Пример #1
def main():
	col = columns.Columns()
	print('Reading data...')

	data = np.loadtxt(sys.argv[1], dtype=float, delimiter=',', skiprows=9)
	sc = data[:,col.selectColumn('E: Skin Cond')] # skin conductivity
	scf = filters.lowpass(2,0.01,sc)
	scd = filters.detrend(scf)

	# Make plots
	fig = plt.figure(1)

	ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
	plt.plot(range(0,sc.size),sc, 'b-')
	plt.plot(range(0,sc.size),scf, 'r-',linewidth=2)
	plt.plot(range(0,sc.size),scd, 'g-',linewidth=2)

	ax1 = fig.add_subplot(212)
	plt.plot(range(0,sc.size),sc-scf, 'b-')

	sp = np.fft.fft(sc)
	freq = np.fft.fftfreq(sc.shape[-1])
	plt.plot(freq, sp.real, freq, sp.imag)

Пример #2
def main():
    col = columns.Columns()

    print('Reading data...')

    data = np.loadtxt(sys.argv[1], dtype=float, delimiter=',', skiprows=9)

    sc = data[:, col.selectColumn('E: Skin Cond')]  # skin conductivity
    scf = filters.lowpass(2, 0.01, sc)
    scd = filters.detrend(scf)

    # Make plots
    fig = plt.figure(1)

    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
    plt.plot(range(0, sc.size), sc, 'b-')
    plt.plot(range(0, sc.size), scf, 'r-', linewidth=2)
    plt.plot(range(0, sc.size), scd, 'g-', linewidth=2)

    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(212)
    plt.plot(range(0, sc.size), sc - scf, 'b-')

    sp = np.fft.fft(sc)
    freq = np.fft.fftfreq(sc.shape[-1])
    plt.plot(freq, sp.real, freq, sp.imag)

Пример #3
    def mc_ar1_spectrum(self,
        """ calculates the Monte-Carlo spectrum
        with 1, 2.5, 5, 95, 97.5, 99 percentiles

        x             .. time series
        spectrum      .. spectral density estimation function
        N             .. number of MC simulations
        filter_type   ..
        filter_cutoff ..
        spectrum      .. 'mtm': multi-taper method, 'per': periodogram, 'Welch'

        mc_spectrum   .. 
        if data is None: data = np.array(self.ts)
        assert type(data) == np.ndarray
        AM = ARMA(endog=data, order=(1, 0)).fit()
        phi, std = AM.arparams[0], np.sqrt(AM.sigma2)
        mc = self.mc_ar1_ARMA(phi=phi, std=std, n=len(data), N=N)

        if filter_type is not None:
            assert filter_type in ['lowpass', 'chebychev']
            assert type(filter_cutoff) == int
            assert filter_cutoff > 1
            n = int(
                filter_cutoff / 2
            ) + 1  # datapoints to remove from either end due to filter edge effects
            mc = mc[:, n:-n]
            if filter_type == 'lowpass': mc = lowpass(mc.T, filter_cutoff).T
            elif filter_type == 'chebychev':
                mc = chebychev(mc.T, filter_cutoff).T

        if spectrum == 'mtm': freq, _ = self.mtspectrum()
        elif spectrum == 'per': freq, _ = self.periodogram()
        elif spectrum == 'Welch': freq, _ = self.Welch()

        mc_spectra = np.zeros((N, len(freq)))
        #         mc_spectra = np.zeros((N, int(len(mc[0,:])/2)+1))#int(self.len/2)+1))

        for i in range(N):
            if spectrum == 'mtm':
                freq, mc_spectra[i, :] = self.mtspectrum(data=mc[i, :])
            elif spectrum == 'per':
                freq, mc_spectra[i, :] = self.periodogram(data=mc[i, :])
            elif spectrum == 'Welch':
                freq, mc_spectra[i, :] = self.Welch(data=mc[i, :])
        mc_spectrum = {}
        mc_spectrum['median'] = np.median(mc_spectra, axis=0)
        mc_spectrum['freq'] = freq
        for p in [1, 2.5, 5, 95, 97.5, 99]:
            mc_spectrum[str(p)] = np.percentile(mc_spectra, p, axis=0)
        return mc_spectrum
Пример #4
 def filter_timeseries(self, data, filter_type, filter_cutoff):
     assert filter_type in ['lowpass', 'chebychev']
     assert type(filter_cutoff) == int
     assert filter_cutoff > 1
     n = int(
         filter_cutoff / 2
     ) + 1  # datapoints to remove from either end due to filter edge effects
     if filter_type == 'lowpass': data = lowpass(data, filter_cutoff)[n:-n]
     elif filter_type == 'chebychev':
         data = chebychev(data, filter_cutoff)[n:-n]
     return data
Пример #5
def rotateAcceleration(accel, angles):
  #angles: 0:roll, 1:pitch, 2:yaw
  #accel: 0:x, 1:y, 2:z
  #gravity = rotateGravity(angles)
  #accel[0] -= gravity[0]
  #accel[1] -= gravity[1]
  #accel[2] -= gravity[2]
  rotAccel = [[0.0 for i in range(len(accel[0]))] for i in range(3)]
  roll = [math.radians(i) for i in angles[0]]
  pitch = [math.radians(i) for i in angles[1]]
  yaw = [math.radians(i) for i in angles[2]]
  alpha = 0.05
  accel[0] = filters.lowpass(filters.highpass(accel[0], alpha), 0.2)
  accel[1] = filters.lowpass(filters.highpass(accel[1], alpha), 0.2)
  accel[2] = filters.lowpass(filters.highpass(accel[2], alpha), 0.2)
  for k in range(len(accel[0])):
    R = RtoGround(roll[k], pitch[k], yaw[k])
    for i in range(3):
      for j in range(3):
        rotAccel[i][k] += R[i][j] * accel[j][k]

