Пример #1
def init_filter(
    S0: float = 5.74,
    s_variance: float = 1,
    Q00_s_noise: float = 0.01,
    R: float = 1,
    h: Callable = hx,
    f: Callable = abc,
    params: Dict = parameters,
    alpha: float = 1e-3,
    beta: float = 2,
    kappa: float = 1,
) -> UKF.UnscentedKalmanFilter:
    """Init the ABC model kalman filter

    X (state mean):

    P (state uncertainty):

    ABC Model
    F (process transition matrix):
    H (measurement function):

        S0 (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 5.74.
        s_variance (float, optional): P_t=0. Defaults to 1.
        Q00_s_noise (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 0.01.
        R (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 1.
        h (Callable, optional): [description]. Defaults to hx.
        f (Callable, optional): [description]. Defaults to abc.
        params (Dict, optional): [description]. Defaults to parameters.
        alpha (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 1e-3.
        beta (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 2.
        kappa (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 1.

        [UKF.UnscentedKalmanFilter]: Initialised Unscented Kalman Filter
    assert all(np.isin(["a", "b", "c"], [k for k in params.keys()]))
    a, b, c = params["a"], params["b"], params["c"]

    # generate sigma points - van der Merwe method
    #   n = number of dimensions; alpha = how spread out;
    #   beta = prior knowledge about distribution, 2 == gaussian;
    #   kappa = scaling parameter, either 0 or 3-n;
    points = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(n=1, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, kappa=kappa)

    ## TODO: dt = 86400s (1day) (??)
    abc_filter = UKF.UnscentedKalmanFilter(
        dim_x=1, dim_z=1, dt=1, hx=h, fx=f, points=points

    #  ------- Predict Variables -------
    # State Vector (X): storage and rainfall
    # (2, 1) = column vector
    abc_filter.x = np.array([S0])

    # State Covariance (P) initial estimate
    # (2, 2) = square matrix
    abc_filter.P[:] = np.diag([s_variance])

    # Process noise (Q)
    # (2, 2) = square matrix
    abc_filter.Q = np.diag([Q00_s_noise])

    # ------- Update Variables -------
    # measurement uncertainty
    # (2, 2) = square matrix OR is it just uncertainty on discharge (q)
    abc_filter.R *= R

    # Control inputs (defaults)
    abc_filter.B = None  # np.ndarray([a])
    abc_filter.dim_u = 0

    return abc_filter
Пример #2
x_ukf = []
x_sensor = []
sp = JulierSigmaPoints(Ns,5)
def state_tran(x, dt):
    A = np.eye(12)
    for i in range(3):
        A[i,i+3] = dt
        A[i+6,i+9] = dt
    return np.dot(A,x)
def obs_state(x):
    A = np.zeros((6,12))
    for i in range(3):
        A[i,i+3] = 1
        A[i+3, i + 9] = 1
    return np.dot(A,x)
ukf_filter = UKF.UnscentedKalmanFilter(dim_x=Ns,dim_z=6, dt=0.01, hx = obs_state, fx = state_tran, points = sp)
ukf_filter.Q = Q
ukf_filter.R = R
ukf_filter.P = P
for i, state in enumerate(sim):
    Rot = np.reshape(state[6:15],(-1,9))
    Rot_e = rot_eul(Rot)
    noise = np.zeros(Ns)
    noise[:3] = r*(0.5-np.random.random(3))
    x_obs = np.concatenate((state[:6],np.reshape(Rot_e,(3,)),state[-3:])) # + noise
    x_obs[:3] += r*(0.5 - np.random.random(3))
    x = ukf_filter.x
Пример #3
        return x

    def hx2d(prior_sigma, P_matrix=False):
        a, b, c = params["a"], params["b"], params["c"]
        H = np.array([[c, (1 - a - b)], [0, 1]])
        if P_matrix:
            z_sigma = (H @ prior_sigma) @ np.transpose(
            )  #  np.dot(np.dot(H, prior_sigma), np.transpose(H))
        else:  #   default
            z_sigma = np.dot(H, prior_sigma)
        return z_sigma

    ## TODO: dt = 86400s (1day) (??)
    abc_filter = UKF.UnscentedKalmanFilter(
        dim_x=2, dim_z=2, dt=1, hx=hx2d, fx=fx2d, points=points

    #  ------- Predict Variables -------
    # State Vector (X): storage and rainfall
    # (2, 1) = column vector
    abc_filter.x = np.array([S0, r0]).T

    # State Covariance (P) initial estimate
    # (2, 2) = square matrix
    abc_filter.P[:] = np.diag([s_variance, r_variance])

    # Process noise (Q)
    # (2, 2) = square matrix
    abc_filter.Q = np.diag([Q00_s_noise, Q11_r_noise])
Пример #4
 def __init__(self, Z, rbirth=1.):
         Initialize a track for an unassociated measurement.
         Inputs: z is the dictinary consisting of
                 Z['state'] is the [x, y, z, w, h, r] measurement
                 vector from measurement fusion. 
                 Z['cls_prob'] is the classification probability 
                 from video detector.
                 Z['conf_prob] is the confidence probability of 
                 radar detection.
                 Z['object_class'] is the predicted class of this 
                 object from video object detector.
                 rbirth is the target birth probability from the 
                 given Z.
     # class/type of the track
     self.obj_class = Z['object_class']
     if (self.obj_class == 'Pedestrian'):
         motion_noise = np.tile([person_white_noise_acc_var_x,
         motion_noise = np.tile([vehicle_white_noise_acc_var_x,
     self.motion_model = CVModel(motion_noise, step_dt)
     self.measurement_model = measModel(detect_var_x,
     self.cam_R, self.radar_R = self.measurement_model.get_R()
     # measurement noise cov matrix
     self.R = np.concatenate((self.cam_R, self.radar_R))
     # measurement vector
     z = Z['state']
     # initial state vector using video detection
     x0 = np.array([*z[0:3], *unobserved_states_est],dtype=np.float32)
     # set the initial system covariance matrix P0
     P0 = np.zeros(shape=(state_dim, state_dim), dtype=np.float32)
     P0[0:3, 0:3] = cam_cov_coeff_xyz * self.cam_R[0:3, 0:3]
     P0[3:, 3:] = cam_cov_coeff_vel * self.cam_R[0:3, 0:3]
     # set a unique track Id 
     self.trackId = track.id_counter
     # increase the track Id by 1
     track.id_counter += 1
     #  update initial state by associated radar detection
     if (z.shape[0] == meas_dim):
         self.filt = ukf.UnscentedKalmanFilter(dt=step_dt, dim_x=state_dim, dim_z=1,
                                               points=points, fx=None, hx=self.measurement_model.g)
         # a priori states and its covariance
         self.filt.x = x0
         self.filt.P = P0
         # calculate sigma points for given mean and covariance
         self.filt.sigmas_f = self.filt.points_fn.sigma_points(x0, P0)
         # range update via UKF
         # updated states and its covariance
         x0 = self.filt.x
         P0 = self.filt.P
         logllk = self.filt.log_likelihood
         # compute <lambda(x),g*pD(x)> where lambda(x)=cls_prob*fx and pD(x)=pD*conf_prob  
         pD_pConf_llk = Z['cls_prob']*Z['conf_prob']*pD*exp(logllk)
         # update of the detected Poisson target
         weight = cI + pD_pConf_llk 
         exist_prob = pD_pConf_llk / weight
         if ( rbirth > pexist):
             self.status = track_status.EXISTING 
             self.status = track_status.NEWBORN 
     else: #no radar detection
         weight = 1.
         # cls_prob = E[lambda(x)]
         exist_prob = Z['cls_prob']
         self.status = track_status.NEWBORN
     self.filt = ukf.UnscentedKalmanFilter(dt=step_dt, dim_x=state_dim, dim_z=meas_dim,
                                           points=points, fx=None, hx=self.measurement_model.h)
     # set measurement covariance matrix
     self.filt.R = self.R
     self.target = target_hypothesis(x0, Z['bbox_dims'], P0, exist_prob, weight)
     if (self.obj_class == 'Pedestrian'):
         self.gating_threshold = gate_distance_pedestrian
         self.gating_threshold = gate_distance_vehicle