Пример #1
def recommned_friends_for_all():
    activeUsers = filter_users_with_checkintimes(10)
    for user in activeUsers:
        print "{0} starts".format(user)
        other = _gen_recommend_time_friends_for(user, 20)
            while True:
                t = other.next()
                print "recommend {0} and {1} with each other, they have {2} common checkin time".format(user, t[0], t[1])
        except StopIteration: pass
            print "{0} over".format(user)
def friends_checkin_location_similarity():
    totalCheckinsFile = open('Gowalla_totalCheckins.txt', 'r')

    # filter users, we care only about users whose checkin times greater than some number
    activeUsers = filter_users_with_checkintimes(200)
    locations = {}
    similarities = []

    with open('friends.txt', 'r') as f:

        for line in f:
            token = line.strip().split('\t')
            uid = int(token[0])
            # if the user is one we care about
            if uid in activeUsers:
                friends = [int(s) for s in token[1].split(' ')]

                # get my most check in location
                myLocation = -1
                if uid in locations.keys():
                    myLocation = locations[uid]
                    myLocation = get_user_location(uid, totalCheckinsFile) # get the most checkin location of the user
                    locations[uid] = myLocation
                #print "{0} {1}".format(uid, myLocation)

                # get friends' most check in location, and count the same ones
                sameCount = 0
                for fuid in friends:
                    if fuid in activeUsers:

                        friendLocation = -1
                        if fuid in locations.keys():
                            friendLocation = locations[fuid]
                            friendLocation = get_user_location(fuid, totalCheckinsFile)
                            locations[fuid] = friendLocation

                        if friendLocation == myLocation:
                            sameCount += 1
                        #print "{0} {1}".format(fuid, friendLocation)

                similarity = float(sameCount) / len(friends)
                print "user {0} checkin location similarity: {1}".format(uid, similarity)

    return sum(similarities) / len(similarities)
def _gen_recommend_friends_for(me, minCommonFriends):
    # we only recommend users whose checkin times greater than some number for you
    activeUsers = filter_users_with_checkintimes(10)

    myFriends = get_user_friends(me)
    if len(myFriends) >= minCommonFriends:

        for other in activeUsers:
            if other not in myFriends and other != me:
                otherFriends = get_user_friends(other)

                if len(otherFriends) >= minCommonFriends:
                    commonFriends = len(myFriends.intersection(otherFriends))
                    if commonFriends >= minCommonFriends:
                        yield other, commonFriends
def friends_checkin_time_similarity():
    totalCheckinsFile = open('Gowalla_totalCheckins.txt', 'r')

    # filter users, we care only about users whose checkin times greater than some number
    activeUsers = filter_users_with_checkintimes(200)
    times = {}
    similarities = []

    with open('friends.txt', 'r') as f:

        for line in f:
            token = line.strip().split('\t')
            uid = int(token[0])
            if uid in activeUsers:
                friends = [int(s) for s in token[1].split(' ')]

                myTime = -1
                if uid in times.keys():
                    myTime = times[uid]
                    myTime = get_user_time(uid, totalCheckinsFile)
                    times[uid] = myTime
                #print "{0} {1}".format(uid, myTime)

                sameCount = 0
                for fuid in friends:
                    if fuid in activeUsers:

                        friendTime = -1
                        if fuid in times.keys():
                            friendTime = times[fuid]
                            friendTime = get_user_time(fuid, totalCheckinsFile)
                            times[fuid] = friendTime

                        if friendTime == myTime:
                            sameCount += 1
                        #print "{0} {1}".format(fuid, friendTime)

                similarity = float(sameCount) / len(friends)
                print "user {0} checkin time similarity: {1}".format(uid, similarity)

    return sum(similarities) / len(similarities)
Пример #5
def _gen_recommend_time_friends_for(me, minTimes):
    totalCheckinsFile = open('Gowalla_totalCheckins.txt', 'r')
    activeUsers = filter_users_with_checkintimes(200)
    myFriends = get_user_friends(me)

    myTimes = get_user_times(me, totalCheckinsFile)
    #print "me: {0}, time:{1}".format(me, myTimes)


    if len(myTimes) >= minTimes:
        for other in activeUsers:
            if other not in myFriends and other != me:

                otherTimes = get_user_times(other, totalCheckinsFile)
                #print "other:{0} time:{1}".format(other, otherTimes)

                if (len(otherTimes) >= minTimes):
                    commonTimes = len(myTimes.intersection(otherTimes))
                    if commonTimes >= minTimes:
                        yield other, commonTimes
