Пример #1
def uplaod_file():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        start = time.time()
        user_id = js.loads(request.data)["user_id"]
        file_num = js.loads(request.data)["file_num"]
        file = js.loads(request.data)["file_info"]
        # print(user_id)
        # print(file_num)

        num = len(js.loads(request.data)["file_info"])
        # print(num)

        if file_type(file) == "wav":
            with requests.request("POST",
                                      'user_id': user_id,
                                      'file_num': file_num,
                                      'file_info': file
                                  stream=True) as report:
                result_response = js.loads(report.content)['result']

        elif file_type(file) == "mp4":

            with requests.request("POST",
                                      'user_id': user_id,
                                      'file_num': file_num,
                                      'file_info': file,
                                      'file_type': 'video'
                                  stream=True) as report:
                result_response = js.loads(report.content)['result']
        elif file_type(file) == "jpg" or file_type(file) == "png":
            with requests.request("POST",
                                      'user_id': user_id,
                                      'file_num': file_num,
                                      'file_info': file,
                                      'file_type': 'image'
                                  stream=True) as report:
                result_response = js.loads(report.content)["result"]

        json = {"status": 1}
        return jsonify(json)
Пример #2
def process(oid, opts=None):
    src = api.source(oid)
    src_type = {"source":src}
    logger.debug("Processing file %s", str(oid))
    if src == "collections":
        src_type["type"] = "collection"
        src_type["type"] = file_type(api.get_field(src, oid, "data")) 

    api.store(name, oid, src_type, opts)
    return True
    def process_schemas(self):
        Main Processing Function

        # Send file type and return respective term mapping between it and the UBO
        # Also find the source app that created this particular gbXML (use to lift to ontology later)
        step1 = file_type()
        this_file_type, SourceDetials = step1.schema_type(self.inputfile)
        # print "this_file_type", this_file_type

        # Send file type and return respective term mapping between it and the UBO
        step2 = term_mapping()
        mapDict = step2.get_mapping(this_file_type)

        # Retrieve the UBO empty structure to fill with the values from the input file
        step3 = UBO_structure()
        UBOgraphStructure = step3.pull_graph_structure()

        # Use mapping and the UBO structure to fill the UBO with geometry data
        step3 = filled_UBO_graph()
        UBO_filled, base = step3.fill_graph(this_file_type, mapDict, UBOgraphStructure, self.inputfile)

        # Setup ISO/OGC GeoSPARQL File Template...from: http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/geosparql
        # Also uses the OGC simple feature documentation (both pdfs in sample_files folder)
        # States that the file type is RDF/XML encoded geometry data, in GeoSPARQL format)
        step4 = OGCtemplate2()
        OGC_RDF_header, OGC_file_parts = step4.createOGCtemplate2(base)
        # step4 = OGCtemplate()
        # OGC_RDF_header, OGC_file_parts = step4.createOGCtemplate(base)

        # Query UBO for data based on map, process coordinates into OGC format, use answers to fill OGC RDF file for output
        step5 = OGCqueryNfill()
        stuff = step5.processUBOforOGC(UBO_filled, base, OGC_RDF_header, OGC_file_parts)

        # Use UBO_filled to answer queries for data within to create respective ISO/OGC GeoSPARQL File

        return 0
Пример #4
    def process_schemas(self):
        Main Processing Function

        # Only GBXML is filled at this time
        vocab_dict = {
            "gbxml": 'SmartVocabs/gbxmlVocab.ttl',
            "ifcxml": 'SmartVocabs/ifcxmlVocab.ttl',
            "citygml": 'SmartVocabs/citygmlVocab.ttl'
        add_on_material_vocabs = {
            "gbxml": 'SmartVocabs/gbxmlVocabMaterials.ttl',
            "ifcxml": 'SmartVocabs/ifcxmlVocabMaterials.ttl',
            "citygml": 'SmartVocabs/citygmlVocabMaterials.ttl'
        add_on_level_vocabs = {
            "gbxml": 'SmartVocabs/gbxmlVocabLevels.ttl',
            "ifcxml": 'SmartVocabs/ifcxmlVocabLevels.ttl',
            "citygml": 'SmartVocabs/citygmlVocabLevels.ttl'
        add_on_pun_vocabs = {
            "gbxml": 'SmartVocabs/gbxmlVocabPuns.ttl',
            "ifcxml": 'SmartVocabs/ifcxmlVocabPuns.ttl'
        add_on_struct_vocabs = {
            "gbxml": 'SmartVocabs/gbxmlVocabStructure.ttl',
            "ifcxml": 'SmartVocabs/ifcxmlVocabStructure.ttl'

        # Send file type and return respective term mapping between it and the UBO
        # Also find the source app that created this particular gbXML (use to lift to ontology later)
        step1a = file_type()
        this_file_type, Company, Product, Platform, Dimension, CRS, ProjectName = step1a.schema_type(
        print "this_file_type and Data Extracted: ", this_file_type, Company, Product, Platform, Dimension, CRS, ProjectName

        # Retrieve the UBO empty structure to fill with the values from the input file
        step2 = UBO_structure()
        UBOgraphStructure = step2.pull_graph_structure()

        # First Phase of Project Translating To OGC Format

        # Send file type and return respective term mapping between it and the UBO
        step3 = term_mapping()
        mapDict = step3.get_mapping(this_file_type)
        #print "mapDict: ", mapDict
        # Use mapping and the UBO structure to fill the UBO with geometry data
        step3 = filled_UBO_graph()
        UBO_filled, base = step3.fill_graph(this_file_type, mapDict, UBOgraphStructure, self.inputfile)

        # Setup ISO/OGC GeoSPARQL File Template...from: http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/geosparql
        # Also uses the OGC simple feature documentation (both pdfs in sample_files folder)
        # States that the file type is RDF/XML encoded geometry data, in GeoSPARQL format)
        step4 = OGCtemplate2()
        OGC_RDF_header, OGC_file_parts = step4.createOGCtemplate2(base)
        #step4 = OGCtemplate()
        #OGC_RDF_header, OGC_file_parts = step4.createOGCtemplate(base)

        # Query UBO for data based on map, process coordinates into OGC format, use answers to fill OGC RDF file for output
        step5 = OGCqueryNfill()
        stuff = step5.processUBOforOGC(UBO_filled, base, OGC_RDF_header, OGC_file_parts)

        # Use UBO_filled to answer queries for data within to create respective ISO/OGC GeoSPARQL File

        # Second Phase of Project Using Smart Vocabularies

        # Get the associated vocabualry
        current_vocab = vocab_dict[this_file_type]
        print "current_vocab ", current_vocab

        # Commented out to work on adding IFC type
        stepb = QueryCurrentVocab()
        USO_New, Add_On_Dict, tree, namespaces, property_counter, missing_link_dict_for_citygml = stepb.query_current_vocab(
            current_vocab, self.inputfile, UBOgraphStructure, this_file_type)
        if this_file_type == "ifcxml" or this_file_type == "gbxml":
            missing_link_dict_for_citygml = dict(
            )  # This way it is empty unless we are handling it for CityGML



