import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from file_reader import Run
from plotting import plot_runs

log = True
voltage = False

nxpath_off = "vuv_height_comparison_and_first_data/807NX turn/One eighth inch above center of sample/"
nx30_off = Run(nxpath_off + "2018_08_29__16_49_57.txt")
nx45_off = Run(nxpath_off + "2018_08_29__16_55_41.txt")
nx60_off = Run(nxpath_off + "2018_08_29__17_01_55.txt")
# no 75 degree measurement taken

nxpath = "vuv_height_comparison_and_first_data/807NX turn/Center of sample/"
nx30 = Run(nxpath + "2018_08_29__15_57_32.txt")
nx45 = Run(nxpath + "2018_08_29__16_02_55.txt")
nx60 = Run(nxpath + "2018_08_29__16_08_16.txt")
nx75 = Run(nxpath + "2018_08_29__16_13_39.txt")

m18path = "vuv_height_comparison_and_first_data/M18 turn/center of sample/"
m1830 = Run(m18path + "2018_08_30__15_16_18.txt")
m1845 = Run(m18path + "2018_08_30__15_22_02.txt")
m1860 = Run(m18path + "2018_08_30__15_29_09.txt")
m1875 = Run(m18path + "2018_08_30__15_35_27.txt")

m18path_off = "vuv_height_comparison_and_first_data/M18 turn/old/Good data/"
m1830_off = Run(m18path_off + "2018_08_28__17_26_14.txt")
m1845_off = Run(m18path_off + "2018_08_28__17_34_54.txt")
m1860_off = Run(m18path_off + "2018_08_28__17_43_46.txt")
m1875_off = Run(m18path_off + "2018_08_28__17_52_54.txt")
Пример #2
# 	seaborn.choose_cubehelix_palette()
# Choosing color schemes (more geared toward UI development):
# Note that perceptual uniformity isn't important for discrete color sets (only real maps where value->color)
# For plots, just care that b&w values are distinguishable and preferably monotonic
# gist_earth even stopping at 0.9 gets too light at the end; same for plasma, inferno (stopping at 1.0)
# tab20b isn't monotonic in grayscale
# viridis is good

import seaborn as sns

# Second LXe run
path = "2nd Xenon Run Measurements\\"

# Second run, data at different wavelengths
s9_400nm_30 = Run(path + "400 nm measurements\\Power and sample 9 reflectivity measurements\\2018_12_06__18_12_04.txt")
s9_400nm_45 = Run(path + "400 nm measurements\\Power and sample 9 reflectivity measurements\\2018_12_06__18_06_45.txt")
s9_400nm_52 = Run(path + "400 nm measurements\\Power and sample 9 reflectivity measurements\\2018_12_06__18_01_31.txt")
s9_400nm_60 = Run(path + "400 nm measurements\\Power and sample 9 reflectivity measurements\\2018_12_06__17_55_29.txt") 
s9_400nm_67 = Run(path + "400 nm measurements\\Power and sample 9 reflectivity measurements\\2018_12_06__17_50_00.txt")
s9_400nm_75 = Run(path + "400 nm measurements\\Power and sample 9 reflectivity measurements\\2018_12_06__17_44_20.txt")
angle_shifts_s9_400nm=[28, 45, 50, 58, 65, 74]

s9_300nm_30 = Run(path + "300 nm measurements\\Power and sample 9 reflectivity measurements\\2018_12_06__17_13_09.txt")
s9_300nm_45 = Run(path + "300 nm measurements\\Power and sample 9 reflectivity measurements\\2018_12_06__17_07_12.txt")
s9_300nm_52 = Run(path + "300 nm measurements\\Power and sample 9 reflectivity measurements\\2018_12_06__17_01_52.txt")
s9_300nm_60 = Run(path + "300 nm measurements\\Power and sample 9 reflectivity measurements\\2018_12_06__16_56_28.txt")
s9_300nm_67 = Run(path + "300 nm measurements\\Power and sample 9 reflectivity measurements\\2018_12_06__16_51_05.txt")
s9_300nm_75 = Run(path + "300 nm measurements\\Power and sample 9 reflectivity measurements\\2018_12_06__16_45_01.txt")
angle_shifts_s9_300nm=[30, 45, 52, 60, 65, 77]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from file_reader import Run, get_independent_variables_and_relative_intensities
from plotting import plot_runs, plot_TSTR_fit
from TSTR_fit_new import fit_parameters, fit_parameters_and_angle, fitter, BRIDF_plotter, reflectance_diffuse, reflectance_specular, BRIDF
import time

path_run1 = "First Xe Run Measurements\\first measurements with no bubbles in cell 11-01-2\\"
vacuum_path = "First Xe Run Measurements\\follow-up vacuum measurements\\"

vacuum_1_path = vacuum_path + "Sample 1\\"
v1_75 = Run(vacuum_1_path + "2018_11_09__13_41_18.txt")
v1_67 = Run(vacuum_1_path + "2018_11_09__13_47_53.txt")
v1_60 = Run(vacuum_1_path + "2018_11_09__13_55_54.txt")
v1_52 = Run(vacuum_1_path + "2018_11_09__14_02_45.txt")
v1_45 = Run(vacuum_1_path + "2018_11_09__14_08_54.txt")
v1_30 = Run(vacuum_1_path + "2018_11_09__14_14_55.txt")
vacuum_1_runs = [v1_30, v1_45, v1_52, v1_60, v1_67, v1_75]

