Пример #1
def sample_strategy_from_mixed(env, str_set, mix_str, identity):

    if not isinstance(mix_str,np.ndarray):
        raise ValueError("mix_str in sample func is not a numpy array.")

    if not len(str_set) == len(mix_str):
        raise ValueError("Length of mixed strategies does not match number of strategies.")

    picked_str = np.random.choice(str_set,p=mix_str)
    if not fp.isInName('.pkl', name = picked_str):
        raise ValueError('The strategy picked is not a pickle file.')

    if identity == 0: # pick a defender's strategy
        path = DIR + 'defender_strategies/'
    elif identity == 1:
        path = DIR + 'attacker_strategies/'
        raise ValueError("identity is neither 0 or 1!")

    if not fp.isExist(path + picked_str):
        raise ValueError('The strategy picked does not exist!')

    #TODO: assign nn info from game
    act = deepq.learn(
        network=models.mlp(num_hidden=256, num_layers=1),
        load_path= path + picked_str

    return act
Пример #2
def gambit_analysis(timeout):
    if not fp.isExist(gambit_DIR):
        raise ValueError(".nfg file does not exist!")
    command_str = "gambit-lcp -q " + os.getcwd(
    ) + "/gambit_data/payoffmatrix.nfg > " + os.getcwd(
    ) + "/gambit_data/nash.txt"
    subproc.call_and_wait_with_timeout(command_str, timeout)
Пример #3
def load_json_data(json_file):
    Loads the data from the file as Json into a new object.
    if not fp.isExist(DIR_json + json_file):
        raise ValueError(DIR_json + json_file + " does not exist.")
    with open(DIR_json + json_file) as data_file:
        result = json.load(data_file)
        return result
Пример #4
 def add_def_str(self, str_name):
     if not fp.isExist(self.dir_def + str_name):
         raise ValueError("This strategy does not exist.")
     if '_def' not in str_name:
         raise ValueError("This may not be a defender's strategy due to no def sign")
     if not isinstance(str_name,str):
         raise ValueError("The name to be added is not a str." )
     print(str_name + " has been added to defender's strategy set")
Пример #5
def sample_both_strategies(env, att_str_set, att_mix_str, def_str_set, def_mix_str):

    if not len(att_str_set) == len(att_mix_str):
        raise ValueError("Length of mixed strategies does not match number of strategies for the attacker.")
    if not len(def_str_set) == len(def_mix_str):
        raise ValueError("Length of mixed strategies does not match number of strategies for the defender.")

    att_picked_str = np.random.choice(att_str_set, p=att_mix_str)
    def_picked_str = np.random.choice(def_str_set, p=def_mix_str)

    if not fp.isInName('.pkl', name=def_picked_str):
        raise ValueError('The strategy picked is not a pickle file for the defender.')
    if not fp.isInName('.pkl', name=att_picked_str):
        raise ValueError('The strategy picked is not a pickle file for the attacker.')

    path_def = DIR + 'defender_strategies/'
    path_att = DIR + 'attacker_strategies/'

    if not fp.isExist(path_def + def_picked_str):
        raise ValueError('The strategy picked does not exist for the defender!')
    if not fp.isExist(path_att + att_picked_str):
        raise ValueError('The strategy picked does not exist for the attacker!')

    act_att = deepq.learn(
        network=models.mlp(num_hidden=256, num_layers=1),
        load_path=path_att + att_picked_str

    act_def = deepq.learn(
        network=models.mlp(num_hidden=256, num_layers=1),
        load_path= path_def + def_picked_str

    return act_att, act_def
Пример #6
def decode_gambit_file():
    nash_DIR = os.getcwd() + '/gambit_data/nash.txt'
    if not fp.isExist(nash_DIR):
        raise ValueError("nash.txt file does not exist!")
    with open(nash_DIR, 'r') as f:
        nash = f.readline()
        if len(nash.strip()) == 0:
            return 0, 0

    nash = nash[3:]
    nash = nash.split(',')
    new_nash = []
    for i in range(len(nash)):

    new_nash = np.array(new_nash)
    new_nash = np.round(new_nash, decimals=2)
    nash_def = new_nash[:int(len(new_nash) / 2)]
    nash_att = new_nash[int(len(new_nash) / 2):]

    return nash_att, nash_def