  return rotAccel
Пример #6
def rotateAcceleration(accel, angles):
    #angles: 0:roll, 1:pitch, 2:yaw
    #accel: 0:x, 1:y, 2:z
    #gravity = rotateGravity(angles)
    #accel[0] -= gravity[0]
    #accel[1] -= gravity[1]
    #accel[2] -= gravity[2]
    rotAccel = [[0.0 for i in range(len(accel[0]))] for i in range(3)]
    roll = [math.radians(i) for i in angles[0]]
    pitch = [math.radians(i) for i in angles[1]]
    yaw = [math.radians(i) for i in angles[2]]
    alpha = 0.05
    accel[0] = filters.lowpass(filters.highpass(accel[0], alpha), 0.2)
    accel[1] = filters.lowpass(filters.highpass(accel[1], alpha), 0.2)
    accel[2] = filters.lowpass(filters.highpass(accel[2], alpha), 0.2)
    for k in range(len(accel[0])):
        R = RtoGround(roll[k], pitch[k], yaw[k])
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                rotAccel[i][k] += R[i][j] * accel[j][k]

    return rotAccel
Пример #7
# df_PDOsplit = pd.DataFrame(standardize.transform(df_PDOsplit['PDO'].values.reshape(-1,1)),
#                 index=df_PDOsplit.index, columns=['PDO'])
df_PDOsplit = df_PDOsplit[['PDO']].apply(standardize_on_train,

# Butter Lowpass
yr = 2
dates = df_PDOsplit.index
freqraw = (dates[1] - dates[0]).days
window = int(yr*functions_pp.get_oneyr(dates).size) # 2 year
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)

ax.plot_date(dates, df_PDOsplit.values, label=f'raw ({freqraw} daymeans)',
              alpha=.2, linestyle='solid', marker=None)
ax.plot_date(dates, filters.lowpass(df_PDOsplit, period=window), label='Butterworth',
        linestyle='solid', linewidth=1, marker=None)
df_PDOrm = df_PDOsplit.rolling(window=window, center=True, min_periods=1).mean()
# ax.plot_date(dates, filters.lowpass(df_PDOrm, period=window), label='Butterworth on rolling mean',
#         linestyle='solid', linewidth=1, marker=None)
ax.plot_date(dates, df_PDOrm,
             label='rolling mean', color='green', linestyle='solid', linewidth=1, marker=None)


import wrapper_PCMCI as wPCMCI
Пример #8

        # Butter Lowpass
        dates = df_PDOsplit.index
        freqraw = (dates[1] - dates[0]).days
        ls = ['solid', 'dotted', 'dashdot', 'dashed']
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(10,5))
        list_dfPDO = [df_PDOsplit]
        lowpass_yrs = [.25, .5, 1.0, 2.0]
        for i, yr in enumerate(lowpass_yrs):
            window = int(yr*functions_pp.get_oneyr(dates).size) # 2 year
            if i ==0:
                ax.plot_date(dates, df_PDOsplit.values, label=f'Raw ({freqraw} day means)',
                          alpha=.3, linestyle='solid', marker=None)
            df_PDObw = pd.Series(filters.lowpass(df_PDOsplit, period=window).squeeze(),
                                 index=dates, name=f'PDO{yr}bw')
            ax.plot_date(dates, df_PDObw, label=f'Butterworth {yr}-year low-pass',
                    color='red',linestyle=ls[i], linewidth=1, marker=None)
            df_PDOrm = df_PDOsplit.rolling(window=window, closed='right', min_periods=window).mean()
            df_PDOrm = df_PDOrm.rename({'PDO':f'PDO{yr}rm'}, axis=1)
            ax.plot_date(dates, df_PDOrm,
                         label=f'Rolling mean {yr}-year low-pass (closed right)', color='green',linestyle=ls[i],
                         linewidth=1, marker=None)
            list_dfPDO.append(df_PDObw) ; list_dfPDO.append(df_PDOrm)

        filepath = os.path.join(path_out_main, 'Low-pass_filter.pdf')
        plt.savefig(filepath, bbox_inches='tight')
        df_PDOs = pd.concat(list_dfPDO,axis=1)
Пример #9
# Prove we don't need synchronized carrier oscilators
initial_carrier_phase = random.random() * 2 * math.pi

last_angle = 0.0
istream = []
qstream = []

for n in range(0, input_src.getnframes()):
	inputsgn = struct.unpack('h', input_src.readframes(1))[0] / 32768.0

	# I/Q demodulation, not unlike QAM
	carrier = 2 * math.pi * FM_CARRIER * (n / 44100.0) + initial_carrier_phase
	istream.append(inputsgn * math.cos(carrier))
	qstream.append(inputsgn * -math.sin(carrier))

istream = filters.lowpass(istream, 1500) 
qstream = filters.lowpass(qstream, 1500) 

last_output = 0

for n in range(0, len(istream)):
	i = istream[n]
	q = qstream[n]

	# Determine phase (angle) of I/Q pair
	angle = math.atan2(q, i)

	# Change of angle = baseband signal
	# Were you rushing or were you dragging?!
	angle_change = last_angle - angle