vacuum_9_path = vacuum_path + "Sample 9\\"
v9_75 = Run(vacuum_9_path + "2018_11_09__14_22_32.txt")
v9_67 = Run(vacuum_9_path + "2018_11_09__14_33_41.txt")
v9_60 = Run(vacuum_9_path + "2018_11_09__14_40_54.txt")
v9_52 = Run(vacuum_9_path + "2018_11_09__14_47_23.txt")
v9_45 = Run(vacuum_9_path + "2018_11_09__14_53_56.txt")
v9_30 = Run(vacuum_9_path + "2018_11_09__15_00_15.txt")
vacuum_9_runs = [v9_30, v9_45, v9_52, v9_60, v9_67, v9_75]

path = "2nd Xenon Run Measurements\\"
#path = "vuv_height_comparison_and_first_data/M18 turn polished/center of sample/"
# m18pol30 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__11_23_42.txt") 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from file_reader import Run, get_independent_variables_and_relative_intensities
from plotting import plot_runs, plot_TSTR_fit
from TSTR_fit_new import fit_parameters, fit_parameters_and_angle, fit_parameters_grid, fitter, BRIDF_plotter, reflectance_diffuse, reflectance_specular, BRIDF, chi_squared
import time

path_run1 = "First Xe Run Measurements\\first measurements with no bubbles in cell 11-01-2\\"
vacuum_path = "First Xe Run Measurements\\follow-up vacuum measurements\\"

vacuum_1_path = vacuum_path + "Sample 1\\"
v1_75 = Run(vacuum_1_path + "2018_11_09__13_41_18.txt")
v1_67 = Run(vacuum_1_path + "2018_11_09__13_47_53.txt")
v1_60 = Run(vacuum_1_path + "2018_11_09__13_55_54.txt")
v1_52 = Run(vacuum_1_path + "2018_11_09__14_02_45.txt")
v1_45 = Run(vacuum_1_path + "2018_11_09__14_08_54.txt")
v1_30 = Run(vacuum_1_path + "2018_11_09__14_14_55.txt")
vacuum_1_runs = [v1_30, v1_45, v1_52, v1_60, v1_67, v1_75]

vacuum_9_path = vacuum_path + "Sample 9\\"
v9_75 = Run(vacuum_9_path + "2018_11_09__14_22_32.txt")
v9_67 = Run(vacuum_9_path + "2018_11_09__14_33_41.txt")
v9_60 = Run(vacuum_9_path + "2018_11_09__14_40_54.txt")
v9_52 = Run(vacuum_9_path + "2018_11_09__14_47_23.txt")
v9_45 = Run(vacuum_9_path + "2018_11_09__14_53_56.txt")
v9_30 = Run(vacuum_9_path + "2018_11_09__15_00_15.txt")
vacuum_9_runs = [v9_30, v9_45, v9_52, v9_60, v9_67, v9_75]

path = "2nd Xenon Run Measurements\\"
#path = "vuv_height_comparison_and_first_data/M18 turn polished/center of sample/"
# m18pol30 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__11_23_42.txt")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from file_reader import Run, get_independent_variables_and_relative_intensities
from plotting import plot_runs, plot_TSTR_fit
from TSTR_fit_new import fit_parameters, BRIDF_plotter, reflectance_diffuse, reflectance_specular

m18path = "vuv_height_comparison_and_first_data/M18 turn/center of sample/"
m1830 = Run(m18path + "2018_08_30__15_16_18.txt")
m1845 = Run(m18path + "2018_08_30__15_22_02.txt")
m1860 = Run(m18path + "2018_08_30__15_29_09.txt")
m1875 = Run(m18path + "2018_08_30__15_35_27.txt")

runs = [m1830, m1845, m1860, m1875]

          title="M18 turn, 175nm",
          labels=["30 degrees", "45 degrees", "60 degrees", "75 degrees"])

fit_params = fit_parameters(
plot_TSTR_fit(30., 1., fit_params, label="fitted", color="k")
plot_TSTR_fit(45., 1., fit_params, color="k")
plot_TSTR_fit(60., 1., fit_params, color="k")
plot_TSTR_fit(75., 1., fit_params, color="k")


x = [30, 45, 60, 75]

y_diffuse = [reflectance_diffuse(theta, 1., 0.5, fit_params) for theta in x]
Пример #6
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from file_reader import plot_runs, Run

path = "LZ_skived_tests/"

runs_unmarked = [
    Run(path + "2018_06_13__16_11_58.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_13__16_19_19.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_13__16_25_51.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_13__16_33_40.txt")

# reversed in time because I went outer to inner
runs_unmarked_adjusted = [
    Run(path + "2018_06_13__17_02_41.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_13__16_59_03.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_13__16_55_14.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_13__16_50_48.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_13__16_47_03.txt")

runs_marked = [
    Run(path + "2018_06_14__12_32_29.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_14__12_36_26.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_14__12_40_10.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_14__12_44_20.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_14__12_48_09.txt")

#TODO compare with 30 rather than with power measurement, don't change within 5 percent
mirror_path = "Vacuum measurements after 3rd xenon run/Jan 9-12/Mirror alignment/Blue height 2/"

