Пример #1
    def __init__(self, osd_shmkey):

        self._xine = xine.Xine()
        self._vfilter = FilterChain(self._xine)
        self._stream = self._vo = self._ao = None
        self._osd_shmkey = int(osd_shmkey)
        self._osd_shmem = None
        self._driver_control = None

        self._window_size = 0, 0
        self._window_aspect = -1
        self._status = kaa.WeakTimer(self._status_output)
        self._status_last = None
        self._vo_settings = None
        self._stream_settings = {
            'pixel-aspect': 1.0,
            'scale'       : SCALE_KEEP,
            'zoom'        : 100
        self._xine.set_config_value("effects.goom.fps", 20)
        self._xine.set_config_value("effects.goom.width", 512)
        self._xine.set_config_value("effects.goom.height", 384)
        self._xine.set_config_value("effects.goom.csc_method", "Slow but looks better")
        # self._xine.set_config_value("video.device.xv_autopaint_colorkey", True)

        # Config options for multi-threaded decoding with ffmpeg; the first
        # is needed in order for thread_count to take effect.
            self._xine.set_config_value('video.processing.ffmpeg_choose_speed_over_accuracy', True)
                cpus = kaa.utils.get_num_cpus()
                self._xine.set_config_value('video.processing.ffmpeg_thread_count', cpus)
            except RuntimeError:
                # Couldn't determine number of cpus, so we didn't set the config value.
        except xine.XineError:
            # One of the config names doesn't exist, probably an older version of
            # xine-lib.  Not a big deal.
Пример #2
class XinePlayerChild(Player):

    def __init__(self, osd_shmkey):

        self._xine = xine.Xine()
        self._vfilter = FilterChain(self._xine)
        self._stream = self._vo = self._ao = None
        self._osd_shmkey = int(osd_shmkey)
        self._osd_shmem = None
        self._driver_control = None

        self._window_size = 0, 0
        self._window_aspect = -1
        self._status = kaa.WeakTimer(self._status_output)
        self._status_last = None
        self._vo_settings = None
        self._stream_settings = {
            'pixel-aspect': 1.0,
            'scale'       : SCALE_KEEP,
            'zoom'        : 100
        self._xine.set_config_value("effects.goom.fps", 20)
        self._xine.set_config_value("effects.goom.width", 512)
        self._xine.set_config_value("effects.goom.height", 384)
        self._xine.set_config_value("effects.goom.csc_method", "Slow but looks better")
        # self._xine.set_config_value("video.device.xv_autopaint_colorkey", True)

        # Config options for multi-threaded decoding with ffmpeg; the first
        # is needed in order for thread_count to take effect.
            self._xine.set_config_value('video.processing.ffmpeg_choose_speed_over_accuracy', True)
                cpus = kaa.utils.get_num_cpus()
                self._xine.set_config_value('video.processing.ffmpeg_thread_count', cpus)
            except RuntimeError:
                # Couldn't determine number of cpus, so we didn't set the config value.
        except xine.XineError:
            # One of the config names doesn't exist, probably an older version of
            # xine-lib.  Not a big deal.

    # #########################################################################
    # Stream information utils
    # #########################################################################

    def _status_output(self):
        Outputs stream status information.
        if not self._stream:

        # FIXME: this gets not updated very often, I have no idea why
        t = self._stream.get_pos_length()
        status = self._stream.get_status()
        if status == xine.STATUS_PLAY and None in t:
            # Status is playing, but pos/time is not known for stream,
            # which likely means we have seeked and are not done seeking
            # get, so position is not yet determined.  In this case, don't
            # send a status update to parent yet.

        speed = self._stream.get_parameter(xine.PARAM_SPEED)