        # For Graph Add-Ons:

        print "Processing Graph Add-Ons"
        material_dict = dict(
        )  # Address:(GraphName, SGA_Element_Type) [basically all SBElements in Model]
        level_dict_spaces = dict(
        )  # Address:(GraphName, SGA_Element_Type) [basically all Spaces in Model]
        level_dict_surfaces = dict(
        )  # Address:(GraphName, SGA_Element_Type) [basically all SpaceBoundaries in Model]
        structure_dict_surfaces = dict()  #?
        structure_dict_materials = dict(
        )  # Address:(GraphName, SGA_Element_Type) [basically all SpaceBoundaries and SBElements in Model]
        puncture_dict_surfaces = dict()  #?
        structure_dict_spaces = dict()
        structure_dict_spacecollection = dict()
        building_ids_dict = dict()
        #puncture_dict_materials = dict()   #?
        for entry in Add_On_Dict:
            #print "see....", entry, Add_On_Dict[entry]
            if str(Add_On_Dict[entry][1].split("#")[1]) == "SpaceCollection":
                structure_dict_spacecollection[entry] = Add_On_Dict[entry]
                building_ids_dict[entry] = Add_On_Dict[entry]
            if str(Add_On_Dict[entry][1].split("#")[1]) == "Space":
                level_dict_spaces[entry] = Add_On_Dict[entry]
                structure_dict_spaces[entry] = Add_On_Dict[entry]
            if str(Add_On_Dict[entry][1].split("#")[1]) == "SpaceBoundary":
                level_dict_surfaces[entry] = Add_On_Dict[entry]
                structure_dict_surfaces[entry] = Add_On_Dict[entry]
                puncture_dict_surfaces[entry] = Add_On_Dict[entry]
            if str(Add_On_Dict[entry][1].split("#")
                   [1]) == "SpaceBoundaryElement":
                material_dict[entry] = Add_On_Dict[entry]
                print "checking here AND start working here!!!", entry, Add_On_Dict[
                structure_dict_materials[entry] = Add_On_Dict[entry]
                #puncture_dict_materials[entry] = Add_On_Dict[entry]
        #============================================================== Add Materials If Requested
        if self.material_flag == 1:
            # User Wants to Add Materials
            current_addOn_vocab = add_on_material_vocabs[this_file_type]
            mat = Add_Materials()
            USO_New, property_counter = mat.add_mat_name_and_id(
                tree, namespaces, material_dict, this_file_type,
                self.inputfile, USO_New, current_addOn_vocab, property_counter)
            print "self.material_flag not requested"
        #============================================================== Add Levels If Requested
        if self.level_flag == 1:
            # User Wants to Add Storey Levels
            current_addOn_vocab = add_on_level_vocabs[this_file_type]
            lev = Add_Levels()
            USO_New, property_counter = lev.add_level_name_and_id(
                tree, namespaces, level_dict_spaces, level_dict_surfaces,
                this_file_type, self.inputfile, USO_New, current_addOn_vocab,
                property_counter, missing_link_dict_for_citygml)
            print "self.level_flag not requested"
        #============================================================== Add Structures If Requested
        if self.structure_flag == 1:
            # User Wants to Add Structural Components such as Beams and Columns and so on as project progresses
            if this_file_type == "citygml":
                print "self.structure_flag is == 1 but this not set up for citygml so passed..."
                current_addOn_vocab = add_on_struct_vocabs[this_file_type]
                struct = Add_Structures()
                USO_New, property_counter = struct.add_struct_geometries(
                    tree, namespaces, structure_dict_spacecollection,
                    structure_dict_spaces, structure_dict_surfaces,
                    structure_dict_materials, this_file_type, self.inputfile,
                    USO_New, current_addOn_vocab, property_counter)
            print "self.structure_dict not requested"
        #============================================================== Add Punctures (Win/Doors) If Requested
        if self.puncture_flag == 1:
            # User Wants to Add Puncture Components such as Windows and Doors
            if this_file_type == "citygml":
                print "self.puncture_flag is == 1 but this not set up for citygml so passed..."
                current_addOn_vocab = add_on_pun_vocabs[this_file_type]
                pun = Add_Punctures()
                USO_New, property_counter = pun.add_pun_geometries(
                    tree, namespaces, puncture_dict_surfaces, this_file_type,
                    self.inputfile, USO_New, current_addOn_vocab,
            print "self.puncture_dict not requested"



        # Ask for data that will be relevant to these tests:
        if self.test_query_sequence_flag == 1 and self.level_flag == 0:
            # Then the Level information is not there so we need to add it still
            current_addOn_vocab = add_on_level_vocabs[this_file_type]
            lev = Add_Levels()
            #USO_New, property_counter = lev.add_level_name_and_id(tree, namespaces, level_dict_spaces, level_dict_surfaces, this_file_type, self.inputfile, USO_New, current_addOn_vocab, property_counter, missing_link_dict_for_citygml)
            # Use the USO_New graph to transform GML data for Virtuoso/GraphDB queries
            #vd = Virtuoso_Data()
            #vd.format_data(USO_New, CRS, Dimension, building_ids_dict, tree, namespaces)
            # Then there wil be something to add on to the graph for other parts of schema alignment or to handle two graphs at once...
            # All the backward relationships could also be added...perhaps
        if self.test_query_sequence_flag == 1 and self.level_flag == 1:
            # Use the USO_New graph to transform GML data for Virtuoso/GraphDB queries
            #vd = Virtuoso_Data()
            #vd.format_data(USO_New, CRS, Dimension, building_ids_dict, tree, namespaces)
            # Then there wil be something to add on to the graph for other parts of schema alignment or to handle two graphs at once...
            # All the backward relationships could also be added...perhaps



        # Testing tags in schema types:
        mytest = SchemaTest()
        #mytest.testing(current_vocab, self.inputfile, this_file_type)
        # Nothing to return since just printing tags to check handling

        # Then print or save the final USO_New for use back in the Orchestration Modules:
        #print USO_New

        return USO_New