# must be in ascending angle order
mirror_filenames_and_angles = [
[30., mirror_path + "2019_01_10__16_03_43.txt"],
[45., mirror_path + "2019_01_10__16_01_50.txt"],
[52., mirror_path + "2019_01_10__16_00_07.txt"],
[60., mirror_path + "2019_01_10__15_58_07.txt"],
[67., mirror_path + "2019_01_10__15_56_24.txt"],
[75., mirror_path + "2019_01_10__15_53_05.txt"]

path = "Vacuum measurements after 3rd xenon run/Jan 9-12/LUX/178nm/"

v_75 = Run(path + "2019_01_11__11_31_13.txt")
v_67 = Run(path + "2019_01_11__11_36_08.txt")
v_60 = Run(path + "2019_01_11__11_40_55.txt")
v_52 = Run(path + "2019_01_11__11_45_38.txt")
v_45 = Run(path + "2019_01_11__11_50_42.txt")
v_30 = Run(path + "2019_01_11__11_55_48.txt")

v_75c = Run(path + "2019_01_11__11_31_13.txt", mirror_filenames_and_angles)
v_67c = Run(path + "2019_01_11__11_36_08.txt", mirror_filenames_and_angles)
v_60c = Run(path + "2019_01_11__11_40_55.txt", mirror_filenames_and_angles)
v_52c = Run(path + "2019_01_11__11_45_38.txt", mirror_filenames_and_angles)
v_45c = Run(path + "2019_01_11__11_50_42.txt", mirror_filenames_and_angles)
v_30c = Run(path + "2019_01_11__11_55_48.txt", mirror_filenames_and_angles)

all_runs = [v_30, v_45, v_52, v_60, v_67, v_75]
all_runsc = [v_30c, v_45c, v_52c, v_60c, v_67c, v_75c]
Пример #8
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import numpy as np
from file_reader import Run, get_independent_variables_and_relative_intensities
from plotting import plot_runs, plot_TSTR_fit
from TSTR_fit_new import fit_parameters, fit_parameters_and_angle, BRIDF_plotter, reflectance_diffuse, reflectance_specular, BRIDF
import time

path_run1 = "First Xe Run Measurements\\first measurements with no bubbles in cell 11-01-2\\"
path = "2nd Xenon Run Measurements\\"

# Set const_err to 0, frac_err to 0; use 1st run background w/ 60 Hz dark, 2.5x scaling
inc_020 = Run(path + "Sample 9 changing pressures\\2018_12_10__13_19_42.txt")
inc_022 = Run(path + "Sample 9 changing pressures\\2018_12_10__13_28_46.txt")
inc_029 = Run(path + "Sample 9 changing pressures\\2018_12_10__13_39_49.txt")
inc_038 = Run(path + "Sample 9 changing pressures\\2018_12_10__13_56_30.txt")
inc_045 = Run(path + "Sample 9 changing pressures\\2018_12_10__14_07_05.txt")
inc_053 = Run(path + "Sample 9 changing pressures\\2018_12_10__14_19_57.txt")
inc_060 = Run(path + "Sample 9 changing pressures\\2018_12_10__14_29_45.txt")
inc_070 = Run(path + "Sample 9 changing pressures\\2018_12_10__14_41_45.txt")
inc_078 = Run(path + "Sample 9 changing pressures\\2018_12_10__14_48_58.txt")
inc_092 = Run(path + "Sample 9 changing pressures\\2018_12_10__15_19_57.txt")
inc_098 = Run(path + "Sample 9 changing pressures\\2018_12_10__15_30_33.txt")
inc_124 = Run(path + "Sample 9 changing pressures\\2018_12_10__16_19_42.txt")
inc_134 = Run(path + "Sample 9 changing pressures\\2018_12_10__16_28_49.txt")
dec_126 = Run(path + "Sample 9 changing pressures\\2018_12_10__16_40_24.txt")
dec_107 = Run(path + "Sample 9 changing pressures\\2018_12_10__17_03_45.txt")
dec_099 = Run(path + "Sample 9 changing pressures\\2018_12_10__17_12_31.txt")
dec_092 = Run(path + "Sample 9 changing pressures\\2018_12_10__17_26_42.txt")
dec_079 = Run(path + "Sample 9 changing pressures\\2018_12_10__17_41_03.txt")
dec_071 = Run(path + "Sample 9 changing pressures\\2018_12_10__17_48_47.txt")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from file_reader import plot_runs, Run

path = "laser_alignment_tests/"

runs = [
    Run(path + "2018_06_07__15_02_01.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_07__15_15_04.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_07__15_20_18.txt"),

          title="Laser alignment tests",
          labels=["alignment 1", "alignment 2", "alignment 3"],
          ylabel="relative intensity")
Пример #10
from file_reader import Run, get_independent_variables_and_relative_intensities
from plotting import plot_runs, plot_TSTR_fit, plot_double_TSTR_fit
from TSTR_fit_new import fit_parameters, fit_parameters_and_angle, BRIDF_plotter, reflectance_diffuse, reflectance_specular, BRIDF
import time

#path = "First Xe Run Measurements/first measurements with no bubbles in cell 11-01-2/Sample 1/"
#path = "2nd Xenon Run Measurements\\"
path_run1 = "First Xe Run Measurements\\first measurements with no bubbles in cell 11-01-2\\"

