Пример #1
def action(context):
    user = context['user']
    subid = context['path_parameters'].get('feed')
    artid = context['path_parameters'].get('read')
    articleUrl = filters.decode_segment(artid[4:])
    sub = feeds.redis.hgetall(subid)
    art = feeds.redis.hgetall(artid)
    if not art:
        return context['request'].get_response(webob.exc.HTTPNotFound())
    art['subid'] = subid
    art['artid'] = artid
    art['feedName'] = sub['feedName'] if sub else ''
    art['articleDate'] = str(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(art['date'])))
    art['articleUrl'] = articleUrl
    articleGuid = art.get('guid') if art else None
    context['content'] = feeds.get_article_content(articleUrl, articleGuid, sub, [])
    context['article'] = feeds.makeUnicode(art)

    # prefetch the next article
    if not context['parameters'].get('prefetch'):
        params = dict()
        params['feed'] = context['parameters'].get('feed', '')
        params['show'] = context['parameters'].get('show', '')
        params['date'] = art['date']
        params['skip::'] = 1
        params['prefetch'] = 1
        cookie = context['request'].headers.get('Cookie', '')
        fetch = threading.Thread(target=prefetch, args=(params, cookie))
        fetch.daemon = True
Пример #2
def application(environ, start_response):
    request = webob.Request(environ)

    # virtual path segments
    virtual_segments = [x for x in request.path.split('/') if x]
    if request.path.endswith('/'):

    # serve static files for specific path prefixes
    if len(virtual_segments) > 0 and virtual_segments[0] in [ 'css', 'favicon.ico', 'images', 'js' ]:
        path = os.path.join(static, *virtual_segments)
        # set the content-type header based on the file extension
        (content_type, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(path)
        content_type = content_type if content_type else 'text/html'
        if has_charset.match(content_type):
            content_type = content_type + '; charset=UTF-8';
        f = open(path, 'rb')
        body = f.read()
        # build response
        response = webob.Response()
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
        response.headers['Content-Length'] = len(body)
        response.body = body
        return response(environ, start_response)

    # map virtual path to physical path and parameters
    physical_segments = []
    path_parameters = {}
    path_translated = None
    index = 1
    last = len(virtual_segments) - 1
    while True:
        if index < last:
            path_parameters[virtual_segments[index - 1]] = filters.decode_segment(virtual_segments[index])
            physical_segments.append('_' + virtual_segments[index - 1])
            physical_segments.append(virtual_segments[index - 1])
            if index == last:
                path_translated = os.path.join(templates, *physical_segments)
                if not os.path.isfile(path_translated):
                    path_parameters[virtual_segments[index - 1]] = filters.decode_segment(virtual_segments[index])
                    physical_segments.append('_' + virtual_segments[index - 1])
        index = index + 2
    if not path_translated:
        path_translated = os.path.join(templates, *physical_segments)

    # see if we need a url path prefix
    root = ''
    if 'X-Forwarded-Path' in request.headers:
        path = request.headers['X-Forwarded-Path']
        if path.endswith(request.path):
            root = path[0:-len(request.path)]

    if not request.path.endswith('/') and os.path.isdir(path_translated):
        # send redirect with the slash
        response = request.get_response(webob.exc.HTTPFound(location=root + request.path + '/'))
        return response(environ, start_response)

    # page relative base template paths
    depth = len(physical_segments)
    base = [ '/'.join(physical_segments[0:i-1]) + '/_base.html' for i in range(0, depth) ]
    base[0:2] = [ '_baseroot.html', '_baseroot.html' ]

    # see if an action module exists for the page
    module = None
    action_segments = physical_segments[:]
    action_segments.insert(0, 'logic')
    (action_segments[-1], tmp) = os.path.splitext(action_segments[-1])
    action_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), *action_segments) + '.py'
    if os.path.exists(action_path):
        module = __import__('.'.join(action_segments))
        for segment in action_segments[1:]:
            module = getattr(module, segment)

    context = {}
    context['request'] = request
    context['root'] = root
    context['parameters'] = dict( [ ( name, value ) for name, value in request.params.items() ] )
    context['base'] = base
    context['virtual_segments'] = virtual_segments
    context['action_path'] = action_path
    context['path_parameters'] = path_parameters
    context['user'] = environ["REMOTE_USER"]
    context['WSGI'] = environ
    environ['PATH_TRANSLATED'] = path_translated

    # for night mode
    bodyclass = environ.get("beaker.session").get("bodyclass")
    context['bodyclass'] = bodyclass if bodyclass else ''

    # call the action method in the action module if it exists
    response = module.action(context) if module else None
    if response:
        # if the action returns something, then it does not need its template to be rendered
        return response(environ, start_response)
    elif os.path.exists(path_translated):
        # set the content-type header based on the file extension
        (content_type, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(path_translated)
        content_type = content_type if content_type else 'text/html'
        if has_charset.match(content_type):
            content_type = content_type + '; charset=UTF-8';
        response = webob.Response()
        environ['rupta_response'] = response
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
        # render the page
        path = os.path.relpath(path_translated, templates)
        template = env.get_template(path)
            response.text = template.render(context)
        except Exception:
            context['exception'] = traceback.format_exc();
            print context['exception']
            response = request.get_response(webob.exc.HTTPInternalServerError())
        response = request.get_response(webob.exc.HTTPNotFound())

    return response(environ, start_response)