_license = \ text_format("licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.", MENU_FONT, 10, colors.white) screen.blit(screw_wave_license, (800, 350)) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(30)