# s1_30 = Run(path + "2018_11_02__18_28_43.txt")
# s1_45 = Run(path + "2018_11_02__18_35_18.txt")
# s1_52 = Run(path + "2018_11_02__18_41_20.txt")
# s1_60 = Run(path + "2018_11_02__18_47_03.txt")
# s1_67 = Run(path + "2018_11_02__18_51_55.txt")
# s1_75 = Run(path + "2018_11_02__18_57_35.txt")
s9_first_30 = Run(path_run1 + "Sample 9\\2018_11_02__20_38_01.txt")
s9_first_45 = Run(path_run1 + "Sample 9\\2018_11_02__20_32_34.txt")
s9_first_52 = Run(path_run1 + "Sample 9\\2018_11_02__20_27_27.txt")
s9_first_60 = Run(path_run1 + "Sample 9\\2018_11_02__20_22_13.txt")
s9_first_67 = Run(path_run1 + "Sample 9\\2018_11_02__20_17_11.txt")
s9_first_75 = Run(path_run1 + "Sample 9\\2018_11_02__20_11_44.txt")
# s9_lowp_30 = Run(path + "Sample 9 lower pressure\\2018_12_05__13_52_04.txt")
# s9_lowp_45 = Run(path + "Sample 9 lower pressure\\2018_12_05__13_47_09.txt")
# s9_lowp_52 = Run(path + "Sample 9 lower pressure\\2018_12_05__13_42_21.txt")
# s9_lowp_60 = Run(path + "Sample 9 lower pressure\\2018_12_05__13_37_31.txt")
# s9_lowp_60.change_theta_i(60)
# s9_lowp_67 = Run(path + "Sample 9 lower pressure\\2018_12_05__13_32_47.txt")
# s9_lowp_75 = Run(path + "Sample 9 lower pressure\\2018_12_05__13_27_55.txt")

#runs = [s1_30, s1_45, s1_52, s1_60, s1_67, s1_75]
runs = [
Пример #11
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from file_reader import plot_runs, Run

path = "polishing_tests/"

runs_unpolished = [
	Run(path + "2018_06_07__15_53_10.txt"),
	Run(path + "2018_06_07__15_57_42.txt"),
	Run(path + "2018_06_07__16_01_32.txt"),
	Run(path + "2018_06_07__16_05_22.txt"),
	Run(path + "2018_06_07__16_09_12.txt"),
	Run(path + "2018_06_07__16_13_01.txt"),
	Run(path + "2018_06_07__16_17_38.txt"),
	Run(path + "2018_06_07__16_17_38.txt")

runs_polished = [
	Run(path + "2018_06_08__14_30_48.txt"),
	Run(path + "2018_06_08__14_34_56.txt"),
	Run(path + "2018_06_08__14_38_38.txt"),
	Run(path + "2018_06_08__14_42_37.txt"),
	Run(path + "2018_06_08__14_47_53.txt"),
	Run(path + "2018_06_08__14_52_12.txt")

plot_runs(runs_unpolished, title="M18 turned, adjusting sample height", 
	labels=["height 1 \n(beam hitting center of sample)", "height 2", "height 3", "height 4", 
	"height 5", "height 6", "height 7", "height 8\n(beam hitting near top of sample)"], smooth=True, show=False)
plot_runs(runs_polished, title="M18 polished, adjusting sample height", 
	labels=["height 1 \n(beam hitting center of sample)", "height 2", "height 3", "height 4", 
#m1830 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__15_16_18.txt") # Fit to 36 deg
#m1845 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__15_22_02.txt") # Fit to 46 deg
#m1860 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__15_29_09.txt") # Fit to 60 deg
#m1875 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__15_35_27.txt") # Fit to 85 deg
# m1730 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__16_18_57.txt")
# m1745 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__16_11_27.txt")
# m1760 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__16_06_11.txt")
# m1775 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__15_59_33.txt")
# nx30 = Run(path + "2018_08_29__15_57_32.txt")
# nx45 = Run(path + "2018_08_29__16_02_55.txt")
# nx60 = Run(path + "2018_08_29__16_08_16.txt")
# nx75 = Run(path + "2018_08_29__16_13_39.txt")
s9_lowp_30 = Run(path + "Sample 9 lower pressure\\2018_12_05__13_52_04.txt")
s9_lowp_45 = Run(path + "Sample 9 lower pressure\\2018_12_05__13_47_09.txt")
s9_lowp_52 = Run(path + "Sample 9 lower pressure\\2018_12_05__13_42_21.txt")
s9_lowp_60 = Run(path + "Sample 9 lower pressure\\2018_12_05__13_37_31.txt")
s9_lowp_67 = Run(path + "Sample 9 lower pressure\\2018_12_05__13_32_47.txt")
s9_lowp_75 = Run(path + "Sample 9 lower pressure\\2018_12_05__13_27_55.txt")

vacuum_path = "First Xe Run Measurements\\follow-up vacuum measurements\\"

vacuum_9_path = vacuum_path + "Sample 9\\"
Пример #13
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from file_reader import Run
from plotting import plot_runs

# the path to the txt files
path = "initial_PMT_tests_M18_turn/"

# giving each run of data a variable name

power_405 = Run(path + "2018_08_21__10_16_41.txt")

