Пример #1
def read_all_bodyfiles(prefix):

    filenames = ff.find_sorted_local_input_fileset(prefix)

    # Ignore log files
    for i in range(len(filenames)):
        if '.log' in filenames[i]:
            print('Removing log file ', filenames[i])

    nbodies = len(filenames)

    print('Reading data for ', nbodies, ' bodies')

    data = []
    for i in range(nbodies):
        filename = filenames[i]
        print('Reading ', filename)

    return filenames, data
Пример #2
def obtain_planet_tracks(prefix):
    '''Reads all planetary data and creates tracks for each planet'''
    planetfiles = ff.find_sorted_local_input_fileset(prefix + "*planets*")

    time, nplanet, nactive, active, mp, ap, tmig = read_planets(planetfiles[1])

    time_all = np.zeros(len(planetfiles) - 1)
    active_all = np.zeros((nplanet, len(planetfiles) - 1))
    ap_all = np.zeros((nplanet, len(planetfiles) - 1))
    mp_all = np.zeros((nplanet, len(planetfiles) - 1))
    tmig_all = np.zeros((nplanet, len(planetfiles) - 1))

    for i in range(len(planetfiles) - 1):

        time_all[i], nplanet, nactive, active, mp, ap, tmig = read_planets(
            planetfiles[i + 1], verbose=False)
        active_all[:, i] = active[:]
        mp_all[:, i] = mp[:]
        ap_all[:, i] = ap[:]
        tmig_all[:, i] = tmig[:]

    return time_all, nplanet, active_all, ap_all, mp_all, tmig_all
Пример #3
import filefinder as ff
from os import system

# Get list of all directories

paramfilelist = ff.find_sorted_local_input_fileset("*.params")

nfiles = len(paramfilelist)

print "There are ", nfiles, " files"

# for blocks of 500, create a folder and move them

ifile = 0
inext = 0
current_dir = ""

for ifile in range(nfiles):

    if ifile == inext:
        inext = inext + 500
        current_dir = "run_to_" + str(inext)

        # Create new directory
        command = "mkdir " + current_dir
        print command

        # Copy essential executable files

        command = "cp job-placeholder " + current_dir
Пример #4
import filefinder as ff
from numpy import genfromtxt
from os import system

# Get list of all directories

directorylist = genfromtxt('directorylist', dtype='string')

print directorylist

for directory in directorylist:

    # Get list of all job script files in directory

    jobfilelist = ff.find_sorted_local_input_fileset(directory + "/job_*")

    nfiles = len(jobfilelist)

    print "There are ", nfiles, " files"

    # Submit each job using sbatch

    for jobfile in jobfilelist:

        command = "sbatch " + jobfile

        print command
Пример #5
# Written 26/1/17 by dh4gan
# Takes outputs from multiple runs of the grapus model and stitches them together
# Primarily, this is ensuring that the 'istar' variable is corrected

import numpy as np
import filefinder as ff
from sys import exit
from io_grapus import ninitialcol,nlogcol,nfinalcol,logcoldict,finalcoldict, initialfmt,finalfmt,logfmt

# Find three (sorted) file lists containing all initial, final and log files to be built

initialfiles = ff.find_sorted_local_input_fileset('*.initial')
finalfiles = ff.find_sorted_local_input_fileset('*.final')
logfiles = ff.find_sorted_local_input_fileset('*.log')

ninitial = len(initialfiles)
nfinal = len(finalfiles)
nlog = len(logfiles)

if ninitial!=nfinal or nfinal!=nlog:
    print 'Unequal file counts: '
    print 'Initial files ',ninitial 
    print 'Final files ',nfinal
    print 'Log files ',nlog

# Define the total file names

totalinitialfile = 'total.initial'
totalfinalfile = 'total.final'
Пример #6
import filefinder as ff
from os import system

# Get list of all job script files in directory

jobfilelist = ff.find_sorted_local_input_fileset("job_*")

nfiles = len(jobfilelist)

print "There are ", nfiles, " files"

# Submit each job using sbatch

#for jobfile in jobfilelist:

nmin = 51
nmax = 100

for i in range(nmax):
	jobfile = jobfilelist[i]

	command = "sbatch "+jobfile

	print command

Пример #7
def plot_profile_multifiles_variable(prefix, add_planets=False):
    '''Reads multiple profile files and plots a specific variable'''

    filenames = ff.find_sorted_local_input_fileset(prefix + "*profile*")
    nfiles = len(filenames)

    initial = input('Starting filenumber? ')
    final = input('Final filenumber? ')

    print 'Now select variable to plot: here are the choices'

    for i in range(len(profilekeys)):
        print str(i + 1) + ': ' + profilekeys[i]

    var = input('Which variable (1-' + str(len(profilekeys)) + ')? ')

    var = var - 1

    if (final > nfiles):
        print "Limiting count to available files"
        final = nfiles

    fig1 = plt.figure()
    ax = fig1.add_subplot(111)

    if (add_planets):
        planetfiles = ff.find_sorted_local_input_fileset(prefix + "*planets*")

    initial = initial - 1
    final = final - 1
    for i in range(initial, final):

        time, profdata = read_profile(filenames[i])

        if (add_planets):
            t, nplanet, nactive, active, mp, ap, tmig = read_planets(
                planetfiles[i], verbose=False)

            # Setup planet points for plotting
            xpoints = np.zeros(nplanet)
            ypoints = np.zeros(nplanet)

            if profileymin[var] != profileymax[var]:
                ypoints[:] = 2.0 * profileymin[var]
                ypoints[:] = 2.0 * np.min(profdata[:, var])

            planetsizes, planetcolours = get_planet_size_and_colour(
                nplanet, mp)

        if (profileylog[var]):
        if (profileymin[var] != profileymax[var]):
            ax.set_ylim(profileymin[var], profileymax[var])

        line1 = ax.plot(profdata[:, 0], profdata[:, var])
                't = ' + str(np.round(time, 2)) + ' yr',
                bbox=dict(edgecolor='black', facecolor='none'),

        if (add_planets):
            ax.scatter(ap, ypoints, s=planetsizes, facecolor=planetcolours)

        outputfile = profilekeys[var] + '_' + filenames[i] + '.png'

        print 'Saving to ', outputfile
        plt.savefig(outputfile, format='png')