Пример #1
def handle_my_custom_event(audio):
    #session['audio'] += audio
    #session['audio'] += audio.values()

    values = OrderedDict(sorted(audio.items(),
                                key=lambda t: int(t[0]))).values()
    session['audio'] += values
    pcm_audio = float_to_16_bit_pcm(session['audio'])
    main(audio=pcm_audio, folder=app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'])
Пример #2
def main():
    import config_load, logger
    conf = config_load.load_conf()
    encoding = conf.get('DEFAULT', 'encoding')
    import filter
    import csv
    pattern_group = conf.sections()
    for pattern_group_name in pattern_group:
        csv_write_file = './output/' + pattern_group_name + '筛选结果.csv'
        csv_junk_file = './output/' + pattern_group_name + '无用信息.csv'
        csv_write = open(csv_write_file, 'w', newline='', encoding=encoding)
        csv_junk = open(csv_junk_file, 'w', newline='', encoding=encoding)
        writer = csv.writer(csv_write)
        writer.writerow(['网站', '时间', '标题', '链接', '内容'])
        junk = csv.writer(csv_junk)
        junk.writerow(['网站', '时间', '标题', '链接', '内容'])
        csv_read = open('./output/All.csv', 'r', newline='', encoding=encoding)
        reader = csv.DictReader(csv_read)
        list = []
        for row in reader:

        for i in list:
            city = i['网站']
            date = i['时间']
            title = i['标题']
            url = i['链接']
            info = i['内容']
            if filter.main(pattern_group_name, info) == 1:
                writer.writerow([city, date, title, url, info])
                junk.writerow([city, date, title, url, info])
        logger.debug(f'{pattern_group_name} 关键词筛选完成!')
Пример #3
    def handle(self):
        ppm = Pixmap()
        color, escala = 1, 1
        dic = {"txt": " text/plain", "jpg": " image/jpeg", "ppm": " image/x-portable-pixmap", "html": " text/html", "pdf": " application/pdf", "ico": "image/vnd.microsoft.icon"}
        self.data = self.request.recv(1024)
        encabezado = self.data.decode().splitlines()[0]
        archivo = args.documentroot + encabezado.split()[1].split("?")[0]

        if (len(encabezado.split("?")) != 1) and (archivo.split('.')[1] == "ppm"):
            color, escala = ppm.parseo(encabezado.split("?"))

        if archivo == (args.documentroot + "/"):
            archivo = args.documentroot + '/index.html'


        if os.path.isfile(archivo) is False:
            archivo = args.documentroot + '/400error.html'
            codigo = "HTTP/1.1 400 File Not Found"
            extension = "html"

        elif color == 0 and escala == 0:
            archivo = args.documentroot + '/500error.html'
            codigo = "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error"
            extension = "html"

            extension = archivo.split('.')[1]
            codigo = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"

        if (extension != "ppm") or (extension == "ppm" and len(encabezado.split("?")) == 1):
            fd = os.open(archivo, os.O_RDONLY)
            body = os.read(fd, os.path.getsize(archivo))
            header = bytearray(codigo + "\r\nContent-type:" + dic[extension] + "\r\nContent-length:"+str(len(body))+"\r\n\r\n",'utf8')

        if extension == "ppm" and color != 1:

            enca, body = main(color, escala, archivo, args.size)
            header = bytearray(codigo + "\r\nContent-type:" + dic[extension] + "\r\nContent-length:"+str((os.path.getsize(archivo))*4)+"\r\n\r\n",'utf8')
            for lista in (list(body)):
                self.request.sendall(bytearray(lista, "utf-8"))
Пример #4
def gaussian_filtering():
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.


import filter

class ShippableFilter(filter.Filter):
    'Usage: shippable_filter.py'
    def __init__(self, args):

    def validate_data(self, data):
        if 'statuses' not in data or 'sha' not in data:
            return False
        sha = data['sha']
        if sha not in data['statuses'] or len(data['statuses'][sha]) == 0:
            return False
        status = data['statuses'][sha][0]
        if 'state' not in status or 'context' not in status:
            return False
        if status['state'] == 'success' and status['context'] == 'Shippable':
            return True
        return False

if __name__ == "__main__":

# shippable_filter.py ends here
Пример #6
import matplotlib as mpl
from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft
import FFT

raw_data = edfparser.main('data\lkf-right.edf')
#print (raw_data.shape)
pre_data_list = [[0 for col in range(128)] for row in range(14)]
for i in range(len(raw_data)):
    if (i >= 2 and i <= 15):
        #for j in range(len (raw_data[i])):
        for j in range(128):
            pre_data_list[i - 2][j] = raw_data[i][j]

pre_data = np.asarray(pre_data_list)

fft_pre_x, fft_pre_y = FFT.fft_transform(pre_data[10])

plt.plot(fft_pre_x, fft_pre_y, 'b')

filter_data = filter.main(pre_data)

