Пример #1
print(2, q2)

Question 3: Using the data in the table, what is the continuously compounded monthly 
return between December 2004 and January 2005?
Ans: -14.39%
q3 = Calculator.ret(starbucks, pos=1, cc=True)
print(3, q3)

Question 4: Assuming that the simple monthly return you computed in Question 1 is 
the same for 12 months, what is the annual return with monthly compounding?
Ans: -82.22%
q4 = Calculator.ann_ret(R=q1, m=12)
print(4, q4)

Question 5: Assuming that the continuously compounded monthly return you computed 
in Question 3 is the same for 12 months, what is the continuously compounded annual return?
Ans: -172.72%
q5 = Calculator.ann_ret(R=q3, m=12, cc=True)
print(5, q5)

Question 6: Using the data in the table, compute the actual simple annual return between 
December 2004 and December 2005.
Ans: -2.14%
Пример #2
# Question 11
q11_amzn = Calculator.ret([38.23, 41.29])
# q11_amzn = Calculator.R(PV=38.23, FV=41.29) # Other option
q11_cost = Calculator.ret([41.11, 41.74])
print(11, q11_amzn, q11_cost)

# Question 12
q12_amzn = Calculator.ret([38.23, 41.29], cc=True)
q12_cost = Calculator.ret([41.11, 41.74], cc=True)
print(12, q12_amzn, q12_cost)

# Question 13
q13_amzn = Calculator.ret([38.23, 41.29], dividends=[0, 0.1])
print(13, q13_amzn, 0.1 / 41.29)
print(13, (41.29 + 0.1) / 38.23 - 1, 0.1 / 41.29)

# Question 14
q14_ann_ret = Calculator.ann_ret(R=q12_amzn, m=12)
q14_cc_ann_ret = Calculator.ann_ret(R=q12_amzn, cc=True)
print(14, q14_ann_ret, q14_cc_ann_ret)

# Question 15
q15_amzn = 8000 / 10000
q15_cost = 2000 / 10000
print(15, q15_amzn, q15_cost)

# Question 16
q16 = q11_amzn * q15_amzn + q11_cost * q15_cost
print(16, q16)
Пример #3
# q11_amzn = Calculator.R(PV=38.23, FV=41.29) # Other option
q11_cost = Calculator.ret([41.11, 41.74])
print(11, q11_amzn, q11_cost)

# Question 12
q12_amzn = Calculator.ret([38.23, 41.29], cc=True)
q12_cost = Calculator.ret([41.11, 41.74], cc=True)
print(12, q12_amzn, q12_cost)

# Question 13
q13_amzn = Calculator.ret([38.23, 41.29], dividends=[0, 0.1])
print(13, q13_amzn, 0.1/41.29)
print(13, (41.29 + 0.1)/38.23 - 1, 0.1/41.29)

# Question 14
q14_ann_ret = Calculator.ann_ret(R=q12_amzn, m=12)
q14_cc_ann_ret = Calculator.ann_ret(R=q12_amzn, cc=True)
print(14, q14_ann_ret, q14_cc_ann_ret)

# Question 15
q15_amzn = 8000/10000
q15_cost = 2000/10000
print(15, q15_amzn, q15_cost)

# Question 16
q16 = q11_amzn * q15_amzn + q11_cost * q15_cost
print(16, q16)

Пример #4
end_date = datetime(2008, 3, 31)
fields = 'adjusted_close'
data = da.get_data(symbols, start_date, end_date, fields)
monthly = data.asfreq('M', method='ffill')

plt.title('Montly Data')

# Question 2 and 3
total_return = Calculator.ret(data)
q2 = Calculator.FV(PV=10000, R=total_return)
print(2, q2)

# Question 3
q3 = Calculator.ann_ret(R=total_return, m=1/15)
print(3, q3)

# Question 4
monthly_ln = monthly.apply(np.log)
plt.title('Montly Natural Logarithm')

# Question 5
monthly_returns = Calculator.returns(monthly)
plt.title('Montly Returns')

# Question 7
Пример #5
end_date = datetime(2008, 3, 31)
fields = "Adj Close"
data = da.get_data(symbols, start_date, end_date, fields)
monthly = data.asfreq('M', method='ffill')

plt.title('Montly Data')

# Question 2 and 3
total_return = Calculator.ret(data)
q2 = Calculator.FV(PV=10000, R=total_return)
print(2, q2)

# Question 3
q3 = Calculator.ann_ret(R=total_return, m=1 / 15)
print(3, q3)

# Question 4
monthly_ln = monthly.apply(np.log)
plt.title('Montly Natural Logarithm')

# Question 5
monthly_returns = Calculator.returns(monthly)
plt.title('Montly Returns')

# Question 7
Пример #6
q2 = Calculator.FV(PV=10000, R=q1)
print(2, q2)
Question 3: Using the data in the table, what is the continuously compounded monthly 
return between December 2004 and January 2005?
Ans: -14.39%
q3 = Calculator.ret(starbucks, pos=1, cc=True)
print(3, q3)
Question 4: Assuming that the simple monthly return you computed in Question 1 is 
the same for 12 months, what is the annual return with monthly compounding?
Ans: -82.22%
q4 = Calculator.ann_ret(R=q1, m=12)
print(4, q4)
Question 5: Assuming that the continuously compounded monthly return you computed 
in Question 3 is the same for 12 months, what is the continuously compounded annual return?
Ans: -172.72%
q5 = Calculator.ann_ret(R=q3, m=12, cc=True)
print(5, q5)
Question 6: Using the data in the table, compute the actual simple annual return between 
December 2004 and December 2005.
Ans: -2.14%
q6 = Calculator.ret(starbucks)  # pos=-1 is the default
print(6, q6)