        # Line format: pos time length status speed
        # Where status is one of XINE_STATUS_ constants, and speed
        # is one of XINE_SPEED constants.
        cur_status = (t[0], t[1], t[2], status, speed)
        if cur_status != self._status_last:
            self._status_last = cur_status

    def _get_streaminfo(self):
        Get information about the current stream.
        if not self._stream:
            return {}

        info = {
            "vfourcc": self._stream.get_info(xine.STREAM_INFO_VIDEO_FOURCC),
            "afourcc": self._stream.get_info(xine.STREAM_INFO_AUDIO_FOURCC),
            "vcodec":  self._stream.get_meta_info(xine.META_INFO_VIDEOCODEC),
            "acodec":  self._stream.get_meta_info(xine.META_INFO_AUDIOCODEC),
            "width":   self._stream.get_info(xine.STREAM_INFO_VIDEO_WIDTH),
            "height":  self._stream.get_info(xine.STREAM_INFO_VIDEO_HEIGHT),
            "aspect":  self._stream.get_info(xine.STREAM_INFO_VIDEO_RATIO) / 10000.0,
            "fps":     self._stream.get_info(xine.STREAM_INFO_FRAME_DURATION),
            "length":  self._stream.get_length(),

        if self._window_aspect != -1:
            # Use the aspect ratio as given to the frame output callback
            # as it tends to be more reliable (particularly for DVDs).
            info["aspect"] = self._window_aspect
        if info["aspect"] == 0 and info["height"] > 0:
            info["aspect"] = info["width"] / float(info["height"])
        if info["fps"]:
            info["fps"] = 90000.0 / info["fps"]
        return info

    # #########################################################################
    # kaa.xine callbacks
    # #########################################################################

    def _xine_frame_output_cb(self, width, height, aspect):
        Return the frame output position, dimensions and aspect
        if self._vo_settings:
            #if self._vo_settings[0] and self._vo_settings[1][:2] == (width, height):
                # Use cached values. Dimensions have not changed between the
                # last frame. The aspect may be different now because we messed with
                # it. This is a bug somehow and it happens. So we return the cached
                # values and reset self._vo_settings[0] so we recalculate when
                # the aspect changes the next time.

                # (from tack) why don't we want to recalculate here?   We need to,
                # and it's not a bug that you'd get the same frame size but a
                # different aspect.  Consider an NTSC DVD: the frame size is
                # always 720x480, but the aspect is either 16/9 or 4/3.  By not
                # calculating the dimensions here we are breaking aspect.
                #self._vo_settings = False, (width, height, aspect)
                #return self._vo_settings_calculated
            if self._vo_settings[1] == (width, height, aspect):
                # use cache when nothing has changed
                return self._vo_settings_calculated

        # If we're here, frame size or aspect changed, so inform parent of
        # new frame info.
        self.parent.frame_reconfigure(width, height, float(width) / height * aspect)

        self._vo_settings = True, (width, height, aspect)
        vid_w, vid_h, vid_a = width, height, aspect

        if self._stream_settings['zoom'] < 100 and 0:
            # FIMXE: this crashes when using a timer to zoom from 100
            # in 10% steps.
            # XXX: the first two 2-tuples of the return value in this
            # method are (x,y) and (w,h) of the video relative to the window.
            # You may be able to reproduce this functionality by modifying
            # those values rather than using VO_CROP.
            crop_x = vid_w - int(vid_w * self._stream_settings['zoom'] / 100)
            crop_y = vid_h - int(vid_h * self._stream_settings['zoom'] / 100)
            self._stream.set_parameter(xine.PARAM_VO_CROP_LEFT, crop_x)
            self._stream.set_parameter(xine.PARAM_VO_CROP_RIGHT, crop_x)
            self._stream.set_parameter(xine.PARAM_VO_CROP_TOP, crop_y)
            self._stream.set_parameter(xine.PARAM_VO_CROP_BOTTOM, crop_y)