#fft_data =  pyfftw.FFTW(filter_data)
Пример #7
def main():
    usage = "Usage: vcfPytools.py [tool] [options]\n\n" + \
            "Available tools:\n" + \
            "  annotate:\n\tAnnotate the vcf file with membership in other vcf files.\n" + \
            "  extract:\n\tExtract vcf records from a region.\n" + \
            "  filter:\n\tFilter the vcf file.\n" + \
            "  indel:\n\tIndel manipulation tools.\n" + \
            "  intersect:\n\tGenerate the intersection of two vcf files.\n" + \
            "  merge:\n\tMerge a list of vcf files.\n" + \
            "  multi:\n\tFind the intersections and unique fractions of multiple vcf files.\n" + \
            "  sort:\n\tSort a vcf file.\n" + \
            "  stats:\n\tGenerate statistics from a vcf file.\n" + \
            "  union:\n\tGenerate the union of two vcf files.\n" + \
            "  unique:\n\tGenerate the unique fraction from two vcf files.\n" + \
            "  validate:\n\tValidate the input vcf file.\n\n" + \
            "vcfPytools.py [tool] --help for information on a specific tool."

    # Determine the requested tool.

    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        tool = sys.argv[1]
        print >> sys.stderr, usage

    if tool == "annotate":
        import annotate
        success = annotate.main()
    elif tool == "extract":
        import extract
        success = extract.main()
    elif tool == "filter":
        import filter
        success = filter.main()
    elif tool == "intersect":
        import intersect
        success = intersect.main()
    elif tool == "indel":
        import indel
        success = indel.main()
    elif tool == "multi":
        import multi
        success = multi.main()
    elif tool == "merge":
        import merge
        success = merge.main()
    elif tool == "sort":
        import sort
        success = sort.main()
    elif tool == "stats":
        import stats
        success = stats.main()
    elif tool == "union":
        import union
        success = union.main()
    elif tool == "unique":
        import unique
        success = unique.main()
    elif tool == "test":
        import test
        success = test.main()
    elif tool == "validate":
        import validate
        success = validate.main()
    elif tool == "--help" or tool == "-h" or tool == "?":
        print >> sys.stderr, usage
        print >> sys.stderr, "Unknown tool: ", tool
        print >> sys.stderr, "\n", usage

# If program completed properly, terminate.

    if success == 0: exit(0)
Пример #8
def analyse():
    global filename
    global outputmap
    global pixel_mm
    global color_min
    global color_max
    global blur_img
    global blur_mask
    global size_point
    global space_point
    global frames_sec
    global data
    global mouse_blob
    global speed

    #calculate time per frame (ms):
    time = float(1000.0000/float(frames_sec))

    if filename == "Camera":
        cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
        cap = cv2.VideoCapture(filename)

    low_array = np.array([color_min[0], color_min[1], color_min[2]])
    high_array = np.array([color_max[0], color_max[1], color_max[2]])
    data = []   # [[x1,y1,time-1],[x2,y2,time-2]]

    while True:
        flag, frame = cap.read()

        if flag:
            framenummer = cap.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)
            frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            frame = cv2.blur(frame,blur_img)

            # generate color mask
            mask = cv2.inRange(frame, low_array, high_array)

            mask = cv2.blur(mask, blur_mask)

            # make new image
            frame_mask = cv2.bitwise_and(frame, frame, mask=mask)
            frame_blob,keypoints = blob_detect(frame_mask)
            #cv2.imshow('video', cv2.cvtColor(frame_blob, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))

            if len(data) == 0:

                x = mouse_blob.pt[0]
                y = mouse_blob.pt[1]

                point = color.find_mouse_blob(keypoints,x,y)
                print point.pt[0], point.pt[1]
                data = [[point.pt[0] * pixel_mm, point.pt[1] * pixel_mm, framenummer * time]]
                if len(keypoints) == 1:
                    change = change_place(keypoints[0], data[len(data) - 1])

                    print 'first:\t'+str(change)

                    if change < (speed*pixel_mm):
                        data = data + [[keypoints[0].pt[0]*pixel_mm,keypoints[0].pt[1]*pixel_mm,framenummer * time]]

                elif len(keypoints) == 0:
                    print "no points found"

                    point = find_next_blob(keypoints, data)

                    change = change_place(point, data[len(data) - 1])
                    print 'second:\t' + str(change)

                    if change < (speed*pixel_mm):
                        data = data + [[point.pt[0] * pixel_mm, point.pt[1] * pixel_mm, framenummer * time]]

