class TestFileStorage(unittest.TestCase):
    # The setup before each test method
    def setUp(self):
        # Mock values to be passed to File class constructor
        file_name = "file_name"
        file_path = "C:/Desktop/my_dir/file_name"
        file_extension = "txt"
        absolute_path = "C:/Desktop/my_dir/file_name.txt"
        # An object of type DetectionIndicators
        detection_indicators = DetectionIndicators()
        """Initialise File class
      file_name (str) : file name
      file_path (str) : file path
      file_extension (str) : file extension
      absolute_path (str) : absolute path
      detection_indicators(DetectionIndicators): object of type DetectionIndicators      
        self.file = File(file_name, file_path, file_extension, absolute_path,
        """Initialise FileStorage class
      [] (list) : an empty list to store files
        self.file_storage = FileStorage([])

    # This method test FileStorage constructor
    def test_constructor(self):
        # Get actual values of the file storage class fields
        # that are passed to constructor
        expected = self.file_storage.list_of_files
        actual = []
        # Compare actual against expected, after class initialisation
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    # This method tests FileStorage.add_new_file function
    def test_add_new_file(self):
        expected = 1
        # Add new entry to the list
        # Compare expected number of entries against actual
        actual = len(self.file_storage.list_of_files)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    # This method tests FileStorage.get_all_files function
    def test_get_all_files(self):
        expected_nr_of_file = 1
        # Add new entry to the file storage list
        # Get actual number of entries
        actual_nr_of_files = len(self.file_storage.get_all_files())
        # Get actual content of the list
        actual_content = self.file_storage.get_all_files()
        # Expected content of the list
        expected_conter = [self.file]
        # Compare expected against actual
        self.assertEqual(expected_nr_of_file, actual_nr_of_files)
        self.assertEqual(actual_content, expected_conter)

    # This method tests FileStorage.get_file_from_storage function
    def test_get_file_from_storage(self):
        # Add new entry to the file storage list
        # Absolute path of the newly added file
        src = self.file.absolute_path
        # Get return value of the function that is tested while
        # passing computed source.
        actual_file = self.file_storage.get_file_from_storage(src)
        # Expected return value of the function
        expected_file = self.file
        # Compare expected against actual
        self.assertEqual(expected_file, actual_file)
        non_existing_file = self.file_storage.get_file_from_storage("test")
        self.assertEqual(False, non_existing_file)

    # This method tests FileStorage.delete_file_from_storage function
    def test_delete_file_from_storage(self):
        # Add new entry to the file storage list
        # Delete new entry from the file storage list
        # Evaluate if entry is still in file storage list and store
        # evaluation as boolean
        deleted = self.file in self.file_storage.list_of_files
        # Compare expected against actual
        self.assertEqual(False, deleted)  #

    def test_find_similar_file(self):
        # Add new entry to the file storage list
        expected_return_value_of_function = False
        actual_return_value_of_function = self.file_storage.find_similar_file(
        # Compare expected versus actual. Expected value would be False as no
        # similar file in the storage

        # Make a copy of existing file within the storage
        mock_file = copy.deepcopy(self.file)
        # Alter the way that mock ransomware would
        mock_file.change_file_extension(mock_file, ".aes")
        expected_return_value_of_function = self.file
        actual_return_value_of_function = self.file_storage.find_similar_file(
        # Compare expected versus actual. Expected value would be the original file
        # because all parameters except extension are the same.