Пример #1
 def __init__(self):
     Initialize all available classes, and bind them to local variables
     * accepts: None
     * returns: None
     self.__fmp = FileMetadataParser()
     self.__hmp = HachoirMetadataParser()
     self.__emp = EnzymeMetadataParser()
     self.__mmp = MutagenMetadataParser()
     self.__xmp = ExifMetadataParser()
Пример #2
class MetadataParser():
    This class wraps around all available parsers, and has functions
    to massage this data into a single dictionary suitable for ES usage
    def __init__(self):
        Initialize all available classes, and bind them to local variables
        * accepts: None
        * returns: None
        self.__fmp = FileMetadataParser()
        self.__hmp = HachoirMetadataParser()
        self.__emp = EnzymeMetadataParser()
        self.__mmp = MutagenMetadataParser()
        self.__xmp = ExifMetadataParser()

    def _update(self, meta, xtra_meta):
        for key in xtra_meta.keys():
            if key not in meta.keys():
                meta[key] = xtra_meta[key]

            elif key in ['audio', 'video']:
                meta[key] = merge_av_meta_dict(meta[key], xtra_meta[key])

        return meta

    def extract(self, meta, full_path):
        Extract metadata from a file

        * accepts:
        meta:       Dictionary with already available metadata
        full_path:  Full path to the file from which to extract metadata

        * returns:
        Merged metadata dictionary or
        meta on error

        types = None
        types = mimetypes.guess_type(full_path)
        if types and types[0] != None:
            meta['file']['mime'] = types[0]
            return meta

        xtra_meta = {}

        xtra_meta = self.__fmp.extract(full_path)
        if xtra_meta:
            meta = self._update(meta, xtra_meta)

        if meta['file']['mime'] in enzyme_mimes:
            xtra_meta = self.__emp.extract(full_path)

        elif meta['file']['mime'] in mutagen_mimes:
            xtra_meta = self.__mmp.extract(full_path)

        elif meta['file']['mime'] in exif_mimes:
            xtra_meta = self.__xmp.extract(full_path)

        if not xtra_meta and meta['file']['mime'] in hachoir_mapper.keys():
            xtra_meta = self.__hmp.extract(
                full_path, 0.5, hachoir_mapper[meta['file']['mime']]

        if xtra_meta:
            meta = self._update(meta, xtra_meta)

        return meta