#            if len(keypoints) != 0:
#                if len(keypoints) == 1:
#                    if len(data) != 0:
#                        change = change_place(keypoints[0],data[len(data)-1])
#                        print 'first:\t'+str(change)
#                        if change < (speed*pixel_mm):
#                            data = data + [[keypoints[0].pt[0]*pixel_mm,keypoints[0].pt[1]*pixel_mm,framenummer * time]]
#                    else:
#                        x = mouse_blob.pt[0]
#                        y = mouse_blob.pt[1]
#                        print x, y
#                        keypoint = find_next_blob(keypoints, [x, y, 0])
#                        print keypoint[0].pt[0], keypoint[0].pt[1]
#                        data = [[keypoint[0].pt[0] * pixel_mm, keypoint[0].pt[1] * pixel_mm, framenummer * time]]

#                else:
#                    if len(data) == 0:
#                        x = mouse_blob.pt[0]
#                        y = mouse_blob.pt[1]
#                        print x,y
#                        keypoint = find_next_blob(keypoints,[x,y,0])
#                        print keypoint[0].pt[0],keypoint[0].pt[1]
#                        data = data + [[keypoint[0].pt[0] * pixel_mm, keypoint[0].pt[1] * pixel_mm, framenummer * time]]

#                    else:
#                        keypoints = find_next_blob(keypoints,data[len(data)-1])

#                        change = change_place(keypoints[0], data[len(data) - 1])
#                        'second:\t' + str(change)

#                        if change < (speed*pixel_mm):
#                            data = data + [[keypoints[0].pt[0] * pixel_mm, keypoints[0].pt[1] * pixel_mm, framenummer * time]]


        if len(data) >0:
            last_point = data[len(data)-1]

            X_last = int(last_point[0]/pixel_mm)
            Y_last = int(last_point[1]/pixel_mm)

            cv2.imshow('video', cv2.cvtColor(frame_blob, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))

        if cv2.waitKey(10) == 27:
    plot_ask = tkMessageBox.askyesno("Plot","Do you want to plot the results")

    if plot_ask:
        #plot gegevens
        print data
        filter.main(data, outputmap, ".png", 400)
Пример #9
def main():
  usage = "Usage: vcfPytools.py [tool] [options]\n\n" + \
          "Available tools:\n" + \
          "  annotate:\n\tAnnotate the vcf file with membership in other vcf files.\n" + \
          "  extract:\n\tExtract vcf records from a region.\n" + \
          "  filter:\n\tFilter the vcf file.\n" + \
          "  indel:\n\tIndel manipulation tools.\n" + \
          "  intersect:\n\tGenerate the intersection of two vcf files.\n" + \
          "  merge:\n\tMerge a list of vcf files.\n" + \
          "  multi:\n\tFind the intersections and unique fractions of multiple vcf files.\n" + \
          "  sort:\n\tSort a vcf file.\n" + \
          "  stats:\n\tGenerate statistics from a vcf file.\n" + \
          "  union:\n\tGenerate the union of two vcf files.\n" + \
          "  unique:\n\tGenerate the unique fraction from two vcf files.\n" + \
          "  validate:\n\tValidate the input vcf file.\n\n" + \
          "vcfPytools.py [tool] --help for information on a specific tool."

# Determine the requested tool.

  if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    tool = sys.argv[1]
    print >> sys.stderr, usage

  if tool == "annotate":
    import annotate
    success = annotate.main()
  elif tool == "extract":
    import extract
    success = extract.main()
  elif tool == "filter":
    import filter
    success = filter.main()
  elif tool == "intersect":
    import intersect
    success = intersect.main()
  elif tool == "indel":
    import indel
    success = indel.main()
  elif tool == "multi":
    import multi
    success = multi.main()
  elif tool == "merge":
    import merge
    success = merge.main()
  elif tool == "sort":
    import sort
    success = sort.main()
  elif tool == "stats":
    import stats
    success = stats.main()
  elif tool == "union":
    import union
    success = union.main()
  elif tool == "unique":
    import unique
    success = unique.main()
  elif tool == "test":
    import test
    success = test.main()
  elif tool == "validate":
    import validate
    success = validate.main()
  elif tool == "--help" or tool == "-h" or tool == "?":
    print >> sys.stderr, usage
    print >> sys.stderr, "Unknown tool: ",tool
    print >> sys.stderr, "\n", usage

# If program completed properly, terminate.

  if success == 0: exit(0)
Пример #10
def main():
import filter

class RegexpFilter(filter.Filter):
    'Usage: regexp_filter.py <key> <regexp>'

    def __init__(self, args):
        self.selector = args[0]
        self.regexp = re.compile(args[1])

    def validate_data(self, data):
        data = self.select(self.selector, data)
        if type(data) is list or type(data) is tuple:
            # at least one item matching regexp
            for filename in data:
                if self.regexp.search(filename):
                    sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % filename)
                    return True
            if not isinstance(data, basestring):
                data = str(data)
            return self.regexp.search(data)
        return False

if __name__ == "__main__":

# regexp_filter.py ends here
Пример #12
def main(TOPIC_NUM, limit, target):
    # The read file is inside the loop

    # File input path, permission file needs to be changed, the unchanged file directly copied to the new file, the need to change the file first read the original path, and then copied to the new path output
    path = 'Iterativedata_Output/' + target + 'Target'
    path = path + '/' + str(TOPIC_NUM) + 'Topics' + str(limit) + 'Filtering'

    inPath = 'Data_Origin/' + target + 'Target/' + str(TOPIC_NUM) + 'topic_data_output'

    # # Cutting file
    operationfile.operation_file(TOPIC_NUM, limit, target)

    # use SQL
    drop_permissions = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS permissions; "

    drop_permissionslog = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS permissionlog;"

    create_permissions = "create table permissions ( id int auto_increment primary key, times int null comment '迭代次数', appid int null comment 'Appid', appname varchar(255)  null comment 'app名称', permission varchar(5000) null comment '权限字符串', mal int(4) null comment '恶性App');"

    create_permissionslog = "create table permissionlog ( id int auto_increment primary key, appid int null comment 'appid', times int null comment '循环次数', old varchar(5000) null comment '原始权限', new varchar(5000) null comment '新的权限', remove varchar(255) null comment '移除的权限', `create` datetime null comment '时间');"

    insert_data = "insert into permissions SELECT null , 0 , id , docid , lessper , maliciousFlag from normal_test_permission;"

    for iterations in range(1):

        outPath = path + '/' + str(iterations)

        for index in range(5):
            newPath = outPath + '/' + str(index)

            # Divide the topic file and the permission file into 5 parts and take one of them in a loop. The permission file USES the database for easy modification
            # Appid
            Benign_testing_topic, Benign_training_topic, Benign_testing_appid, Benign_training_appid = getTrainAndTarget(inPath + '/Benign topic four-fifths.txt', index)
            Benign_testing_permission = getTrainAndTargetPermissionFromDb(Benign_testing_appid)
            Benign_training_permission = getTrainAndTargetPermissionFromDb(Benign_training_appid)

            Malicious_training_topic = open(inPath + '/Malicious topic four-fifths.txt', 'r').readlines()
            Malicious_training_permission = open(inPath + '/Malicious permission four-fifths.txt', 'r').readlines()

            topic.mainInList(Benign_testing_topic, newPath + '/Testing_benign_topic_matrix.mat', TOPIC_NUM)
            permission.mainInList(Benign_testing_permission, newPath + '/Testing_benign_permission_matrix.mat', 1)

            topic.mainInList(Benign_training_topic, newPath + '/Training_benign_topic_matrix.mat', TOPIC_NUM)
            permission.mainInList(Benign_training_permission, newPath + '/Training_benign_permission_matrix.mat', 1)

            topic.mainInList(Malicious_training_topic, newPath + '/Training_malicious_topic_matrix.mat', TOPIC_NUM)
            permission.mainInList(Malicious_training_permission, newPath + '/Training_malicious_permission_matrix.mat', False)

            similar.main(newPath + '/Training_benign_topic_matrix.mat'
                         , newPath + '/Testing_benign_topic_matrix.mat'
                         , newPath + '/Similarity-training_benign.txt'
                         , TOPIC_NUM)

            similar.main(newPath + '/Training_malicious_topic_matrix.mat'
                         , newPath + '/Testing_benign_topic_matrix.mat'
                         , newPath + '/Similarity-training_malicious.txt'
                         , TOPIC_NUM)

            recommend.main(newPath + '/Training_benign_permission_matrix.mat'
                           , newPath + '/Similarity-training_benign.txt'
                           , newPath + '/Recommend-training_benign.txt'
                           , 0.6)

            recommend.main(newPath + '/Training_malicious_permission_matrix.mat'
                           , newPath + '/Similarity-training_malicious.txt'
                           , newPath + '/Recommend-training_malicious.txt'
                           , 0.4)

            print("The output is complete, and the difference filtering is performed.")
            reSetPermission(newPath + '/Recommend-training_benign.txt', newPath + '/Recommend-training_malicious.txt', iterations)

    print('Done,start filtering')
    print('Filtering is complete,please back up the database data')

    batlogs = "mysqldump -u root -p%s analyzedata permissions permissionlog  > %s/%sTopics%sFiltering-including_log.sql" % (config.sql_password, path, str(TOPIC_NUM), str(limit))

    sqlPath = path + "/" + str(TOPIC_NUM) + 'Topics' + str(limit) + 'Filtering' + ".sql"
    bat = "mysqldump -u root -p%s analyzedata permissions > %s" % (config.sql_password, sqlPath)
    print('Filtering completed,database data backup complete')
    return sqlPath