class CreateByImportFileForm(forms.Form): """Form for step 1 (specifying file) of the import wizard""" # Basic Data name = common.HiveIdentifierField(label=_t("Table Name"), required=True) comment = forms.CharField(label=_t("Description"), required=False) # File info path = PathField(label=_t("Input File or Directory")) load_data = forms.ChoiceField(required=True, choices=[ ("IMPORT", _("Import data")), ("EXTERNAL", _("Create External Table")), ("EMPTY", ("Leave Empty")), ], help_text=_t("Select 'import' to load data from the file into the Hive warehouse directory after creation. " "Select 'external' if the table is an external table and the data files should not be moved. " + "Select 'empty' if the file should only be used to define the table schema but not loaded (table will be empty).") ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.db = kwargs.pop('db', None) super(CreateByImportFileForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def clean_name(self): return _clean_tablename(self.db, self.cleaned_data['name']) def clean_path(self): path = self.cleaned_data['path'] if path.lower().startswith(S3_ROOT): path = path.lower().replace(S3_ROOT, S3A_ROOT) if not path.endswith('/'): path = '%s/' % path return path
class SaveResultsForm(DependencyAwareForm): """Used for saving the query result data""" SAVE_TYPES = (SAVE_TYPE_TBL, SAVE_TYPE_DIR) = (_('to a new table'), _('to HDFS directory')) save_target = forms.ChoiceField(required=True, choices=common.to_choices(SAVE_TYPES), widget=forms.RadioSelect) target_table = common.HiveIdentifierField( label=_t("Table Name"), required=False, help_text=_t("Name of the new table")) target_dir = PathField( label=_t("Results Location"), required=False, help_text=_t("Empty directory in HDFS to put the results")) dependencies = [ ('save_target', SAVE_TYPE_TBL, 'target_table'), ('save_target', SAVE_TYPE_DIR, 'target_dir'), ] def clean_target_table(self): tbl = self.cleaned_data.get('target_table') if tbl: try: db_utils.meta_client().get_table("default", tbl) raise forms.ValidationError(_('Table already exists')) except hive_metastore.ttypes.NoSuchObjectException: pass return tbl
class LoadDataForm(forms.Form): """Form used for loading data into an existing table.""" path = PathField(label=_t("Path")) overwrite = forms.BooleanField(required=False, initial=False, label=_t("Overwrite?")) is_embeddable = forms.BooleanField(required=False, initial=False) def __init__(self, table_obj, *args, **kwargs): """ @param table_obj is a hive_metastore.thrift Table object, used to add fields corresponding to partition keys. """ super(LoadDataForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.partition_columns = dict() for i, column in enumerate(table_obj.partition_keys): # We give these numeric names because column names # may be unpleasantly arbitrary. name = "partition_%d" % i char_field = forms.CharField( required=True, label=_t( "%(column_name)s (partition key with type %(column_type)s)" ) % { 'column_name':, 'column_type': column.type }) self.fields[name] = char_field self.partition_columns[name] =
class SaveResultsForm(DependencyAwareForm): """Used for saving the query result data""" SAVE_TYPES = (SAVE_TYPE_TBL, SAVE_TYPE_DIR) = ('to a new table', 'to HDFS directory') save_target = forms.ChoiceField(required=True, choices=common.to_choices(SAVE_TYPES), widget=forms.RadioSelect, initial=SAVE_TYPE_TBL) target_table = common.HiveIdentifierField( label=_t("Table Name"), required=False, help_text=_t("Name of the new table")) target_dir = PathField( label=_t("Results Location"), required=False, help_text=_t("Empty directory in HDFS to store results.")) dependencies = [ ('save_target', SAVE_TYPE_TBL, 'target_table'), ('save_target', SAVE_TYPE_DIR, 'target_dir'), ] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.db = kwargs.pop('db', None) self.fs = kwargs.pop('fs', None) super(SaveResultsForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(SaveResultsForm, self).clean() if cleaned_data.get('save_target') == SaveResultsForm.SAVE_TYPE_TBL: tbl = cleaned_data.get('target_table') if tbl: try: if self.db is not None: self.db.get_table('default', tbl) # Assumes 'default' DB self._errors['target_table'] = self.error_class( [_('Table already exists')]) del cleaned_data['target_table'] except Exception: pass elif cleaned_data['save_target'] == SaveResultsForm.SAVE_TYPE_DIR: target_dir = cleaned_data['target_dir'] if not target_dir.startswith('/'): self._errors['target_dir'] = self.error_class( [_('Directory should start with /')]) elif self.fs.exists(target_dir): self._errors['target_dir'] = self.error_class([ _('Directory already exists.') ]) # Overwrite destination directory content return cleaned_data
class CreateByImportFileForm(forms.Form): """Form for step 1 (specifying file) of the import wizard""" # Basic Data name = common.HiveIdentifierField(label=_t("Table Name"), required=True) comment = forms.CharField(label=_t("Description"), required=False) # File info path = PathField(label=_t("Input File")) do_import = forms.BooleanField( required=False, initial=True, label=_t("Import data from file"), help_text=_t( "Automatically load this file into the table after creation.")) def clean_name(self): return _clean_tablename(self.cleaned_data['name'])