        log.info('calculate frame output')
        win_w, win_h, win_a = self._xine._get_vo_display_size(vid_w, vid_h, vid_a)
        if abs(self._window_aspect - win_a) > 0.01:
            log.debug('VO: %dx%d -> %dx%d', vid_w, vid_h, win_w, win_h)
            # FIXME: maybe not resize the parent window, make this an option
            self.parent.resize((win_w, win_h))
            self._window_aspect = win_a
        if self._window_size != (0, 0):
            win_w, win_h = self._window_size

        if self._stream_settings['scale'] == SCALE_IGNORE:
            # ignore aspect. The whole window is used and the video
            # is scaled to fill it. The aspect is ignore to do that.
            aspect = (float(vid_w) * win_h) / (float(win_w) * vid_h) * vid_a
            # get aspect from pre-calculated value
            aspect = self._stream_settings['pixel-aspect']
            if self._stream_settings['scale'] == SCALE_4_3:
                # force 4:3
                aspect *= (float(vid_w) * 3) / (float(4) * vid_h)
            if self._stream_settings['scale'] == SCALE_16_9:
                # force 16:9
                aspect *= (float(vid_w) * 9) / (float(16) * vid_h)
            # FIXME: add SCALE_ZOOM

        self._vo_settings_calculated = (0, 0), (0, 0), (win_w, win_h), aspect
        return self._vo_settings_calculated

    def _xine_dest_size_cb(self, width, height, aspect):
        Return the output size and aspect.
        w, h = self._window_size
        return (w, h), 1.0

    def _osd_configure(self, width, height, aspect):
        if not self._osd_shmem:
            self._osd_shmem = kaa.shm.create_memory(self._osd_shmkey, 2000 * 2000 * 4 + 16)

        # FIXME: don't hardcode buffer dimensions
        assert(width*height*4 < 2000*2000*4)
        self.parent.osd_configure(width, height, aspect)
        return self._osd_shmem.addr + 16, width * 4

    def _handle_xine_event(self, event):
        Received event from xine.
        if len(event.data) > 1:
            del event.data["data"]
        if event.type == xine.EVENT_UI_CHANNELS_CHANGED:
            self.parent.set_streaminfo(True, self._get_streaminfo())
        elif event.type == xine.EVENT_UI_MESSAGE and \
                 event.data['type'] == xine.MSG_AUDIO_OUT_UNAVAILABLE:
            # Failed to open audio driver (async), so create dummy driver and
            # wire stream to that.
            self._ao = self._xine.open_audio_driver("none")
            if self._stream:
        self.parent.xine_event(event.type, event.data)

    # #############################################################################
    # Commands from parent process
    # #############################################################################

    def window_changed(self, wid, size, visible, exposed_regions):
        Window changed or exposed regions.
        if not self._vo:
        if size is not None:
            self._window_size = size
        if visible is not None:
            self._vo.send_gui_data(xine.GUI_SEND_VIDEOWIN_VISIBLE, visible)
        self._vo.send_gui_data(xine.GUI_SEND_DRAWABLE_CHANGED, wid)
        self._vo_settings = None

    def _frame_notify_cb(self, fd):
        size = struct.calcsize("LL8s")
        packet = os.read(fd, size)
        shmid, offset, padding = struct.unpack('LL8s', packet)
        self.parent.frame_notify(shmid, offset)

    def configure_video(self, wid, size, aspect, colorkey):
        Configure video output.
        if size is not None:
            self._window_size = size

        self._vo_visible = True

        if wid and isinstance(wid, (int, long)):
            vo_kwargs = { 'passthrough': 'xv',
                          'wid': wid,
                          'vsync': self.config.xine.vsync }

        elif wid and isinstance(wid, str) and wid.startswith('fb'):
            vo_kwargs = { 'passthrough': 'vidixfb' }

            vo_kwargs = {'passthrough': 'none'}
            self._vo_visible = False

        if aspect:
            self._stream_settings['pixel-aspect'] = aspect
        # FIXME: this should work but it crashes with an exception that
        # video.device.xv_colorkey is not defined.
        # if colorkey is not None:
        #     self._xine.set_config_value("video.device.xv_colorkey", colorkey)