_45_405 = Run(path + "2018_08_21__10_35_50.txt")

_60_405 = Run(path + "2018_08_21__10_42_54.txt")

_60_175 = Run(path + "2018_08_21__10_51_23.txt")

_45_175 = Run(path + "2018_08_21__10_57_15.txt")

power_175 = Run(path + "2018_08_21__11_02_58.txt")

# this step is done to normalize the data (numbers gotten from manually looking at text file)

max_405 = 135464

max_175 = 640232

# changing the relative intensities to the normalized ones
# (normally done automatically, but not input into LabVIEW for these tests)
# by default, intensities are plotted, not relative intensities
Пример #14
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from file_reader import Run, get_independent_variables_and_relative_intensities
from plotting import plot_runs, plot_TSTR_fit
from TSTR_fit_new import fit_parameters, BRIDF_plotter, reflectance_diffuse, reflectance_specular

initial_xe_path = "First Xe Run Measurements/first measurements with no bubbles in cell 11-01-2/"

sample_1_path = initial_xe_path + "Sample 1/"
s1_30 = Run(sample_1_path + "2018_11_02__18_28_43.txt")
s1_45 = Run(sample_1_path + "2018_11_02__18_35_18.txt")
s1_52 = Run(sample_1_path + "2018_11_02__18_41_20.txt")
s1_60 = Run(sample_1_path + "2018_11_02__18_47_03.txt")
s1_67 = Run(sample_1_path + "2018_11_02__18_51_55.txt")
s1_75 = Run(sample_1_path + "2018_11_02__18_57_35.txt")
sample_1_runs = [s1_30, s1_45, s1_52, s1_60, s1_67, s1_75]

sample_3_path = initial_xe_path + "Sample 3/"
s3_30 = Run(sample_3_path + "2018_11_02__19_37_08.txt")
s3_45 = Run(sample_3_path + "2018_11_02__19_42_42.txt")
s3_52 = Run(sample_3_path + "2018_11_02__19_47_37.txt")
s3_60 = Run(sample_3_path + "2018_11_02__19_52_30.txt")
s3_67 = Run(sample_3_path + "2018_11_02__19_59_24.txt")
s3_75 = Run(sample_3_path + "2018_11_02__20_04_42.txt")
sample_3_runs = [s3_30, s3_45, s3_52, s3_60, s3_67, s3_75]

sample_9_path = initial_xe_path + "Sample 9/"
s9_75 = Run(sample_9_path + "2018_11_02__20_11_44.txt")
s9_67 = Run(sample_9_path + "2018_11_02__20_17_11.txt")
s9_60 = Run(sample_9_path + "2018_11_02__20_22_13.txt")
s9_52 = Run(sample_9_path + "2018_11_02__20_27_27.txt")
path = "vuv_height_comparison_and_first_data\\M18 turn\\center of sample\\"#\\M18 turn\\center of sample\\"
#path = "vuv_height_comparison_and_first_data/M18 turn polished/center of sample/"
specpath = "vuv_height_comparison_and_first_data\\Spectralon\\Centered, 500 nm\\"
# m18pol30 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__11_23_42.txt") 
# m18pol45 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__11_29_08.txt") 
# m18pol60 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__11_34_35.txt") 
# m18pol75 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__11_39_45.txt") 
# nxt8530 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__14_13_18.txt") 
# nxt8545 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__14_19_14.txt") 
# nxt8560 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__14_24_51.txt") 
# nxt8575 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__14_30_46.txt")
# skived30 = Run(path + "2018_08_29__17_29_38.txt") 
# skived45 = Run(path + "2018_08_29__17_35_12.txt") 
# skived60 = Run(path + "2018_08_29__17_40_57.txt") 
# skived75 = Run(path + "2018_08_29__17_46_39.txt") 
m1830 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__15_16_18.txt") # Fit to 36 deg
m1845 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__15_22_02.txt") # Fit to 46 deg
m1860 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__15_29_09.txt") # Fit to 60 deg
m1875 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__15_35_27.txt") # Fit to 85 deg
# m1730 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__16_18_57.txt")
# m1745 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__16_11_27.txt")
# m1760 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__16_06_11.txt")
# m1775 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__15_59_33.txt")
# nx30 = Run(path + "2018_08_29__15_57_32.txt")
# nx45 = Run(path + "2018_08_29__16_02_55.txt")
# nx60 = Run(path + "2018_08_29__16_08_16.txt")
# nx75 = Run(path + "2018_08_29__16_13_39.txt")
# spec8 = Run(specpath + "2018_09_04__16_38_49.txt")
Пример #16
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from file_reader import plot_runs, Run

path = "sample_height_tests/"

runs_nxt_85 = [
    Run(path + "2018_05_30__13_11_32.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_05_30__13_15_19.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_05_30__13_18_58.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_05_30__13_22_31.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_05_30__13_25_58.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_05_30__13_29_46.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_05_30__13_33_24.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_05_30__13_36_54.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_05_30__13_40_30.txt")

runs_m18_turn = [
    Run(path + "2018_05_31__12_44_30.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_05_31__12_49_09.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_05_31__13_00_57.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_05_31__13_04_27.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_05_31__13_07_57.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_05_31__13_11_28.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_05_31__13_14_54.txt")

runs_old_sample = [
    Run(path + "2018_05_31__13_25_38.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_05_31__14_14_42.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_05_31__14_18_09.txt"),
Пример #17
from file_reader import plot_runs, Run

runs = [Run("3608219133.txt")]

