Пример #1
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) not in [5, 6]:
        print 'Usage:python %s data_type objective_function run_num go/no_go go_num <if go>' % sys.argv[0]

    # Sort out command line arguments.
    data_type, objective_function, run_num, network = sys.argv[1:5]
    assert data_type == 'mouse' or data_type.isdigit()
    assert objective_function in ['oclode', 'schaeffer', 'wlogv']
    assert run_num.isdigit()
    assert network in ['go', 'no_go']

    if data_type.isdigit():
        data_type = file_operations.get_tcga_disease_list()[int(data_type)]

    # Construct the results folders if it's the first time.
    results_folder = './results/%s_results/' % data_type
    if not os.path.exists(results_folder):
    obj_func_folder = results_folder + 'wlogv/'
    if not os.path.exists(obj_func_folder):
        os.makedirs(obj_func_folder + 'clus_info_no_go/')
        os.makedirs(obj_func_folder + 'clus_info_go/')
        os.makedirs(obj_func_folder + 'cluster_enrichment_terms_go/')
        os.makedirs(obj_func_folder + 'cluster_enrichment_terms_no_go/')
        os.makedirs(obj_func_folder + 'cluster_eval_no_go/')
        os.makedirs(obj_func_folder + 'clusters_go/')
        os.makedirs(obj_func_folder + 'cluster_eval_go/')
        os.makedirs(obj_func_folder + 'clusters_no_go/')
    plot_folder = results_folder + 'comparison_plots/'
    if not os.path.exists(plot_folder):

    config_dct = file_operations.read_config_file(data_type)[run_num]
    temp = config_dct['temp']
    num_clusters = config_dct['num_clusters']

    # Get the binary associated with the desired objective function.
    if objective_function == 'oclode':
        binary = '''./OCLODE/makedir/OCLODE_efficient'''
    elif objective_function == 'schaeffer':
        binary = './SchaefferScore/makedir/SchaefferImplementNotWeighted'
        binary = './WlogV/makedir/WlogVImplement'

    # Build the command.
    command = '%s %s 1 0 "./data/%s_data/orth.txt" 1 ' % (binary, num_clusters,
    command += '"./data/%s_data/networks_%s/network_%s_%s' % (data_type, network,
        network, run_num)

    if network == 'go':
        go_num = sys.argv[5]
        command += '_%s' % go_num

    command += '.txt" -t %s 2>log > "./results/%s_results/%s/clusters_%s/clusters_%s_%s' % (
        temp, data_type, objective_function, network, network, run_num)

    if network == 'go':
        command += '_%s' % go_num

    command += '.txt"'

    # Execute the command in the shell.
    print command
    subprocess.call(command, shell=True)