        frame_notify_pipe = os.pipe()
        kaa.IOMonitor(self._frame_notify_cb, frame_notify_pipe[0]).register(frame_notify_pipe[0])

        control_return = []
        self._vo = self._xine.open_video_driver(
            "kaa", control_return = control_return,
            notify_fd = frame_notify_pipe[1],
            osd_configure_cb = kaa.WeakCallable(self._osd_configure),
            frame_output_cb = kaa.WeakCallable(self._xine_frame_output_cb),
            dest_size_cb = kaa.WeakCallable(self._xine_dest_size_cb),
        self._driver_control = control_return[0]
        self._vo = self._xine.open_video_driver(vo_kwargs['passthrough'],
            frame_output_cb = kaa.WeakCallable(self._xine_frame_output_cb),
            dest_size_cb = kaa.WeakCallable(self._xine_dest_size_cb),

        # Set new vo on filter chain and configure filters.
        f = self._vfilter.get("tvtime")
        f.set_parameters(method = self.config.xine.deinterlacer.method,
                         chroma_filter = self.config.xine.deinterlacer.chroma_filter)

        if USE_EXPAND:
            f = self._vfilter.get("expand")
            if size is not None:
                # FIXME: see notice an USE_EXPAND definition
                aspect = float(size[0]) / size[1]
                aspect *= self._stream_settings['pixel-aspect']
            f.set_parameters(enable_automatic_shift = True)

        if self._driver_control:
            self._driver_control("set_passthrough", False)

    def configure_audio(self, driver):
        Configure audio output.
            self._ao = self._xine.open_audio_driver(driver=driver)
        except xine.XineError:
            # Audio driver initialization failed; initialize a dummy driver
            # instead.
            self._ao = self._xine.open_audio_driver("none")

        if driver == 'alsa':
            set = self._xine.set_config_value
            dev = self.config.audio.device
            if dev.mono:
                set('audio.device.alsa_default_device', dev.mono)
            if dev.stereo:
                set('audio.device.alsa_front_device', dev.stereo)
            if dev.surround40:
                set('audio.device.alsa_surround40_device', dev.surround40)
            if dev.surround51:
                set('audio.device.alsa_surround51_device', dev.surround51)
            if dev.passthrough:
                set('audio.device.alsa_passthrough_device', dev.passthrough)
            if self.config.audio.passthrough:
                set('audio.output.speaker_arrangement', 'Pass Through')
                channels = { 2: 'Stereo 2.0', 4: 'Surround 4.0', 6: 'Surround 5.1' }
                num = self.config.audio.channels
                set('audio.output.speaker_arrangement', channels[num])

        if self._stream:

    def configure_stream(self, properties):
        Basic stream setup.
        self._stream = self._xine.new_stream(self._ao, self._vo)
        #self._stream.set_parameter(xine.PARAM_VO_CROP_BOTTOM, 10)

        # self._noise_post = self._xine.post_init("noise", video_targets = [self._vo])
        # self._noise_post.set_parameters(luma_strength = 3, quality = "temporal")
        # self._stream.get_video_source().wire(self._noise_post.get_default_input())

        if not self._vo:

        # wire video stream with needed filter
        chain = []
        if properties.get('deinterlace') in (True, 'auto'):
        if properties.get('postprocessing'):
        if USE_EXPAND:
        if properties.get('scale'):
            self._stream_settings['scale'] = properties.get('scale')
        if properties.get('zoom'):
            self._stream_settings['zoom'] = properties.get('zoom')
        self._vfilter.wire(self._stream.get_video_source(), *chain)

    def open(self, mrl):
        Open mrl to play.
            # XXX: this sometimes deadlocks, there's not much we can do
            # about it, it happens inside xine. :(
            if not self._stream.get_info(xine.STREAM_INFO_HAS_VIDEO)\
                   and self._vo_visible:
                self._goom_post = self._xine.post_init(
                    "goom", video_targets = [self._vo], audio_targets=[self._ao])
                self._goom_post = None
        except xine.XineError:
            self.parent.set_streaminfo(False, self._stream.get_error())
            log.error('Open failed: %s', self._stream.get_error())
            return False