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from file_reader import Run
from plotting import plot_runs

path = "new_setup_mineral_oil_tests/"

_M18_turn_45 = [
    Run(path + "2018_06_25__12_40_19.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_25__12_44_54.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_25__12_49_03.txt")

_M18_turn_60 = [
    Run(path + "2018_06_25__12_56_14.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_25__13_00_24.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_25__13_04_31.txt")

_M18_skived_60 = [
    Run(path + "2018_06_25__13_21_55.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_25__13_25_51.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_25__13_30_07.txt")

_M18_skived_45 = [
    Run(path + "2018_06_25__13_35_43.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_25__13_39_21.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_25__13_43_02.txt")

_M18_polished_45 = [
Пример #19
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from file_reader import Run, get_independent_variables_and_relative_intensities
from plotting import plot_runs, plot_TSTR_fit, plot_double_TSTR_fit
from TSTR_fit_new import fit_parameters, fit_parameters_and_angle, BRIDF_plotter, reflectance_diffuse, reflectance_specular, BRIDF_specular_plotter, BRIDF_diffuse_plotter, BRIDF_plotter
import time

path = "First Xe Run Measurements/first measurements with no bubbles in cell 11-01-2/Sample 1/"

s1_30 = Run(path + "2018_11_02__18_28_43.txt")
s1_45 = Run(path + "2018_11_02__18_35_18.txt")
s1_52 = Run(path + "2018_11_02__18_41_20.txt")
s1_60 = Run(path + "2018_11_02__18_47_03.txt")
s1_67 = Run(path + "2018_11_02__18_51_55.txt")
s1_75 = Run(path + "2018_11_02__18_57_35.txt")
#runs = [s1_30, s1_45, s1_52, s1_60, s1_67, s1_75]
runs = [s1_30, s1_45, s1_60, s1_75]

#labels=["30 degrees", "45 degrees", "52 degrees", "60 degrees", "67 degrees", "75 degrees"]
labels = ["30 degrees", "45 degrees", "60 degrees", "75 degrees"]

# Plot BRIDF data
sample_name = "Sample 1 (LUX)"
#plot_runs(runs, title=sample_name+", 178nm", log=True, labels=labels, errorbars=True)

# In a loop: ask for input params, plot model overlaid on data
get_input = True
params = [0.24, 1.27, 0.1, 5.0, 0.1, 0.5]

Пример #20
import seaborn as sns

# vacuum data
path_vac = "Vacuum measurements after 3rd xenon run\\Jan 9-12\\LZ Skived\\Blue height\\178nm\\"
### After 3rd run LZ Skived 178nm Vacuum measurements after 3rd xenon run\\Jan 9-12\\LZ Skived\\Blue height\\178nm\\

mirrors = [[30,"Vacuum measurements after 3rd xenon run\\Jan 9-12\\Mirror alignment\\Blue height 2\\2019_01_10__16_03_43.txt"],
           [45,"Vacuum measurements after 3rd xenon run\\Jan 9-12\\Mirror alignment\\Blue height 2\\2019_01_10__16_01_50.txt"],
           [52,"Vacuum measurements after 3rd xenon run\\Jan 9-12\\Mirror alignment\\Blue height 2\\2019_01_10__16_00_07.txt"],
           [60,"Vacuum measurements after 3rd xenon run\\Jan 9-12\\Mirror alignment\\Blue height 2\\2019_01_10__15_58_07.txt"],
           [67,"Vacuum measurements after 3rd xenon run\\Jan 9-12\\Mirror alignment\\Blue height 2\\2019_01_10__15_56_24.txt"],
           [75,"Vacuum measurements after 3rd xenon run\\Jan 9-12\\Mirror alignment\\Blue height 2\\2019_01_10__15_53_05.txt"]]

skived30 = Run(path_vac + "2019_01_10__10_52_19.txt", mirrors)
skived45 = Run(path_vac + "2019_01_10__10_45_18.txt", mirrors)
skived52 = Run(path_vac + "2019_01_10__10_39_26.txt", mirrors)
skived60 = Run(path_vac + "2019_01_10__10_34_19.txt", mirrors)
skived67 = Run(path_vac + "2019_01_10__10_29_11.txt", mirrors)
skived75 = Run(path_vac + "2019_01_10__10_23_22.txt", mirrors)

# Second LXe run
path = "2nd Xenon Run Measurements\\"

s9_lowp_30 = Run(path + "Sample 9 lower pressure\\2018_12_05__13_52_04.txt")
s9_lowp_45 = Run(path + "Sample 9 lower pressure\\2018_12_05__13_47_09.txt")
s9_lowp_52 = Run(path + "Sample 9 lower pressure\\2018_12_05__13_42_21.txt")
s9_lowp_60 = Run(path + "Sample 9 lower pressure\\2018_12_05__13_37_31.txt")
s9_lowp_67 = Run(path + "Sample 9 lower pressure\\2018_12_05__13_32_47.txt")
Пример #21
mirror_filenames_and_angles = [
    [30., mirror_path + "2018_10_29__09_33_56.txt"],
    [45., mirror_path + "2018_10_29__09_31_00.txt"],
    [52., mirror_path + "2018_10_29__09_31_00.txt"
     ],  # data not taken at this angle, must assume same as 45
    [60., mirror_path + "2018_10_29__09_25_03.txt"],
    [67., mirror_path + "2018_10_29__09_25_03.txt"
     ],  # data not taken at this angle, must assume same as 60
    [75., mirror_path + "2018_10_29__09_45_18.txt"]

path = "First Xe Run Measurements/first measurements with no bubbles in cell 11-01-2/"

s9_path = path + "Sample 9/"

s9_30 = Run(s9_path +
            "2018_11_02__20_38_01.txt")  #, mirror_filenames_and_angles)
s9_45 = Run(s9_path +
            "2018_11_02__20_32_34.txt")  #, mirror_filenames_and_angles)
s9_52 = Run(s9_path +
            "2018_11_02__20_27_27.txt")  #, mirror_filenames_and_angles)
s9_60 = Run(s9_path +
            "2018_11_02__20_22_13.txt")  #, mirror_filenames_and_angles)
s9_67 = Run(s9_path +
            "2018_11_02__20_17_11.txt")  #, mirror_filenames_and_angles)
s9_75 = Run(s9_path +
            "2018_11_02__20_11_44.txt")  #, mirror_filenames_and_angles)

s3_path = path + "Sample 3/"

s3_30 = Run(s3_path + "2018_11_01__18_06_10.txt", mirror_filenames_and_angles)
s3_45 = Run(s3_path + "2018_11_02__19_42_42.txt", mirror_filenames_and_angles)
Пример #22
from plotting import plot_runs, plot_TSTR_fit
from TSTR_fit_new import fit_parameters, fit_parameters_and_angle, BRIDF_plotter, reflectance_diffuse, reflectance_specular, BRIDF
import time

path_run1 = "First Xe Run Measurements\\first measurements with no bubbles in cell 11-01-2\\"
path = "2nd Xenon Run Measurements\\"
#path = "vuv_height_comparison_and_first_data/M18 turn polished/center of sample/"
# m18pol30 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__11_23_42.txt") 
# m18pol45 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__11_29_08.txt") 
# m18pol60 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__11_34_35.txt") 
# m18pol75 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__11_39_45.txt") 
# nxt8530 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__14_13_18.txt") 
# nxt8545 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__14_19_14.txt") 
# nxt8560 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__14_24_51.txt") 
# nxt8575 = Run(path + "2018_08_30__14_30_46.txt")
s5_30 = Run(path + "Sample 5 with bubbles\\2018_11_30__14_24_00.txt")
s5_45 = Run(path + "Sample 5 with bubbles\\2018_11_30__14_29_18.txt")
s5_52 = Run(path + "Sample 5 with bubbles\\2018_11_30__14_38_44.txt") # Two files exist for 52 deg; first probably got redone bc the angle range was too small
s5_60 = Run(path + "Sample 5 with bubbles\\2018_11_30__14_43_44.txt") 
s5_67 = Run(path + "Sample 5 with bubbles\\2018_11_30__14_48_38.txt")
s5_75 = Run(path + "Sample 5 with bubbles\\2018_11_30__14_54_19.txt")
s8_30 = Run(path + "Sample 8 no bubbles\\2018_12_03__14_52_24.txt")
s8_45 = Run(path + "Sample 8 no bubbles\\2018_12_03__14_46_48.txt")
s8_52 = Run(path + "Sample 8 no bubbles\\2018_12_03__14_42_00.txt")
s8_60 = Run(path + "Sample 8 no bubbles\\2018_12_03__14_57_12.txt") 
s8_67 = Run(path + "Sample 8 no bubbles\\2018_12_03__15_01_51.txt")
s8_75 = Run(path + "Sample 8 no bubbles\\2018_12_03__15_06_25.txt") 
s9_first_30 = Run(path_run1 + "Sample 9\\2018_11_02__20_38_01.txt")
s9_first_45 = Run(path_run1 + "Sample 9\\2018_11_02__20_32_34.txt")
s9_first_52 = Run(path_run1 + "Sample 9\\2018_11_02__20_27_27.txt")
s9_first_60 = Run(path_run1 + "Sample 9\\2018_11_02__20_22_13.txt")
Пример #23
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from file_reader import plot_runs, Run

path = "new setup background tests/"

no_walls = Run(path + "2018_05_25__13_44_05.txt")
same_side = Run(path + "2018_05_25__13_57_52.txt")
opposite_side = Run(path + "2018_05_25__14_06_33.txt")

min_oil = Run(path + "2018_05_29__16_22_24.txt")

runs = [no_walls, same_side, opposite_side, min_oil]

              "no walls in air", "walls opposite laser and detector in air",
              "walls opposite laser and on same side as detector in air",
              "new setup in mineral oil"

# copied from, using data from background_measurements/background in mineral oil no sample old walls new walls lens tubes.txt
distance_from_sample_to_photodiode = 5.435
photodiode_radius = (9 / 2.0) / 25.4
photodiode_solid_angle = np.pi * np.power(photodiode_radius, 2) / np.power(
    distance_from_sample_to_photodiode, 2)
flux_i = 0.005940 * 100e-6
sensitivity = 100 * 1e-9
intensity_factor = sensitivity / (photodiode_solid_angle * flux_i)
Пример #24
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from file_reader import Run, get_independent_variables_and_relative_intensities
from plotting import plot_runs, plot_TSTR_fit
from TSTR_fit_new import fit_parameters, BRIDF_plotter, reflectance_diffuse, reflectance_specular, fit_parameters_grid, chi_squared

initial_xe_path = "First Xe Run Measurements\\first measurements with no bubbles in cell 11-01-2\\"

sample_1_path = initial_xe_path + "Sample 1\\"
s1_30 = Run(sample_1_path + "2018_11_02__18_28_43.txt")
s1_45 = Run(sample_1_path + "2018_11_02__18_35_18.txt")
s1_52 = Run(sample_1_path + "2018_11_02__18_41_20.txt")
s1_60 = Run(sample_1_path + "2018_11_02__18_47_03.txt")
s1_67 = Run(sample_1_path + "2018_11_02__18_51_55.txt")
s1_75 = Run(sample_1_path + "2018_11_02__18_57_35.txt")
sample_1_runs = [s1_30, s1_45, s1_52, s1_60, s1_67, s1_75]

# sample_3_path = initial_xe_path + "Sample 3/"
# s3_30 = Run(sample_3_path + "2018_11_02__19_37_08.txt")
# s3_45 = Run(sample_3_path + "2018_11_02__19_42_42.txt")
# s3_52 = Run(sample_3_path + "2018_11_02__19_47_37.txt")
# s3_60 = Run(sample_3_path + "2018_11_02__19_52_30.txt")
# s3_67 = Run(sample_3_path + "2018_11_02__19_59_24.txt")
# s3_75 = Run(sample_3_path + "2018_11_02__20_04_42.txt")
# sample_3_runs = [s3_30, s3_45, s3_52, s3_60, s3_67, s3_75]

# sample_9_path = initial_xe_path + "Sample 9/"
# s9_75 = Run(sample_9_path + "2018_11_02__20_11_44.txt")
# s9_67 = Run(sample_9_path + "2018_11_02__20_17_11.txt")
# s9_60 = Run(sample_9_path + "2018_11_02__20_22_13.txt")
# s9_52 = Run(sample_9_path + "2018_11_02__20_27_27.txt")
Пример #25
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from file_reader import plot_runs, Run

path = "sample_height_repeatability/"

runs_no_pole = [
    Run(path + "2018_06_01__15_24_11.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_01__15_28_01.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_01__15_19_56.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_01__15_31_34.txt")

runs_pole = [
    Run(path + "2018_06_04__14_48_21.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_04__14_53_05.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_04__14_57_33.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_04__15_03_01.txt"),
    Run(path + "2018_06_04__15_07_27.txt")

    "NXT85 in air, 45 degrees, trying to repeat same sample height with no pole",
    labels=["test 1", "test 2", "test 3", "test 4"],
    ylabel="relative intensity")
Пример #26
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from file_reader import Run, get_independent_variables_and_relative_intensities
from plotting import plot_runs, plot_TSTR_fit
from TSTR_fit_new import fit_parameters, fit_parameters_and_angle, BRIDF_plotter, reflectance_diffuse, reflectance_specular, BRIDF
import time

path = "vuv_height_comparison_and_first_data\\Skived LZ\\center of sample\\"  #\\M18 turn\\center of sample\\"
#path = "vuv_height_comparison_and_first_data/M18 turn polished/center of sample/"
specpath = "vuv_height_comparison_and_first_data\\Spectralon\\Centered, 500 nm\\"

vacuum_path = "First Xe Run Measurements\\follow-up vacuum measurements\\"

vacuum_1_path = vacuum_path + "Sample 1\\"
v1_75 = Run(vacuum_1_path + "2018_11_09__13_41_18.txt")
v1_67 = Run(vacuum_1_path + "2018_11_09__13_47_53.txt")
v1_60 = Run(vacuum_1_path + "2018_11_09__13_55_54.txt")
v1_52 = Run(vacuum_1_path + "2018_11_09__14_02_45.txt")
v1_45 = Run(vacuum_1_path + "2018_11_09__14_08_54.txt")
v1_30 = Run(vacuum_1_path + "2018_11_09__14_14_55.txt")
vacuum_1_runs = [v1_30, v1_45, v1_52, v1_60, v1_67, v1_75]

vacuum_9_path = vacuum_path + "Sample 9\\"
v9_75 = Run(vacuum_9_path + "2018_11_09__14_22_32.txt")
v9_67 = Run(vacuum_9_path + "2018_11_09__14_33_41.txt")
v9_60 = Run(vacuum_9_path + "2018_11_09__14_40_54.txt")
v9_52 = Run(vacuum_9_path + "2018_11_09__14_47_23.txt")
Пример #27
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from file_reader import Run
from plotting import plot_runs, plot_fit, plot_fit_by_params, get_total_reflection

path = "sample_height_tests/"

run = Run(path + "2018_05_31__13_04_27.txt")  # random M18_turn test

plot_runs(run, title="NXT85 in air, adjusting sample height", labels=["data"])

#plot_fit_by_params(0., 85., [100., 100., 10., 50.])

plot_fit(run, mu=49.)