        # Check if stream is ok.
        v_unhandled = self._stream.get_info(xine.STREAM_INFO_HAS_VIDEO) and \
            not self._stream.get_info(xine.STREAM_INFO_IGNORE_VIDEO) and \
            not self._stream.get_info(xine.STREAM_INFO_VIDEO_HANDLED)
        a_unhandled = self._stream.get_info(xine.STREAM_INFO_HAS_AUDIO) and \
            not self._stream.get_info(xine.STREAM_INFO_IGNORE_AUDIO) and \
            not self._stream.get_info(xine.STREAM_INFO_AUDIO_HANDLED)

        if v_unhandled or a_unhandled:
            self.parent.set_streaminfo(False, None)
            log.error('unable to play stream')
            return False

        self.parent.set_streaminfo(True, self._get_streaminfo())
        self._vo_settings = None
        return True

    def osd_update(self, alpha, visible, invalid_regions):
        Update OSD.
        if not self._osd_shmem:

        if alpha != None:
            self._driver_control("set_osd_alpha", alpha)
        if visible != None:
            self._driver_control("set_osd_visibility", visible)
        if invalid_regions != None:
            self._driver_control("osd_invalidate_rect", invalid_regions)

    def play(self):
        Start playback.
        status = self._stream.get_status()
        if status == xine.STATUS_STOP:

    def pause(self):
        Pause playback.
        self._stream.set_parameter(xine.PARAM_SPEED, xine.SPEED_PAUSE)

    def resume(self):
        Resume playback.
        self._stream.set_parameter(xine.PARAM_SPEED, xine.SPEED_NORMAL)

    def seek(self, value, type):
        Seek in stream.
        if type == SEEK_RELATIVE:
        if type == SEEK_ABSOLUTE:
        if type == SEEK_PERCENTAGE:
            self._stream.play(pos = (value / 100.0) * 65535)

    def stop(self):
        Stop playback.
        if self._stream:

    def die(self):
        Stop process.

    def set_audio_delay(self, delay):
        Set audio delay.
        # xine-lib wants units in 1/90000 sec, so convert.
        delay = -int(delay * 90000.0)
        self._stream.set_parameter(xine.PARAM_AV_OFFSET, delay)

    def set_frame_output_mode(self, vo, notify, size):
        Set frame output mode.
        if not self._driver_control:
            # If vo driver used isn't kaa (which may not be for testing/
            # debugging purposes) then _driver_control won't be set.
            # This could also happen if there is no vo set (i.e. audio only).
            # In either case, there's nothing to do.

        if vo != None:
            self._driver_control("set_passthrough", vo)
        if notify != None:
            set_parameters = self._vfilter.get('tvtime').set_parameters
            if notify:
                log.info('deinterlace cheap mode: True')
                set_parameters(cheap_mode = True, framerate_mode = 'half_top')
                log.info('deinterlace cheap mode: False')
                set_parameters(cheap_mode = False, framerate_mode = 'full')

            self._driver_control("set_notify_frame", notify)
        if size != None:
            self._driver_control("set_notify_frame_size", size)

    def input(self, input):
        Send input (e.g. DVD navigation)

    def set_property(self, prop, value):
        Set a property to a new value.
        if prop == 'scale':
            self._vo_settings = None
            self._stream_settings['scale'] = value
        if prop == 'zoom':
            self._vo_settings = None
            self._stream_settings['zoom'] = value

        current = self._vfilter.get_chain()
        chain = []
        if prop == 'deinterlace':
            if value:
        elif 'tvtime' in current:

        if prop == 'postprocessing':
            if value:
        elif 'pp' in current:

        if USE_EXPAND: